Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 12)


I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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Absolutely Rob! You're most welcome. I had an appt today too and he didn't drop me down or anything. He actually increased my methadone by one per day. He is an awesome doctor. He actually cares about his patients being able to live a semi normal life. I heard from Amanda today that the PA is not very liked by most people so we'll see. But if she tries to drop me down I'm going to say this is Dr. May's setup for me and I'm not having it changed by the PA. but ya, I knew this nonsense about him being shut down is BS. he does everything by the book and they have started dropping a ton of people that aren't willing to move away from the 30mg Oxys. That's a red flag right there that they won't even try to do XR Oxy and only the instant release or ANY other pain meds. You should be willing to try whatever may help. And not say "I can only take 30mg oxy and nothing else". I just don't buy that garbage and Dr. May stopped buying it as well. But it makes me happy I could help. I know how it is to be in a bad position, stressing out just wanting a compassionate doc to help you live a semi normal life. I hope they are controlling your pain well!!

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I have just read this whole thread and it is with cautious optimism that I am considering trying CPR and Dr. May. I have been through hell in the last 4 years and have nearly lost everything because of my pain and limitations. I have a primary care Dr. and she has wanted me to see a pain mgmt specialist for quite a while, but I haven't been able to find one.

My concern is that my tests and records are 4 years old and she won't do any new tests. My situation is complicated by the fact that I am a gastric bypass patient and so I cannot take any kind of extended release meds, I can't take any nsiads, and I have severe issues with nausea from narcotics. I also have major nerve pain from a reconstructive surgery to remove 16 lbs of excess skin following a 200lb weight loss. I was on dilaudid, norcos, morphine, gabapentin, lyrica, and even tried suboxone out of desperation to show that I was willing to do ANYthing to be compliant. I ended up on my death bed because my pain was so debilitating that I couldn't walk, eat, and go to the bathroom. Aside from an MRI that showed degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, and a few bulging discs four years ago, I have had no further testing. I am not a Dr. and I don't know what testing to ask for, but I know that my pain is extreme and I would like a better understanding of what is causing it and how to manage it. I have done physical therapy, heat/cold therapy, pain rubs and sprays, and multiple types of meds. I am also bipolar, and so the meds like lyrica and cymbalta caused suicidal ideation (scary for sure!). My Dr. now has me on 5 10mg oxy ir's a day and I would say they take me to about 30% functional. I have never been on anything stronger than the 10's, but I know that as long as I take an anti-nausea medication with them, they have been the best tolerated out of all of the things I have tried so yes, I would like to try what has worked a little, but at a stronger dose. I dont want to go in there and say "I want 15 or 30 mg oxy's" and get red flagged, but I don't want to be put through taking things that didn't work again, just to prove i am not an abuser. The only other thing that seems like it would be better to me, would be a patch, because it bypasses the absorption and nausea issues associated with my gastric bypass, but I don't know. I am scared of going to a Dr. that will not take the time to listen to my entire history, or that will see that I was on suboxone and label me an abuser without understanding why that happened and that it was really bad for me. I want desperately to get up to say 60% functional, or MORE, if possible, but I am so scared of losing the 30% I have gained, and I don't even know how many Dr. appointments and tests I can handle with my current pain level. I have no problems with ua's. I have never abused anything and I want to get to the bottom of my condition.

Ideally I would go to a Dr. that will help me get my pain under control with meds that I can tolerate, and then will guide me, as far as testing and alternative procedures (blood work, mri, injections, even surgery) to see if there is any part of my pain that can be further diagnosed or cured, and then will work to treat that which is not curable.

Sorry for rambling, but I have felt so alone and frustrated by the treatment I have received over these last 4 years. I dont understand how people who dont work and dont need their meds, can get huge prescriptions and then turn around and sell them, but people with legitimate pain are getting treated like junkies and suffering because of the people abusing and selling thier meds.

I am 34 and I just want to be treated with compassion and to have a medical professional who is willing to help me, without assuming that I cannot possibly hurt as much as I do, or that I am "too young," and I don't want to be doped up on such high amounts of narcotics, that the drowsiness and nausea consume me.

My current Dr. terminated me from pain meds a few years back, because I told her that the diluadid was too strong and was causing me to nod off while I was watching my daughter. She gave me 30 days notice to find pain mgmt and I couldn't find one. I ended up on suboxone because she didn't wean me off the dilaudid, and it was only after nearly dying that she realized I needed the pain meds. She is willing to continue the 10's, but she says I need a specialist ASAP. I agree, but I am so scared of being belittled by a pain Dr. with a big ego that thinks everyone is just a junkie that should be on suboxone.

I appreciate ANY feedback from all of you with experience. I feel like I am literally in a fight for my life. I have considered ending my life because of the pain. I have considered finding a new home for my kids because I just can't function like this anymore and they deserve a 100% mom. I am willing to try ANYTHING to get my life back. I just want a Dr. that realizes that my future is in their hands and doesn't take that lightly.

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Yes Dr. May is really a nice guy and is really controlling my pain well. I also think that him getting shut down is a bunch of BS. He dose go by the book and and really listins to his patience and understands what his patience are going thru. He also knws how to deal with people in a verry perfesinol way. I can't see why he would ever get shut down. Like you said he is awesom Dr. Thanx again Mac now I can get back to being on the fild and on the wrestling mat with my kids agian. Befor I use to have sit on a chair and cheer em on. Now I can be rite by them standing and walking well I cheer my kids on that means a lot to me. My kids will really appreciate it as well. I can't wait to go to there games this saterday. The last two months have been really hard with that other Dr. Dropping my dose so much. I really strugeld the last two months. My wife my kids and I are truly thankful for you and Dr. May I finly got my life back it's great.

