Dbx-13 Scam (Top voted first)


In January 2013 - I recently purchased a subscription to the Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter and got the book "Miracles from the Vault." I scoured the pages to find DBX-13 which they advertised as the diabetes miracle cure, and couldn't find it anywhere. I called HSI, and after three attempts and by threatening to take them to court for false advertising, a response finally came by email. DBX-13 is called X-Cravings. But get this... it is no longer being manufactured. X-Cravings appears to be a formula to help you stop craving food... a diet product... and I guess they apparently felt this would help you lose weight which would help your diabetes. I placed a call to the manufacturer of X-Cravings, Nutricology. Tel: (800)545-9960 who claims they don't know that X-Cravings was called DBX-13 by HSI, and they said they discontinued X-Cravings last year (2013). They also don't have a replacement product for it either. I hate when companies like HSI scam you by offering you hope that doesn't exist, which is why I am posting this information.

233 Replies (12 Pages)

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I have type 2 diabetes and I came across a suppliment in Sprouts (formerly Henrys) called Gymnema (Sylvestrie) by Himalaya Herbs which comes from a plant of the same name. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicines for a long time. It is called "gurmar" in Hindi which means "destroyer of sugar" There is a lot of info about it on line. I have been using it only a couple of weeks and unlike metforman it lowers blood sugar immediately.

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steviegirl - it's a blog not an English class

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This cost nothing. I was on Metformin 3000mg a day for type 2 Diadetes. In three months I was able to cease all medication. I took a spice cinnamon, vegetables ladies fingers ( okra ) and bitter melon.
That was five years ago. My blood sugar is still noemal

Was this helpful? 79

Sorry to hear about your experience with HSI. I appreciate you sharing this information though.

The content of Health Science Institute webpage certainly makes it look like a scam; at least to me. So hopefully others will take more caution after seeing this.

Have you been able to cancel the subscription yet or are they giving you a hard time with that as well?

With regards to diabetes, there are some natural ways to manage/reverse its effects; primarily through one's diet and exercise habits. Something to consider if you have type 2 diabetes is that it has been proven to be cured through a strict diet. I'm not too familiar with treating type 1, but I have heard several testimonies of people getting off their insulin meds shortly after starting a low fat raw/vegan diet.

I hope this helps!

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I agree! If I want sentence structure and writing lessons I can just go to a web-chat site for those. This one is for people who have Diabetes and want information about the rip-offs going on on the web.!

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I am so glad I read this. Thank you for the scam tip. I will delete their email immediately.

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I read somewhere that HSI's spoke person Jenny thompson was connected with some of the drug companies weather it was true or not is something i would like to find more information it sad when companies try to give hope that is false just to make money they are as bad as the big phrma which HSI is always bad mouthing which is something that i do agree about big Pharma and the Government have put profits above the health of the American people western medicine is not about curing anything but to treat it it keeps the money rolling in and that is all that they care about Cures and natural cures are out there but millions of dollars are spent to suppress this knowledge the big money can not be made by big pharma on anything that exist natural, no matter if it saved millions of lives they will do their best to cover it up all for the mighty dollar

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I have seen/read nothing but complaints about HSI, so I haven't bothered with them. You might want to try Garcinia to help you lose weight. I had read that some people didn't like it but I have been using it for several months and have lost 4 pounds with no side affects. 4 pounds doesn't sound like much but for a diabetic it's a start. It gives me energy too.

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Thanks for your posting, because I just received an offer to BUY the Vault book today and I was researching its content FIRST.

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I have been using Berberine for over a year and it has had a significantly positive impact on my A1C. I have been type 2 diabetic for about 7 years managing with diet and exercise and no Rx drugs, however, as I get older it seems harder and harder to manage. Berberine has been a big help but I still have to manage my diet and maintain an exercise program. You can see a clinical study of berberine at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Hope this info helps others.

