Diltiazem And Afib (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy Dr is reducing my diltiazem from 120 twice a day to once a day, and says he is concerned about this water retention. I am on Jed's for the water retention and I am concerned that my heart rate will go bonkers.
2 Replies
I am concerned that by reducing my daily dose of diltiazem (120)twice a day to just one dose of 120 will cause my heart to go back into Afib.the doctor is concerned with the edema in my legs,he has me on a diuretic.,and has me on just once a day with the 120 dose of diltiazem.( just started). I am also on metropol 75 twice a day.
It is always best to follow your doctor's instructions and the only thing you can really do is take the dosage they have told you to take and see what happens.
Since you are on the other medications, they should help prevent a dangerous spike and afib from occurring. The NIH warns that the fluid retention could be far more dangerous, since it could cause congestive heart failure, which has the potential to be fatal.... and from someone that's been there, I'd not want anyone else to experience congestive heart failure. Waking up in the hospital full of tubes, after passing out in the ER is not a good experience.
There are also other medications you can try, to see if they don't cause the edema.
How are you doing on the lower dose so far?
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