Dizone Side Effects (Top voted first)


my brother is alcoholics, one of my friend suggested this tablet, before giving this tablet to my borther I would like to know what are the side effects of this tablet. Should we consult docter before taking this tablet or we can give him directley

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I am giving esperal 250mg daliy to my husband without his knowledge, he is a diabetic patient too, this will cause any serious problem like death, after taking 15 days he stopped drinking, he says heartbeat is little fast while taking alcohol. should i continue for a month. when i stop giving will he again drink.

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I am giving my husband dizone but i did'nt give him daily when he drunk more than i give him some days & when some days he quit alcohal than i stop dizone & when he start drink again than i start to give dizone. i want to know is dizone safe for health because my husband feel fast heartbeat & other senstive problem. pl. reply

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I just want to know the side effect of the dizone tablet and how much time is required to quit the drinking

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my father is really vry mch addicted sm1advice me to give this tablet bt my father used to start drink when a day starts shud i give him this msg is there any prblm??
plz reply must my family really needs help..

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Bhai plesse batao iss tab ko use kia ha kya apne iska koi side effects to nahi ha??

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Please tell me the side effects of the tablet
at wht time it shd be given to the person?
plz tell me

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The doctor should be consulted, because of the way this medication works and the risk of side effects.

Dizone contains Disulfiram, which makes someone acutely sensitive to alcohol. In most cases, if they try to drink, they will get several drunk and ill after just one of 2 drinks containing alcohol.

However, this can cause problems, if the person is persistently trying to drink, because they can develop vomiting and diarrhea, which can very quickly lead to dehydration.

More information here:


And really, nothing you give him is going to help, until he is willing to stop drinking and pursue help on his own.

Do you have any other questions?

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yes, you should consult a doctor before giving medicine because its side effects are very dangerous for the health

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IAm a tobaco chever n alcholic With doctor suggestion I take dizone 2 tab..then stopped.any side effects to me.

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Don't get this medicine. It can lead to many problems. No medicine can affect an alcoholic until and unless he is willing to stop by himself.

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Now a days I am taking Dizone from 15 days. After start to take Dizone , I am interesting in alcohol.

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my husband is alcolic,he know about her medicine, so please help me ,how we take this medicine ,he is BLOOD PRESSURE PATIENT & DIABITIES.

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Re: lalit (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I used this tablet... it is very useful if someone want to quit alcohol with his own wish.. however.. side effects are very dangerous which i faced when i just took half bottle of beer. My heart beat became fast.. my face my hands became red.. headache was on fulk swing.. i got vomiting.. and after 2 hours i get relief.. on that i understood how this tablet work.. it creates fear for alcohol..

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

After stopping the taking of dizone how many days it may effect.

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My father had consumed alcohol and we would like to give dizone tablet. He comes normal and had some sickness. Will it affect his health in future? He's 50 yrs old now.

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That is stupid what you did. Your lucky nothing serious happened to him.

They help you are trying to give him, could have given him a heart attack.

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I giving to my younger brother last one week, if I drink then what is the cure in this condition, or we should go to hospital in emerency

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My brother to drinker. We start given this tablet he left the drink. After some time he suffer from liver pain. Consult me we continue to give tablet or not

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