Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication Portland Oregon (Page 8)


suffering from cronic headaches and neck pain due to a variety of events

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Who is this dr? Name and address? And does he/she really address needs? Thank you!

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Back pain looking for pain medication I was injured on the job it's a permanent injury bulging disc

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I keep hearing everyone say we chronic patients need to be heard. Problem is all everyone is doing is. Talking to one another it's getting us no where need to call senators governors Congress the white house because it's going to get worse

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I agree with you but we must realize the days of old when narcotics are prescribed as a first line of defense for pain relief will never be revisited. There's far too much scientific evidence to state that opiate/opiod meds may cause more damage then help for LONG TERM chronic pain sufferers . True pain relief is a multi disciplinary field that augments medication with other forms of pain control. Independently niether is effective. Keeping an open mind when treated by QUALIFIED PAIN SPECIALISTS THAT UTILIZE ALL MODEMS AMD PROTOCOLS WILL SERVE US, THE LEGIT CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS BEST.

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You should go to the doctor and your employer should pay. They may give you a small supply of pain medication, but with all these new laws it's difficult to find significant relief.

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Employers paying ( workmanship compensation cases ) Are notoriously the most difficult to receive ANYTHING!!NOT a good suggestion to follow unless there is NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE available

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I WAS REFERING TO GRANT. you seem like one of those "wish your pain away people". WC is the law. My guess is you don't have an insurance license.

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I agree but chronic pain patients that don't abuse their meds and do try alternate treatment should not have their meds taken away if what they are doing is working.I am lucky my Dr really cares about me and my individual situation. I feel for patients who were being treated and taken care of then just abandoned by their dr.

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Hi can I ask which doc is helping you with your pain I have fibromyalgia and don't use anything for anxiety but my pain is unbearable. Thanks!

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It seems most doctors have quit listening...I had a doctor tell me recent that the doctors are no longer in control...that the "Government" I'd now in control

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Any chance one of those drs could be Dr. Eric Dover?

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Are you talking to about wishing pain away I don't know why you would say that to me

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I don't know what's wrong with this state, it's a very liberal state... What state are you from?... but I do know a thing or two wrong with the anti-opioid pain medication situation currently. The short story; The VA was investigated, 3+/- years ago. 1 discovery; VA Docs were RXing way 'too many' opioid pain killers. The Shrinks & drug companies got involved saying, often the pain is in the patients head, prescribe anti-depressants. As a result, our Federal Congress passed a law restricting the VA from prescribing 'too much' opioid medication. Now even civilian Docs are refusing to RX opioids and are (over) prescribing the hugely more expensive and, according to a Shrink I met, 20% more addictive Psych drugs, rather than opioids! The Vets are not getting better care only different pills, as are we, the public. The VA is STILL not taking 'good' care of our Vets! I don't know what to do about this, either. Write letters, lots of them... spend the postage. It may be an interesting statistic to compare trafficking of illegal drugs since this law went into effect. But this IS a scam, from the highest levels. Congress had no business passing such a law, in effect, forcing people onto Psych Drugs. It really does make me wonder what they're up to and I am NOT a conspiracy theorist, but... this stinks? And for sure it's a money making deal for the Drug companies and who else?

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We patients that truly need pain meds for valid reasons and don't abuse them need to start calling our congress men and the white house, we need to start making noise. Congress is including people with illicit drug problems dying from overdose on chronic pain. We need to use our voices every where to be heard. They are not differentiating between real pain patients and addicts. Basically the government is controlling our care. I am lucky I have an amazing Dr. but instead of complaining to each other we need to get groups together in every area which is every state and city, we need to start writing letters and calling as this is going to get worse. Remember congress works for us. We need organizers who are willing.

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What doctor do you see I'm looking for my heart failure husband will has a Heart pump and is not bring treated right the ones who abuse the system have made it so hard for him thanks

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Not all doctors are left-wing wack jobs. You are dealing with a state that legalizes Marijuana for recreation but takes opioids from patients for legit acute pain. Keep pressing and posting here.

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Stuff it...speak for yourself, you don't know me or the pain I or others are suffering/dealing with.

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Do you remember what the bill # was you are referring to, would be helpful, I would like to read it.

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No, I do not recall the Congressional Bill I referred to regarding the VA Medical investigation regarding the care of our vets. It was fall, 2-3 years ago, if memory serves correctly. The bill was Congresses solution to over medicating the Vets, coupled with that not addressing their 'real' needs. That is, giving them pain meds, for pain, when it was determined (no, I don't know who or how the decision was reached) they weren't in real, physical pain, but were 'depressed', or some such. It was determined that 'depression' can, and does, translate to a physical pain. If drugs were given to treat depression the real or imagined physical pain would be alleviated. The end results are: what's good for the VA is good for civilians & their care providers, under penalty of law. Drug companies can sell more mind altering drugs, at greater expense. Lastly our Vets are still not receiving the care they need or deserve, just more drugs. We all have a higher tax bill. Maybe some of us are calmer about it... or just don't care anymore, if the antidepressant drugs are effective?

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Paul Ryan said on CNN there were several bills that were being considered and passed through congress they did not give me bill numbers

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