Dangers Of Mirtazapine (Page 3)
UpdatedIt seems to me that Mirtazapine is a potentially dangerous drug with little information known about it. My veterinarian prescribed this drug in small quantities for my cat as an appetite stimulant, so I began reading articles on the drug and its effects. Although it is supposed to be used as an antidepressant for humans, it has a wide reputation for causing suicidal tendencies in children and young adults. It causes weight gain (the side effect my vet was looking for in my cat's case). It also can cause feelings of depression, and wooziness. I spoke with a nurse who took it and she said the effects of sluggishness and dizziness lasted 2 to 3 days. It can also cause nausea and headaches. It seems to me that these side effects are anything but what a person who is already depressed should be feeling. (suicidal tendencies that they didn't originally have, feeling tired and unwell physically, and weight gain that could cause feelings of insecurity or increased depression) Giving this drug to my cat was the worst thing I ever did. About an hour after administering it to her, she began crying, looking confused, and she could not walk straight. We figured the effects would wear off, but they seemed to worsen. The next day she was holding her head down, walking in circles (trying to walk straight) and she could not focus her eyes. We brought her to the emergency animal hospital, and they called a poison center. Even the poison center had so little information on this drug (especially being prescribed to cats) that they did not know how to counteract the effects. We believe that the drug actually caused a mild stroke in our cat, and the vet said this looked like it might be the case. On top of that, it has a 72 hour half life, so we just had to wait the drug out for her to even feel better. If this drug could cause a mild stroke in my cat, I could only imagine what it could also do to a human. With so little knowledge of the effects, and such long-lasting effects, it seems to me that it is a dangerous and harmful drug for doctors to be prescribing. A few years from now, when it actually is studied more, I bet that it will be taken off the market as another one of those trial drugs that did not work out. Until then, how many people (and animals) will it harm?
SteveO please please read the Book Diary of a Legal Drug Dealer. It talks alot about the drug Lipitor are you being prescribed it for High Blood Pressure prehapps? Its so so bad for you. Read the book please, or at least look up the side effects of Lipitor its not what yer doctor tells you it is. PLEASE!!
Hello everyone,
my 12 yr old cat has alimentary lymphoma and had her 3rd chemo treatment yesterday. She hasn't been eating well, so the vet gave her 1/4 of a 15mg tablet of mirtazapine.On the way home ( a 1hr drive) she was very vocal, normally she calms down after a while, especially when I play a CD called: Music My Cat When she got home, she ate out of every food bowl several times during the next couple of hours. I did notice that she was a little unsteady on her feet. She also seemed very restless, walking from one sleeping spot to the other, just couldn't lay in one place for long. She became less and less vocal and did not eat anything else since then, over 24hrs now. I did syringe feed just a little babyfood earlier today. She has been sleeping ever since she ate yesterday. At least I think she sleeps a little, sometimes her eyes are open with dilated pupils and she is just laying there.When I pet her, she just opens her mouth and lets out a silent meow. Like I said before, the vet administered the drug, so I did not have the opportunity to research it before hand! I have not called him yet, but plan to do so after this post.
I am so sorry for the losses of previous posters, but please don't beat yourselves up, because you love your furbabies and you would do anything for them and you don't much have a choice but to trust your vet. And with all the information available on the internet,you don't know what or who to believe anymore.
Update: My 13 y.o. male with reneal disease had stopped eating. He has now been on mirtazapine since early July. I first gave him 1/4 of a 15 mg. tablet and he displayed all the symptoms other posters have shared. I played with the dosage quite a bit and our perfect dose is 1/16 of a 15 mg. tablet every 3 or 4 days. He eats steadily, his bloodwork is good and he actually gained about 3/4 of a pound at his last vet visit. This low dosage does not cause him to be any more vocal than he normally is or wobbly at all, or has raised his blood pressure. He has completely stopped vomiting up the foamy bile. It does make him a very content, lovey, boy with a good (normal) appetite and it has improved his quality of life. I will keep him on it for as long as I see him doing so well.
