Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Las Vegas Nv (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have mouth cancer that is very painfull and have been taking opioids/pain meds for many years. My tolerance is extremely high, so to have the meds actually work on the pain i'm needing a lot more than most. Just a guide of what i thank would help me and my history with pain meds: About 360 roxys 30mg, 180-240 lortabs 10mg, 90 morphine er mg, 150 xanax 2mgs, and 180 somas, which is not a lot to me. Is there any Dr. in las vegas, NV willing to write like this any more? #CANCER PAIN IN VEGAS

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I also see Dr. Sharma (in Las Vegas, NV). I've been on my current pain managment (hydrocodone 10-325) for about 10 years, although I've only been seeing a pain mgmnt doc for about 10 months.. I was on a higher qty per day from a diff doctor before Sharma, but the doctor got very afraid that the script he was writing for me would flag the FDA....which happens a lot to doctors, especially since the govt. decided to 'reclassify' pain meds. Everyone is so afraid to lose their medical license that they will run from pain mgmnt duties and/or 'eek out crumbs'. I've built up a tolerance over all the years, and I have been trying to find another doc who will help me. I also have no history of abuse, etc. My PCD sent me over to Pain Center of S.N. to see if I could get some compassion and they basically told me they would not give me anywhere near what Sharma currently is. Like most of you, I'm always in pain, as the med I take now barely takes any edge off at all. I'm really amazed at how some folks are getting several different pain mgmt meds, at high doses, all at the same time. I don't want to go on a bunch of them, I just want one I can take that will actually work. I left Pain Center of S.N. in tears from the apathetic attitude and judgemental/suspicious questioning of my conditions (of which I have MRI and CT and documented proof in doctor's files/hospital files of the legitimacy of my situation). What has happened to folks like us is something that has proven to not only drive people to take their lives from lack of pain relief but to also turn to the streets or harder drugs for anything at all. I have not done this, but I completely understand why someone would. This is also what makes random U/A's necessary at most pain centers. It's simply created more of a criminal element. The new law was meant to punish abusers and doctors who over-prescribe......but it's really only hurting the folks who need the help the most. When the decongestant sinus meds were put behind the counter in stores, requiring you to get your license scanned w/ each purchase and setting a limit on how much you could buy each month (because people, evidently, made methamphetamine out of it), the people who WERE making it just adapted by pooling all their friends to buy the max each month. I had a pharmacist friend who told me some stories and expressed his concern that a poor decision had been made by the govt to take that route. Being made to feel like a horrible person for needing something that should be out on the shelves freely (the decongestants) is, once again, only punishing people, with severe allergies/sinusitis, etc., who actually use it for its intended purpose. Like all of you, I'm at my wit's end, as well. I noticed no one seems to have a doc who will help them at the appropriate level (although, I have not read every single page of this thread yet). I would adore any suggestions (of compassionate doctors) that are sincere. I'm in tears, everyday. This is not the proper way to care for people (denying them relief from their chronic pain). My heart and hopes for relief and for peace and happiness go out to each and every one of you.

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The 10/500's (meaning 500 mg of acetaminophen) were discontinued, due to liver toxicity from the acetaminophen. I know this is an old post, but hopefully my answer can help someone who's new to this thread (like I am).

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I'm so sorry you are in pain. You best bet is to find a Pain Management doctor. But hun, I don't think any doctor in their right mind will prescribe that amount of medicine. He can't. I really, really hate to see someone on Soma. It is a horrible drug. Now don't get me wrong, it works very well for muscle tightness and spasms, but it is soooo highly addictive. It took ME three years to be able to quit. I have had two back fusions and another disc degenerating as we speak. I am given 60 mg Morphine ER and was on 30 mg of Oxycodone. But my tolerance, like yours, has hit the roof. So I will be switched back to Oxycontin ER and 8 mg of Dilaudid. Are you really looking for a doctor to write that amount of meds or just those kinds of meds? All you have to do is get a referral to the doctor with what is wrong with you. And another thing if you have cancer....shouldn't an oncologist be prescribing your pain meds? I know that's how it worked for my dad. But anyway good luck....and just switch up on your meds. Try new ones.

