Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 244)
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I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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Hey Mac do you anything that pain management place call unified cuz my dr wants me just 2 go see him just 2 make sure im on the rite meds or if i need to move up morphine cuz we switch me again im still on percoxet 20mg 6 a day percocet 10/325 for break threw pain

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Beth im not sure what type of pain meds you ir your husband need but you can also try Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine they work for you and do whats best for you just make sure any pain management you choosw 2 go 2 bring all paperwork you have including mri xrays n write down all meds

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Honestly I haven't heard of that. Maybe you're just lucky to not have the withdrawals. i used many psychedelics in my teens and I withdrawal if I stop taking my meds. So If you don't go through them, take that and run with it!!! Lol. Best of luck to you.

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i forgot to add my total time on opiates was 6 years of daily use..
ending dose was 4 x 10mg IR opana.. and only after surgeries did i opt to take the 20 mg ER but only for a month while i healed up and sometimes i was still have most of the bottle left..

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thanks for the replies.. and i may check it out if i cannot handle my back pain. But i have stopped opana all together and its been a little over three days without a single opiate.. now i was with a doctor that allowed me to manage my pain i only took the Opana IR 10mg when i was in pain.. i was not on a schedule besides up to 4 times a day.. now i cannot sleep on opiates and i have a ton of sleep issues but only use natural stuff like Melatonin.. So.. here is the crazy part i don't have any detox symptoms .. still 0 cravings and even my back pain isn't bothering me right now but i have been taking Advil.. I have never had an addiction besides as a teenager i couldn't get enough self satisfaction lets say.. not really an addiction but more like the thing to do when i was board.. any way i have used a lot of different psychedelics through out my life.. and i'm wondering if anyone has heard of people that don't detox? i figure ill wait till day five before i consider this a win.. but im shocked.. i have detoxed from the following Ambien ir and CR,Roserem, lunesta, they were horrible... i also detoxed from Xanax as in 4mg at night to sleep with ambien and about 1 mg 3 to 4 times a day for anxiety... pretty much the worst detox i have ever been through.. and Neuronitn and Lyrica was horrible along with cymbalta... but switching to 5htp and then L-Tryptophan saved my from the detox of evil SSRI's and now i can stop the L-Trytophan without any symptoms.. So i am experienced in detox and now i'm just waiting for opana to kick my butt... so far nothing.. no diarrhea or anything.. I checked the Bluelight Ru The junkie forum and i'm not seeing anyone that has had horrible detox symptoms they all say day 3 was the worst from an abrupt stop. reason i stopped was it was making my headache worse and i couldnt handle it being worse than it is.. so i jumped off the train so to speak.. so far so good. and i'm not here to brag or to say addiction is a myth.. just wondering if anyone has heard of people not going through detox of opana?

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MAC868, Thanks so much. I could use DR. Mays first name, if you know it. Would the Clinics name be Colorado Pain Relief here in Ducan Ok? I know it's legal but I'm after pain relief, something that works good. Like a good cocktail, my nerves are so messed up. I went yesterday to OK City to see my WC Doctor, I told he that my life is bring affected, he puts me on celexa. Said it's a nerve pill...yeah right, right? Anyway, bless you and everyone of us the are in chronic pain. I gonna call him, but need to get his first name and the Clinics name. Thanks so much, you're being very helpful. Good will follow you :)

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Atom, I think you have to accept that if you're in this forum, you probably won't ever be fixed. It's called chronic pain for a reason. You are lucky medical marijuana is legal in your state. You might want to look into getting a grow card, and then once you're set up, you can grow your own customized strain.

I too was a high paying executive until I could no longer do the job. I hope your company provides long-term disability for you. I have found that with every back surgery or procedure I have had, while it may (temporarily, in some cases) fix the problem, it often brings with it new problems like scar tissue and nerve damage. Make sure you get a second opinion from a doctor who is NOT a surgeon! Surgeons want to cut; of course their opinion is to have surgery and make it seem like your only option.

Good luck!

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Since many doctors who prescribe narcotics are having to jump through hoops for the DEA, they are very paranoid. Even though I have a chronic pain condition and a pain plan that was working, my doctor in SC is chipping away wherever he can. But he's generous with the fentanyl patches, which is good. He prescribes 15 patches to change every 48 hours with Oxy 10/325 for breakthrough. I will apply the new patch and keep the first on for the extra day, since it takes 6-8 hours for the new patch to kick in.

Anyway, in your situation, your doctor should be willing to help you find a new doctor and give you a referral. When I moved here from CA, I had to get all my records and imformation sent from my doctor in CA before they would see me; they would only see someone with a diagnosed condition. Unless you're workers comp and then they are happy to see you and ride that gravy train as long as possible! But that's another post for another day.

So get all your records and a letter from your doctor stating that he is changing the scope of his practice and you will need continuation of care. It is his responsibility not to leave you high and dry.

You are not near a university or hospital affiliated with a pain clinic? I know doctor shopping (the right kind) really sucks and have been treated like a junkie drug-seeker as has just about anyone who regularly deals with the system to get narcotics I need to get out of bed.

Good luck!

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They block numbers on here. But it's Colorado Pain Relief, Dr. May or P.A. Jose Vasquez. I just pray to God above that the clinic sticks around and isn't snuffed out by the DEA. I hope you and your husband can find some relief. The people who abuse all this stuff need to knock it off if we're ever going to get back to how it was.