I have been taking Antideppresents for 8 Yrs.I have found that throught the years ,after taking a number of diferrent Meds,I have Started feeling a Little better,now that i,m on Wellbutrin XL.300mgs.Aug 18 200/10. I am now completley off,of the Mirtazapine,& to be honest,I feel a lot differently! I swear the Mirtazapine was the culprit giving me all the Side Affects.Bagpuss?Please be Extremely Careful using Mirtazapine. As an Antideppresent!! i Saved 200 dollars By Not beleiving My Kittys Vet. Snoops Was My Best Freind,I had him for 12 yrs.In the end,After taking him to my Vet,he told me He can put him on a renal Med. When he said the word Mirtazapine,I could not beleive it. I took my Kitty Home,Where he hung on for 6 weeks.This Drug Is Potentially Deadly,In Humans & Pets.Verwon;You know right from wrong & I Implore you,To start telling people,To stay clear, With Their Animals stay clear of this Drug! If Any of you want Living Proof on the Side Effects Of Mirtazapine Look Me Up!!!
Satsumas Mom; Thank You for the Heads Up On the Lipitor ! I haven't had the time to research anything,Due to my uncanny health problems. I Cannot beleive the Disscusion,In words,Has Gone from Talking About The Dangers of Mirtazapine to Humans,To Peoples Pets Taking The Drug! What Did The Drug Companies Make the s*** for,In the First Place. I work at our Mental Health Division Of our Hospital.,At The Coffee Shop.I am a Mentor,So I get to know a lot of Peoples Il'ls & Ailments. Every day I talk to & obeserve, Find Out ,What, Why & How long They have been on a certain drug,Beleive Me, Their Not Billions Rich, The Drug Companies, Because Of There Interest in US, Or Our PETS. I mean I Have Seen People Jumped In The Coffee Shop By The Orderlies,Then Buckled up & taken to their rooms upstairs.The Atmosphere On The 2nd & third Floor is not a place you want to be.I also Would like to Apologize To All,For Sending my Alter Ego steveo,S--t Happens,All The Best To Every One!
My 6yr. old Oriental Shorthair cat was diagnosed with renal failure 8wks. ago. About 10 days ago she quit eating. She's ONLY 6yrs. old. When I called the vet about this; he put her on the mirtazapine 15mg. tabs @ 1/4 tab every 3 days. (She ONLY weighs 5 1/2 lbs!) I TRUSTED him & gave it to her. SAME reaction to it as reported by others. She SCREAMED & YOWLED for 2 days straight & COULD NOT SIT STILL for a minute! Like a kitty on SPEEDERS!! WHAT A NIGHTMARE!! Whie it has made her eat RAVENOUSLY; the side effects are NOT WORTH THE RISK OF THIS DRUG! After reading all these posts; I'll be TEARING MY VET A 'NEW ONE' tomorrow AM when I can get him on the phone! The trouble with the Vets of today is that IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY MAKING! He could have told me about the drug & SEVERE SIDE EFFECTS! We have been giving sub q fluids every other day for 2mos; & even THEY did NOT get this EVIL DRUG outta my cats system fast enough. Luckily, I've only STUPIDLY given it twice. IT JUST HIT THE GARBAGE PAIL after reading all this!! I used to be a VET TECH; & I'll say this much; BEWARE OF WHAT GOES ON BEHIND THOSE CLOSED VET DOORS! Most Vets & Staff are MEAN SOBs too!! I'm EXTREMELY UPSET after reading these posts. I wish You all the best with your kitty friends. I wouldn't give it to one of my dogs either!! I'VE LEARNED A GREAT DEAL THIS EVENING on this page; & thank EVERYONE for their input!
I guess some are starting to see,The proof is in the Pudding.Alida,I hope your Furbaby is doing well.If more people were on this site to find out what a certain drug is doing,Or used for,Instead of How to break down any pills for Ilegal use.Seems to me that a lot of people are looking for a Fix,Trying to get the Oxy op to break down.The drug companies made the change,Because of people Taking the stuff Illegally.Folks,oxy has become the most Recreational drug going right now.The drug companies are not going to change the drug back to it's origanal Formula,Because more than a few have Overdosed & are now Pushing up Daisies.If you are prescribed Oxy,Take it as perscribed,Those of you that want a High,Find it somewhere else!!!p.s. Still feeling better,than when I was on MIRTAZAPINE,Deadly Stuff,I would deffinately get a second Or even 3rd doctors Input & forget about the Vet.You have read some Horror Stories Here,Please read them before taking your pet to see the Vet!
