Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Louisiana (Page 5)
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I need to find a Dr. To write a Rx. For hydrocodin for chronic back pain, where can I find one in Southern Louisiana?

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Country1965, I have put a link below that might help. You need to call Pain Management Drs in your area. Be sure and tell them that you have Medicare first, then tell them you also have Medicaid. It is much easier to find a dr that accepts Medicaid if you also have Medicare.

Medicare.Gov Physician Compare-

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I am in Lafayette la area. I was seeing a pain mgmt doc who wasn't prescribing proper meds. I told him several times at office visit the med he had me on not helping. I got away from him because he is rated 1/2 star out of 5. I am looking for a doc who will prescribe proper meds for back pain,sciatica, and neck pain. I am disabled so I can't pay cash. I have Medicare&medicaid. Anyone know a doc that accepts insurance? I sure can't find any in my area

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Please leave the people with the pain management a long they have they Mr I Xray. Ct scans please go after the ones that abuse it all we want is to take care of our self get up out of bed and take care of our self.. And you have the Dr. Not want to take care of us..please let us get up in the morning and take care of us please.

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I got off suboxone after being on it since 2008 my doctor put me on clonofine its a blood pressure pill it relieved anxiety it lowers your heart rate and because of it I didn't have any withdrawals from i . Hope this is helpful

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Yea BL I got it when I scrolled down and saw his post.. BUT NO PROBLEM....We are good!

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Paul, that's ok. I just wanted to be sure that you know I wasn't talking to you about the Marijuana.

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If Dr. Fairbanks won't write benzo's will he write Soma's?

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Hey BL..I didn't know by looking at your post if you were directing it at me at first. That is why I replied the way I did and did not know about the guy with the username PISSTOFF until I read back a few posts. But anyway, being that marijuana is still illegal in this state and federally, doc had to do what he did. Even though most states have decriminalized it and warrants only a citation, I think unlawful would be a more appropriate term and it sounds nicer unless they are into bigger deeds. There are probably more marijuana patients in the U.S. than not at this time.

PISSTOFF- It will probably be a long time before the Feds accept medicinal marijuana so don't hold your breath for that long unless the cartels start taking over. That may even happen first if they keep being distracted by pain patients.

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Paul, go back and read my reply. The part about Marijuana was addressed to PISSEDOFF, Not you.

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Hey...BACK OFF BL. FIRST OF ALL I AM NOT A CRIMINAL BECAUSE I DO NOT SMOKE ANY ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES NOR MARIJUANA NOR is it in my system! As a matter of fact, I don't even drink alcohol. Also the word criminal leaves a wide open door of topics literally speaking. For example, burglary, robbery, homicide, kidnapping and so on. Hear me: So the proper way to say that, would be to say that would be unlawful. So again I am not either a criminal nor being unlawful.

Now....I have been prescribed Norco and Soma since 1995 for Cervical Spondylosis, Lumbar Spondylitis, Osteoarthritis an much more. So lookie there, I'm actually alive! And have never overdosed. So, if there is a problem, it would be that the deceased were not following the doctor's prescribed amount. So if this is the case and the patient is abusing his or her drug, the patient could overdose on just about anything!!!

They could OD on methamphetamine. They could OD on opioids. They could OD on Suboxone. They could OD on even ALCOHOL!!! MY POINT IS, YOU CAN ASSOCIATE OD WITH ANY NARCOTIC ON THE MARKET. The only reason that Soma has more deaths is because Soma was one of the most prescribed drugs per capita. So when that happens, of course you will see higher death rates. Not to mention those on the streets too.

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Paul, drs can prescribe Soma and opiates. But, the problem is finding one that will. Most have stopped prescribing Soma and Valium due to the high number of deaths where the patients were prescribed one of them along with opiates.

PISSEDOFF, marijuana is illegal in the state of Louisiana. So from a legal stand point you are a criminal because you are breaking the law if you have marijuana in your system.

