Difference Between Adderall And Amphetamine Salts (Page 33) (Top voted first)


I was recently diagnosed with Adult ADD and have been prescribed Amphetamine Salts (Generic for Adderall) for a few months now. The initial dosage was one 10mg tablet/ three times a day and recently my Doctor upped the dosage to one 30mg tablet/ twice a day. I know that overall this has been very beneficial for me but I cant help but wonder if the generic brand (IR Amphetamine Salts) has less of the active ingredient, and more unnecessary side effects(irritability, fatigue). I know that while the active ingredients are likely to be the same, the "fillers" usually are not and even the active ingredients can vary up to 10%. I also know that everybody reacts differently depending on their bodies' make-up as well as the drugs and I have always reacted sensitively to any kind of drug. The more I "google" the more I want to stay away from the generic form. Also- almost every pharmacy around has little to no Adderall Brand IR tablets in stock, they only have the generic brands and possibly Adderall brand but only the Extended-Release. My Doctor seems to firmly believe that there is no difference between Adderall XR and Adderall IR, and because she prescribed me the generic form (Amphetamine Salts), she probably doesn't see a difference there either. I don't have the time to ask 10 doctors what they think so if anyone has any information or experiences please share! Thank you!

686 Replies (35 Pages)

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I absolutely agree with you. I've had adderall and amphetamine salt. When I use the generic (a.s) I get irritated very easily and feel restless yet lazy. Adderall just makes me get things done and helps the racing thoughts. Your not alone. It's the salt part whenever they give me amphetamine salt I get that reaction. I was just given it again and just took some so maybe this time will be different.

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My doctor just put me on adderall 5mg (amphetamine) to wake me up and give me me energy. He'll I'm sleepier now and still no strength. What's up with that?

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It Will Work....Just Takes time

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I can see by your grammar that you have the diagnose of "being not smart ." I feel bad for you , you are right , there is no medication for that :(.

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Why are you using this forum ...you must really be board ..lol

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Sounds like you still have a little demon left with the way you respond to a simple question. Anger management might come in generic form........breathe.....

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Actually the doctor is the drug pusher in most cases. I have yet to see the drug dealer AKA PHARMACEUTICAL REP sit and bring a feast at a pharmacy. In most cases the pharmacist knows far more about the medications than the shrinks writing them. In Ohio the shrink can see you for 5 minutes and write your script, then on to the next victim waiting for their script.

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Another person who has no idea what they are talking about. Pharmaceutical reps don't go to pharmacies. They bring the drugs to the doctors who then write the scripts based on what their patients need. There are no "victims" involved unless you are going to some back alley doctor instead of a reputable one. This is how our medical industry works. Pharmacists don't write prescriptions. Therefore, there is no need for a rep to visit a pharmacy. I should know since I am a pharmaceutical rep (or a "drug dealer" as you so ignorantly call it.)

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Morning Lissa...i feelbdo sorry for ur inconveniance cause by meds...i was given incorrect meds ..twicein December.. i became so sick, very sivk..i went back , he then presripe another heart and blood pressure tsblet..dont know for what reason, im onmefication allready and was doing fine foryrs..i hadbto stop immediately .. xtra heart and high blood pressure tablets was terrible, so noe im too scared to take sny .. new medication .. my bofy went through so much pain, swelling, fever and more. I havent got a Medical aid, so i must go to the State hodpitald, but nevet had s problem before ..i went again , but saw snother dr i feel better now.. how sre u feeling noe, are u stillbon the generic tablets ? Hope to hear from u doon.. God Bless xx

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Wow Margarita....you don't seem in touch with ADD/ADHD issues at all. First, we takes meds to feel "normal" or "typical" instead of seeking a high. Secondly, I've known no one with ADD/ADHD to develop a true addiction where they establish a tolerance and require more and more of the substance to function. Usually there is an increase in dosage when the negative side effects decrease. I have mixed feelings about using it on minors, it seems too strong, but it does help.
Overall, I think improved diet and healthy lifestyles could benefit most of us. Lissa thanks for the information on Vyanase. I have the jittery thing with adderal.Many blessings to all.

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What do you base this on?

Some people may experience irritability as a side effect but I've been taking it for over a year now and have never experienced that one.

Are you a doctor of medicine or current taker of adderall XR? Doubtful. Don't make broad statements you can't back up. It irritates me to no end when people who have no comprehension of what they are talking about give advice on serious issues that could result in people denying themselves treatment that could greatly improve their status in life.

Me - Pre-Adderall/D-Amphetamine Salts Extended Release:
Debilitating Innattentiveness
Chronic Anxiety
Binge Eating
Anger Management Issues

Me - Post Adderall/D-Amphetamine Salts Extended Release
Healthy Diet/Eating Schedule

Don't say s*** about how other people think they should treat themselves UNLESS you are a doctor or have experienced it yourself.

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Hi IQ! How ya doin'? I wanted to share a tid bit of information with you that I picked up..uh, let's say...somewhere along the way...Did you know that it is more common than not for a person who is emotionally involved in the subject at hand, to actually forfeit 30-60 IQ pts.. Happy is he who leaves the control to the controller, as a side benefit.... In a nut shell, let's not hurt ourselves and others judgin' the world, before all the information is in!

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Damn bro, 8mgs of Xanax a day is a lot, that's 4 bars. I would be too f***ed up off of that. Are you sure that's what you're taking?

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I feel sad for you that you don't think there is no God. You know deep down inside there is. It's an attention getter when people say they don't believe. Even atheist cry out to God when death stares them in the face. I'm giving you the attention you wanted by your comment. God is real! He's the Alpha Omega Beginning and the End the First the Last King of Kings Lord of the Lords! He is the I AM! I'll pray for your soul. Hope you have a great day!

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Amen sister :) you speak truth praise The Father, The Son, And Holy Spirit.

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Stay away from this. It will screw up your urinary tract something fierce.

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I am sorry to see that this post was demoted, whatever that means. My son was prescribed Adderall, it triggered bipolar disorder. He had a great job (paid just shy of six figures), had an MBA, but the side effects of Adderall got the best of him. He lost his job, has been unable to find or retain even a low paying job, had to go to rehab (that kept him off Adderall for a year but he finally went back, although much less dose) and his paranoias came back even worse. He had to move back home at age of 34, is seeing psychologist, and waiting to get into psychiatrist to be placed on mood stabilizer in hopes of fending off the bipolar disorder. I CAUTION ANYONE AND EVEYRONE WHO TRIES ADDERALL OR ANY DERIVATIVE OF IT. This has cost me thousands of dollars, has robbed me of what should have been the best years of my life, has robbed my son of the most important years of his life, and he may never recover from it. It has also caused him to alienate all of his friends and family, including me. What was once a very popular and successful young man has turned into a depressed or manic (depending upon bipolar activity) shell of a man.

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This post is completely correct. I am dealing with my daughter, a 28 yr old mother, who has become addicted, suicidal, and a completely different person, and not in a good way because of this drug. Anyone who says this s*** is helpful is full of s***. Adderall is evil!

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What you are saying is entirely inaccurate and rude. Adderall is most commonly prescribed to children and is not the first line treatment for narcolepsy but for ADHD. It helps people all over the country of all ages and I know of cases where it has helped to basically save lives of depressed/ADHD people who found their lives unmanageable before it. This is not a place for uneducated, closed minded judgement but for accurate advice and support. I really wish you would just delete your comment all together.

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this drug adderal is only addictive if used with other substances like marajuana and alcohol "kiddo"

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