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my father is 80 years old he taking glimepiride GP1 tablet. Doctor suggest tablet Blisto 1mg. what is the difference between gp1 and blisto. which is best tablet. what is the side effect of these tablets. please tel me and the blood sugar not in control before food 150 after food (2 hours later) 250. ## There is no difference between the regular GP1 tablet and the regular Blisto tablet, they both contain the active ingredient Glimepiride. Are you sure the doctor didn't want him to switch to Blisto-MF? It contains both Glimepiride and Metformin. The normal side effects can include: nausea, dizziness, headache and flatulence. And as to the blood sugar levels, is he also watching what he eats? Is he staying away from sweet foods, such as candies, fruits and fruit juice? Is he keeping h...

1 REPLY Updated in Glimepiride

pills found in my son's bag. they are oblong with GLYBUR on one side and scored in half on other side. ## This tablet contains 5mgs of Glyburide, also called Glibenclamide, it is an oral antidiabetic medication used to help lower and control blood sugar. Side effects may include: nausea, headache, dizziness and flatulence. Read more: Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Glyburide

Is this medicine prescribed for tooth aches? Is it ok to take this medication with metformin ## Amoxicillin with Clavulanic acid, the active ingredients in Augment, is an antibiotic used to treat various types of infections. So, if the toothache is caused by an infection, then yes, it may help. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more: There are no interactions listed between it and Metformin, but you should check with your doctor or pharmacist to be certain. Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Updated in Metformin

What are the side effects of the Pioz tab 7.5 mg ## Increase in weight, increase in the waist & hip, during low sugar leads to lack of concentration, turns you totally blank ## Pioz contains the active ingredient Pioglitazone, which is an oral antidiabetic medication, used to help lower and control blood sugar. Side effects may include: nausea, fluid retention, peripheral edema and mild weight gain. ## Pioz 7.5 is the lowest dose of Pioglitazone (An Anti diabetic drug), most of the side effects of pioglitazone are dose dependent, thus are the least with Pioz 7.5, while gives the similar effecasy as pioglitazone 15mg ## @ raghu, the symptoms u r talking about is hypoglycemia... Pioglitazone is one of the safest drugs to be prescribed in this regards. Patients with a risk of hypoglyce...

4 REPLIES Updated in Pioglitazone

my mother is a diabetic patient and she has bp and cholestrol problem though everything is in control doctor has prescribed glycomet sr 500 twice daily, telday 40, glycobay 500mg,ecosprin 75,and atorlip along with meganeuron and shelcal ## sir what r the effect of shelcal on separation of beta lipid and pre beta on serum electrophoresis

1 REPLY Updated

my tablet has no writing on it and tastes disgusting, is this metformin? ## If there are no markings on it, then I am sorry, but it is going to be difficult to say what the tablet contains. All U.S. manufactured prescription medications are required, by law, to have unique markings, so they can be identified. Where was it obtained? Was it from a U.S. pharmacy or elsewhere?

1 REPLY Updated in Metformin

i m 32 diabetic since 3 n half yrs..b43 months diognised with TB PCR n was on treatment of AKT4 for 3 months but after 2 months i got severe pain in upper abdomen stomuch n in bladder also..then i stopped this treatment bcoz i had side effects like severe mouth ulcers, bleeding piles bcoz of some injections or tablets..due to this i stopped all medications now i want to know can i continue AKT4 after 50 days gap or do i need to restart again?


Diabetic patient taking insulin 60 units and taking glimepiride metformin twice a day and taking Telma H 1 a day and Amlopres in the night and B12 vitamin at night. Now both my legs have slightly odema for the last 15 days Blood urea -21 and creatinine -1.1 What is the reason for swelling? ## I am not a doctor...but Insulin and Avandia(glymperid) make me retain water....really bad...so bad I had to stop taking my insulin...it started effecting my breathing like I was drowning....I was told that there is nothing they can do for me....I was like 1 out of 500,000 people that insulin has a severe side effect. My body is so insulin resistant it does nto good....even taking glymperide does help my body(cells) use the insulin, the cellular structure changes to where it retains or allows the in...

1 REPLY Updated in Glimepiride

I have no idea of the pharmacological name ## i was prescribed for higher sugar level in blood ## I was prescriped Mignar 25 mg for higher blood sugar. But this medicine is not available in Doha, Qatar. Any equivalent medicine for this. ## PLEASE TELL WHETHER TO EAT THIS BEFORE OR AFTER MEALS ## Please inform Side effects og Mignar 25MG ## i want to know the side the advrse efeects of mignar 25mg if taken for longer duration whch is prescribed for daibetic patient please reply with clinicle research thank you atul ## What is MIGNAR? How does it work ? ## How does Mignar 25 help in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Can it be used along with Amaryl 2mg ? ## mignar 25 mg is for reduce the post prandial blood sugar(status after meals). It can also along with amaryl. mignar 25 mg must be tak...

