Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medicine In Arkansas (Page 3)
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I am located in Arkansas near Little Rock and I need to find a doctor willing to prescribe pain medicine. Please help if you know of any doctors in my area. Thank you.
I have been to one medical board meeting and it was horrible. They acted like they were God and know exactly what anybody's pain level was and exactly what would take care of it and you couldn't convince them otherwise. Bass doctors have spent years and years going through school only for some prick to tell them their idea of what the prescription suggestions are.
The limitations may be "suggestive" from the CDC and the DEA but I've been to the medical board meetings and I've seen the medical board use these "suggestive" dosages as the new guidelines. Physicians are being hauled up to the board by the truck loads because now that the Arkansas Prescription Monitoring Program records every controlled prescription the can see with the click of a mouse who is prescribing what. So I would caution you of falling victim to the language the CDC and or DEA uses as they know exactly what they are doing. Like everything else in life the bad ones screw it up for the good ones and their is a war on drugs because of the overprescribing of pain medication and these "suggestive" guidelines the CDC recently handed down are anything but suggestive as the power trippers at the medical board use them as the gospel when going after physicians. I know because I've seen it time and time again. Some of the physicians deserve to be hauled up but many are innocent physicians trying to offer relief to their patients and are included in a witch hunt to scare physicians away from prescribing pain medication. The medical board wants the CDC Guidelines followed and if you don't believe me go to a medical board meeting or better yet get the minutes from the pain management board and see what the leader of that board says consistently and then you will see the reality of the situation
Since my last message, I've done research and also emailed the CDC and DEA. Both returned emails saying they weren't calling on doctors to kill us. They said that they were here to help detour new patients and doctor shoppers etc. that the limititations were suggestive. Now, either what they are returning to me is an email to indirectly point the finger other ways or they have a different set of regulations they sent the doctor. Cause I know my doctor and his face almost went white and changed subject when I said I have copies of emails directly to me saying what I've been saying. He looked almost scared. He knows me he knows my situation but, he is scared to prescribe.
I've had 3 back surgeries, broke my upper back and have constant nerve pain radiating down my left leg. I'm in extreme constant pain and am seeking Dr that will prescribe fentanyl patches in Arkansas.
I need a pain doctor who will help with my meds. I have degenerative disc disease. Also I have had brain surgery. Also I got hit by a semi in May. I have been on meds since 91. But all these doctors think everyone is an addict. Can anyone assist me in finding a doctor who will prescribe meds? I live in Siloam springs, AR.
I don't feel comfortable discussing what I'm prescribed but I can tell you Dr. Jeanne Murphy is a diamond in the rough. She is kind and listens to me. Never dismissive. I don't feel like a number like everywhere else. She has a small practice and doesn't want a large practice. Everywhere I have been has been the opposite. Herd you like cattle and maximizing their return on you and spending 2 minutes with you and no bed side manner. Little Rock Pain Management is the best and if you have a real problem they will help.
Jill if you don't mind me asking what kind of medication does Dr. Murphy prescribe?
If u don't mind me asking what kind of meds did Dr. Murphy prescribe you?
I find it horrible in America where you can buy alcohol as much as needed. But, when you've been put into a category where pain runs your day and you refuse to be put on disability but, due to FDA restrictions I can't get the pain medication to get me through my work day.
I was on 7 30's a day, then cut to 3, then last visit put on 25 mg fetenyl patches and 2 roxy 10's a day. Idk what to do.
I would also like some info. Last year I was robbed and shot by two young males. I almost lost my leg. I'm left with extreme pain and I have to work. I also work long hours. I was taking 5 roxicodone 30's a day. Now at my last visit my doctor cuts me to two a day when 5 was hard to make it through. How am I supposed to feed my family? Any input on that would be great. Thank you.
Which Doctor are you talking about Linda? You said "she" and its cash only. Are you talking about Arkansas Pain Management?
arkansas is the worse. i am forced to see dr tilley in mt. home and he is a disgrace! a pitiful excuse for a dr. he lies to his patients because he is a spineless coward, and tries to force his patients to take lidocaine injections which are very expensive and rarely work. he has done nothing at all to help me in any way in a year n a half now except decrease my pain meds by 75% and hes talking about 100 morphine units or the equivalent of now. hes a corporate yuppie that runs his clinic like an assembly line.
What dr are you talking about? I'll pay cash. I don't mind. I groom dogs and have horrid problems.
I am in Jonesboro, ar and I need pain meds. I was on 10 mg hydros for 2 years and now the dr is retiring. Are there any dr's here that will prescribe it?
I need to find a Dr pain Dr due to a bad car wreck a while back that broke my neck 2 or 3vertabrates and crushed 2 and had surgery had to have it fused bk together and a titanium rod in my neck also messed up my back anyway I also have bad anxiety my chest hurts Sun-Times I got a pain Dr In Fayetteville Arkansas that does write both but he is about to retire so idn wat to do?, so anyone who can help me out if they know a good Dr in the Fayetteville area who will prescribe both I would greatly appreciate it thank u
I know your question is about doctors, but this is advice on the medicine itself, if your insurance or you can afford name brand, do so. I have been on vicoprofen for 12 years now and have been from name brand to many generics. I've noticed slot of the generics are slot weaker. I finally found a pharmacist that would tell me the truth. Generics only have to be within 20% +- of the original formulas. I'm sorry, but minus 20% on someone's pain meds is quite a bit when you're in pain. Just IMHO a little unsolicited advice. Good luck with your treatment, hope yours gets better instead of like mine which got worse over the years especially after surgery.
Hi Amanda,
I'm trying very hard to find a Dr in NWArkansas. You said Dr. Diodone is great! Please tell me more about your experience with this dr.
Going insane in pain since leaving Austin. Lol!
Thank you!
S. Rogers
I've been in chronic pain for 20 years and have largely been unsatisfied with my providers but for the past two years I have been seeing Little Rock Pain Management Clinic. Dr. Murphy is without a doubt the best doc I've ever had she is very compassionate and easy to tak with
Im in the same boat as you I seen a pain specialist for 3 1/2 yrs and had all kinds of injections that didnt work for me and my pain so he prescribed me vicoprofen and I just moved to ark and I have been to 2 diffrent pain specialists in Jonesboro and they read my medical history and even acknowledged my pain but pretty much ssid they wouldnt prescribe me any narcotic pain medication bc im to young .. im 28 . Idk what to do all they want to do is stick me with needles that dont benefit me idk where to turn to .. if anyone knows of someone I can go to im my area plz plz lmk
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