Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 200)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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It's been a while since you posted any new info. Available ? Things in the northeast is following your prediction as of the start of the new year. It's truly tragic.

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You are quite correct in your assessment for the out of state medication seeker. If the pain is that severe the person should go to an ER. Narcotics are difficult enough to even get in your own city or state. But another state would be out of the question. It is absolute nonsense like this that makes obtaining narcotic pain medications for chronic pain. We all must make good judgements about the legitimate need/ use of especially opiates. Dear person, USE YOUR HEAD!!!

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I hope that everyone, whether they have chronic pain or not, will write me a message about their views on the state of the treatment dilemma that most, if not all, chronic pain patients are facing due to the new regulations the CDC has harnessed us with. I will also be looking for valid information from those who have taken Morphine Sulfate, and if they have suffered any medical problems like tooth decay, tooth loss. Scoliosis, loss of menstrual cycle, deep vein thrombosis, loss of joint cartilage. For those females who may have stopped taking morphine abruptly, did your menstrual cycle stop while you took the morphine and when you stopped taking morphine did your menstrual cycle return? Also, did any ladies develop adult acne on the upper trunk areas of your body, or cysts on your ovaries or anything strange that developed after you successfully stopped the morphine?

I'm writing a book about the SWAMPY pharmaceutical industry and this is an area that I have been exploring to work in to my true, tell book. I will be grateful for any comments that I can critique for information on the unfortunate, complicated and biased world that the chronic pain patient must live in. For anyone taking morphine past or present, did your prescribing doctor fail to inform you about the side effects leading to the medical problems I have listed in this commentary. Also, please discuss your treatment by your doctor. Has it changed from being a respectful, and humane doctor-patient relationship? Have you been shuffled from one pain management specialist to another? If so, what was that experience like . Was there a discussion about the possibility of developing any if the problems I have mentioned. I believe that we have the very real opportunity to start a movement that will serve as a platform and give us a voice to de-regulate these inhumane,ridiculous and in many cases, have caused harm to those patients who have the need to take them for valid , chronic pain issues. With morphine and other narcotics such as Oxycontin, Vicodin etc, the real possibility exists, that one or more of the medical problems that I have listed will develop. The pharmaceutical company that manufactures the drugs has a moral, ethical and legal obligation to lust these side effects in the drug insert, so the public can educate themselves. The prescribing doctor has the same duty to inform the patient. I will be writing my book soon, titled , DEEP POCKETS, can any if you guess why that is the title? So please everyone get your messages to me via the great website, Sincerely, C. H.

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Momo, I am taking morphine, now that you bring these symptoms up got me thinking. As a matter of fact I developed a cyst on my right breast. I'm going for an evaluation later today. Never had it, also at my last exam I have cysts on my ovaries, getting an ultra sound again tomorrow to see if they have gotten bigger. No doctor ever told me side effects to this drug or any other drug for that matter. I also can verify right out of one of my doctor's mouth that if there is no incentive for a doctor to prescribe a drug and the more paperwork they have to do, they won't prescribe that drug. In particular I was asking him about medical marijuana, he said there would be no financial incentive and too many logs to fill out so he did not see any doctors prescribing it other than maybe for cancer patients. I have been in contact with someone from the government because she answered an email, she basically told me that doctors need to be held accountable for their peers overprescribing drugs. Now I may not be the most intellectual person on earth but I will tell you if I was a doctor and another doctor told me how to manage my practice I would be pretty upset. To me that is the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. The more I hear from the different doctors that I do see, the more hopeless I become. In a realty these doctors think they are making the world a better place by cutting us off, they will never go back to the way it used to be. There are no doctors that are going to be willing to put their licenses on the line for some poor "drug seeker" like they treat us. I remember 10 yrs ago how easy it was to get meds, I cannot believe how hard it is now. it is actually terrifying to think we all have to exist for the rest of our lives like this. I cannot say I am living, plus I am sure most of us in this type of situation are on disability. well I no myself, I can't live on disability, then you walk around feeling ashamed because ppl make ignorant comments about "ENTITLEMENT". I wouldn't wish my life on my worst enemy. I wish one day one of these government a**holes need pain meds and they have no access to it, maybe just maybe they will understand how we all feel.