It is Thursday evening and I am in an ongoing crisis with my senior female cat. For the past 3 weeks she has been sick with some kind of flu-like virus and or allergies and after extensive testing for all kinds of viruses, blood work, etc. and $350.00 later in medicines and vet bills, the vet still doesn't know what is wrong with her. She is on her third kind of eye medicine for oozing eyes, her third kind of antibiotic, pain medicine that she reacted violently to and can't take, etc. etc. I have been at my wits ends to try and figure out what is wrong with her and today, the vet gave me Mirtazapine to use to stimulate her appetite. This, after telling him, she was not eating as well and seemed to be losing weight. Also, each time she eats, immediately afterwards, she begins crying in some sort of pain.....I have speculated it is some sort of stomach ulcer. No concensous on that by the vet, despite my 20 years of witnessing her life in all it's tiny details!
To my horror, within 15 minutes of giving her only 1/4 of a 15mg tablet, she began getting very aggitated, began pawing at me, running circles around me, then began non-stop crying, gorging on food over and over again, crying in pain when the food hit her stomach, then her temperature shot through the ceiling and her whole body felt like it was going to simply burn up. I realized she was becoming accute and not knowing what to do, got a large ice bag from the freezer and iced her body down several times to lower her temperature. It only marginally helped and I then syringed down her a small portion of Sulcrafate to ease her stomach.
Still crying incessently and pacing the entire length of the house unable to lay down from extreme hyperactivity, she needed something more and the only thing I could think of was to give her the new antibiotic that the vet gave me today, ....Metronidazole, as he had told me it had a calming effect gastrointestinally. Desperate, I tried syringing it down her, and she almost had a stroke trying to choke it up, but after a couple of syringes full of electrolytes, at least a little got down her. It is now about two hours after her initial dose of Mirtazapine and she is at least not crying as much. She still can't stop pacing and won't lay down, so I know I will be up all night with her trying to keep her calm.
I didn't look this drug up before giving it to my cat.....big mistake. I will NEVER give my cat another medicine of any kind before asking tons of questions of my vet.....I wasn't told anything about any possible negative side effects at all.
I think after this horrible experience, I will never completely trust a vet again. Most of the various medicines and treatments tried on my cat over the last 3 weeks have been dismal failures, and the really dishartening thing in all of it is that my cat is suffering, despite every test coming back normal and a ton of money up in smoke.
Other people's experience with this drug may be good, but I would NEVER, NEVER recommend it casually to anyone without there being some really good reason for it and ONLY after thoroughly evaluating the animal and its' previous history. I am finding these days, that veterinaians are all to much like MD doctors.....5 minutes in the room and pushing a bunch of drugs at you to stuff down your animal. My countertop and refrigerator are overflowing with unused and unsuable drugs. It's deplorable. My cat almost had a heart attack and or stroke on this medicine and icing her down may have been the only thing that saved her......PLEASE take care and do not use this drug.
Why are people still giving their cats Mirtazapine?If you read an earlier messege from myself & the Horror story of my own personal Ailments,From taking Mirtazapine, Why Would you still give it to cats? Folks, I talked to the Apprentice Pharmacist at my drug store about Mirtazapine. I asked him, Of all the Meds I'm on, Which drug he would finger for all the crap that had been giving me Cataracts,Weight Gain,Higher Sugar levels,Higher Cholesterol & some pretty heavy duty Headaches,That I never used to get,Without A doubt MIRTAZAPINE. Of course he asked his Opinion to be Confidential,Which I have. He was Adament on The S**t you Poor people are giving their Pets on the advice of a Vet are Severely Putting their Furbabies through so much pain,as well as you having nightmares. Like, How in Gods green earth they come up with a dose of 1/16 of a pill, Impossible. I only hope people take this messege to heart & stop the Suffering of your cat. As I have said before,I'm Living Proof & I Weigh 204 pounds, Whereas a Cat weighs anywhere from 5-25 pounds. Please, Think Twice, Read My other Entries & If you read what I have Typed, I think A lot less cats would be Suffering & a Lot more people would be relaxed, Not Taking your Furbabies To the Vet, Only to come home & go through the Horror Of watching your cat Freaking out. PLEASE, Beleive Me! Ginger, I hope & Pray, Your Kitty is feeling better
