Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Las Vegas Nv (Page 13)
UpdatedI have mouth cancer that is very painfull and have been taking opioids/pain meds for many years. My tolerance is extremely high, so to have the meds actually work on the pain i'm needing a lot more than most. Just a guide of what i thank would help me and my history with pain meds: About 360 roxys 30mg, 180-240 lortabs 10mg, 90 morphine er mg, 150 xanax 2mgs, and 180 somas, which is not a lot to me. Is there any Dr. in las vegas, NV willing to write like this any more? #CANCER PAIN IN VEGAS
Are there any doctors left out there that are willing to perscribe oxycodone 30mg to people that truly need them. I have been taking them for months now for my osteoarthritis in my hip, degenerative disk disease, chronic pain in my hip and back, spinal stenosis, etc. Had back surgery last year and fused my L4 & L5. Had a rod and a metal plate put in. There were complications that had happen during the surgery. The doctor was just supposed to make a small incision in my lower back to put those pieces in, so because he couldnt get to the part of my spine that he needed to for the rod, so he made a small incision on my left side and tried to get to the spine that way. Unfortunately he wasn't able to get to it, do to the fact that there was to much of the muscles that blocked his way of getting to the spine. Not to mention, but in the mists of him trying to get to the spine on my left side, he had ,cut all the nerves that are in the lower left side of my back, which in return has caused my left leg to have permanent never damage. So anyway, since he couldn't fix my back from my left side, he went into my right side. Then he was able to take care of putting the rod where it needed to go. After my recovery from that, my hip seemed to have been getting worse as the days went on. I can badly walk some days, it a struggle to get ip out of bed, if I step the wrong way my hip gives out on me and there have been times where i feel like I want to collapse to the floor. I can not lift my leg up far enough to put my socks on. It's very hard for me to bend down to pick something up off the floor. I have to walk up and down the stairs one by one, I walk with a walker(on my bad days)and use a cane the rest of the time. I have a 10yr old that I want to do so much with, and i cant because I never know if my hip will even work with me on any given day. I am not that old(44) but I feel that way(like I'm 80). I would like to be able to feel comfortable and free of pain for awaile. I know one day I will have to have surgery on my hip, just right now the timing is not d. So if there is anyone out there that could help me find that doc, I would be so appreciative for the help. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and possibly helping me with my situation.
I,m Looking to Move to Las Vegas, But would like to have a few Pain Doctors Names before i go, i,m looking for Doc that is ok with Med, Marijuana and Pain Meds, i live in Tucson,AZ and cant find a Good Caring Doc. Here, i,m on SSDI i worked Nights for 32 yrs so my Sleep is a mess, Heart , Neck, R- Leg, R-Arm,R- Foot surgery's left me in Bad Shape so i need pain meds but also Med. Marijuana , Can Anybody Please Help me out ? I have Nerve Damage from Bad Neck Surgery Right Hand and Neck Burn, My Left Foot and Right Hip only Parts of My Body that are Not painful,
You need to see Dr. grover. He is absolutely amazing and will fix you up right!!
My ex PCP always wrote me a prescription for hydrocodone, Flexeril, and Tramadol. He knew that I needed these medications from my C spine fusion and joint pains and particular all over my body especially where I had two toes amputated
Does anyone know any decent Doctors at South West Medical?
There are many doctors who will prescribe those type of pills. The only problem is they're going to send you to your Oncologist and expect them to prescribe the drugs they think will work for you.
Have you tried Neurontin? Generic name is Gabapentin. I will say that when first tried, it made me feel out of it because (simply put) the dosage was to high to start with. If you've never had some of the nerve type pain killers start low for first month. But TBH these, along with pain killers, help enormously. Without them my pain killers alone do nothing!
My nerve pain is from an old accident which caused pinched nerve in cervical, plus degenerate disc disease, plus the fact doctors no longer listen and so i walked around with a literal broken neck for 8 plus months which stretched out nerves, vocal cords and more. But Nuerotin has helped more than most doctors even try. I have a blown disc (3 to be exact one leaking against spinal column, one torn in half), was told June of 09 I'd lose my legs of not repaired within 5 years. At that time arm and neck was OOC; I insisted they go in to find what MRI want not showing.Then 6 mths later day before back surgery the surgeon dropped me as a patient. No reason (to my knowledge), none given, and can't seem to find a doctor that wants to operate on a spine that 2 other docs have already touched.