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I think the person with mouth cancer should look for a Doctor that will prescribe you morphine, Dilaudid, and something to sleep. Other than that my Dr. tells me the more you take the less effective the meds will be. Very true. I am on pain meds and my Doctor does not take any new patients. She had to weed out all the people selling and abusing their meds.

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It saddens and sickens me to see so many people legitimately needing pain medication but the doctors are too afraid to prescribe it due to the new laws preventing them to prescribe narcotics unless it’s absolutely necessary because so many others are, “so called” abusing them by taking them when they don’t need to?
I just want to point out a few things; first of all I would like to remind these doctors why they became doctors in the first place, besides saving lives, was it not your intention to help end pain & suffering as well? And weren’t these narcotics created for the purpose to stop, prevent or ease pain? So why should anyone have to suffer in pain when there are pain pills to help ease their pain? Because other people who don’t really need them may get them is not a good reason why people who really need them, should suffer!
And besides, people should be able to do what they want anyway, it’s their lives so what gives anyone the right to tell others what they can or cannot do? I have been told by many that some people who may be under a lot of stress or who have severe depression have taken these pills to feel better emotionally or for other reasons and what’s wrong with that? I’m sure many will agree that if people want to take these pills, even if it’s just to feel better, they should be allowed to. And don’t give me that crap that people may overdose on them because there are many things people can use for this, maybe knives should be banned since people may stab themselves or ropes even? lol.
What really amazes me is that people are allowed to drink alcohol which not only impairs you but you can also overdose on it as well and can even take the lives of others too, yet if someone wants to take a pill that helps them to feel better it is illegal! Gimme a break! That says a lot, but most importantly it proves that there are other reasons why things are banned and they are not really in the best interests of the people. I’ll say it again; nobody should have the rights to tell another human being what they can and cannot do! To deny others who are really suffering in pain, medication that was created and intended for the purpose to stop pain, is not only cold hearted but it is just plain wrong!

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Hi everyone,
I moved to Summerlin area of Las Vegas from Los Angeles a year and a half ago. 3 years ago, I had spinal fusion, an interbody cage, rods, screws etc.The first couple of years were great. I only occasionally would take a percocet. However, the degeneration has continued. Had a CT scan 2 months ago, that proves it. I can't understand how my new pain specialist can look me in the eye and say I am not feeling enough pain for does he know? Should I ask him? WTH. I've had to start wearing the back support brace and use the cane again if I'm going to be walking more than 10 minutes. The doc actually told me that was the reason for my discomfort....ummmm and I should stop it. Shame on me. Ok.I put my supports aside and walked (like a drunken hunchback) for about 30 mins. Guess what doc? .it's worse!

For the past month I've been in PT. It helps. I realize that I shouldn't have told him that because , apparently "helps" translates to "I have been cured." He prescribed me naproxen and suggested I take gabapentin. After another month If I am still "suffering" he informed me that what's next is, a series of spinal injections. I say no no. Do I HAVE to ? I'm serious. I need help please folks. how do I prove myself? Are there things that I can say to him that obviously won't make it worse or should I just forget it. Are all these clinics the same? Losing hope.

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Reply to 186 ms anonymous Biggs,

That may be the biggest crock of s*** I have ever read. Let me guess, you probably have government assistance to pay for your doctors and drugs. Gimme a break, that kind of post disgusts me. Just proves why restrictions are in place to prevent people like you from killing themselves with narcotics. So disgusting....

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Discount cards have been so helpful. You have to try multiple cards. I finally got my med down from 1300 to 380.

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If you need pain medication go see Dr Martin Scott in Las Vegas.