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Thanks tammy!!!! Oh wait I wasn't. :(

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I'm so happy for you Rob!!!! I lost my sister and have a niece and nephew so it means a lot to me to hear that you're now able to really be a part of your kids lives!!!! I hope everything continues to go well and I will always try to help in any way I can. Much love brother.

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Did you go to the doctors? Which ones were helpful in perceiving what you need?

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What is the name of the doctor you found? I really need to find someone. Thanks

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Shawna try dr. May he is very compationate and I am a little younger than you. He is with colorado pain relief in wheat ridge he will work with you and help you get your life back I promise he would never belittle you or anything just give them a call and they will let you know what they need and set up a appointment and soon be on your way back to your life as pain free as possible. Everyone will always have some pain but that is good for chronic pain So if it changes you know if something else is wrong but you just need to at least be able to function and not be bed ridden That us not a life. I hope all goes well and you feel better soon. Let us know how things go.

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I'm so sorry you have had such a horrible time! I hadn't read your post before and didn't realize that really no one answered your questions! There are many different possibilities for the pain you are having! I'm sorry but it seems to be your primary care maybe part of your issue! Yes, she's trying to help but without really finding the reason for your pain or helping you get into a Pain Management appointment she really isn't much help! Many Pain Management Dr's require a "Consult" from your primary or they won't see you! I myself got caught in that rut, which is when I turned to this forum! Many here have suggested Dr May, from what I can find out he is qualified and very caring! There are also other Dr's out there and this is where your primary should be helping and I maybe wrong but I believe they are required to assist you in getting and appointment and covering your meds until such an appointment is made! Many true pain management folks, like myself, could not make it a day and be functional, so don't get down on yourself, you need some help! Also don't worried about being called an "addict" for trying suboxone, it is a legitimate form of pain control! My pain is mostly spine related, with a cardiac arrest to boot and my Dt focuses mostly on spine issues but there are others qualified Dr's like Dr May out there to help you, you will need help from your primary because most of the Dr's do require a referral, it helps them weed out who's for real and make sure that they have had an appropriate work up done before being labeled a pain patient! I'd first have a talk with your primary, get a referral if you can and if you can't there are websites that provide lists of Dr's, I believe if you follow this thread you will see two! That's where I found my Dr! I was in the same situation as you a few weeks ago and through this web, I did find someone, who I feel good about working with but that was after a referral and two Er visits! Keep your chin up and if you need help finding that thread, just write back and I'll help you find it! Take care!

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What you need to do is go into Dr. May, although he might want to write you fentanyl or something on top of the oc because they treat chronic pain with long acting and a few breakthrough. So go into him, see what he has to say, and I would also make an appointment with a neurosurgeon or someone like that on the side to be referred to try some steroid injections and things like that. I got SI joint injections on Tuesday and my ass has been KILLING ME since, but they do take at least 3 days to work. So I should be feeling better by tomorrow. But you're going to need to see multiple doctors (not for meds but for a complete view of your issues and if there are any solutions). Try Dr. RajPal in Boulder Neurosurgeon Associates. Its Check them out and see if he has good suggestions as to what to do. He was the one that recommended injections although he didn't say one word about the meds I'm on so I don't think he is anti-medeication. Good doctors want you to have your pain under control but also to searching for the solution to the pain instead of simply dumbing it down with meds. Trust me, I know all about God complex doctors. I met about a dozen "pain management doctors" that wouldn't hear a word I said. But as of now with Dr. May I'm ok with my pain. Still there but not as bad. Just keep your head up and talk to them. He is pretty understanding and he is a very kind man who will listen as opposed to just talking over you.

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I would like to know your doctor 's name if you would share. My doctor retired. I had been with him for more than 8 years. My pain has been controlled very well for most of that time so I don't wish to change the current protocol. I obviously have records to show exactly what I've discussed. I feel like I'm hanging out on a limb. Help please.

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Jadegold just read thru the comments his name is on here.

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I am going to moving to co and I need a new doc. The one that I go to now said he cant give me a doc in co. if anyone know a good one let me know.

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People scroll through the thread you will see the doctors nane/names instead of asking. We keep getting asked for the docs name but I am pretty sure its on this thread about 100 times.

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Martin, you should look for the form to ask the administrators of this website to allow us to communicate through email. I emailed them and this is what they said.

Thank you for your message. We edit out personal contact information for privacy reasons, so if the other user sends us a message giving permission for us to release that information then we can work on facilitating direct contact.

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Thanks I found the name. My case is complicated by the fact that until recently my pain was "unknown origin " . Now that the FDA has recalled the pelvic mes that was implanted years ago people (family ) have stopped trying to tell me it's in my head. Thanks everyone foe all comments.

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Can you please e-mail me the name of your dr?

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Kristy, just look on the forum. You should read through the forum before asking that. :)

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Would love to know your Dr's name. Just moved to CO, and I need to find good doctor. Contact: {edited for privacy}. Cheers!

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Hey Tammy can you email me or text me some more info on this clinic. I have gotta get there asap. I need someone who understands. I have a prosthetic arm, and 2 fused vertebraes in my spine. And major brain and nerve damage on the whole left side of my body

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