10 REPLIES Updated in Amaryl

i'm a diabetic since 3 years . i'm consuming amaryl and cetapin . now i've started taking jalra 50 mg . i've continuous headache . ## I am diabetic fopr last 8 month, and i have been advised to take jalra-m. please give complete fdetail about drugs, i.e.it's side effect and for how long it can be taken in contunity. ## want reply to same query of rajprakash w.r.t Jalra M

2 REPLIES Updated in Amaryl

how to use Metformin and glimer , whether before meals or after meals. pl advise ## Glimepiride and Metformin are both oral antidiabetic medications and these tablets do take 15 to 20 minutes to start working, once you take them, therefore, ideally to get the most benefit from them, they should be taken just before a meal. That way, once you are done with your meal, they have already had a chance to start working to help lower your blood sugar. They share several side effects in common, so you may experience: nausea, diarrhea, low blood sugar and headache. More details: Is there anything else I can help with? ## take vomistop tds azithro 250 bd alprex od and omesec od and stop taking tramadol ## pls give information on Diabetic treatment. ## im diabetic.i take glimer2 before breackfast ...

4 REPLIES Updated in Metformin

oval yellow pill with I 24 on one side ## Based on the description provided, I found your oval yellow pill to be Glyburide + Metformin (5 mg - 500 mg). Glyburide + Metformin is used in the treatment of type II diabetes. For more information about this drug, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

1 REPLY Updated in Glyburide


1 REPLY Updated in Metformin

I have yellow oblong pill with 48 on one side and either D or A on the other side. If its an A then the A is rounded and the peak of the A. ## I have a yellow oblong pill with a "48" on one side and an uppercase "A" -OR- an uppercase "D" on the other. Since we're unlikely to have two scenarios please try all likely combinations. ## The imprint of "D 48" doesn't bring back any results that relate to your description. Based on the description provided of "A 48", I found your yellow oblong pill to be Glyburide + Metformin (5 mg - 500 mg). This pill is manufactured by Aurobindo Pharma. Glyburide + Metformin is used in the treatment of type II diabetes. For more information about this drug, please refer to the link below... If you have any more...

2 REPLIES Updated in Glyburide

I take 1000 mg Metformin made by Solco. There are black specks in all of the white pills and black specks left in the bottom of the bottle. The black specks do not appear inside the pills. This seems like a dirt problem in the manufacturing process. Please advise... ## Was this in a factory sealed bottle, or a bottle dispensed by your pharmacy? If it was from your pharmacy, then you should contact them about the issue, however if it was a factory sealed bottle that was never opened by a pharmacy, then you should report it to the company. If you're in the U.S. you can reach them at: 714-513-1000

1 REPLY Updated in Metformin

what are the uses of redumet other than sugar? does it have any side effect for this medicine? ## All medications carry the risk of side effects, even over the counter products. I can't find any information on a medication under this name, however, from your saying it is used to treat sugar problems and from the name, I am making a guess that it probably contains the active ingredient Metformin, which is an oral antidiabetic medication. It is also sometimes given to women that suffer from PCOD, to improve their body's use of insulin. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain and flatulence. Learn more: Does this sound right? What country is it from?

1 REPLY Updated in Metformin

A nurse from my Dr.'s office called to tell me to take Mentanx, and said it was over the counter...However, I can't seem to find it...Where then? ## Metanx is a nutritional supplement, specifically formulated to treat diabetic peripheral neuropathy, it contains Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and B12. And no, it is not available over the counter, due to the formulation and amounts it contains, it is available from your pharmacy, by prescription only. Have you tried contacting their office, again? If they want you to take this, you will need a prescription.

1 REPLY Updated in Metanx

small white tablet with the markings 12 on one side the other side has A ## The pill in description is Metformin hydrochloride (500 mg); which is an oral anti-diabetic drug in the biguanide class. You can view a detailed description of the drug by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you.

1 REPLY Updated in Metformin

My daughter has been prescribed Glycomet 500 for the past 8 months due to her high insulin levels, and she is suffering from obesity. I am eager to understand how Glycomet is beneficial and what the potential downsides are under long-term use of this medication? ## Glycomet contains the active ingredient Metformin, this is an oral antidiabetic medication that is used to help lower and control blood sugar levels. Its side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and flatulence. There are always possible risks associated with the long-term use of any medication, however, what you have to take under consideration is the fact that, if she is diabetic, then letting that condition continue out of control is far more risky, than anything she faces from using the medication. Have yo...

4 REPLIES Updated in Metformin

how does glucibetic help someone with diabetic? Does it have any side effects? Are there known cases of failure? What are the long/short term benefits? ## I want to know if Glucobetic is worth taking, and also, are there any side effects? I have been stage two diabetic for about 18 years and I have been diet controlled, but my last 6 months' sugar level was 8.6. So I am concerned that I may have to start taking tablets i.e (METFORMIN).

1 REPLY Updated in Metformin
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