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I too, share a similar problem. Hopefully I can be of assistance to you. At any rate, I am physiologically dependent on opioid/opiates narcotic analgesics. Like you, I have severe spinal injuries resulting from a NVA and sustained 4 c-spine stenosis and 2 herniated disks as well as 3 L-spine severe disk injuries (2 stenosis) with 1 herniated at L5. I take methadone 50mg every 12 hours with oxycodone 30 mg every 4 hours as needed. I had to withdraw from med school in 1994 due to unrelated reasons but have encyclopedic knowledge on how to assist you with your dilemma. First, it must be noted, the epidemic of opioid abuse is reaching critical mass in the contiguous United States. I'm willing to bet that 90% of all the readers of this posting are unaware of this following fact: "90% of all the world's opioids are consumed in the US alone!". Imagine that?! Anyway, due to ****s like Prince; Michael Jackson and other irresponsible addicts- the US government is making it increasingly difficult for physicians to prescribe schedule-2 drugs. I don't want to appear patronizing here but many people do not know how controlled substances are classified so I shall explain. There are 6 categories 1-6; schedule-1 are drugs that have no medicinal value nor use.

C-2 drugs are the strongest of all the medical drugs. Here's a few examples: Demerol; oxymorphone; oxycodone; morphine; FENTANYL (keep away from this one - it will KILL you!) and schedule 3 is codeine, fiorinal and similar low-end opioids. Until recently, hydrocodone was amongst this group but because many addicts started their addiction with lortab; Vicodin and Norco- the AMA directed the US FDA to this fact and these drugs (hydrocodone) were monitored just like FENTANYL! Personally, I find hydrocodone to be far too weak a opioid to enter the same orbit as oxymorphone and oxycodone as well as methadone. The DEA monitors all schedule II drug prescriptions and, trust me, as a physician - I find the monitoring of hydrocodone (a hydrogenated ketone of CODEINE) a joke. I feel that the DEA pays little to no attention to this aforementioned opioid also. Surely, the elevation of hydrocodone to C II accomplishes NOTHING! It belongs to C III where it can be telephoned in to a pharmacy and also refilled up to 7 times. It should be noted that all C 2 drugs are NOT refillable and cannot be called in by a practitioner to a pharmacy except in 24 hour supplies and even then - a written RX must be sent to the dispensing pharmacy.

In my unshakable opinion, the opioid problems will only worsen and the government is making it much more difficult for Doc's to treat patients whom become tolerant to narcotic meds. The epidemic of opioid abuse should be treated, in both my personal and professional opinion, by education and pill counting performed by prescribing physicians office/pharmacy or another venue. Additionally, Narcan should be given to every patient on opioid medications to ensure the immediate treatment for an accidental overdose and this will dramatically cut mortality rates across the board. Additionally, naloxone (NARCAN) should be sold OTC (over the counter) since it can't kill a person and is not able to be abused. If this was done - death rates from opioid addicts alone would drop by 80-90%! If the government continues it's assaults on doctors, pharmacies and other venues of health care industry - all that will happen is exactly what already happened when the FDA/DEA attacked Purdue pharmaceutical company and forced it to reconfigure the delivery system in oxycontin: 69-85% of all the users ran straight to illicit drugs! This will DEFINITELY happen again but at much greater numbers! It is IMPOSSIBLE to STOP the influx of illicit drugs because of the HUGE PROFITS INVOLVED. Additionally, if the government continues it's assaults on the legal opioid industry and prescribers- the death and crime rate will increase by historical numbers.

Instead of 80 overdoses a month.....the United States will see 8-10,000 a week within the next 5-10 years! This is not a unique opinion- IT'S A MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY! As for your question about a pain doctor: Steven Holper, MD on Charleston blvd will prescribe copious amounts of oxy, if you are already on it and especially if u are an attractive female! He's a coke user but don't mention it to him and his weakness is big breasts and white, blonde, women! In the interim, you can increase the effects of opioids by preventing the stomach from destroying half of all oral opioid potencies by taking 200 mg of tagamet (cimetadine) available over the counter. Take 200-400 mgms 1 hour prior to taking the pain meds.. Also, drink only grapefruit juice as it contains an enzyme that blocks the metabolic process performed by the liver. There are other drugs that aid in this process and I suggest you Google them. HIV protease inhibitors; Erythromycin (antibiotics) are 2 of many. Be careful and don't abuse the knowledge....

