Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Las Vegas Nv (Page 12)


I have mouth cancer that is very painfull and have been taking opioids/pain meds for many years. My tolerance is extremely high, so to have the meds actually work on the pain i'm needing a lot more than most. Just a guide of what i thank would help me and my history with pain meds: About 360 roxys 30mg, 180-240 lortabs 10mg, 90 morphine er mg, 150 xanax 2mgs, and 180 somas, which is not a lot to me. Is there any Dr. in las vegas, NV willing to write like this any more? #CANCER PAIN IN VEGAS

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Mexico, just make certain not to go to TJ.I hear Ensenada is ok as is Playa del Carmen.

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I have been in near constant and increasing pain for over 12 yrs. now. 52% of my spine is now fused into one piece and nerve damage is substantial. I have gone from 30 mg of Oxycodone 4X day to 20 mg 3X day. Not bad for doing it by myself but can go no lower as they are going to have to cut me open again. My 13th procedure. Need help now as my last pain management physician just quit their practice. This will be my only post ... only one option left open to me. There will be no 13th procedure.

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Hi can you tell me where you went? My pain management doctor just stopped all of my medication and now I have absolutely nothing. I feel like this is so wrong. I have been on medication for the last 6 years.

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Discount cards have been so helpful. You have to try multiple cards. I finally got my med down from 1300 to 380.

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Hi I'm looking for a pain management Dr in Las Vegas. Do you know of one?

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Any chance you can help. Not an abuser. Just in severe pain

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Buddy can you please tell us his name. We don't care about insurance or cash. Us chronic pain sufferers just need help. PLEASE!!

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To Leigh, where do u go to get your medicine? Can you please help us with some information

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If you need pain medication go see Dr Martin Scott in Las Vegas.

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I too, share a similar problem. Hopefully I can be of assistance to you. At any rate, I am physiologically dependent on opioid/opiates narcotic analgesics. Like you, I have severe spinal injuries resulting from a NVA and sustained 4 c-spine stenosis and 2 herniated disks as well as 3 L-spine severe disk injuries (2 stenosis) with 1 herniated at L5. I take methadone 50mg every 12 hours with oxycodone 30 mg every 4 hours as needed. I had to withdraw from med school in 1994 due to unrelated reasons but have encyclopedic knowledge on how to assist you with your dilemma. First, it must be noted, the epidemic of opioid abuse is reaching critical mass in the contiguous United States. I'm willing to bet that 90% of all the readers of this posting are unaware of this following fact: "90% of all the world's opioids are consumed in the US alone!". Imagine that?! Anyway, due to ****s like Prince; Michael Jackson and other irresponsible addicts- the US government is making it increasingly difficult for physicians to prescribe schedule-2 drugs. I don't want to appear patronizing here but many people do not know how controlled substances are classified so I shall explain. There are 6 categories 1-6; schedule-1 are drugs that have no medicinal value nor use.

C-2 drugs are the strongest of all the medical drugs. Here's a few examples: Demerol; oxymorphone; oxycodone; morphine; FENTANYL (keep away from this one - it will KILL you!) and schedule 3 is codeine, fiorinal and similar low-end opioids. Until recently, hydrocodone was amongst this group but because many addicts started their addiction with lortab; Vicodin and Norco- the AMA directed the US FDA to this fact and these drugs (hydrocodone) were monitored just like FENTANYL! Personally, I find hydrocodone to be far too weak a opioid to enter the same orbit as oxymorphone and oxycodone as well as methadone. The DEA monitors all schedule II drug prescriptions and, trust me, as a physician - I find the monitoring of hydrocodone (a hydrogenated ketone of CODEINE) a joke. I feel that the DEA pays little to no attention to this aforementioned opioid also. Surely, the elevation of hydrocodone to C II accomplishes NOTHING! It belongs to C III where it can be telephoned in to a pharmacy and also refilled up to 7 times. It should be noted that all C 2 drugs are NOT refillable and cannot be called in by a practitioner to a pharmacy except in 24 hour supplies and even then - a written RX must be sent to the dispensing pharmacy.