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I have been in touch with the lady on that "Special task force". She actually blames doctors not turning in their peers for overprescribing. I had to tell her that I totally disagreed with her. We all no doctors think they are gods, so can you imagine having another doctor butting into your practice? To me that is ridiculous. One doctor I see for anxiety actually told me that if there are no incentives to write certain scripts doctors won't do it. He also told me the government cares more about the proper paperwork being filled out then the amount of time he spends with his patients. Tbh it is a complete joke, I go in and he is on his little computer, asks me how I am doing, tells me a few stories about some of his patients in the psychiatric ward, hands me my script and I see him in 2 months. He sees everything I take on the computer, may b**** a little, "Don't drink alcohol". Oh ok sure no problem. This all makes me want to drink even more. I just don't understand how they (the government) can think this is ok. Ok, I went to a pain doctor who got raided and got shut down, I could get whatever I wanted pretty much, so that means so could every other troll, and there were plenty of them there that got what they wanted. Then they went and sold their crap. So is it fair to punish the people that really need the meds because of these losers? I am so fired up right now because I honestly do not ever see things going backwards and us getting what we need. Not from talking to the higher ups, now I am being told that long term narcotics use has caused long term health issues. Well I try and tell them without the very little I am still able to get I wouldn't be able to even get out of bed, which most of the time I cannot anyways. I have looked into other methods. Anything outside of scripts costs too much money which living, I should say existing does not afford me the money to buy anything. It's pretty darn scary when I have to sit and try and figure out what I am going to do. Imagine more theft, murders, all because the demand on the street goes up and so does the cost. Sorry to sound so gloom and doom but from the information I am getting I really don't see things getting any better for us, I see it getting worse. One last point, the one doctor told me that most of the pain meds are written in the united states and we are a drug culture. I think they are trying to get rid of us "Addicts". And make sure they don't start any new ones. I used to have hope, I email or talk to the contact in columbus periodically. She gets back to me, tells me to hang in there, they are working on solutions, has me talk to a pain specialist, why I don't no, supposed to make a referral for me, and her suggestion is to move to a warmer climate. Oh ok, I can just leave my elderly parents and move further from my daughter and granddaughters, it's bad enough they live 5 1/2 hrs away as it is. I don't know. I will post again when I get more info because this lady said she will keep me in the loop and damn she is going to do it, cause I got nothing but time on my hands. I will not let her go back on her word.

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I am trying to stay focused, not give up and have been told I will be kept in the loop, my present doctors seem to think I am being fed a line of BS, I hope that is not true. I am trying really hard for all of us to find help and better solutions then cutting us off. I get discouraged quite often. I honestly don't see them ever back tracking and going to give us more meds, I see only them cutting us off completely, hoping all us addicts just die off and them not giving narcotics to the younger generation, this is how I see things, what options does this leave us? Sticking needles in our arms?? I need others to reach out to whom I have. Please I need help!!!

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I am new to the area near Nashville. I was relocated bad horse accidents as well as all my nerves in my right arm. I don't know anyone I've been in the medical industry for 25 years and has advocated for everyone. But now it's me and I need help! I don't have a family physician yet 4 internist would be better and pain doctor. I do not wish to be judged as I have seen enough others as well.

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My husband just come of hospice he's on alot of morphine and his last PCP wrote his prescriptions then went to hospice an they gave him sameeds just more bow he needs a new pcp

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mm, SSI and Medicaid are welfare. SSDI and Medicare are paid into by the worker and are no welfare.