I sent for a package produced by the Citizens Cmmission On Human Rights.It comes with a D.V.D. Titled Making A Killing The Untold Story Of Psychotropic Drugging.Of Course It Is Made in the U.S.A. So What,It has the same story Canadians would tell ,But I guess our Gov. Doesn't Think it or something like it is worth the Money. On the D.V.D. There are over 175 Interviews from Doctors,Lawers,Mental Health Experts,Drug Sales Whistle Blowers,Families of the Victims & the Survivers themselves.I have Just received this Package & have not had a chance to watch it.The Facts,in Writing are Unbeleivable.Did You know that the top 3 bestsellers of Antisychotics together gross mre than 23,000 U.S. Dollars every Minute! In the U.S. alone.I cannot remember how long I waited,but I know It was Free.I Stumbled across it on the Web.Their Phone Number in the U.S. is 1-800-869-2247.Outside the U.S. The number is 1-323-467-4242. Or you Can reach them by Mail at Citizens Commission On Human Rights International,6616 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles,CA 90028 U.S.A. Or Fax 467-3720, It says in one of the Brouchers, That 1 D.V.D is 15 U.S.Dollars, I wish I could Remember How I got This Package,I Know It didn't cost me a Dime! Some of the Stuff I have read so far almost sounds like a Horror movie Gone BAD!,Real BAD. So if you would like a copy,Phone,Fax or E-Mail them Or to find your local CCHR; Log on to cchr.org & go to the Global Locater.Even if you have to pay,I think the Majority of the people will be Horrorfied in what they read.I'm Sure the D.V.D will even be more of a Horror show.So if you cannot get it free,Fork out the 15 Bucks,I'm sure you will be suprized,If Not Making yourself Horrobly Sick. Good Luck & get the D.V.D.Sorry,their E-mail is [email protected]
Vet prescribed mirtazpine 15mg for my 15 year old cat. She's acting strange, uncomfortable and her eyes are wide open. I will not give her another dose of this drug. She looks very sad and she's trembling. I would never use this drug again.
Another Sick Cat! People;When are you going to Learn? There are maybe 3 or 4 Good Stories of Success with Mirtazapine,Read the rest & it's All down hill from there! I watched The DVD I said I had gotten from Human Rights.WOW,Freakin Unbeleivable.Their are About 115 EX Drug Sales peope,& they all talked about the Marketing of Pyscotropic drugs.Some Bigshot Psychiatrists make 125,000-150,000 Grand,Just on Kickbacks! Some drugs were not working & somone stumbled across another use,The Drug Companies,Would pull it of the Market.Repackage it,& sell it for something else!Folks;This DVD is well worth the 15 Bucks! it's a little more than an hour,& it sure as hell opened My Eyes! CAT;I hope your Kitty is Getting Better.
Cat; As I started weaning myself off Mirtazapine,I told my shrink what I was doing.She told me I could have had Severe withdrawl symptoms, But In fact,It's the Best thing I have done since I first started having Mental Health Issues & thats a little over 8 Yrs.I was taking 60 Mgs a day 30 in the morning,30 at bedtime.I started taking off 15 Mgs.Every 2 Weeks.By that time My shrink & I were working together to completly get this Horrible Drug out of my system I am Glad I am finally Completly Free of Mirtazapine.I weigh 204 Pnds.Before I started Taking The drug I was 175 Pnds. Forever.Now,How much does your cat weigh,Maybe 5 -25 Pnds.If this s**t could have caused problems with me taking off 15 Mgs.every 2 weeks,At my weight 204 Pnds.What is 15 Mgs doing for your Cat,that weighs anywere from 5-25 pnds.This Vet should be taken outback & shot.You are a very lucky Lady, That your cat did not suffer a Stroke,I'm talking about Lights out,God Forbid.I urge Every one that is taking thier cat to the Vet,Tell Him,or Her,In no way are you giving to Administer this Terrible drug,That I Personally think should be Pulled off the Market! PLease,STOP The Needless Suffering of our Beloved Pets. Again I wish Everyone Good Luck With your Pets.You Woen't regret Stopping Yourself, for not giving Mirtazapine to your pets!!!! Let Alone taking yourself off it.I think that anyone that is perscribed this Med for Yourself,You should have a Serious talk with your Doctor or Shrink! Beleive M,On Another note,Some of these drugs are Formulated & then Given to a Select Group of People & tested for as Little as 6 Weeks before being put on the Market.All you need is a Million $ For each grug you want to put on the Market.So Your Goverment is in on this too!
Update on my cat, for the people out there........After the horrible night of almost near death, last Thurs., I watched my cat like a hawk through Fri and on through the weekend. The drug was still pushing her to eat more than she should on Friday, although she was slowly returning to more normal behavior. The nonstop crying stopped, but she was still somewhat hyperactive and her eyes were dialated all through the day. Over the weekend, she began to fall back into her old symptoms of crying everytime she ate and being somewhat aggitated and listless at the same time. By Monday I was pretty convinced she was past the worst of the drug. However, by Tues. I was watching her beginning to really fall off her eating, drooling whenever she slept and beginning to act sort of strange and shocky....crouching on all fours, not wanting to lay down and relax.
