Doctors In Pa That Prescribe Oxycodone (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI need a doctor in the pgh area. I have had 11 back surgeries, chronic pain and anxiety. My pcp gave me a month to find one... Please help.
Sounds fair..I agree that giving a specific individual doctor, may cause panic and disappointment and leave the person seeking true help, in a world of hurting. .thats why I suggested to visit a possible"problem solved"scenario and a random state like California. This is a possible solution to a person having trouble finding pain management. It is almost impossible to do so.
Just a thought though. Good luck and believe me I know the search is a serious endeavor.
Nikki, I could help u with the Dr I have if ur willing to give me the one u were going too..... what were u getting from that Doc n what r ur injuries?.... you say they stopped seeing u because u didn't make it in for ur pill count...... that sounds a little weird. when they asked u to come in for a pill count was ur appointment the same day, or did they call u outta no where n asked u to bring in ur meds? let me know
Hi to those who misunderstood my post please don't get upset over it. Firstly it was the DEA who is doing this and yes it is guidelines not rules. I have read up on this on the internet it tells you that the dr is only allowed to give no more then 120mg of morphene per day. I take Opana however, he lowers the dosage everytime I go in. While I was taking 40mg three times aday it was starting to work. I was taking alot more pain meds before I had to find another dr in pain management. The dosage I am taking now is much lower then allowed. It's down to 80mg and I know when I go again it will be lowered again. I can not understand except that the dr is doing this himself so I am going to bring this up and print out what I found. You can't argue with these drs they really don't care. In the last 9 months that I have been going I saw the dr once. I see his assistant. I have asked to talk directly to the dr but get the same answer it doesn't make a difference. I live approx 3 miles from PA so the drs there will take patients in Ohio as long as you do not live more then 15 miles from the PA line. I just want relief. I am to old to worry about this day after day. It is totally a shame what is happening. I didn't ask for the pain I hate taking any kind of medication. No one on here will help with drs names I don't understand that. I can't believe that there is no one from the Sharon, Hermitage area on here. Don't be afraid to share the people like me who really need help should get help. The people who go for the pills only for profit are the ones that is ruining this for us. Thanks for understanding
I hear you brother. I'm glad your finally getting some relief. It's so very true, I made that mistake just once and soon there after my doctor was deluged with addicts looking to score. Thank god that problem was eradicated rapidly (by their top shelf vigilant administrator) and those users systematically dismissed. No harm came to us genuine patients needing treatment for chronic intractable pain issues. What I recommend to those "in great need of doctors" Research, do the footwork yourself if your condition is verifiable and documentation exists there are many providers willing to treat you ACCORDING TO THE NORMS ESTABLISHED FOR THE CARE OF INTRACTABLE PAIN PATIENTS. Gone are the old days of unlimited oxycodone, xanax, soma, dilaudid and god knows what else some used for recreational purposes. EVERYONE DESERVES TREATMENT EVEN THOSE ADDICTED TO THESE SUBSTANCES but not in the way pain patients are cared for. For those addicted there are wonderful options available. Methadone, Suboxone and Clonidine to name a few. These treatments can be life affirming and shame should never preclude you from seeking care. I come from a family ravaged by this disease so I can speak to the destruction active addiction poses to all parties concerned. Hold your head up high and simply ask to get well...... God bless everyone
Doctor now has been going to physical therapy twice a week in order to keep receiving my pain meds. I was pissed at first just not knowing when I would find the time to go but I actually find the therapy to be working quite well. Very sore directly after but noticing that in the grand scheme of things I am feeling a little bit better and seem to be developing better range of motion, slowly but better then not at all. Carmine how is the new doctor treating you?
Swish3 {edited for privacy}, I believe I can help you with some things, as you and i's situation was similar. I'm receiving the help i need now and can maybe guide you with a proper doctor and opinion.
The Medicaid issue will be a problem for this so called doctor. Cash is what seems to work best. Medicaid draws the regulators in and they choose not to be under the tight scrutiny of such. Now private insurance companies are a different story since they can easily pad the bill for unneeded inj's and diagnostics. No matter who you see for any hope whatsoever to be considered for oral narcotic containing opiates/opioids medication therapy, physical therapy is mandatory. If you can meet those standards I can recommend someone in your general vicinity.
