Doctors Willing To Prescribe Xanax In New Jersey (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I suffer from severe panic attacks on a daily basis. im a perfect example of a person that needs medicine and is unable to get it because of so many people abusing prescription drugs. I have such severe anxiety and panic attacks and cant find a doctor to prescribe me xanax because im only 25 and its so addicting. but what they dont understand that i should be on xanax for the rest of my life because my anxiety is so bad. So if any1 knows a doctor in the monmouth county area of new jersey that will prescribe me xanax please let me know...thank u

358 Replies (18 Pages)

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It's a shame you don't live in Connecticut. My husband has been on xanax for 12 years now....and his doctor has no trouble giving him refills. I hope you find a doctor that will help you.

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I am not at all trying to insult you, but I just want to point something out, dave. You are calling a medication (Xanax) "bars." That word to me sends up a red flag that you were "abusing" Xanax, not using it as prescribed, and that is why you can't get it anymore. Another alert is when someone says "I did" such and such a pill or more instead of I took. People trying to make themselves feel high say "I did." People taking medicine as prescribed say I took. You also said the doctor would give you Soma or anything you want. That is another red flag for abuse. Anything you "WANT?" Psychotropic drugs should be taken because someone needs them, not wants them...when they want them, it's usually to get high. I just wanted to point something out. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that it is not a long story why you can't get the Xanax anymore--is it possible you were abusing it? If you have read any of my other posts on here, you can tell I am no angel. I suffer from severe pain because of fibromyalgia and back problems and I found that the only way I can stay awake and function is by insufflating the oxycodone I am prescribed. However, I am prescribed 30 mgs. pills--3 per day as needed, and I "do" one at a time. I rarely "do" 2 and the only time I "do" 3 is when the pain is such that I have a hard time walking. I know it doesn't sound like it, but I am a recovering alcoholic and addict of street drugs. I don't want to get high anymore. I just want to stay awake, function, and have less pain. Most likely if I took the whole 90 mgs. at once, I'd still not be pain free. Thanks for reading. I wish you the best and hope your judgment is so that no harm comes to you! :)

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Well, I'm hearing everyone one here loud and clear. I'm currently taking Vyvanse 50mg, Provigil 200mg, Intuniv 3mg, Wellbutrin 200mg SR, Risperdone .5mg 3x daily, Propranolol 10mg 2x daily, Lithium 1800mg daily, quite frankly I'm so fed up with psychiatry. I've spent over 500,000 on inpatient treatment over the past three years and I'm more anxious than when all of this started. For example the only reason I don't kill myself is out of respect for my family and my dog. I used to drink moderately everyday and that really helped with the anxiety but everyone got pissed off about that so I quit 8 months ago. I just moved back to New Jersey from Los Angeles this weekend and I need to find a new psychiatrist, I'm in the Bridgewater area. I'd prefer a doctor who is willing to give benzodiazapine medication a shot, they work and for whatever reason I can't take SSRI's which is an obvious complicating factor. I've tried pretty much everything, but I need a good doctor recommendation. I just don't know anymore about any of this, but as long as I'm alive I'd prefer not to be miserable, is that too much to ask? Maybe. If anyone has any useful information let me know, I'm well versed in pharmacology and the such so there isn't much I'm not familiar with. Good luck to everyone in getting what they need. Take Care.

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I was prescribed xanax in 1983 and have been taking them ever since then. I moved and am seeing a different doctor. Now he wants to take me off it. Clearly I am addicted, but it is a manged addiction. About a year ago I learned my breast cancer came back and metastasized to my bones and then to my lungs. Why would they want to take it away now? The addiction is manageable. If they don't find a cure in 5 years (best case scenario) I will be dead. Seriously, lol. What are they thinking?

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Not in Toms River but Linwood. They are not "script writers" good, caring, responsible. Relievus Pain Mgmt. Also in Hammonton. Appropriately prescribe and treat true pain pts, specializing in back/neurosurgical back issues

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Dr Panezai Matawan writes scripts of .5 69 mmmmmmmmmmmm

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Dr lurakus in Mays landing yet they don't take my insurance so I'm In living hell trying to find a new one.

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Matawan NJ On main St Google Panezai.

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If u r in Monmouth county Google the name panezai on main st. He is also a geriatric/heart Doctor. That should help u out.