In my unshakable opinion, the opioid problems will only worsen and the government is making it much more difficult for Doc's to treat patients whom become tolerant to narcotic meds. The epidemic of opioid abuse should be treated, in both my personal and professional opinion, by education and pill counting performed by prescribing physicians office/pharmacy or another venue. Additionally, Narcan should be given to every patient on opioid medications to ensure the immediate treatment for an accidental overdose and this will dramatically cut mortality rates across the board. Additionally, naloxone (NARCAN) should be sold OTC (over the counter) since it can't kill a person and is not able to be abused. If this was done - death rates from opioid addicts alone would drop by 80-90%! If the government continues it's assaults on doctors, pharmacies and other venues of health care industry - all that will happen is exactly what already happened when the FDA/DEA attacked Purdue pharmaceutical company and forced it to reconfigure the delivery system in oxycontin: 69-85% of all the users ran straight to illicit drugs! This will DEFINITELY happen again but at much greater numbers! It is IMPOSSIBLE to STOP the influx of illicit drugs because of the HUGE PROFITS INVOLVED. Additionally, if the government continues it's assaults on the legal opioid industry and prescribers- the death and crime rate will increase by historical numbers.

Instead of 80 overdoses a month.....the United States will see 8-10,000 a week within the next 5-10 years! This is not a unique opinion- IT'S A MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY! As for your question about a pain doctor: Steven Holper, MD on Charleston blvd will prescribe copious amounts of oxy, if you are already on it and especially if u are an attractive female! He's a coke user but don't mention it to him and his weakness is big breasts and white, blonde, women! In the interim, you can increase the effects of opioids by preventing the stomach from destroying half of all oral opioid potencies by taking 200 mg of tagamet (cimetadine) available over the counter. Take 200-400 mgms 1 hour prior to taking the pain meds.. Also, drink only grapefruit juice as it contains an enzyme that blocks the metabolic process performed by the liver. There are other drugs that aid in this process and I suggest you Google them. HIV protease inhibitors; Erythromycin (antibiotics) are 2 of many. Be careful and don't abuse the knowledge....

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WTF... you had me going with your knowledge regarding opiates/opioids.... but after reading your recommendation and review of the physician I am certain that the majority of your intelligent posting was copied and pasted. Why would you refer anyone to a Coke abusive sexist? So reckless!

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Hi can you tell me who you are referring to in your post about who would prescribe more?

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DOES dr. Scott prescribe opiods liberally? I am on 100mg morphine 3x a day and up to 12 30 mg oxycodone a day. I just got a call from my pharmacy that they can no longer fill my scripts because my GP was writing them and not a pain mgmt doctor

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When you post "opioid abuse" you are lumping in illicit opiates. Those numbers have proven to be more than 2 million off even when including illegal drug users.

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Amanda, would that be Dr. Martin Scott @ Asm ortho?

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Hello, my name's Michelle. I just moved here to Clark County Nevada. I am having such difficulties finding a Doctor who will not look at me as a drug seeker. I just turned 65. I am still crippled from a femur broken in three places late 2015. Cronic migraines as well. Could you recommend a compassionate doctor for me? I would so very much appreciate it!!!

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Correction on my recent post. I can not take any medicine for pain like imetri as that medicine caused me to have heart surgery summer of 2016. DOES ANYONE KNOW A COMPASSIONATE DOCTOR HERE IN CLARK COUNTY NV? THANK YOU!!!!!

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Looking for a doc who will prescribe meds. I have osteoarthritis in my hip. Have to have total hip replacement. The current doc I had stopped taking alot of his patients. Was notified in the mail that he no longer would be my physician and that I would have to find another physician to help me with my medical needs. Can anyone please help me find a doc the will see me and perscribe the meds that I was getting from my recent doc.

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Did he cut you off cold turkey or a rapid taper and what %... 5% for long-term user aka legacy or...

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Try Dr. Jeremy Lipshutz. He may be able to help you. He is a pain Dr. My .other recently started seeing.

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