Daliresp Experience (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been on Daliresp for one month. I have noticed significant improvement in my lungs. By that I mean the mucus is gone, wheezing is gone. My lungs seem to be getting clear and do not feel as heavy as they did before I started taking it. I have had my bouts of depression, I am never hungry, which is a problem because I am underweight as it is. Just wondering if anyone else has had success with this drug. I was hoping to get off oxygen at some point. Don't know if I can achieve that or not.

122 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Lynn (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Deliresp for 2 yrs. In the beginning I had bad side effects. temmer and sleeplessness. I told my dr. and he prescibed two medications to conteract the bad effects. I call deliresp my miracle pill. I would hate to have to go back to how I felt before.

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I don't have a lot of information on this medication, since it is very new to the U.S. market and we haven't had a lot of posts about it, either, for the same reason.

Have you tried discussing this with your doctor? They may have some ideas on how to safely increase your appetite and on whether or not your ever getting off of Oxygen is a possibility.

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Does anyone knw if the insomnia problem goes away,and how long before you notice a difference in breathing

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Hi Frank:
I have been on the Dalirest now for almost 3 months. I still have insomnia - so I take a melatonin each night to help out with that. I take 2 or 3 "naps" during the day also. I started breathing better the first week. Still have alot of the anxiety however. I try to stay calm because when I get anxious, it affects my breathing.

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Thanx darlene,i tried daliresp but quit because of severe insomnia,i cannot function on two hrs sleep,other than that i had no other side effects.if i can find a way to sleep i might try again,tried sudafed that did nothing for the insomnia.also i had stem cell therapy for my emphysema in florida the beginning of june,i hve noticed a slight improvement.but dr sad three to several months for results.we will see

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Hello Darlene,the stem cell therapy in florida is 5000$,this doctor has found a way around the FDA ruling that using your OWN stem cells is a new drug.hahaha

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Thanks, Darlene.....my dad just got authorization and will start this week, but think I will give him a half a pill for one week to see the reaction and let his body get use to it. Good luck to you....my father has been kept going all of these years by the hope of stem cell therapy...they are so close and I hope he makes it for that to happen - that is if they will treat a 94 yr old.

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I had side effects for a good month. Buy some immodium and ginger ale! The problems did go away and I have had no further side effects, but a lot of people quit because of them. Your dad might even need to take 1/2 tablet every other day. Here's a good site for stem cell discussion. stemcellpioneers.com/

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That is a tough question. In all of my experience with my parentsmedications, i have never seen one so wicked, with the exception of chemo. My father had to come off - he lost zest for life, was in a drk and argumentative mood, did not want to eat/drink - with these effects in a ($ yr old, had no choice but to discontinue drug. I would rather he live only 6 more months as his usual self than 2 years more in the state the drug put him in.

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I have daliresp but have been scared to use it, I have anxiety sometimes and hate it. I do take xanax when it happens but since this drug can cause anxiety I have been scared to take it. Has anyone else had this problem?

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If it doesn't work for you, simply stop taking it. I have not been sick at all in almost 2 years since I first started taking Daxas and then Daliresp. I had side effects for about a month, but toughed it out and am very happy that I did. I used to get bronchitis quite often. I am very satisfied with Daliresp.

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I tried half of the 500 mg tab on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, I started feeling bad so I didn't take another, the last two nights my legs have ached so bad, can't sleep good, have bouts of crying and just so depressed. I may wait a few days and try again and maybe try to take 1/4 of the tablet. I don't know yall right now I just feel so down sitting here crying and I don't know why. It just seems nothing ever works for me. Well have a good day I've got to get up and move around.

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Also did anyones legs and back hurt for a month?

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My back and joints have hurt a little since getting on Daliresp, nothing severe, just achey. One of the adverse reaction is "flu like" symptons. The diarreha has stopped and also the nausea. Taking it at night seems to be working for me. I seem to have more stamina also. Mind over matter? lol

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The Dr. gave me samples of Daliresp, I had some minor side effects, been on it now about two months I guess. The drug rep told her Medicare would pay for it, if indicated. Well guess what they won't. I don't know what to do next, any ideals or any info would be appreciated. Is there any other drug similar to this that might be covered. Sad, you find something to help you and they don't want to help pay for it. I was scared to take it a t first but when I finally made my mind up, I got thru the aches and pains and they finally went a way, now I probably can't get it, but if the Dr. has samples she will give them to me...

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I had the same problem with the cost of this prescription. I was in the "donut hole" and the rx was very expensive. My dr gave me coupon(s) for free samples but the coupon was only good for 1 refill. I ended up having it refilled & paying a lot for it. I don't understand what good it does to have a medication that is effective but no one can afford to buy it.

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I have AARP, they won't pay for it, tried getting it through the patient assistance program and if you have any kind of insurance, you can forget it. It doesn't matter if you only get a small check, they won't help you. That is sad because it helps so many who can't afford it.

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Nope cannot hurt. Only thing that can hurt, is doing nothing....and expecting change.

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