Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Rhode Island (Page 11)
UpdatedI am looking for an MD or Pain clinic that will prescribe pain medication in Rhode Island. I have 4 herniated discs, nerve damage in my leg, severe migraines. My former Md said that he could not longer prescribe due to the regulations, I dont want to have to move, that would be crazy to have to go through that, but I also do not want to continue living night and day in Agony, with not one Md that has any compassion, it seems all they care about is to look out for themselves, I only take 2 pain medications that I believe are both in class 1, but when you talk to a doctor about pain, they tell you to take tylenol. I am tired of theses doctors just caring about themselves, if you have a patient like myself, that has the MRI's and Catscans to show what my pain level is, they should be a little more compassionate. I am not able to have surgery at this time, not until my daughter is driving and able to get out on her own, grocery store, ect. I would really appreciate any advise, I sleep with a heat pad every night on my back, but when I go to get up, the pain is unbearable.
As I was awaiting my 1st back surgery, I was told I was told I was too young to be taking pain meds. They have me Tylenol #3 with Codeine. I was in the hospital for 6 weeks waiting for them to decide to do surgery. I couldn't get out of bed, needed a bed pan, and was in the worst pain. All this at age 14. Like a 14 year old should suffer with pain, while being in the hospital!
Speak with your doctor. There are many meds and natural over the counter and OT things you can try to sleep thru the night. Or at least sleep enough to somewhat heal your body. Sleep is a MUST!
A PCP who will get to the bottom of things, I would call Christopher Superczynski he is in downtown Woonsocket and has another office somewhere else. He is in his late 30's, early 40's. He will try to figure things out.
Hi Bobby,
Would you be abled to help me out. I was an elite gymnast for 12 years. And was hit by a drunk driver in 2008. Another bad accidnet in 2012. I was prescribed 30's a lot a day actually for 9 years. I live in ri amd now i get nothing. No one will help me. I have laundry list of injuries. Any information you could offer would be greatly apperciated. I have two children 5 and 8. I just want to be able to play, hold them, amd work without being in excruciating pain. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
HI I am looking for resources as I have multiple issues, broke my back has surgery twice and now I have Lymme on top of that! My knees are sooo awfully sore all the time and I had Supartz injections that really helped but now BCBSRI is no longer covering them!! I deal with several issues everyday and I do not sleep good at all because of this! Since my family physician has retired I cannot find a Dr that can oversee these things and treat them! I really don't know where to turn. I had found a new family Dr in a quick pinch but hes quite a distance from where I live and in Mass so there is always issues with out of network yet we have the best BCross plan through the carpenters union. Any suggestions?
It has been mentioned that one could go to Armistice Urgent Care and see Dr. Karl Fieber ... I have also been told by a doctor at a pain clinic that individuals could go to the emergency room to get a prescription to "tide them over" until they could arrange more permanent help via specialists. I am not sure how this would work - on what basis would the patient go to the emergency room - pain? withdrawal symptoms? just out of meds? If a prescription were written by the urgent care doctor would he just give meds to get through the night or possibly a standard 30-day supply? There may be other things I should know that I am not asking about ... thank you for input, this is mostly a mystery to me. Do you think I could I walk in to the urgent care office and ask these questions? I assume I would be viewed with extreme suspicion at a minimum. ;)
Its a bad idea. They will tell you they dont prescribe narcotics and put you on a flagged list. At least in my experiences. Maybe your luck would be diffrrent. But i know at least a dozen people that were flagged at hospitals for following this advice.
Concerned Friend,
I called my PC and told him I wouldn't make it thru to make it to get into pain management. He had me come in and wrote me a Rx. for a months worth of my regular meds. I would try PC 1st. I would stay far away from Hospital unless in withdrawals, but they will treat the withdrawals and not give you a script.
Hi are you a DR? I am in a similar situation and not sure what to do?
I was wondering who you asking if they were a doctor?
I don't understand how people who have medical documents, MRI, cat scan, six back surgeries, inj's. that last only a week, are getting denied pain medication due to addicts. The medical professionals are allowing them to live in agony. What quality of life is that? My x husband gets relief for a week after painful inj's... What are the long term effects from inj's.? If you have an answer please respond. Thank you.
I suffer continually. In RI... I heard 85% of Opiate deaths are due to "street addicts" being classed with legitimate chronic pain sufferers with scripts from their doctors.. true?
Mpathia, that might be a good ballpark percentage - there are varieties of problems, some addicts have obtained prescriptions instead of buying on the street, others have run into problems not taking as prescribed, etc. Government is "reacting" to the problems and many pain patients are being adversely affected IMO.
Response from Dr.s and Pts. Who have these back injections. Pt.s who have documented proof of chronic pain didn't ask for this agonizing pain and relief from painful injections that just last a week.big difference addicts one time our enough made a choice to use illegal drugs . Upsets that your Dr .feels not worth the aggravation to defend his actions. State and government playing Dr.
I am looking for a pain management doctor that will give low dose narcotics. I have back neck shoulder and hand issues. Broke my neck & back. I had a bad experience with Warwick pain center. I'm only looking to be able to function not looking for high doses of anything. Tried injection made it worse. Any suggestions?? I live in kent area of RI
Sad that now across the nation patients suffer. America, like European countries have designated places to go. This way they're given clean needles and they can be documented. This is not right to people who need prescribed medications. This site is a good place to vent frustration, though there's still no resolve.
Hey r u still on here?? I could sire use the help for chronic pain. I work in construction so im nevee able to rest amd heal any of my ailmemts
When I used to go for the Steroid Epidurals, they worked wonders. Yes, they hurt for a few minutes, especially when the steroids were being injected, but it was worth it. The shots, at times, would last 6 months with my leg pain, due to herniated discs.
I guess it depends on who you see. I have had a mylogram where I was literally swearing my head off and have refused it since, when any doctor has even mentioned it.
I'very had facet blocks, those sucked and gave me no relief.
Steroid Epidurals worked wonders and I was able to delay surgeries because of it. I was so comfortable with my doctor I didn't even change into a Johnny. I wore sweatpants and pulled them down in the back and let him at it. He was very strict with his staff, but very caring and wonderful to ,me, the patient. I even watched on the x-ray machine the needle going in. Best Doctor ever!
I hear horror stories, and hear that people get put to sleep or are a bit sedated for these shots. It must be because the doctors suck.
I have been suffering with pain due to degenerative disc disease I have tried everything over the years including surgery. The only medicine that works is 10mg methadone.however my pcp can no longer prescribe me this due to the new laws. My condition is worsening and surgery is no longer an option for me . I can no longer due daily chores.what can I do
Re: Bobby (# 4)
I have degenerative disc disease and I have tried everything from acupuncture to surgery and pain block shots with no relief. However, the only medicine that works is 10mg methadone which I have been taking for over 10 years, but my pcp can no longer prescribe me this. Can you help?
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