Today, Weds., my 20 year old cat is really not eating normally....I have had to pull every trick in the book to get her interested in food. She acts like everything is poisoning her.......doesn't want any of her good stuff. She has been extremely clingy, lifeless, drooling and shocky....she startles very easily if I touch her wrongly, she whimpers. It doesn't look good to me at all. If anyone has any brilliant ideas out there, what she may be dealing with, I'd sure appreciate it. She doesn't need dentals (had 2 this summer), she has no infectious disease viruses, her blood work is normal except for a tiny little rise in white blood cell count.....her eyes are still weaping brownish fluid, she is not coughing or wheezing with a cold.....the vets (there have been 3 so far) have no idea what she is suffering from......and after what I have been through recently, I am in no way convinced that taking her to one of these pill pushers is the answer.
She may not be long for this world, but I would really llike to make her last days as comfortable as possible. Again.......my advice to all is don't use this ghastly drug for any reason.......I am not convinced she hasn't suffered some additional complications because of it.
Ginger; I hope your Kitty is feeling Better. As you probably know,20 yrs. is Kinda like you or I are in our 80s.I Strongly advise you,Not to take your cat back to your pill pushing Vet,There Careless & are Only looking out for more money.If you can feed your Kitty with a Syringe & let her rest comfortably,That's all you can do Unfortunatly.It sounds to me like your Kitty is suffering from some kind of Bad reaction to Mirtazapine.I'm no Vet,But I have had Cat's & or Dogs in my life since I was Knee High to grasshoppers.My Snoopers passed away at 12 Yrs.old & the only Meds He ever received were his First Shots & A 6 mnth. Flea protection. He died from Renal failure.When he was showing sighns of something was wrong,I took him to the Vet., & he wanted to put Snoopers on Mirtazapine.He inforrmed me that my cat was suffering from Acute Renal Failure.I weighed the odds & took my Kitty Home,Saving 200 Bucks,By not putting him on Mirtazapine.He hung on for 6 weeks,First he stopped Eating,Then He stopped Drinking.I tried everything to get him to eat & or drink,Eventually I started to carry him Every where in my Apt.He was with me in bed & I was with him when he took his last breath.He was struggling to push himself up the bed trying to get closer to me.Snoopers was a fairly Big cat,Weighing 27 Pnds,before he got sick.He knew it was his time & He did it with Dignity.Just typing this I'm currently having Tears streaming down my face,Remembering all the good times we had together.The lttle Bugger could actually talk to me or anyone else that came to my door,he was very Vocal & I even taught him how to shake a paw.My best Human freind had just bought a new house & he said if I wanted to Bury him I could do so on his property,I jumped at the chance & beleive it or not,When I got to Weslys house their were more than 20 people their,Waiting for me & Snoopers.I have been to many funerals,But this one Blew my mind.Wes arranged for his Preist from his Church,To actually Perform a Church Funeral.That is a True freind.& He will be Eternally Remembered.I was so touched by the Preist doing the funeral,I gave Him the 200 bucks I saved from Not taking him to the vet.Long story,short,I felt like I had just watched a Miracle.Snoopers is Resting in Peace & I can go see him anytime I want.6 mnths later Wes had a Stroke,His mom kept him on life support for 6 Day's & the docters said there was No Hope,They pulled the Plug. 48 yrs.young & No it was not Drugs,Wes just finished 5 yrs. in college,Where he recieved his Licence as a R.N/with another licence for Injections. I was Lead Pallbearer. I knew him for 22 years & I was not as moved as much as Snoopers funeral.The people that bought the house & I talked,told them where Snoopers was Burried.The wife & 2 of her 3 kids Made a flower garden & It's Beautiful.I spent 700 dollars to buy a small Headstone & I go see him at least once a week.Sorry I got off topic,But If you were their,I'm sure if you Have a Heart,You Would have had Tears running for Quite some time.I'm forever grateful to Wes & I will never forget that Fateful day & I will never forget Wes Or Snoopers.P.S. Folk's when you lose a Pet,You lose a piece of yourself & Beleive me I certainly did. Thanks for reading this,I know I'm way off base,But I still wonder,How long would Snoopers lasted, had I made the Mistake of giving him Mirtazapine.With him being as sick as he was,I think,Not Long!!!
