Doctor Says To Stop Chlorthalidone 25mg
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I am taking multiple medicines for my hypertension. 10mg lisinopril, 50 mg Metroprolol XR and Chlorthalidone 25 mg. In the afternoons, I get very dizzy, have mild chest pain and I have spaced the doses out to determine that it is the Chlorthalidone that is the cause. My cholesterol has also shot up after taking Metroprolol & Chlorthalidone for 4 months. My doctor says it is fine to just stop the Chlorthalidone but I am worried about rebounding edema. I am a 54 year old female. I'm thinking maybe it would be better to wean by skipping one day, then 2 days, then 3 days until I see how I react since this medicine remains in your system so long. Help! I had the sensations in my heart "getting" on this medicine but my doctor told me it was normal.

8 Replies

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Went to dr today she gave me chlorthalidone to +amlodipenebes tab 5mg these intern not going to protic on me not taking none these lesbian dr

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im having dizziness and weakness. nausea and i hate it. it has dramatically helped my swollen ankles.

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How are you doing off the medicine. I am having the same symptoms especially palpitations and will be weaning to every other day. How long did it take you? I have never had swelling and have been on this diuretic too long that causes low potassium

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I agree these medications are all very harmful to the body and some people really respond poorly to the medications. The side effects often times are not worth the so called benefits of taking them.

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Anita - I am stopping this drug, I feel it is right. I am low does 25 mg and have just simply stopped. I fear the same repercussion effects, but will deal. I wish us all luck getting out of this whole the medical profession has put us in.

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Awesome, Anita! I'm glad you're doing well.

How is your blood pressure holding up?

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Thank you for your response. I have successfully gone off the Chlorthalidone with only a little swelling of the hands which went away. I am currently weaning off Metoprolol and trying to get my life back after 6 months down the Pharmaceutical rabbit hole.

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Hello, Anita! How are you doing?

Yes, some people do experience rebound edema, however you are on a very low dose.

How long have you been taking it? Did you discuss your concerns with your doctor?

The FDA classifies this medication as a diuretic and lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, dehydration and hypotension.

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