Daliresp Experience (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been on Daliresp for one month. I have noticed significant improvement in my lungs. By that I mean the mucus is gone, wheezing is gone. My lungs seem to be getting clear and do not feel as heavy as they did before I started taking it. I have had my bouts of depression, I am never hungry, which is a problem because I am underweight as it is. Just wondering if anyone else has had success with this drug. I was hoping to get off oxygen at some point. Don't know if I can achieve that or not.

122 Replies (7 Pages)

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If you can afford to order it from Canada drugs, it is $101.73 for 30 tablets (it gets cheaper the more you order). You can probably safely do a half dose (I have several friends who take only 1/2 tablet a day). This would give you a 2 month supply for about $50 a month. It's something to think about if you truly find the medication beneficial and it isn't covered by your insurance.

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I have been on daliresp for 4 months, before I was in a hospital 5 times in less than a year. Daliresp is keeping my phylum under control without any known side effects. I also begin taking Advair at the same time. Now my oxygen level is staying at or above 93.

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I would call my doctor. Those are 500mg. each. That is alot

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I lost approx. 20lbs in 4 months. Dr. told me to quit if i continue to lose weight, I thought no way so I cut back to 4 a week and my weight stabilized and I could not tell any difference in the mucus reduction.

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Did You Ever Have The Nausea?

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Nausea is a very common side effect. It went away though after a few weeks. If you can get past these unpleasant side effects at the beginning, you should be home free.

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Lynn...How Long Did You Do The 1/2 Pill...Do You Remember?

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I have been on Dal arrest for 2 months now it makes me so very sick I am Not sure how much more I can take. Every side effect they said you can get I get. I'm taking the medicine every other day still no sign of relief but I no longer have COPD or asthma symptoms while on the medicine. I have a very rare asthma that is triggered by my menstrual cycle im only 36 yrs young. I can't eat, sleep, drink, I get leg cramps, uti's, headache, fever. Sunday I will try a half a pill every other day.

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Yes but your doctor has to get the medical approvement first

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Thank you for the info about not giving up on taking daliresp cause I start than stop but I am so tired of not being a left to breath unless I take prenizone so I am trying again it with half of 500 everyday

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Yes, I have discussed it with my doctor and as a result, we are monitoring my weight closely. So far, the good is outweighing the bad. It isn't too bad to be able to eat all that food and still maintain a constant weight. Although, I am trying to gain. Not good to eat alot of carbs though because they take more 02 to process, I guess. Guess we will just have to wait and see. Wish the insurance would pay for this drug. Very expensive!!

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I have just started Daliresp and an coughing up a lot of
mucus and am short of breath, Has anyone had these problems if so how long do they take to clear up.

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hello lynn,how did you handle the insomnia,thanx

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Hello Darlene,im happy to report that five months after stem cell therapy wit dr feinerman in sarasota florida ive seen a great improvement in my emphysema,oxi level goes to 99 now,i can further than i had been able to.the therapy consists of multiplying your own stem cells,plus atra inhalation therapy,well worth the 5000$.pulmonologist realy hve nothing to offer but pills and inhalers

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Hi Frank:
I am thrilled for you. Are you on any oxygen at all now? I am still taking Daliresp. I have not been sick since started taking it, but still on oxygen some. Guess it doesn't help that. My doc still can't do the stem cell because of the FDA. Don't know how I would ever get to Florida. Keep me posted, I am very happy for you!

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I didn't have insomnia Frank. I think it was Darlene that said she did. My son and his family just had a month of them all feeling sick and having colds and respiratory problems. I had been around them before they showed symptoms and the grand kids had been at my house. I used to catch everything. I am happy to report, I had no problems staying healthy throughout this time period and I believe Daliresp is the reason why.

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Hi Lynn:
I think Daliresp is very good also. I have not been in the hospital or sick for that matter since April. Last year I was hospitalized 7 times. I does make me very anxious. I even get on my own nerves. LOL...It is worth all the side issues. Just wish it would improve my lung function. I have heard that it does, but that it takes some time. I am interested in the stem cell, but want to wait until it is done by US docs. I am afraid to go to Mexico or somewhere like that. I have a home in Mexico and believe me, our docs are light years ahead of them. I was in a hospital in Ajijic, MX for one day and they really don't do much for you. Sweet people, but not very skilled.

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Frank, slight correction, we suggested Benadryl to help you sleep while you were on the Daliresp. Sudafed would increase your heart rate and make you hyper.

where we do stem cell therapy for COPD patients in Sarasota, Fl

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My father who has severe copd has had difficulty maintaining his weight for a few years - there are many products out there to help so ther is no need to stuff himnself as that only exaccerabates breathing difficulties. Products you may want to explore are enlive which is a 6 oz juicebox - either apple or berry flavor and contains 200 calories - easy to get 2 of them down a day. Then ther is a 1.5 oz liquid called benecalorie that contains 300 calories and mixes with mashed potatoes or tuna or chicken salad etc. So if you can take these products it is easy to boost your calorie intake by 700-1000 calories per day. My father is awaiting insurance approval for daliresp but the side efects concern me as my dad is 94.

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