Dbx-13 Details (Top voted first)


What is this drug, or a medical book of cures?

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january 2013 - I recently purchased a subscription to the Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter and got the book "Miracles from the Vault." I scoured the pages to find DBX-13 which they advertised as the diabetes miracle cure, and couldn't find it anywhere. I called HSI, and after three attempts and threatening to take them to court for false advertising, a response finally came by email. DBX-13 is called X-Cravings. But get this... it is no longer being manufactured. X-Cravings appears to be a formula to help you stop craving food... a diet product... and I guess they apparently felt this would help you lose weight which would help your diabetes. I placed a call to the manufacturer of X-Cravings, Nutricology. Tel: (800)545-9960 who claims they don't know that X-Cravings was called DBX-13 by HSI, and they said they discontinued X-Cravings last year (2013). They also don't have a replacement product for it either. I hate when companies like HSI scam you by offering you hope that doesn't exist, which is why I am posting this information.

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Because doctors know absolutely nothing about alternative medicine and don't want to lose the big money by not being needed as often, as alternatives go to the cause and Dr.'s "cures" only deal with symptoms. Doctors also get big bonuses from pharmceutical companies for promoting their drugs. In other words, It's all because of money.

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I hate to be lied to. Searching through my recently acquired copy of HSI's book Miracles from the Vault I could find no mention of DBX-13. I have sent an inquiry to HSI today. I'm very disappointed at not being able to find it listed and available.

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The name is the problem ..... Someone who has the book says it is listed as this: "Syntra5" TM, by Syntratech. I found it under this name.

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i need more detail about DBX-13.

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I am a family physician who has practiced for 43 years. Many of these "natural cures" or "alternative medicines" are bogus and until subjected to rigorous double-blind, randomized studies to show safety and efficacy, they should be avoided like the plague. We physicians are not owned by the drug companies, get no kickbacks, or any of the other ridiculous charges made against the medical profession. When you hear "things your doctor does not want you to know", that is also bizarre; as an advocate for my patients, if there is a treatment that will help, I will research it and prescribe it if the treatment is safe and effective. Why would I withhold information from the very person I am trying to help?

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Hmm. I've just listened to a load of waffle to get a "Free" booklet on "HSI's 167 Natural Health Breakthroughs" only to find out they want £50 or £90 subscription fees. I think Natural Health Solutions have joined the financial band wagon. Lets face it, it's all about getting as much money as they can out of us. Not impressed at all.

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Of course the companies for pharmaceuticals are making trillions. The best medicine is the natural food or organic that God create not that the men made it trash, with all the add sugars to the food and white bread. White bread is bleach with some chemical and add all this chemical vitamins, they take away the skin of the wheat and leave the garbage, unfortunately many people can afford the natural food; But many of the people they do not care or bother to research what they eating just the lazy way to cook. Macaroni and cheese what kind of trash is that! cookies, fries, sodas, the PIZZA crap. Mc d the hamburgers, trash from animals, grind, bleached with peroxide, chemical color and taste and white bread, Bomb Atomic for the body. Just read is a lots of natural remedies for Diabetes like Blood Sugar Formula, from Peachtree natural foods in Snellville, Ga. The government they do not want you to know how to cure with natural remedies, like garlic, flax seed oil, Alkaline water etc. They can loose their trillions. And I am sorry but English is my second language, I can not write well.

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Hi Ron,

Based on my research, DBX-13 is a comprised of 11 natural ingredients that are each shown to fight diabetes (by balancing blood sugar levels) without many of the harsh side effects of prescription medications.

The strange part however, is that I can't find much information on it other than what is mentioned above; not even a list of ingredients.

It makes me wonder if it's really legitimate to be honest.

Where did you first hear about it?

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DBX 13 is touted in one of those "we can cure anything" advertising circulars put out by a group called "Health Sciences Institute". Always wondered, if their "cures" are so great, why don't more doctors tout them??

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thank you for sharing the information regarding HSI. I, like you had hoped that the information they sent me was a wake up call for those of us who recognize the need for natural products to stay healthy.

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Easy, because doctors get money from drug companies to prescribe their drugs.

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I'm pleased that I logged in here as DBX-13 does seem like a scam. I must say that many of the modern drugs, get their derivatives form natural herbs that have been used by medical practitioners through the ages. I totally agree with the sentiment that the big drug companies keep us coming back for more! I am an insulin type diabetic and cant risk going off my insulin or medications, without my doctor's advice. I'm old fashioned perhaps in the belief that my doctor is not a shyster and does not get kick backs for any reason what so ever! There are enough patients that this practice holds not a drop of water to my mind. Just to advise: Type one diabetic is a person who has had diabetes from a young age. Type two diabetic is a person who contracted diabetes at a later age. Trust this is informative to some? Greetings from South Africa.

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I seen it on a video with Jenny Thompson Director of Health Sciences Institute.

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Because they get big bucks from drop dead gorgeous pharmaceutical reps to push FDA approved patented pills!!!

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Hey Dave,

The effectiveness of DBX 13 is one of the first questions I had also. I noticed that you were asking why more doctors weren't touting DBX 13. It is a known fact that doctors get paid for writing prescriptions. If it became common knowledge that a certain natural herb could cure or effectively treat an illness, the doctors, pharmaceuticals, and the FDA would lose billions of dollars.

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It would make sense for doctors NOT to advertise about cure all drugs... if they did, they'd be putting themselves out of business... I don't know if any of these products work, but appreciate everyone's input here...

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Doctors are not taught to treat the root cause of disease and ailments, they are taught to maintain the symptoms associated with disease. I am sure that pharmaceuticals rake in trillions of dollars annually and there is no money in truly healing people. It's not like doctors want to hurt people or anything but it's what they learned is the correct way to treat. Where does that standard of learning come from? World Health Organization and American Medical Association, ect... The same people who brought Ugenics programs and forced sterilization programs, AGENDA 21 and CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, GMO's

Look up Bill Gates TED talks where he talks about depopulation.

Ted Turner " too many damn people using too many things"

Oprah talking about older southern generations "they just need to die"

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You spoke beautifully and to the point! I agree with everything you said. Thanks for writing.

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Jenny Thompsons extremely longwinded and repetitive video recently appeared in my mail. It had all the subtlety of a snake oil salesman. I do subscribe to several Health Newsletters from the US and they are all tainted with hype, promise, and a sales pitch and then if you buy the product its almost impossible to leave without offers of buy more and we will charge you less. It's time they were made Accountable for far too many dubious pronouncement and scandlous selling practices.

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