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WTF... you had me going with your knowledge regarding opiates/opioids.... but after reading your recommendation and review of the physician I am certain that the majority of your intelligent posting was copied and pasted. Why would you refer anyone to a Coke abusive sexist? So reckless!

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DOES dr. Scott prescribe opiods liberally? I am on 100mg morphine 3x a day and up to 12 30 mg oxycodone a day. I just got a call from my pharmacy that they can no longer fill my scripts because my GP was writing them and not a pain mgmt doctor

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Hello, my name's Michelle. I just moved here to Clark County Nevada. I am having such difficulties finding a Doctor who will not look at me as a drug seeker. I just turned 65. I am still crippled from a femur broken in three places late 2015. Cronic migraines as well. Could you recommend a compassionate doctor for me? I would so very much appreciate it!!!

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Looking for a doc who will prescribe meds. I have osteoarthritis in my hip. Have to have total hip replacement. The current doc I had stopped taking alot of his patients. Was notified in the mail that he no longer would be my physician and that I would have to find another physician to help me with my medical needs. Can anyone please help me find a doc the will see me and perscribe the meds that I was getting from my recent doc.

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Try Dr. Jeremy Lipshutz. He may be able to help you. He is a pain Dr. My .other recently started seeing.

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Are there any doctors left out there that are willing to perscribe oxycodone 30mg to people that truly need them. I have been taking them for months now for my osteoarthritis in my hip, degenerative disk disease, chronic pain in my hip and back, spinal stenosis, etc. Had back surgery last year and fused my L4 & L5. Had a rod and a metal plate put in. There were complications that had happen during the surgery. The doctor was just supposed to make a small incision in my lower back to put those pieces in, so because he couldnt get to the part of my spine that he needed to for the rod, so he made a small incision on my left side and tried to get to the spine that way. Unfortunately he wasn't able to get to it, do to the fact that there was to much of the muscles that blocked his way of getting to the spine. Not to mention, but in the mists of him trying to get to the spine on my left side, he had ,cut all the nerves that are in the lower left side of my back, which in return has caused my left leg to have permanent never damage. So anyway, since he couldn't fix my back from my left side, he went into my right side. Then he was able to take care of putting the rod where it needed to go. After my recovery from that, my hip seemed to have been getting worse as the days went on. I can badly walk some days, it a struggle to get ip out of bed, if I step the wrong way my hip gives out on me and there have been times where i feel like I want to collapse to the floor. I can not lift my leg up far enough to put my socks on. It's very hard for me to bend down to pick something up off the floor. I have to walk up and down the stairs one by one, I walk with a walker(on my bad days)and use a cane the rest of the time. I have a 10yr old that I want to do so much with, and i cant because I never know if my hip will even work with me on any given day. I am not that old(44) but I feel that way(like I'm 80). I would like to be able to feel comfortable and free of pain for awaile. I know one day I will have to have surgery on my hip, just right now the timing is not d. So if there is anyone out there that could help me find that doc, I would be so appreciative for the help. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and possibly helping me with my situation.