What a beautiful story, Steveo59! I know all too well the heartache of losing a beloved pet (what a horrible word, pet is....they are my children and my closest friends and my family, for real!) On Sept. 10, my beautiful black and silver long haired French Angora male who was 12 had to be put down due to sudden kidney failure. I was in shock, heartbroken, in denial, etc. Over the next 10 days, a beautiful young man in the neigboring town who runs a cremation service, offered to help me and took my beutiful Cody and kept him in a deep freeze while I decided what to do with his remains. We went to all the trouble to dig a grave site in our back yard, get a memorial cross, etc., then I kept getting the strongest feelings that that was NOT what I should do. So, I put together a Celtic/Native American ceremony for his soul release and went to the crematorium, where the owner let me do all the ceremonial things for Cody's passing. He went out of his way to be respectful, Kind and extremely generous coming at the drop of a hat when we needed to finally go over to his place and finalize Cody's death. It's weeks later and I still can't believe he is gone......he was the most gentle , quiet, accepting, loving and beautiful cat, who I too taught to shake hands on command. I don't think I will ever get over his sudden departure from this world.
Now, my older female with all the problems, yesterday, between the hours of noon and 2pm after I gave her her Flagyl medication (which she had been on for the last 7 days)....suddenly out of her upper check bone under her right eye, popped a hard lump, that distorted her whole face. Alarmed, I picked her up and pressed all around the lump and thought she had been bitten by a poisonous spider while lying on the windowsill. I have brown recluse and black widows where I live and we all have been bitten by these critters many times. The lump was solid, didn't cause her any distress, she didn't whimper at all. I called the vet immediately and speculated either an abcess from her dental work that was possibly botched this last summer or the spider issue. The vet said, to give Benydryl if a spider bite (only 6 milligrams). I gave it to her along with Cephalextion last night and watched my cat almost die AGAIN from extreme vomiting, loss of fluids, etc. In a panic, this morning, I took her in yet again and the vet because of her age kept insisting it was cancer and to do surgery to remove the lump or at least to see what it was. He wanted to x-ray her jaw, also, to see if the lump was solid. Upon pressing him for more details and prices for all this he admitted that xrays wouldn't tell the whole story necessarily.....surgery would cost $700 or more, xray was $60. When I told him I didn't have the money, he said he could put a syringe into the lump and see if there was fluid in it....meaning it might be an abcess. I told him to at least do that, as that was free and he did, finding no fluid whatsoever. Again, he said they could run some fluids into her, as she vomited so much to the tune of only $15.00. Then he said he could give her a shot of Baytril (a powerful antibiotic to address whatever infection she was dealing with) and give her a shot of steroids to ease her pain. He recommended euthenasia in the end. I told him I wasn't going to do that today until my spouse could get here from being out of town. So, after considering everything I had them give her fluids and only the antibiotic shot....my gut told me steroids could possibly kill her on the spot.
I brought her home and the first thing she did was go for her tuna fish and gobble a bunch down. Several more times through the day she has eaten small amounts and has slept and simply rested. As this evening decends her eyes are clearer than they have been in weeks, she has actually meowed a few times and her coat is softer and shiner than in a long time. My overall gut impression for some days now has been that over the course of the last 5 months of dentals and antibiotics and all kiinds of weird stuff shoved down her, she has simply been poisoned. I actually began to get the feeling a couple of days ago, that I should take her off everything, give her poor body and immune system a break, let all the drug crap clear out of her system and see what happens. It is a hard thing to do, when I want so much to help her and heal her, yet if she is to go and is not long for this world, I can promise you, the drugs and toxic substances she has been on, are causing her haovic. There is no dignity in her dying this way. She has been such a loyal, funny, playful little tortoise shell cat all these long years that I want only the quietest and most peaceful of last days for her. Tonight we will sleep together and the fates willing she will be with me in the morning.
I will keep you posted on this site on her saga and my ongoing awakening to the deadly perils of indiscriminant drug use on our beutiful friends and companions. Thank you so MUCH for all your wonderful support and information. I will gladly pass this web site on to anyone with dearly beloved animals who want only the best for them. Good Cheer to all and keep up the fight to educate people. Love to all out there in animal land!
