Difference Between Adderall And Amphetamine Salts (Page 4)
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I was recently diagnosed with Adult ADD and have been prescribed Amphetamine Salts (Generic for Adderall) for a few months now. The initial dosage was one 10mg tablet/ three times a day and recently my Doctor upped the dosage to one 30mg tablet/ twice a day. I know that overall this has been very beneficial for me but I cant help but wonder if the generic brand (IR Amphetamine Salts) has less of the active ingredient, and more unnecessary side effects(irritability, fatigue). I know that while the active ingredients are likely to be the same, the "fillers" usually are not and even the active ingredients can vary up to 10%. I also know that everybody reacts differently depending on their bodies' make-up as well as the drugs and I have always reacted sensitively to any kind of drug. The more I "google" the more I want to stay away from the generic form. Also- almost every pharmacy around has little to no Adderall Brand IR tablets in stock, they only have the generic brands and possibly Adderall brand but only the Extended-Release. My Doctor seems to firmly believe that there is no difference between Adderall XR and Adderall IR, and because she prescribed me the generic form (Amphetamine Salts), she probably doesn't see a difference there either. I don't have the time to ask 10 doctors what they think so if anyone has any information or experiences please share! Thank you!

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Does anyone have any experience with taking the generic sandoz brand d-amphetamine salt combo xr 20mg? Im not finding much on it. I took the 20xr teva, mylan and barr b4, as well as the Shire brand. One of them worked very well.. I can't remember which though. This generic d-amphetamine salt combo by sandoz is ok. I just wish i could feel as good as i used to a couple yrs ago when i was taking the others. I am extremely sensitive to medication and just want to find the right fit again. So does anyone have any insight on these generic Sandoz capsules? And out of the ones ive mentioned, which one or two (XR formulation) works the best And last the longest? Id appreciate any advice. Ty!

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There is a difference the sweet tasting pill works better I think

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Please stop scaring people with your horror stories..who are you to say adderall does not help people..to my knowledge millions of people everyday have a better quality of life thanks to adderall..the only thing I'll trust you on pal is that your lack of self control that caused you to abuse amphetamines also led you to write this post.

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I am addressing Xanax and other benzos (Ativan, Valium...): While not a psychotropic med proponent, in cases of extreme anxiety (typically with a traumatic cause/trigger) up to a few weeks (1-4 max....that used to be and to my knowledge still is the FDA on label recommendation - yes off label use can often be appropriate but not when it is with something so addictive). This period calms the limbic system's over stimulation, almost like getting stuck in the fight/flight fear response. Most feel better, yet so easy to talk a doc into 1 more month, etc. or doc shop for benzo's especially if it's true anxiety and a panic attack.

Or you stop as directed and learn some ways to manage symptoms. The true purpose of these or antidepressants is to become able to focus, and engage in counseling to learn general information and specific techniques (which as discussed about meds, different people react differently) to manage your anxiety. That takes effort, time, maybe $ (but not compared long-term vs dr. visits, scripts, time loss from work, and what cost to emotional pain?) yet when 'making yourself' do it, it provides current ability to manage anxiety (depression etc) faster and more effective and most important, learning how to manage it or even avoid symptomology.
But a pill is a heck of a lot easier.

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Walgreens has TEVA BARR ($86 with member card) (nationwide has it) .. always has and the prices beat any around. i took the W..Mart ($95) ones and felt like it was having a heart attack and my stomach hurt. I took XR ($250) and had an asthma attack DAILY, supposedly the color additive or some BS. I've taken Corpharma ($ idk?) and they barely work and took 1 1/2 to start working.
also, they cannot disclose if they have it in stock because of security but they can tell you which mfg they carry when you call.

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I've been taking generic adderall for about 4 years and there IS a big difference in who the mfg is! If you read any ADD blogs you will find that most people agree. You said 10% difference in the active medication...but I read it can be 20%! I don't have insurance so I have to pay cash for this and I get so pissed to waste my money on useless brands...among them are corepharma, aurobindo (INDIA!), and a few others. This drug is SO difficult to get and every pharmacist thinks you're a drug seeker. WELL CHIT! Who created that? Did we write our own scripts?? I contact the mfg's every time I have to get one that sucks. They don't EVER get anything done to satisfy you but they want you to send the pills back to them...so why don't I just cut my own throat?

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Teva is terrible, plain and simple. I have tripled my dosage on Teva and it still doesn't compare to a single Sandoz pill.

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Teva oranges are the only ones I can find in my state (Georgia). Every single pharmacy has Teva. Unfortunately for me, they make me very sick and I've been searching for a better alternative.

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I have taken generic brand Adderall for ten years. There are some brands I cannot take. Teva orange oval 20mg was best for me. I hate XR but it seems like the only one I can get. I take 60 mg as well. I tried pink ones but that made me so b****y I couldn't take them. My insurance I think will only pay for generic. I feel lucky to get that since the pharmacy seems to have a problem dispensing it. I get so much flax for taking it, but I do not drive without it. They quit ordering the one I like so XR it is. If your regular pharmacy is out and you need to call around most will not give you that information. It is quite frustrating. I am tired of being treated like a drug addict. I do not take illegal drugs and have no desire to do so. I would love to back to the Teva orange but I doubt I could get it filled in my area.