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Dr. Beaucoudray is expensive and useless. He is scared of the DEA. Dr. Fairbanks in Vidalia, LA will prescribe pain meds, but not benzos

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P450 Metabolizer, you know nothing about me. Not everyone posts their personal business on the internet like you do. The situation with the woman from out of town is a red flag for drug abuse. Anyone that needs their pain meds that badly, makes sure they have them before they travel. Louisiana also has a law that governs the amount of pain meds drs at urgent care facilities can prescribe.

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This Dr does random drug panels. THEY WILL DROP YOU IF YOU HAVE A DIRTY UA!!! Which I feel is an invasion of my privacy and absurd. Marijuana users get punished because the thc remains in your system for up to 30 days. While illicit drug users get away with it because those drugs are out of your system in 48-72 hours. I fail to understand why I am treated as a criminal for NOT being a drug addict and trying to control my pain.

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Hi P450, I know what you mean about dangerous drugs. I was once on Duragesic and was literally short on oxygen and found it hard to breath. So I discontinued it and got switched to Morphine.

One thing I am disappointed with is that doctors will not prescribe Soma or it is hard to find one that will. I have been prescribed it since 1985 and now all of a sudden it is dangerous? Or they claim it is highly addictive. This really erks me because they will prescribe Morphine for me but Soma is out of the question. To me it is like saying vitamin C is better than vitamin B. What could be more addictive than Morphine? I've been trying to find a muscle relaxer that is effective and so far nothing can compare to Soma. For my condition, the most pain I have is from muscle spasms. I got so PO'ed that I wrote to the board of pharmacy. They claim that I still can get it prescribed which is totally BS. I guess they were just trying to humour me. Doctors are afraid to write it because they don't want the DEA breathing down their back.

As far as pain clinics that will prescribe opiates here, I know few that will. Doctor Defranches in Laplace, Accurate Clinic in Kenner and Advanced clinic on N. Hullen in Metairie. If you are looking for pain meds these three are the best starting point. I wasn't clear on if you were trying to find one. Although there are many pain doctors around here most of them will only give you shots. I got off of Morphine and wanted to try only the shots at one point because I don't like to be dependent on opiates. Needless to say, the shots were ineffective and found myself getting back on Morphine. I just had total knee replacement surgery and it is really putting a strain on my bad back. They say that it can take up to 6 months for this to heal. So far I am almost 2 months since surgery and still feel very much chronic pain and most of it is muscular. I can't take anti inflammatories because they tear up my stomach. That is where Soma would come in handy. Well, enough about that. Don't want to bore you about my problems.

So, if you are looking to find a doc that writes, good luck to you and let me know how it goes.

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Have you found a pain management doc. I'm in same situation

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will he give me my klonopin? i have records that show i have been taking it for 15 yrs also i take norco too. please reply

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I have not been on here in awhile but do post frequently on trending post 'what doctor will prescribe pain medications' for it gets a good section of posters from around the country. I'd like to follow up with you.

Although I've been back with the famous doctor in California I knew some years ago he and his wife retired--none of us are on this earth forever although it seems that way sometimes...Going from Texas to California is currently being paid by the same entity that cut me off. The Supreme Court supports the other two Court Orders on my lifetime medical award. In short I will settle it if they meet settlement demand in fiscal 2016 BUT need to be stabilized again on pain management, follow up with surgeon for I now on latest MRI add arachnoiditis to diagnosis list which is already immense, and other superficial issues or owed monies that must be reimbursed.

I know that you are in Louisiana and have physicians that prescribe. With government intervention it will soon be impossible to obtain long acting medications of proper strength and dosage anywhere. Methadone because it is dirt cheap is allowed and I suggested it as you know I was on super high dosages of brand Duragesic for many years. However there are issues with this drug.

Widened QT interval which can lead to sudden death in susceptible individuals is one. Sedation for some. I remember back in 2000 my deceased pain specialist switched me to Duragesic due to my inability to tolerate high dosages of Oxycontin.

Hope you are well and hope you write back!


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Lafayette can go to texas if dr found

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I'm from Texas..where at in Louisiana is this

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