Ginger;It's Funny,Not Funny Funny,But Just how much our Pets,are Dedicated for Life to us.When we loose a Pet,We loose a part of ourselves.Most of us Greive for different lenghts of time.Some forever,Some maybe a Few mnths,some,that doen't have a Heart,They Greive for a few days & go get another Cat or dog within a few days.I am an Agnostic,But I know that there is Someone or Something,That is looking after our Pets & Freinds after they pass.When I read the Terrible things about the different reactions to All Cats,I go back in time,just looking at my Snoopers{i had a Proffesional,take various photo's,of Snoopers,}I have 1 Photo of him,Chest Up,Head held High, Staring right at the camera,All nice & Groomed,Looking like a Movie Star.He Looked almost Exactly like Sylvester.I keep that photo right next to me on an end table in a Beauty Frame,that cost a Good Chunk of change.Depending on my mood,I catch myself talking to the photo.sometimes there are Tears & sometimes A Chuckle,Remembering the Good Times we had together.With my new Cat Stryker,He looks a bit like Snoopers, He has 6 toes on each foot. I pick him up & he snuggles right up to me & the tears,Just start to flow.I doen't know how long I'm going to Greive,But I do know,I will not be taking Stryker to a Vet,unless it's a Serious Problem.Ginger;You did it with Class My Dear & I beleive he is being looked after.By Someone or something out there.I hope for you Peace & Understanding.I wish You & your Female.You Didn't name,The Very best of luck.If posible Keep her the Hell away From all The Money Hungry,Mean,Preposterous Vets & what ever happens at home,Doen't you Dare Feed her Mirtazapine.I have a Good Sniffer & I will smell that drug out & find you & beat you with a Wet Noodle.DEAL,DONE! Best of all to pet owners that have Sick Pets,Wether a Hamster to an Elephant,Do not administer Mirtazapine to any Animal. Ginger Snoopers Stryker & I are waiting to hear from you,With Good News.
Monday, Nov. 1 - Update on my 20year old cat....by the way, her name is Shoney. To tell you the whole sorry saga of the last 5 months with her would take pages! It all started with a pathetic emergency dental surgery to remove two abcessed upper molars. The only vet that would take her in immediately in my area, insisted that according to state law, he couldn't give her the surgery without giving her a rabies vaccine......on the same day, as he took two infected molars out of her! I was livid and refused whereupon I was told he would not do the surgery. She has been off all vaccines for over 10 years, as she has been an inside cat totally (and by the way, don't get me started on the dangers of multiple vaccines, given every year.....I could write volumes on that one). No matter, it was shot or infected teeth. So, she got the shot and the surgery and the dam vet didn't even send her home with any pain medication. The recovery room she was in was filthy and looked like someone's garage with junk strewn all over it....I was horrified when I saw her lying in a cage back there and couldn't wait to get her out. Within a week, I was at another vet because she was not coming out of the shock and was having nothing but trouble with her mouth. The next vet found that the first vet, hadn;t taken out a broken and cracked front canine, so with a couple of weeks, she was again in surgery for that tooth to be taken out. After that ordeal, she never fully got back on track and began crying incesisently after eating every time. Wrongly thinking it was her stomach and bowels causing her problems is what began leading to ever increasing antibiotics, stomach medicines, laxatives, different foods, pain medicine, etc., etc. finally leading to the dreaded drug Mitrazapine. Along with all this drug trauma and surgery trauma came an entrenched eye infection where her right eye began oozing a dark reddish, brown fluid that finally began sluffing off chunks of goo and what looked like flesh and blood. I couldn't get ANY vet to analyze the eye goo.....no one EVER took a swab of it and looked at it under a microscope....vets in a row just kept giving new prescription eye meds for 7-10 days. After 5 weeks of junk being put into her eyes up to 4 times a day, she was still not getting rid of whatever was causing the problem, leading to the vets insisting she needed more oral antibiotics.....and then the lump popped out of her face, coincdentally under the right eye, the same eye that for 5 weeks had been oozing. Now the vet exclaims with utter certainty, until pressed, that it all has to be cancer.
I will not tell you over the internet what I have been saying about the vets since then! You can imagine.
I bundled her up, brought her home and by Sat. night, having ceased anything with Shoney, except food and electrolytes, watched her develope fluid in her lungs, her eyes began draining bloody fluid and she began sneezing and couldn't work her tongue and mouth right to eat. In going over all the miserable turn of events Sat night in my mind, I had the AH-HAH moment where I said, it is an infection lingering in her jaw bone, or worse, the vet left a piece of bone up in her jaw when he did the surgery to fester and turn into an ongoing bacterial problem and worse. Her eye drainage could have been her body trying to get rid of the abcessed material all along and I only hindered the healing process with all the drops stopping the process.