Was this helpful? 40

Thanx for this info- looks like HSI is not on the level. Just a lot of talk to scam people who are desperately searching for help with Diabetes! Your post has saved me from buying this book which is probably of no use!!

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Try Garcinia to loose weight and lower blood sugar. I started using Garcinia about 18 months ago and I have lost 50 lbs so far and lowered my blood sugar and A1c levels to a point where I am not taking any meds at all.

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Just okra, bitter lemon and cinnamon

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I can't believe a company or health institute would tell such lies about drugs. What is the truth on the H86, DBx-13 and the BMP medications? Just how authentic is Jenny Thompson of the Health Science Institute?

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if its too good to be true it probably is!!

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newsmax is supporting this advertiser so please notify them of the scam as under 18 USC 875 c and d they are liable for any criminal and civil violations of the law for taking them on as a advertiser and continuing with them after being notified under the law. Based upon discovery so document that contact and disclosure.

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How much of each do you take? Thank you. waybic

Was this helpful? 13

Do you mean vegetable and okra or were you just tell us that okra is a vegetable for those who might not know?

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Diabetes is basically an Endocrinology disease. The Islets of Langerhans, in the pancreas, are the producers of insulin. The problem is that with our diets, these become burned out and stop producing insulin or they make the insulin that the cells in the body are resistant to. In the earlier phase of diabetes, exercise, diet and weight control can go far into reducing the need for medication, but the diabetes is never cured, totally. and eventually it will rear its ugly head and medication will be required. I've been a diabetic since '95. I'm a retired Navy Corpsman and I have been a Medical Technician with the V.A. going on 17 years and I am one of the most non-compliant patients around. I've got neuropathy of the feet, I've got Charcot foot (the bones of the foot have broken down causing the arch to collapse and it has become a bulge instead.), I've got diabetic retinopathy, and had a very minor stroke, thank the Lord, a year ago. Why am I saying this? It's because, the best way to fight diabetes is to prevent it. Learn self-control and discipline in your eating and exercise habits, something 20 years in the Navy didn't inspire me to do. You can prevent diabetes and, if you still end up with it, you can delay its damaging effects, but once it has taken hold, all of the organ systems of the body are being effected and such damage can't be reversed. I take insulin, Metformin, and Glyburide. I take cinnamon and fenugreek, both are touted to help bring sugar levels down, but for all of that, I still love to eat, eat all of the "bad" foods, and don't exercise. If you won't to at least break even with this disease, stop buying all of the expensive supplements and take control of your lifestyle before it is too late. Something I need to do myself.

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There are several things I found to bring blood glucose numbers down. Alpha Lipoic Acid and Bitter Melon Fruit together bought mine down. HOWEVER, my numbers were so sporadic and I had a lot of the symptoms of low thyroid. That was my real culprit. I started on Armour Thyroid and after working up to 120 mg per day, I am at 89 glucose this morning and have lost 10.5 pounds in about 6 weeks on this plus a low carb diet. I am off all grains, all dairy, all sugar and the veggies high in carbs. The only thing I can eat right now with carbs is black beans and lentils. I have eaten a few black beans, but only about 2 - 3 times a week. I will only remain on this for 90 days and I think I am at about 37 days so far. But I think I am doing better with no grains and little dairy. I can eat hard cheese, but not soft cheese or any other milk product. I eat until I am full of lots and lots of green, orange, red veggies and purple veggies and organic meats. I seldom get hungry and am very satisfied most of the time. But the supplements never got my sugar level down to the normal range. It would bring it down from 135-145 to sometimes as low as 105-115. But never any lower than that. Check the symptoms for low thyroid and adrenal fatigue. That is my real problem. Thyroid hormones are what takes your sugar in your blood stream into the cells to convert it to energy..........so when thyroid is low, you have a lot of unused sugar in your blood. I feel soooooooo much better now........ Don't know if your problem is anything like mine, but it is worth looking into the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

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