Regardless that I'm maxed out on pain meds and my quality of life sucks. I'm 45 Single mom with fybro, ddd, thyroid, high bp, and a list of stupid things if my back were better I could do more to help myself get and feel better. It's almost like docs no longer want that to happen. Do they get a kick back (payoff) when one of their patents die?
I highly doubt it, not all of that. I can't see why a dr would risk everything to prescribe all that to anyone, I don't care what your pain is from or how severe, no dr that wants to keep his license and freedom is going to prescribe you all of that at once, not here anyway. The DEA is too overbearing now, even if you got a dr to write all those prescriptions I don't think the pharmacy would fill all of them. Too much heat. I KNOW walgreens wouldn't. About 5 yrs ago the DEA started tightening the noose on opiates and the pharmacies complied, the drs got scared. The pharmacies work with the DEA to red flag "suspicious" activity whether it be prescribers or patients. The DEA has been increasingly more and more controlling, the CDC guidelines are now rules as far as the drs are concerned. They are intimidated by the DEA, they'd rather be safe than sorry. Very cautious prescribing opiates especially with benzos and somas. The drs don't want to prescribe pain meds with benzos anymore somas either. I've been on oxys, somas, and benzos my whole life since I was 13 I'm 35 now, have no history of abusing my meds or drugs, and a yr ago my dr said they wouldnt prescribe me oxys anymore unless I stopped taking my klonopin. Then they said they "dont prescribe soma anymore" started giving me tizanadine. I stopped taking my klonopin, couldnt stand the anxiety anymore, started taking xanax 3 mg a day and went to a different pain clinic. No on the soma, and they told me I could only take 1 mg MAX of whatever benzo. I went down to 1 mg ativan the dr told me NO BENZOS OF ANY KIND PERIOD. And I was on way less of everything than what you are saying you need. Let me know if you find a dr who will prescribe you pain meds while you are taking benzos, I have learned that I may have to deal with it. Good luck.
Re: Tami (# 247)
Sorry to read all you are going through. I have heard back surgery can make things worse. Then when the Dr. Finds out surgery didn't work they drop you. Are you in las Vegas?
Re: Dub2552 (# 228)
I only get 1 medication total. My doc isn't what you may be looking for. He is a family doc and will send someone to pain management. Are you still needing a doc? And you are in Vegas?
Re: dale (# 8)
I live in vegas and suffer badly with fibromyalgia degennetive dic desease and very bad arthritis. Iam only 56 yrs old and the quality of my life SUCKS!! WHY, BECUZ THERE ISNT ONE DOCTOR in this pkace that isnt runnung scarred and they just wont write for adequate pain releif. And if you find one thst does. GOODLUCK FIBDING A PHARMACY THAT WILL FILL IT OR HAVE IT. SO BEWARE YOUCE BEEN Wrned ive been going thru this for over two yrs now. And the doctors that will write dont take any insurance ANY INSURANCE CASH PAY ONLY!!
Re: BL (# 40)
The Jurani Clinic in Las Vegas is where I go for my hydrocodone. I have a herniated disc, fibromyalgia, a brain injury, arthritis in both hands and carpal tunnel.
Re: Mich17 (# 236)
I suggest you find a neurologist that specializes in headaches for your migraines. They can change your life. When I have a migraine my whole body hurts. If you need opioids then you need to see your family doctor to get a referral to a pain management MD. You must also build up a dedicated relationship with a pharmacy to make sure they keep a supply of your pain meds. If you don’t the pharmacies will ALWAYS be OUT of the type of medication you need. Like it or not this is the way the law works.
Re: Rleigh (# 250)
Yes I do same medication for years who will prescribe oxycodone 30mg thanks
Re: Buddy (# 7)
Google the pain medicine and it will tell u the company that makes it and go on their web site and download a discount card. They help a lot.
Re: Rleigh (# 250)
Hello! Yes I still need a doctor. I live in Henderson, but Vegas is okay location also. Thank you!!!
Re: Michelle (# 243)
Are you in Las Vegas? Where is Dr Grover at, in Las Vegas????
Re: Mojoworkin (# 248)
You all are being LIED TO. THE DEA HAS ZERO LAWS REGARDING THE AMOUNT OR DOSAGE that can be prescribed. Any doctor or pharmacy that tells you otherwise is LYING TO YOU. There is not a single DEA law that limits the number of pills or the dosage a doctor can prescribe. The pharmacies that tell you the DEA stopped their shipments...ARE LYING TO YOU.