Q, the doctors aren't anywhere near Lancaster County, they are Stroudsburg/Allentown area which is about 2 hours from you. Look up pain management clinics in that area on East Brown Street. Good luck!
Tara, if you were looking to start doing paid management again personally I don't know if I would tell them that I was on a Suboxone maintenance program. Even if it was for pain. Most doctors when they see that you are on a Suboxone program think that you are addicted to opiates and I hesitant to prescribe . I know personally that in my pain management practice they do operate a sub program to, and if they see that you were on the sub program they will not prescribe opiates to you ever again. It is pretty unfair but be careful with what you tell them.
Antman - from the sounds of it we may see the same doc as the one i go to owns all his practices as well, so it's a very good possibility, however i am not in the northeast Philadelphia area, i attend the one in Scranton, but if it's the same doc he does have practices out there! Is he a foreign doc? If yes, then it's the same one! He's not very compassionate but i will not complain because i'm getting relief.
Carmine - I asked about extended release long lasting meds and he gave me oxycontin, however my insurance wouldn't cover it even with a preauthorization, which i think is bulls***, and they said i would have to try ms contin (morphine) first. That is doing absolutely nothing for me and the doc seems to be getting upset because it's never in my system. I told him i wind up taking a few extra here and there because i am such severe pain and i am not getting relief. I asked him to just take me off the extended release meds all together and see if he can give me one more 15 mg oxycodone a day or if he can up me to 20s. He's been hesitant and said he has some sort of scale of chart he has to follow and he would have to talk to the "drunk doc". I don't wanna push it, but the morphine is worthless garbage and i usually run short of 15s about 3 days early. So he either needs to up the strength or the quantity. I'm going to try again when i go for my appt this coming week, but i may have better luck now with the "drunk doc". Other than that hope all is well with you!
Hi All that i have been having convos with here. I have good news...if u have a NJ address. A friend of mine goes to this Dr and so does her mother, brother, husband & 2 other ppl I know. Every 2 weeks has an appt. for prescription pick up. You only have to see the actual Dr every 3 months... of course u have to have an initial visit, bringing all records mri ect & pharmacy list of previous pm meds. He does accept some insurance. Over the past year he has made some adjustments as far as cutting back on over prescribing...example; 240 30mg a month to 180. But if u haven't had past pm he will NOT start u out with anything strong..only Tramadol.
Hi Steve! To your question, it's not about the DRs name you need to know it's that there are alot of PM DRs in the area of Stroudsburgs area because they have alot of retired people in the Poconos. So PM DRs are a dime a dozen in the Poconos (Stroudsburg area) So search that on internet.
Denwrestler. Sorry honey but that's not cool of you to give her some advice that she already knows and then ask her to help you out by revealing her dr. That's just not cool.
Peanutsmom07 (# 703) --
You are talking to somebody who posted almost 6 years ago. Find a better way to find out where to get the good stuff.
Re: antman (# 724)
Don't tell her to fake her documents honey, that's against the law and she could get in serious trouble. And it's in her paperwork so she can't even do that. Wherever she goes that's going to be in her file. I mean she's already in enough trouble with what happened, so please don't tell her to fake her discharge papers because she doesn't have their letterhead and they're going to know that it's fake. So please don't ever tell anybody to fake a discharge paper. You're telling them to break the law. And remember too, her file is going to be transferred and if she fakes that and takes their discharge paper out and they find out somehow by calling the office she can go to jail.
Hi, I know a lot of doctors in my area. I'm curious if you don't mind what part of Ohio do you live in? And then we can go from there before I start throwing out names.
Thank you.
I don't know if you have had any luck but I will tell you, if you are actually in that kind of pain, if you are otherwise healthy, there is a morphine pump implant you could check on. The meds go right into your spinal canal. No euphoria, just pain relief. Check it out. Also can use dilodid instead of morphine
Re: Poo (# 773)
I totally agree with you about this doctor all you see is Physician Assistance and they think they know it all. I went to this place for 12 years and I have only seen and talked with a doctor 3 times. I have had enough I am looking for a new Pain Clinic.
Re: bridgepanter (# 2)
I am pgh area and need someone also. I have had knee surgery and need more. Can you please help
Re: andrea (# 7)
It seems like that's always how it goes people that don't need it get its very very sad and unless people are in the pain we are in they don't have a clue
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