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I live here in Enid Ok and my poor Husband of in bad shape. Could you please help us by telling me the Doctors name and the name of his office. God bless you. I hate that people have to hurt so much. I am in disabling pain as well. I'm on workmanship comp and see a Pain rehabilitation Doctor in the Ok. City area...but he only does WC cases. We both need a nice Doctor that not treating you like a druggie. So frustrating. Thanks in advance. I hope you still receive this message, this has been about a year ago you wrote this. Oh, and P.S After me case is over, we plan to move to Colorado around the Denver area. My husband lived there with his Dad many years ago and loved it and has always wanted to go back...I'm a for it. But, I am afraid I won't be able to find a just might be able to put those fears to rest :) I can give you number if they allow that. Peace and happiness always <3

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Do you know of any in Denver?

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Arthur I would help but I don't know of any down in Pueblo area.

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It's legal. I had a card and they didn't even ask to see it. And now that it's legal for everyone 21 and over so I doubt they will give you any problems. Call them first and ask just to be sure but I come up positive every month and don't have issues.

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I'm in Colorado, I'm going to make an appointment with CPR. My doctor moved and the doctor that took over was a jerk.. so like all of you, I am starting all over.

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ATOM- I asked that when I made my appointment. I was told that it was ok and they look more at things like coke...

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I am having problems receiving pain medication, I have degenerative disk disease, herniated disks, am aarthiritix spine, I have pain in my neck and both my knees, I have had five surgeries on my left knee, I have a bad rotator cuff, surgery on my left elbow. All I am receiving is 5/325 oxycodones a total of 60, this is not enough to last me a me a month. I cannot find a pain Dr in Pueblo which is where I live but I also can't drive 3.5 hours to see them especially for only for a such a small amount of pain medication and such a low dosage. I am only 45 yrs old and I've already had back surgery. I feel I am not being taken seriously. I hope you can help.

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I honestly don't know about the THC! I would expect if u r honest, tell them this combo works, there wouldn't b an issue since it's legal! U can always call and ask! It's sure worth trying !

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I was In a drunk driving crash about 3 years ago. I was on 3- 30 mg oxys a day. When I moved back to Denver I found a great doctor that truly cared. All I told her was what my history was and what meds I was on and she filled them for me.she refilled my meds twice before I had to see her face to face again. When I saw her again she made me drop a ua. It came back dirty. So I was not allowed to come back to get my meds again. I found another doctor and told her the truth about what had happened at my other doctor. She told her me to take a ua before she can give me anything it took them almost 2 weeks to see that I was clean. I was in so much pain it made me want to do street drugs again but I didn't I waited. She finely give me 20 vic 5s that said not to take more then 2 a day. I spent 125 bucks to see her and wAited for two weeks for meds that didn't help at all. Then they sent me names of doctors that could help and that my doctor couldn't help...I need a doctor to help sobadly!!! I just want the same rx I had before... I will never drop a dirty ua again I've been hurting so bad with out my meds... help???

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Hello all, It looks like i may be in the same boat as some of you... i dont like Oxycodone or hydrocodone. Opana is one of the meds that work for me with out any side effects like constipation or and over abundance of euphoria. it just allows me to be good enough to get up and move around.. I have back issues and chronic headaches most likely caused from IVIG infusions while i had a concussion from falling in their parking lot one year.. We have literally tried everything my back issues are in the mid back and they told me the surgery was too dangerous and even if it was successful i would still most likely be in pain. i'm on full disability and now my doctor for many years has quit. i have many other doctors to try but i'm covering all my bases.. Extended release is fine but at night i cannot sleep on them and have many sleep issues and i no longer take any type of RX sleeping meds or anxiety meds like benzos... i was on 4mg of xanax to sleep... when that stopped working they added ambien cr... they all stopped working even with multiple combos of sleeping meds and i went off them and detoxed.. it was crappy but i got off those since it was just waste of money and was only doing more harm than good... now its just the opana and migraine meds along with medial marijuana and now since its legal in Colorado i didnt renew my card.. not that its much of pain to renew but it did save me 35.00. So if im honest with Colorado Pain Relief like i am with all my doctors am i going to waste the 200.00 when i come up positive for THC? its been 5 almost 6 years now that i have been on Opana. i prefer the IR but will take the ER.

I have a ridiculous amount of medical records as i had some great insurance and i tried like hell to be fixed.. I seen so many different doctors in hopes of being well.. but during that time i was only prescribed pain meds by my main doctor but referred to surgeons and neurologist i would rather have my life back and willing to do the dangerous surgery in hopes of being fixed.. i'm middle aged if that matters.. i also had a high paying job where i was treated like a king.. they even worked with me until the end when i had to step down do to my illness.

so out of all that... Too Long Didn't Read.. Can you come up positive for THC at the CPR Clinic? and they would still help you. i have real doctors recommendations for marijuana.

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Brynn, I really feel for you. I to had trouble with the 401K with losing so much. The medications are made to be so expensive we can hardly afford it or can't afford it at all at times. I just don't understand why they are so cruel to make it so hard for sick people who can hardly function because of their Chronic intractable pain. The Goverment employees don't care because their health plans are so good plus when you have a big name you can't get any type of health problem taken care of. Its a sin they make things so tough for the regular hard working people. Brynn, I understand your conern. I wish it gets easier for all of us one day! People in pain and people that are sick should be taken good care of in this United states of America. It's really getting to be so sad out there. Brynn, take care and I wish you the best. Thorsen.

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