Does Cialis Cause Mood Swings (Page 2)
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I'd just like to know if anybody else has any experience of seeming to be more irritable and emotional during the time that they are getting the effects from Cialis?

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Which pharmacy carries generic Cialis in Japan?

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Re: David (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

David what is the naturally derived substitute you mention here?

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I was a new bride 1 year ago. I am 50 and my husband is 67. For 10 days of our honeymoon, we were happy. He was fine regarding intercourse. Upon returning home he had a prolonged erection for up to 24 hrs. After an intimate night exhausting to me, he feels good for a few hours and suddenly had mood swings and changed into a nervous rude offending person. He gets mad at me for nothing and talks about separation and divorce for trivial things! I recognized the mood swings and asked him to seek medical advice but his ego stopped him. He denied any mood changes and kept blaming me. We were separated for a few months in 1 year. He kept swinging between sweet romantic husband and aggressive rude paranoid one. By chance, i found cialis tablets hidden between his clothes but won't dare ask him. I knew the cause of the superman who can be sexually active for the whole day but can't understand the acute change in mood the day after our intimate relation. I suffered for a year and we ended by divorce that he can't explain the reason to anyone! Only after a few days a friend of mine told me that cialis may make him feel irritable and never satisfied by our prolonged intercourse! That's very depressing to both of us. It destroyed our life especially with a person who was already nervous as my husband! I wish we both knew the cause of mood swings and stopped the drug. Maybe we could save our marriage! Do you think it was cialis which made things worse between us? Is it that serious?

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Based upon the amount of people asking I think the prognosis is yes. I too have experienced extreme mood swings anger etcetera particularly after coming down off the medication usually within 24 hours and that's using just a small portion of a pill.

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My husband takes pill that I believe to be a genetic brand of Cialis. He tells me that he takes a half twice a week so that he's always up for the occasion . Long story short as I started to notice that he was taking them before he left to go to work. I started to accuse him of cheating. I have found them hidden many times for a long time now. The time that he did this I took them and threw them away. He was pissed, called me every name in the book and went to stay with his parents. We ended up talking it out and he came back home. He went and got more. He said it was to be able to get an eretion for me. Once I started to notice them gone again. I took the pills and hid them. I have a few other reasons to assume something is going on as well. He went absolutely PHYCHOTIC on me. Telling me that he hates me and turned out home upside down looking for them. It's been a week and he is a complete monster. He will probably even end up leaving me bc of it. Are these pills addicting? Make a person PHYCHOTIC? Is he going through withdrawals or does he need them for other reasons? Can a person that has been taking this for a long time just stop? And gonna to normal? It's like he's possessed. Help me, I'm devasted by this nightmare.

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My husband is irritable to!!! I can tell when he takes one. He is on 5mg daily. Finally he is trying to get off of them. But every now and then he takes one. That I don't understand. I hate it!!! He is a different person when he takes it. So sorry he started them. I hate drugs. He tried Niagra and Lavitro to. Those was terrible to!!! My husband just don't understand when I tell him he is different when he takes it.
Wish I knew why he don't want to listen to me. It hurts me.

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I took Cialis 5mg low dose daily. I believe it caused severe mood swings, anxiety and depression. I was quick to anger, felt anxiety and began to act out of character. Friends, family and my fiance all commented on the change. I began to experiment with the medication to be sure it was the culprit. I was taking no other medications at the time. I began to log the intervals of when my moods would change. Usually within 45 minutes of taking the medication I would begn to feel anxiety and become irritable. This would last 5-6 hours then slowly abate. I stopped taking the medication several times to determine if the medication was affecting me negatively. Within 3 day of not taking Cialis I felt better. After a week I was back to my old self. I then began taking the medication again and the mood swings and anxiety returned. I stopped and started the medication 3 times in a one year period. It was indeed the medication. I finally stop the medication and I have not looked back.
These side effects are real and this drug definitely is affecting people in ways that are not listed on the warning label.

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My husband is tall and heavy and he threatens me and can be verbally abusive. I am terrified of him and when I mention it he flies into a rage and makes threats. I am afraid of him.

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For effective, well documented natural approaches to depression, try Doctor John J. Ratey and his book 'Spark.'

The same approaches often help with performance.

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What natural derivative are you using, as my husband is extremely moody and feeling depressed. I really need him to try something else

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I have noticed increased emotionality using 5mg once daily for 3 days. This could be caused by the anxiety associated with engaging in swinging (the negative erectile effects of this anxiety was what the cialis was for). But it could also be caused by the cialis. It is now thought that we perceive our emotions indirectly by observing their effects in our body (thus smiling makes us feel happier). Therefore, if a medication causes tired rheumy eyes and headaches it could be processed as emotional upset by our brains, without any psychoactive mechanism.

