Difference Between Yellow Hydrocodone Acetaminophen With 1096 Vs White Pill Same Strength But U03. Both Say Sub For Norco. (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedJust want to know difference between both pills, beside Manufacturers. I was taking Hydocodone-Acetaminophen 10-325 yellow pill #1096 on one side a V on other side. I was then switched to a white oval pill with the same strength, but has U03 on one side. both say substituted for Norco.
Watson hydrocodne/APAP is, last time I needed one, a quality product.
In many states, you can get the generics yourdoc expresses a preference for in this way:
PT: DRJoey
Address, etc.
RX: Hydrocodone10mg/APAP 650mg — Watson or Endo or Sandoz
Dis. #120
Sig: 1 po q4-6h PRN pain.
They'll have to honor the first choice if available and, if not the 2nd choice, etc. Ask your doc please not use brand names.
I had apatient from whom prescribed generic Percocet10/325 years ago, WE were both n a hurry and held me the pharmacy stocked only Endo generics, so I let it go. A few hours later, I get a get from the same HONEST patient telling me "THIS S--T DOESN"T FREA WORK." It wasn't any of my choices of generic manufacturers!
Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.
Sandy J , Tylenol isn't prescribed for inflammation. Drugs like Ibuprofen and Naproxen are among two of the anti inflammatory meds. Ibuprofen comes in 800 mg by prescription.
I called my pharmacist they said my insurance wouldn't pay for the yellow ones an I can get the yellow ones at CVS an my insurance pays for them the pharmacist is full of it
Re: Smith (# 4)
I believe you ! I've been on the yellow for about 3yrs now an was giving the ou3 an it takin 9days before I could tell I was taking anything for pain my insurance will only pay for the cheapest one but I talked to my doc an he changed that now I am suppose to get the yellow from here out i can't believe the government is letting them do this I can see where people would go to street drugs I don't abuse my meds in anyway but they need to stop this bull an they need to see this problem an do something about these companies
Re: Jenzbme (# 97)
Your not crazy I am 58 yrs old an i feel for the ones they changed from yellow to ou3 because there is a difference my pharmacist handles both of them but my insurancewon't pay for nothing but the cheapest one but my doctor got them to change mine back to the yellow ones no take 6 a day an I'd had to get it cleared with my doctor while I was taking the ou3 to take one an a half until I got my next prescriptionchanged to the yellow that is a scam them giving the ou3 to anyone ! It don't have the same amount of hydrocodone as the yellow it should be out lawed for them to give them out !
Ray (# 108) --
You're just a bunk trying to stir up bull. When you become a doctor then you can judge! It sounds as if you don't have a life, so you might need to get one instead of judging others that have medical problems. Sounds like you're an addict trying to deny it. Pray you don't have to live in pain as most of us do!
Re: Anna (# 75)
Who are you to tell everyone they are the same ? I know they are not the same..
Re: Long road (# 113)
Thus a diabetic and organ transplant and those with high blood pressure are addicts to their meds as well since they have to continue taking them daily or they may die from not taking them - the word addict comes with predetermined connotations and although pain patients may technically be addicted they do not fit the definition of addict (compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance such as opiates, nicotine, or alcohol, characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly: persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful). Pain patients do not take opioids because of a compulsion. They take them for a medically inclined reason due to a flaw in their body, just as those mentioned above - and just for the record there are times I stay in bed and try to not take my pain meds and I have yet to go into sweats and have major stomach cramps (I follow my prescription directions very closely and do not over-medicate nor do I supplement with alcohol or other drugs). The key is to follow directions and understanding the pain will never be gone completely and try to not take them (when you can) so they maintain their usefulness.
Re: Jenzbme (# 97)
I too have been taking the Yellow Qualitest brand for 2 years for my cancer pain. When my CVS pharmacy switched 2 months ago to the white U03, I could tell the difference within days. I kept thinking maybe I was getting worse or something else was wrong.
I'm sooooo angry that this is happening and without our knowledge; all for the sake of their profit. I just called 5 different pharmacies till I found one that still stocks the Qualitest; a small non-chain pharmacy!
Watson was puchased. By a company in brazil they seemed to be good b4 that but i changed to a different manufacturer for my meds since then so not sure if they maintained the good reputation
BL, thank you for your response. After I made the post, I realized the post I made was in relationship to an older post (maybe 2 yrs. old). My prescription is for 10/325. Sometimes physicians also may prescribe 800 mg Tylenol for inflammation and a patient would really need to be aware of the amounts they may consume.
I doubt that they prescripe 800 tylonal i think you mean ibuproven
The truth these new activis Watson 853 are completely Junk!!!! JUNKJUNKJUNK. they do not work and now I'm over loading my liver with the toxic acetaminophen. Some one please get a petition together and let's fight this. There A214 are Junk everything they make is watered down and not effective. Zero pain relief it's like taking a sleeping pill good gawd!!!! What the hell is going on.
Yes Watson are quality I used them for chronic back pain til they changed me to oxycodone er and I thought they worked quite adequately....
I've been given the 10/325 Watson brand white verses the yellow and there is s definite difference! The white doesn't work! Where do or can u send these pills to get tested to see if they are what they say they are! I've been throwing up since ive taking them and no relief in sight for the pain!!!
The U03 pills are really weaker than the yellow Narco. I don't want any more of dat kind at all.
I agree totaly with you. Alot of people say theres no difference it's just in your head!! K
Three back surgeries, two neck surgeries, shoulder,elbow surgery.20 years now yellow norco one and one half good four to five hours, now U03 two at a time nothing.had it under control now hurt constantly. WHATS UP.....Just want the truth.
The only time i have ever been prescribed liquid codeine was for bronchial issues as a coughing relief and have serious chronic pain but i also refuse increases in pain medication because i do not want to mask the pain to the point that i injure myself further from over stressing the areas i have issues at .... i know you think i am weird but its my pain and you cant have it its mine haha & its better to hurt and be able to function than be foggy from more medication
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