Doctors In Pa That Prescribe Oxycodone (Page 37) (Top voted first)


I need a doctor in the pgh area. I have had 11 back surgeries, chronic pain and anxiety. My pcp gave me a month to find one... Please help.

790 Replies (40 Pages)

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Re: antman (# 729) Expand Referenced Message

I understand what your saying honey. We all do what we have to do. Its just already on her pharmacy records that she got 233 oxys from 2 different doctors in the same month and if so inclined a new doctor can find this out SO BE CAREFUL FROM HEREINOUT!!! Its just a shame she signed that paper saying she was "doctor shopping". That can soooooo come back to haunt you!!! I'm glad everything worked out for you in the end my friend Antman!

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Re: Dea (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

My name is Dennis. I have cancer for which I'm on 180, 30mgs of oxycodone. The issue is, I'm moving to PA. Can u please help me with your Dr.?

{edited for privacy}.


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Re: bridgepanter (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. My husband's doctor sold his clinic and he is in need of pain medication very bad. It's hard for me to watch him in so much pain and I can't do anything to make it better. I read your post to someone else and it says you know someone that can prescribe meds. If you can please post back with the information I would gladly appreciate it. Thank you.

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Re: bridgepanter (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Where in pa are u located. I live in the puttsburgh area

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Re: Dmoon (# 760) Expand Referenced Message

$400 down and $200 per month, there is a doctor on city line ave if he chooses to take you as a patient... I'll give hints but not willing to throw entire names on here.

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Re: Mas (# 762) Expand Referenced Message

Sepa is very strict and it's not easy to get pain meds prescribed from them at all. Had a female friend go there after being on 15-20 mg per dose and took her 3 months to find somebody. They started her on 5mg 3 times a day. Of course she ran out after a week and half and discharged herself. She fired them.... Found another pain doc who would give her 10s within a week. Sepa doesn't do enough milligrams, they're obsessed with cdc guidlines. If you were on 5s or 7.5 then sepa might work out, but if you were on 15s 20s 30s they will immediately tell you they're gonna cut your doses down.

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Re: antman (# 763) Expand Referenced Message

Antman, can you give some hints? I have been without my meds my meds for a while now, Im surviving. It's better than kissing that last Dr.s ass every month and putting up with his sexual innuendos and paying him for it...the blackmail, the insults...thank god I left that Practice! I am willing to pay cash for some relief. I want to be active with my teenagers again. I miss my babies, I miss my husband! I miss my life! Thank you Ant! I wish I could wave a magic wand and cure everyone here! Pain sucks.

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Dmoon (# 764) --

Hints......try Chelttenham Pa....DOCTOR first name Dr D_ _ _ _ _L.... MIDDLE P_.....last name C_ _ _ _ i.............

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I am located in Pittsburgh. Looking for a doctor that I can personally visit? Presently see Physician Assistants (Dr Lidco) and they are terrible.

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Re: Karen (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I have same situation . I was on 30 mg oxycodone, 7 times a day until about 3 months ago.
I have many serious back issues, including a nagging bad disc that causes pain to shoot down my legs, It is really frustrated, I was told that I was on too much oxycodone, They raised it there ,the doc raised it to 30 mg 7 times a day. Now, I can only live with the pain. I am going to start looking for another pain doc.

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Mercy fitzgerald has pcp opening for new patients

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Re: andrea (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

If you live in Phila area ;try the SEPA pain management company' You will need your regular Doc to send a letter and a copy of your MRIs; You have to thru a tough first interview; but if you make it; they will give you meds.

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Re: Baliey (# 786) Expand Referenced Message

Same in new jersey been on meds for over 10 years had a great doctor but he had a heart attack, I had to go back to my old doctor who would rather me suffer and withdraw, honestly I hope I just die soon ,this isn't living so what's the point

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Re: antman (# 764) Expand Referenced Message

That's bulls*** cause they just rewrote and redid the guideline in 2022 because they were too strict and no one could get there meds, especially chronic patients. All the good doctors are retired and gone. I'm in Jersey and my doc sucks. I can't even get through the month. I'm hoping I just get smoked by a car walking across the street. Honestly what's the point in living. Meanwhile I know others who are getting meds but won't help or share their doctor. I've been on meds for 12 years and all they wanna do is f***ing shots. I've been stabbed enough with shots and they don't work. I'm just over this whole s***.

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Re: bridgepanter (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Do you need a referral and is he still there?

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Re: Jennifer M (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I'm trying to get back on my 10mg oxycodone. I'm on the 5mg. Do I need a referral or do they accept self referrals where I just bring my medical records and prescription history from the pharmacy?

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Im in Pittsburgh. Where r u? I know several that may help in this area. Email me @ {edited for privacy}

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can you please give me the name of your doctor

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I had surgery non my knee twice now and have backlog problems need help find a doctor to write me my oxycodone again

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Hello. I have had a lot of the same issues as many have had. I was working at a great job when late july 2012 i was in a bad wreck, was t-boned. And now 2 years later i finally found an employer that looked beyond my liability. But now the meds my pcp prescribes arnt enough. I need to find a pain specialist that will rx something higher than 15mg oxycodone. Any help or insight will greatly be appreciated.

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