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BL I am very aware of the difference on SSI and SSDI, EXACTLY WHAT IS YOUR POINT? I have been on both, when I first became disabled I did not have enough work hours to receive SSDI, I WAS PUT ON SSI, NOW BECAUSE OF MY X HUSBANDS PASSING I AM ON WIDOWS BENEFITS, ITS STILL NOT ENOUGH FOR ME TO LIVE ON, I AM CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR COMMENT

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Mm, am in same boat, not enough work hours so expected to live on$730/ month. Yeah right, my health ins premium is over half that so how am I gonna pay electric, phone òr house payment?
Any ideas BL??!!

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Christine exactly, how are we supposed to survive on that? And yes BL always seems to have the answers, so tell us BL, how do we survive 1) being on disability, 2) in pain and canter our meds, thanks and looking for your knowledgeable answers as always!!

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BL, NO disrespect but are you living on another planet?? You give advice as to ppl just going to "another pain management doctor". Don't you understand most pain doctors that are still practicing won't take any new patients on. Everyone on here has the same problem, they can't get a pain doctor, they can't get their meds and a lot of these ppl have been totally just let go from their previous health care physicians, so if you have the magic answer, please tell the rest of us cause you make it sound so easy to just go out and find new doctors.

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Coco, how about giving psychotropics for pain? These meds will really screw a person up. I have been inj. with every imaginable drug out there yet they put me on 7 mg of xanax with no problem. The government needs people that deal with everyday pain to speak on our behalf, not these nitwits that don't have a clue about being in chronic pain. Doctors are going to be too lazy to do what would be required of them to give proper care. They get double booked, don't listen, and throw you out of their office. You cannot even speak to a doctor on the phone anymore. They are trying to do away with all of us, it's all about the almighty dollar.

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As I have inquired previously many times, BL who are you to give answers and how do we know they are correct?
You have never identified yourself as an expert or even an experienced painer- you simply spew forth answers in a demoralizing tone making us feel worse than we already feel. You have zero compassion, only a"better than you" attitude towards us so why should we listen to such a creep??!
Apparently you do not have the same problems we do or you would not be so cruel and useless to us. I motion you remove yourself from this forum so that your harmful attitude does not harm us any further.
If you care to open up your position and reason why you should still be allowed here then so........
Otherwise please be gone along with your uncaring responses that hurt us rather than help us.
Anyone else in agreement please respond.

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I totally agree, I have seen so many posts from "BL", I really think this person is downright evil and gets off on making derogatory comments. Always has "the answer" to EVERYTHING and KNOWS EVERYTHING. I CAN JUST PICTURE THIS CREEP behind the computer waiting to read the comments and sitting back laughing at us all. Probably popping pills, marijuana, sipping on alcohol. I agree, GO AWAY, YOU'RE NOT HELPING ANYONE. BL, YOU NEED PROFESSIONAL PSYCHIATRIC HELP!!! Take our advice for once, we certainly don't need or want yours.

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I need a dr. Who can prescribe me hydtocodone 10mg online for my 3 cracked discs. L2,L3,L4

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I have been suffering from hip, knee, and back pain for years. I was getting pain meds regularly from old insurance but now that I had to switch I can't find any doctor who will prescribe them for me. I'm in VIRGINIA and willing to travel done. Please help

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I go to a good pain management dr in frederick maryland. I've been there 3 yrs and not once have I been asked to get inj's. Or surgery. If u want look into them they're located at 915 tollhouse road suite 103. They really help me be more mobile with my bad back. I get 150 of the 30 mg oxycodone every 28 days and 84 of the 15 mg opanas for long term every 28 days. They're very helpful, but only take a couple insurances. I'm self pay but walmart, cvs and walgreens fill for them. It used to be called frederick spine and pain rehabilitation center. They just recently changed names. Hope that helps.

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I thought these forums were reserved for sharing information on drugs and medications.Isnt there enough hate and disrespect why bring it here can't we just ignore insensitive posts.Remember some are sicker then others. I too suffer from chronic intractable pain and relief is hard to come by but attacking others won't help our positions let's try to support one another and ignore those who would cast us down. Sorry I just had to add this to this thread.

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