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100 percent accurate Corepharma or bust! having played around with every generic i can state with certainty that the cor 136 pills rock any other adderall 30mg including the teva generic and brand (dp/30). just ask on the phone like your a pharmacy tech looking for info for a patient cuz your out of the generic they need....that way you dont get in trouble or looked at like a drug seeker just be cool and youll be able to learn anything you need over the tele!

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I believe you simply aren't educated enough on this subject to be issuing advice. For one, you claim Adderall is on the same level as coke, (which isn't even remotely true). Two, your word choice and spelling tell me that you're probably acting out a personal vendetta on the brand, without even knowing the whole truth... save for a few terms you read about on a likely Wikipedia article. This world has too many overly-opinionated people giving bad and incomplete advice. I mean no offense, but instead of making false claims and adding to the confusion, you should be advising they speak to a professional on the matter. Good day!

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Amphetamine is the active ingredient in adderal.

Just like Atorvastatin is the active ingredient in Lipitor or paroxitine is the active ingredient to Paxil etc. the generic names for drugs are just the first/active ingredient in the brand.

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Marcia, I relate well to your comment. Adderall is actually what brought me to the medication forums back in 2011 when I was first diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed adderall for the first time. During this time, there was an adderall shortage & it was even posted on the FDA website under the medications that they had shortages of. As a result of this, I had to go through hell every month to get my prescriptions filled. I had never experienced anything like this before & it was extremely frustrating. I had just turned 41 and never took adderall before, though I had heard of it. I learned quickly from having to deal with a LOT of different pharmacies the stigma that is attached to this drug. I was very naive & I guess I assumed that because I was this responsible 41 year old mature & professional female, that I would be treated as such. No, instead I was treated like a junkie by most of the pharmacies I went to - and in most of these instances it was the pharmacy TECHNICIANS and not the actual PHARMACIST who had awful attitudes with me & made nasty faces when I presented them with my scripts. It is very easy for others to judge. Everyone has a different story & all we can do as respectful human beings is listen to the other persons story. Yes, unfortunately many embelish, exaggerate & in many cases flat-out LIE about their reasons for taking/needing certain meds. It is mind-blowing to me that this medication is a recreational drug for thousands in this country. I can take my adderall, drink coffee all day which I love & drink a lot of, and still sleep fine at night without needing sleep medication. I wish I was able to take adderall back in the late 80s when I was in high school - I would have had an easier time & not experienced it like the hell it became, sitting in classes day after day & having the attention span of a mannequin. Better late than never.

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Oh my god you are so wrong so many of us live a better quality of life on our meds I was a wind up toy bumping into walls before adderal and so was my granddaughter she is now an A student so each case is different don't generalize over your situation deary

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Facts if u dont getthe pink cor pharma ur basically Fd....teva footballs are the worrrrrst been teo yrs prescribed 60mg a day an dont let pharmacys tell u there all same THEY R DEF NOT

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What is the generic mfg? Knowing that can be the biggest win in this rat race of adderall generics.... I can tell you from 10 yrs of personal experience you got to be your own advocate and find that generics can be great for 5 months and then they'll switch formulas and your wondering wtf....currently imo teva (b974/30) is crappy as hell...2 yrs ago corepharma 30 mg (Cor 136 pink) was straight speed....but in may of 2017 corepharma is the best of the bunch and teva is a sugar pill, mylan is crap, sun is crap, sandoz i can't speak on as its a ghost and brand name teva are equal to core....call 10 pharmacies saying "hi i'm over here at walgreens, can you check the generic you have for "... " for a patient i have here, we're all out of what he needs..." they'll tell you in 1 min what they have in stock...look for corepharma or settle with teva. That's the best advice anyone will give you...hope it helps.

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Susan, did the brand of your amphetamine get changed? Different brands can have very different effects, regardless of whatever the pharmacist says.

What is the brand of amphetamine salts you were on before, and what is the brand now? If the brand has changed and you can't tolerate the new brand, that is a problem and you need to get it addressed immediately.

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What is the difference between Adderall Salt and Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine? I am 45 and have been on Adderall for ADD since College (to say the least a very long time). Today when I went to get my script filled (I normally take 20 milligrams of generic Adderall - which is the combination salts) I received these other pills which are listed above that make me extremely nauseous and I don't feel the same, have a lack of focus, etc. I even went back up to the pharmacist and asked him if they're the same thing and he stated they are. Is that correct? Thank you so much for any help anyone can give me. God bless!

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I truly appreciate your reply. It is difficult to explain to others that do not have problems focusing or staying still. It is a common misconception that Adderall is only there for people to feel high, etc. It has absolutely improved my quality of life and I am now able to complete tasks and not feel as if I'm struggling to do so. Thank you for being able to reply in an intelligent manner. I would have a tough time explaining our point without losing my temper. ;)

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