Doctors In Pa That Prescribe Oxycodone (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI need a doctor in the pgh area. I have had 11 back surgeries, chronic pain and anxiety. My pcp gave me a month to find one... Please help.
My friend works with the DEA in D.C. Fact is, Trump is 100% responsible for people who have medical proof (MRI, etc.) are UNABLE to receive pain medication. The only reason I get the schedule 3 med is my cancer effects from 32 radiation treatments. As usual, Trump has done this & other’s without any care for chronic pain Americans. If you voted for him,you don’t have my sympathy.
Re: Joan (# 740)
Hey Joan,
I’m also from the same area. Did you ever find any help? I know this isn’t a recent post, but I Would love to chat. Maybe we can help each other out. It’s a hard way to live when you’re in constant discomfort.
Re: Kobe824 (# 771)
Yes, I moved back to Florida & my primary care doc who understood that I wasnt a junky and never took anything but asprin,UNTIL this back surgery.. How they can let people lay and suffer is beyond me.. all in the name of saving big pharma from law suits.... if your sick, in pain, seems the only way to live in comfort is to go to the streets. sad but true.... thank goodness for a primary doc who knows me well and prescribes accordingly...
Re: Poo (# 773)
Being in Pittsburgh says it all. That area is not a hot spot for heavy hands helping out pain.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Pain management puts you in different Pain categories. Hospitals & staff treat you differently as if you're searching for a high.
Re: bridgepanter (# 2)
I live in pa.And Have not found a good pain doctor my doctor retired 5 years ago and I been in misery ever since.Or further more any doctor willing to prescribe pain medication .It's very difficult living a limited life not being able to live fully like used to .The pain makes me very sick .Alot of times I'm laying in bed because I feel so bad.Does anyone know of a doctor in or around Central pennsylvania??
Can you give me that docs name too? Ive been looking for one forever!
What dr.? I live in pa can't find none
i am seeking a pain doctor in pittsburgh area was receiving oxycodone 30 doctor relacted what is the name address and phone number of your doctor, i have records where prior doctor gave me this medication, please help me, reply to {edited for privacy}
Thank you could you please provide your doctor's name I am new to Pittsburgh ambridge area and can't find a doctor that will give me a narcotic only ibuprofen which is totally useless
Who the dr
Thanks so much Keikei I appreciate it. What all kinds of Dr's/titles can treat pain and will or can legally write pain meds?
I'm sorry I understand completely I had the same thing happen to me with a psychiatrist that I'd went to for 6 to 8 years he got busted doing all sorts of weird crazy disgusting things thankfully the psychiatrist I found after that was completely amazing and didn't treat me like I was a culprit or deviant because I had been a patient.
Dr. Moran will help you. His office is in Scranton
Coordinated health's pain management doctor on rt.447 died two years ago and the recently just got another one. Call them and make an appointment asap.
What is this doctors name, phone number, and location? I'd really appreciate the hook up. My doc gives me 60 oxycontin 40 mg and 60 oxycodone 15 mgs which is the same amount of mgs as 120 oxycodone 30s but I prefer the instant release and the price on the oxycontin is through the roof. Please email me {edited for privacy}. I would love to get that docs name and number.
Hi Jay,
No personal info can be shared here that's for sure. I could put my cell# or email address here but it'd just be erased. Let me check something real quick. I'll be back. ..
pittsburgh has a lot of good pain manage clinics if you cant get in one somethings up
Nancy, Wow, what your husband's drs did to him with regard to his meds is beyond my comprehension! Our military deserve the very best medical care possible. I think it's a travesty to have any military person jerked around in any way but to have a man like your hubs as a patient for years, getting along on certain meds & suddenly stop prescribing one or most because of new guidelines they received in a letter sent by a federal gov agency made up of non medical execs of some sort is just so wrong in every sense. GRRRR. Makes me so mad!
Nancy .....go to Mountain Top near a Dr. M Adajar. It's a female. She is very generous and works with the VA in wilkesbarre as well. So she has a soft spot for people hurting and especially legit people. Trust me it may be a long drive from the Poconos. Although you will walk out with anything you pretty much are looking for!
Ps. MAKE SURE YOU SEE THE FEMALE! I gave her first initial only because I think your smart enough to find her first name with that info!
Hey Rachel I have n urgent care in pa that will prescribe 20s but they don't giv3 crazy amount
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