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Believe it or not, you are overdosing on it. 99% of the people I know who have taken this pill at most had a mild side effect if they take the minimum dosage. Start by cutting the pill into 4 pieces. Take the pill on an empty stomach. If satisfactory, then use this dosage. If not satisfactory, take another 2.5 mg of the pill. Continue this cycle until you are satisfied with your results.

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My experience with Cialis has been much more positive than most posted here. I have suffered from depression and fatigue all my life, as if running against a river of molasses all the time. The doctor gave me a 20mg sample of Cialis to try. I cannot say that it was that much good for the ED, but for days afterwards, I felt better than ever. I thought, is this what 'normal' people feel like? Since then I have experimented, ceasing the use of Cialis for days or weeks, and taking it again when I feel really horrible. Every time it has improved my mood considerably. I feel happy, and my mind is clear. It is a bit expensive to use as a 'happy pill', but it has worked better for me than anything else ever prescribed, and I have no known negative side effects. It might even help with the ED. I am almost sixty, and still enjoy two or three 'relaxation sessions' every day. I think that people who have bad mood reactions, should just quit using Cialis.

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Just did a search for this as my husband recently started taking cialis for bph. He has become irratable, angry and hostile to me. I try to reason with him, when he loses his temper over the stupidest things. But when he flies into these rages there is just no talking to him. Im worried for him and wish he would listen to reason. Im glad (relative term) that it's not just my imagination. Very troubling after 38 years of marriage to see him like this. So now he can pee, but he is an angry irritable man. So sad

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Where do u get the generic Cialis (from Japan) .
What is the website .Thanks

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For 20 years I loved my husband - then came Cialis after his prostate cancer surgery - we are at the point of divorce since Cialis came into our lives. The doctors said to take the pill so it can start the blood flow. I'd rather not have that level of intimacy then to live with the monster that I now live with. The mood swings are unbearable. He has become nasty, mean, and with a blink of an eye he is sweet again. Then again he can get upset for any little thing. Thank God I checked this site, cause the doctors didn't tell us about the mood swings, AND still insist that it doesn't happen. BS!!! IT HAS MADE MY LOVE A MONSTER. Please stay the hell away from this pill, it will be the end of your marriage as you knew it. All I wanted was my healthy husband back, and instead I have a total stranger sleeping next to me.

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Some of the replies here may be from cialis competitors.

I have just started on cialis. I've noticed something akin to brain fog, but I would describe the effects differently: One effect has been a noticeable loss of inhibitions and filtering of words. I can see how a negative mood might be accentuated, and more openly and strongly expressed, verbally at least, and perhaps physically as well.

Emotionality has seemed a bit more on the surface, or out in the open. In my case, so far at least, nothing particularly negative. More like being a bit tipsy or 'lubricated' socially. I have felt quite a bit more spontaneous and free.

I did have some worries about increased sensations of pressure in my head, eyes, sinuses; but fortunately I have learned not to follow or run with those worrying thoughts the way I used to. The effects were reasonably mild, and I did not take the worries overly seriously.

That said, I am not sure I will continue. Although I could distinctly feel the increased blood flow into the prime target of the drug, I also realize that blood flow is altered in many other parts of the body as well. And I see the healthy human body as a very intricate and finely tuned system, so I'm not sure I want to risk disrupting it in this way. I lean toward increased exercise, reduced stress, better diet and sleep, and life-giving relationships.

Exercise itself is widely acknowledged by doctors to increase blood flow and improve performance; and there are other natural approaches as well, including psychological ones, which don't mess with the intricate natural functionings of your system.

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Yes, definitely. Not the day-of but for two days after.

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My husband has a brain tumor what ch was irradiated leaving him w/ slightly impaired cognitive function. 6 mos ago he had a slight stroke. I found out he started taking Cialis. ( dose & frequency unknown) & he now has been exhibiting very uncivil behavior.

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My husband ending up dying of a heart attack. I truly believe that his ED was a symptom of heart problems and by taking the cialis at age 45, it only exacerbated the lroblem. My husband of 28 years was otherwise very healthy. He did not drink, smoke or eat poorly. He did have back and leg pain about 10 mths prior..which lasted on and off.

I think that any doctor that prescribes Cialis for anyone under 50 might want to check for heart husband had normal blood pressure and only slightly elevated cholesterol. The doctors actually ordered an autopsy because they couldn't believe it. I think this could also be a problem with with meds online that don't require a prescription because no one is monitoring. My husband had what he thought was heartburn, in the end, I realized that it was heart problems.

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