Here is the deal with no lies and no BS. There is an "epidemic" of people overdosing on prescription medications in this country. So, as with any other supposed epidemic, people go bats*** crazy because poor little Jimmy accidentally killed himself by taking too many oxycodone at one time, Mommy and Daddy are heartbroken, so they are lashing out, demanding these are not so readily available and on the streets of America to save other parents from the heartache and devastation of burying one of their children. I don't want to sound like an uncaring ass here, but, I am probably just an uncaring ass. In response to the supposed "epidemic", the CDC put out an opioid prescribing guideline letter. In it, they suggest that doctors not prescribe more than 90 mg daily of any opiate morphine/morphine equivalent. What has ensued is a knee jerk backlash over-reaction response. The CDC is the center for disease control, they are not a law writing, legislative, nor law enforcement organization. They are the organization that released the stupid "GUIDELINES" that have caused all the doctors and pharmacies to react and restrict the prescribing and filling of the opioid medications.
JUST SO YOU KNOW.....DR DEBRA HOURY MD, is the MPH DIRECTOR of National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. In other words, a big shot at the CDC who had a huge hand in the guideline written and released by the CDC that has caused the mess.
SHE HERSELF, has stated that everyone is overreacting to the guideline written and it is being implemented and enforced in a manner in which the CDC never intended. Let me give you a few quotes from her letter that I happen to have a copy of:
"Patients, such as yourself, with chronic pain deserve safe and effective treatment."
"The Guideline is a set of voluntary recommendations intended to guide primary care providers as they work in consultation with their patients to address chronic pain."
"Specifically, the Guideline includes a recommendation to taper or reduce the dosage only when the patient harm outweighs the patient benefit of opioid therapy. The Guideline is not a rule, regulation, or law. It is not intended to deny access to opioid pain medication as an option for pain management. It is not intended to take away physician discretion and decision-making."
"Furthermore, CDC encourages physicians to continue to use their clinical judgment and base their treatment on what they know about their patients. It is the ultimate goal of the Guideline to ensure people who need them have access to opioids, while reducing opioid related deaths."
SO...... All this whoopla is all about nothing. The doctors and the pharmacists are all lying to all of us.
Re: Sandie (# 257)
DR Grover is still in las vegas, he was my, well supposed to be my surgeon for the triple fusion i was to have had 3 years ago, but they determined i have severe degenerative disc disease and the triple would fail as epically as the double did in 2010. Basically i was told i would be on narcotics the rest of my life and to use them as ling as i can to put off the triple fusion because it wont work. AND NOW....i am having trouble every month getting my scripts filled tyanks to the CDC guideline, even though they admit it was never written to he applied to chronic pain patients
Re: Tami (# 247)
That's exactly what my double fusion surgeon did.....what??? you have pain in your legs, you just want painkillers, there is nothing wrong with you. I am dropping you as a patient and referred me to a pain management doctor that didn't write pain pill prescriptions, nothing but 14 different kinds of psychotropic medications to trick my brain into thinking I didn't have pain. Essentially, I self-medicated for 2 years then finally got a GP who would listen to me and ordered an MRI of my entire spine to find I had:
- Severe degenerative disc disease
- the Double fusion failed
- the level above the fusion had herniated
- 14 levels with stenosis
- 3 levels with bone spurs
- a mass attached to the sciatic nerve
- 2 herniated discs in my neck
- and the list goes on and on and on....
Now, I get written the pain medication I need, and was told to use it to deal with the pain as long as I can manage it, because the only thing they can do at this point is a triple fusion, but they know that will fail as well, and don't want to do it until i can no longer manage the pain with drugs. So the problem I have...THE PHARMACY DOESNT WANT TO FILL MY SCRIPTS.... keep in mind, I have been on this exact medication and strength for over 3 years, and the same pharmacy has been filling them for all this time, from the same doctor.....NOW.... they claim they cant fill them if they aren't written by a pain management doctor. My doctor has referred me to 2 so far and both have stated.....YOU WILL GO DOWN TO 90MG A DAY, end of story. Then lie to me and state that the laws by THE CDC and DEA state no patient can be prescribed more than 90 mg a day of morphine/morphine equivalent.
ALL THAT IS A LIE... the CDC is not a legislative body...they do not write laws, nor can they enforce any laws. And the DEA has no LAWS limiting the amount, quantity, nor dosage. IT IS ALL LIES they tell us to shut us up.
I am so damn sick of people treating me like a drug seeking addict, lying to me as though i am stupid, and basically ensuring i live a life with ZERO QUALITY. This is complete bulls***.
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