Doctors In Louisiana That Prescribe Methadone For Chronic Pain (Page 14)
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I have been taking 120 mg of methadone for approximately 5 years. My husbands job transferred us from Florida to Louisiana where I found a pretty good pain doc. He is now running scared and wants to take me off of methadone. Methadone has given me a good quality of life; I am able to work and be a productive member of society. My doctor is unwilling or unable to assist me in finding a new doctor who will continue my meds. Oh yeah, I have been the route of blocks and injections and gotten little if any relief. I'm tired of being branded a drug seeker-I have years of medical records that back up my claims and verify the dosages that I've been on-what drug seekers have this kind of back up? I am looking for a Louisiana doctor, but am willing to travel (within reason of course). Please help!!

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Ninthwardrapper- that dr is at a neuro science office. Do they do pain management too? I didn't hear anything about it when I called. Do you go to him?

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Please send me info on your Dr. I am in so much pain. Thank you. {edited for privacy}

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Dr. Troy Beaucoray in Metairie, he does not care if you smoke cannabis. The phone number to reach him at is 504-885-3737

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Hello. I have been taken off methadone after being on it for over 7 years which I had most relief compared to any other tried Meds. My doc said after Jan 2014 no doc can give methadone EXcept M. Clinics. Do u know anything about this info? If not + ya doc does write methadone can I PLEASE have his/her. info? I live south of Lafayette, La. Can u email that in a personal message to me {edited for privacy}

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When looking for a Pain Management Physician, the best thing to do is to get an appointment and go. If you ask if they use a certain drug or even if the writes rx, you're probably going to be told no. Asking for a certain med is a red flag. And finding another dr that will use the same meds as another dr did can't always be done, especially when it is a different part of the country.

You can also call your insurance company for a list of drs that take your insurance. But, they won't be able to tell you if they rx a certain med. Also most drs will still want to get your medical records from you previous dr, even if you have them with you. The validity of the medical records are often in question is they haven't come directly from the previous dr.

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I do get methadone for pain from a legitimate pain doctor in Seattle. Ian a diabetic with severe leg, hip and joint pain. I am looking for a doctor in Houma, Louisiana area to transfer my medical treatment to.

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You may have problems trying to get Methadone for chronic pain or anything other pain meds after going to a Methadone Clinic for addicts. Usually drs will shy away from treating addicts for chronic pain. Unless your medical records state that you're receiving the Methadone for chronic pain and not addiction.

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A Dr. That Prescibes Methadone in Phoenix Metro Area. Preferably a pain management doctor, one that I can get a new MRI of back and x-rays-haven't had them done in years, and I need to see how far the damage has progressed. My PM doc I had from about 2006-2010 got shut down by the DEA. I have been going to a clinic to get my methadone since then. I'm really getting tired of the watered down version I get, and it lasts only a couple hours now after I take it, so I really am limited in my activity during the day. It used to work very well for my upper thoracic pain (myofascial) when I was on the 10 mg. tabs.

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Yes still Looking!

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Any Drs near the Fair Grounds Race Course?

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Can you give me the name?

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My son is in need of a Dr for his methadone. He's located at the Fair Grounds Race Course in La.

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if you can find a doctor who prescribes methadone in louisiana it would be worth it but VERY hard to do. i got VERY lucky,when KATRINA washed away my pain management clinic i went to my PCP. To my surprise he agreed to treat me until i found another doc (which i never did) he continues to treat me to this day 7 years later but hes weaned me down from 100mg to 60mg. i would refer you but a couple years ago he quit writing prescriptions for controlled meds. only pre existing patients were elegible for treatment. best bet would be a clinic

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Need pain doctor that prescribes methadone. I will be living in Houma, La.

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Are u in Louisiana? Lafayette, bereax bridge? Need dr. Help!

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I saw your post. I am going to be moving from Washington to Houma, LA. I have a private pain doctor here that prescribes me methadone. Do you have a name and number of a doctor there? Thanks for any help.

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I'm looking for a Dr. in Sac, Ca. Area OR surrounding area's, for Methadone chronic pain!!! Was on it for my pain for many yrs, now he's Retired! HELP!!!

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It is hard to find many doctors who will prescribe methadone as a treatment for pain (it is generally just used as a maintenance treatment for opiate addiction), even in PM practices. They will generally prescribe other types of opiates (hydrocodone, oxycodone, oxymorphone). If it's methadone you require then your best bet is a methadone clinic. In my experience, the best clinic anywhere around southeastern LA is in LaPlace. They are very understanding and compassionate, will work with you around your work schedule, and has fewer patients so the wait times are MUCH shorter than that of other clinics (to be able to get in to dose when the clinic opens in NO or BR, you must arrive 5-7 hours in advance if you don't want to wait for HOURS). The clinic in Laplace starts dosing at 5:30am and I can generally be out the door for 5:45 if I'm there by 5:00. In BR, to be out the door within 30 mins of opening you would have to get there between 10-11pm the night before (insanity!) I hope this helps

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You don't have to go back to Louisiana or Florien. You don't have to currently be living in the same state/city/town. If you can find an attorney to take the case, they will need all of your medical records, plus alot of money I'm sure.

What exactly did your mother in law sue for ? Did she sue in Louisiana ?

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Meth first made in Germany on 1937 then USA took it in 1947. My wife's mother have done sue doctor for not sprint her last 1983 and won. She has liver disease and was 65 years old and she die recently at age 94 in 2012. When she first take methadone and I have never see her work before. She work as teacher until retire at the age of 75 and enjoy her retirement for 19 years. She don't take 180 ML a day like those additive. She only take 40 ML a day. Yes I can sue.

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