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Yes there is a dr. In monmouth county n.j., his name is dr. Albert Endler. 1301 main st. Asbury park. 732-774-6333. When you see him tell him you were on them before and they're the only thing that works. Hope this help you in your struggle.

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Do you have to live in New Jersey to receive mail-order meds or do they mail it to you in another state?

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Good point so many are convinced they know better then every doctor that are REQUIRED by law to excersize Caution in the prescribing of these scheduled IV drugs .Unless you've experienced the torture or Withdrawl and the inevitable cognitive disorders that result from extended use ( typically for periods of 4 months or less )of these benzos. You shouldn't insist it's the only thing that works. I can assure you anxiety may be a challenge to manage but it beats a life filled with the unpredictable effects of these agents ANXIETY SUX BUT BENZO WITHDRAWL IS TORTURE SO PLEASE DONT GET STARTED.........

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Re: Reb (# 121) Expand Referenced Message

Oh, so sorry. Patients have been calling my office telling me that due to his "prescribing practices" he as "lost the ability to prescribe controlled substances - 'one patient spoiled it for everyone'" All of you should know that there is the New Jersey Prescription Monitoring Program so now all providers will be severely limiting benzodiazapine access across the whole state. If you want to find out more about this provider, simply google search his name. Oh, and don't call my office, you would be barking up the very wrong tree.

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Re: Rich (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

Stop it!! The way you write make you sound like a straight up drug addict. Go to rehab dude, and stop looking for more drugs.

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Re: StarryEyes (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I just got mine today from my doctor and he said I had to take a U/A. Time for we the people to stop this bulls***. Legislation has to go and we need to remind all these idiotic lawmakers that they are ALL public servants and they are here to serve us and NOT the other way around.

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Dear Perfect Example,

I first want to let you know that I’m sorry that you’re suffering from Panic Attacks. I want you to know that I have been there. After being prescribed Xanax in 1989, my Anxiety was 10 times worse than before I took the medication. What you’re experiencing is Not normal. You are Rebounding from Physical Dependence. I am not calling you an addict, and you have done nothing wrong. Please do some research before you find that perfect doctor in Jersey to fill the Forever Xanax script. Look for a Dr. willing to safely taper you off. You’re still young! You’re probably really angry about this response, and I’m OK with that… If I can save one person from going through the Pure Hell I experience due to long-standing Benzodiazepine Dependence, then I’ve earned my Masters Degree in Social Work. The very work I cannot do at this time because...I Too Was ‘The Perfect Example’. I hope you do some research online. Be well!

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I’m I live in Virginia and I’m having the same issue. I can’t find a doctor that will prescribe my zanex prescription

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Re: Bklyngidget (# 230) Expand Referenced Message

I concur...i'm 73 and was on 40 mg of valium for many years then switched to 2mg lorazepam 3x day for the last 35(?) years......never needed more, never wanted psychiatrist is retiring...scared sh*tless trying to find a new doc who will maintain my prescription..difficult because the fools in Congress don't understand the difference between opioids and benzodiazepines....yes they are addictive...and so is metformin to diabetics and beta blockers for heart arrhythmias. Benzos were never intended to be a recreational drug....people with panic disorder and general anxiety require them to function in a normal life....its disgusting whats happening.

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Doctors are reigning in the amount of benzo prescriptions they write due to the abuse potential and addiction they create. After a few weeks the medicine stops working and the only relief you feel is the fact your not going into withdrawl. Nobody should be on any benzo for life as they destroy your gaba system and are linked to cognitive decline and even early onset dementia. You sound like exactly the type of case that proves the fact benzos are a disastous medication to be addicted to. After a few weeks on it the origional symptoms they masked actually get worse and you suffer rebound anxiety and severe withdrawl. Nobody should be on them for life and the medical community is now starting to stop prescribing them and are tapering people off them. Alprazolam are good once in a while for panic attacks but as for lifelong use they are terrible.

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Re: Helium (# 239) Expand Referenced Message

Try not to provide your opinions as facts. I have been on the same dosage of benzos since it was first prescribed for anxiety attacks back in 1967...I've never needed more...thats my personal experience but not necessarily for others.....yes, they are addictive ...but so are many medications because without them people without taking Metaformin for their diabetes.....people with heart rhythm disorders taking beta blockers....are lost..they are on them for life. Symptoms i was put on benzos never got fact many disappeared forever...others remained but never got worse......again, if these things have happened to you..present them as your experience rather than scaring the people on this forum by presenting them as facts. They are not.

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