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I highly doubt it, not all of that. I can't see why a dr would risk everything to prescribe all that to anyone, I don't care what your pain is from or how severe, no dr that wants to keep his license and freedom is going to prescribe you all of that at once, not here anyway. The DEA is too overbearing now, even if you got a dr to write all those prescriptions I don't think the pharmacy would fill all of them. Too much heat. I KNOW walgreens wouldn't. About 5 yrs ago the DEA started tightening the noose on opiates and the pharmacies complied, the drs got scared. The pharmacies work with the DEA to red flag "suspicious" activity whether it be prescribers or patients. The DEA has been increasingly more and more controlling, the CDC guidelines are now rules as far as the drs are concerned. They are intimidated by the DEA, they'd rather be safe than sorry. Very cautious prescribing opiates especially with benzos and somas. The drs don't want to prescribe pain meds with benzos anymore somas either. I've been on oxys, somas, and benzos my whole life since I was 13 I'm 35 now, have no history of abusing my meds or drugs, and a yr ago my dr said they wouldnt prescribe me oxys anymore unless I stopped taking my klonopin. Then they said they "dont prescribe soma anymore" started giving me tizanadine. I stopped taking my klonopin, couldnt stand the anxiety anymore, started taking xanax 3 mg a day and went to a different pain clinic. No on the soma, and they told me I could only take 1 mg MAX of whatever benzo. I went down to 1 mg ativan the dr told me NO BENZOS OF ANY KIND PERIOD. And I was on way less of everything than what you are saying you need. Let me know if you find a dr who will prescribe you pain meds while you are taking benzos, I have learned that I may have to deal with it. Good luck.

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Re: Mich17 (# 236) Expand Referenced Message

I suggest you find a neurologist that specializes in headaches for your migraines. They can change your life. When I have a migraine my whole body hurts. If you need opioids then you need to see your family doctor to get a referral to a pain management MD. You must also build up a dedicated relationship with a pharmacy to make sure they keep a supply of your pain meds. If you don’t the pharmacies will ALWAYS be OUT of the type of medication you need. Like it or not this is the way the law works.

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Re: Sandie (# 257) Expand Referenced Message

DR Grover is still in las vegas, he was my, well supposed to be my surgeon for the triple fusion i was to have had 3 years ago, but they determined i have severe degenerative disc disease and the triple would fail as epically as the double did in 2010. Basically i was told i would be on narcotics the rest of my life and to use them as ling as i can to put off the triple fusion because it wont work. AND NOW....i am having trouble every month getting my scripts filled tyanks to the CDC guideline, even though they admit it was never written to he applied to chronic pain patients

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Re: Tami (# 247) Expand Referenced Message
That's exactly what my double fusion surgeon did.....what??? you have pain in your legs, you just want painkillers, there is nothing wrong with you. I am dropping you as a patient and referred me to a pain management doctor that didn't write pain pill prescriptions, nothing but 14 different kinds of psychotropic medications to trick my brain into thinking I didn't have pain. Essentially, I self-medicated for 2 years then finally got a GP who would listen to me and ordered an MRI of my entire spine to find I had:

- Severe degenerative disc disease
- the Double fusion failed
- the level above the fusion had herniated
- 14 levels with stenosis
- 3 levels with bone spurs
- a mass attached to the sciatic nerve
- 2 herniated discs in my neck
- and the list goes on and on and on....

Now, I get written the pain medication I need, and was told to use it to deal with the pain as long as I can manage it, because the only thing they can do at this point is a triple fusion, but they know that will fail as well, and don't want to do it until i can no longer manage the pain with drugs. So the problem I have...THE PHARMACY DOESNT WANT TO FILL MY SCRIPTS.... keep in mind, I have been on this exact medication and strength for over 3 years, and the same pharmacy has been filling them for all this time, from the same doctor.....NOW.... they claim they cant fill them if they aren't written by a pain management doctor. My doctor has referred me to 2 so far and both have stated.....YOU WILL GO DOWN TO 90MG A DAY, end of story. Then lie to me and state that the laws by THE CDC and DEA state no patient can be prescribed more than 90 mg a day of morphine/morphine equivalent.

ALL THAT IS A LIE... the CDC is not a legislative body...they do not write laws, nor can they enforce any laws. And the DEA has no LAWS limiting the amount, quantity, nor dosage. IT IS ALL LIES they tell us to shut us up.

I am so damn sick of people treating me like a drug seeking addict, lying to me as though i am stupid, and basically ensuring i live a life with ZERO QUALITY. This is complete bulls***.

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