Knowing quite a bit about human alternative medicine and healing, I decided to try colloidal silver in her eyes, plus give her a dropperful orally for bacterial infection. I knew I didn't have anything to lose at that point. Within, a half an hour of giving her the drops, she immediately calmed down, went and laid down and yesterday, Sunday, slept the deepest sleep I have seen her get in months. She hardly ate or drank all day, so I made sure I syringed electrolytes down her (I use a product from the Ag buisness called Vi-tal from Mills Fleet Farms in a VERY dituted solution) and continued to watch her. By night's end her eyes were clearing up, the were bright and big again, her respiratory problems were clearing and she was displaying interest in food again. Colloidal Silver.....for just 12.95 a bottle ( I am using Silva Solutions Liquid Silver, a homeopathic silver by TriMedica from my local health food store.) is doing more in the last 24 hours for my baby than all the drugs, creams, drops, etc. that were pharmaceutical chemicals. Now, I realize that drugs have their proper place when used correctly for the absolutely correct diagnosis, but in my case, that has not happened.
No vet, to date, will entertain the idea that something went terribly wrong with her dental surgery, leaving her in misery, nor do they actually listen to my day-to-day accurate and detailed observations of her for cause and effect. At this point, she is home with me, I am going to go on a hunt for an old timey country vet, not one of these pharma-trained, high tech money orriented vets and get a simple xray done of her jaw. If there is a dislocated jaw, a bone fragment left inside, or any other bone disturbances going on, it should show up and at least I will know, once and for all what Shoney is suffering from. Until then, I am continuing the silver, which is WORKING and continue coaxing good food down her, give her lots of love and support and LET HER REST from all the medical trauma.
I will gladly let you know how we fare over the next few days and thank my lucky stars that I found this site in the first place when I almost watched her die from 3mg of Mitrazapine that fateful night. It has been a leaning journey to me, to steer away from conventional vets, as my whole life, I have been schooled into believing they KNOW what they are doing and are the best hope for my animals. As it turns out, in this case, based on the travesties of the last 5-6 months, that is maybe not the case. For those of you who are interested, I have made up a list of all the medicines and substances my Shoney was put on over the last many months and that I, the well-meaning, owner was dupped into giving her. It is a long list and I will post it on another posting in a day or two when things settle down. You can all make you own judgements about the veterinary practices that are in vogue right now, after reading it. Good luck to you all and think twice before stuffing pills down your animals!
P.S. - My bad for misspelling the drug Mirtazapine....I spelled it Mitrazapine, so don't go trying to cross reference that spelling......the real nasty drug is MIRTAZAPINE. Good luck to all, again and stayed tuned for more postings in the future.
Ginger; I am glad for you & Shoney, Sounds to me like your Fur Baby has been through an aweful time in the past few Mnths. Like I said in a previous post,I said Watch out for an Animals welfare,Because your Vet Or any other vet I have had in the past is only looking for one thing & it's not your pet.Vets will try & con you into thinking what He or she says is the Gospil.Far from the truth.They will put themselves right up there with Facts & figures & sometimes,Such as Shoney they turn your pet into a Guinea Pig.People should read between the lines on the posts on this site & if they do,They will read,Just about every post is about Mirtazapine, Mirtazapine, Mirtazapine !!! I,m glad that I never gave my Snoopers that Crap & Stryker will never see a vet or Money Making machine,whatever else you want to call those Slimeballs. Ginger;You seem to know a lot of info on Homeopathic Meds. I hope your Shoney continues to get Better & more people get on this site,It just may save your beloved Pets Life!!! Good luck to all !!! Please Folk's,Stay away from Mirtazapine. It turned Me into a mess & I'm feeling a lot different now,Than when I was Taking the drug.Imagine giving your pet 15 Mgs. For a 20-25 Pnd.Cat,I was on 60 Mgs. when I first started taking the Drug,I started Weening Myself off of Mirtazapine,I told my Shrink what I was up to & she had a S**t Fit. If your weening yourself off the Drug,You do it 15 Mgs,Every 2 weeks.I weigh just over 200 Pnds. Imagine what 15 Mgs is doing to your Pet. Would you Like to try it,I didn't think so!!!
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