D-amphetamine Salt Combo 20mg Tab (Page 6)
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elliptical peach tablet
side 1: b/973
side 2: 20

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I am a 50 year old white male with I have comorbid bipoloar II and ADD. The ADD was Dx'd about 2 years ago. Bipolar was Dx'd 22 years ago. I have been taking the D-Amphetamine salts combo for my ADD from the start. I take Depakote and Zyprexa for the BP II. I had been on prozac for a few years, but my doctor took me off of it.The ADD medication has made all the difference in the world in helping me to FINALLY discover just who it is that I really am. I usually have at least one prolonged major-depressive episode every year, usually in the winter. This past winter, however, mean ole Mr Depression failed to make an appearance. I did have some days when I was more or less useless, had no energy for anything except certain things that I selfishly undertook, because it felt so nice to just putter around. I accomplished hardly anything, with the exception of cooking supper every night. Weird, but regardless of my mood---up or down---I always cook supper. Cooking doesn't seem like a chore. Granted, I'm no expert, but I do some decent meals...
But I digress. If this was earlier in the day, when I was medicated and focused, I would never have digressed like that.
I'm pretty sure I've been in a hypomanic state for the last 3-4 months. However, I seem to be pretty creative and I'm reaching goals that I set, not trying to do a million things all in the same week...
I am impressed by the paradoxical calming effect the amphetamine provides. I also take Xanax, almost forgot, but I rarely get super-anxious these days..
I'm curious as to whether the ADD medication is also helping my mood-disorder as well. Full-blown mania and deep, dark depression seem to have taken a break for a while. I used to get anxious about making a phone call, and would actually have to script it out, afraid that I would sound odd and jump from subject to subject. These days, those types of concerns don't even occur to me.
It's really great to go OUT there and just be another person that can actually function without a grand-scheme to guide me.
I am hopeful that the days of intense depressive periods are going to be more and more infrequent. I also haven't been manic, and I've learned to handle my money and control my impulses. I'm not not sure how my med-mix is actually working this out, but things are almost too good to be true. I'll knock on wood and stay true to my doctor's advice. Has anyone gotten almost COMPLETE relief from your particular treatment? It feels weird to NOT feel weird, so-to-speak...
Max Raincloud

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I am 25 and recently developed symptoms indicating possible ADHD, anxiety, and or depression. I have been given an SSRI among other meds to help control this. Nothing seems to work as well as the generic brand of Adderall. I was a bit disapointed to know that I was getting generic since I know from my class that it does not always work as well as name brand due to the fact that even though it contains the same amount of active ingredient, the fillers and pill form are almost always different which can affect the way your body absorbs and reacts to it. I am satisfied with this medication though. It seems to pick me up and help keep the million things running through my head in order (even though they are still running a mile a minute!) All I can say to those that it is not working for is, I'm sorry that it does not work well for you and maybe you should talk to your doc about getting a different medication. Just because the generic of this sucks for you does not mean that the generic of another wont work well (and still be covered by insurance) I just hope that this continues to be as helpful as it is now so I do not have to keep switching meds to find the right one for me.

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Prescribed stated the amphetamine salts are identical to Adderall. That is incorrect. FDA allows generics to have only 80% of the medication not to mention the fact that generics can use different fillers which is why so many people are having a hard time with the Barr generics. They suck! When I had insurance I use to take the original Adderall manufactured by Shire. They decided to sell out to Barr and the difference is not only noticeable in the texture but the taste (is now really sweet and tastes like aspartame) but also in its effectiveness. I was doing great on the Shire generic adderall. I also was told by CVS pharmacist and Osco pharmacist that they are identical to the Brand name (pharmacists push the Barr because they all have a contract now with Barr and they get a cut of sales!) Well not so. The pills did nothing to really help me concentrate nor focus and felt like a dirty high. The dr said to give them a little more time and wouldn't you know I got into such a bad state of mind. I not only became depressed but I thought I was going crazy. Dr took me off and am now on Dexedrine by Glaxo. There really isn't anything that works well for my ADD but the original Shire Aderall or the Shire generic. So don't let anyone foll you into believing that generics are identical.

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M.Amphet salts 20MG I noticed they were not working as well or as long as the name brand. How can the be called generic if the do not work the same? I got generic because I can't afford the name brand. Now am stuck with them.

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hi my name is mona am 23 years old and live with adhd comb,and type 2 bipolor and i have have insomnia, at ocasions i get vary depressed and become a hermit.
See i take 20mg d-amphetamine salt combo tabs (pink) and i have been on adderall for about 3 years know i was on ridalin when i was younger but never really help much just made me a zombie but basicly what am trying to get to is that ive tryed all the brands except brand name no 1 carries it lol but i have had the capsule xr and found that they dont work all they do is keep me up and i get pain in my lower sides i even ended up with a kidney infection for the first time it made me dehydrated bad and at some time i even fell asleep with in 15 min of take my dose i was only on that for a month but when i first started off on adderall i started with 2 20 mg d-amphetamine tabs a day a found it worked purfect i wasnt pist off all the time i could thank and it lasted me all day no it wasnt xr they were just regular aderall generic (pink) i was even able to sleep when i wanted to i felt normal i could control myself agian and then i turn 21 and lost my insurance and they took me off that and put me on these orange pills 20mg i tryed that for about a month and we had to up it to were i had to take 2 20 mg 2x a day and with in a few month i need an extra 1 that made it were i took 2 20 2 x a day 2 in morn 2 at noon and 1 at 3 pm i hated that i didnt like taking that many pills but i knew i need it or i was going to have headacks and feel craby or winy when they came down i was on them for about a year i had gained 60 pound while i was on them and i even ask my doctor what was going on why was it that i was gaining 3-5 pounds a month i was scared so i started looking it up finding all the diffrent thang on different typs of adderal and brands and the different typs of effect they have on ppl so finaly i went back to my doctor told her am gaining my weight because of the adderal and ask her to switch me back to my (pink) adderal i had exsplaine dto her it was my glucos that was making me gain wieght when the adderall Overtime a couple of things begin to happen. 1) Your cells adapt to the effects of the stimulate, hence, your body does not mobilize as much glucose. 2) Also, your body begins to depend on the Adderall to keep the glucose levels stable. In other words, overtime when you take Adderall, your glucose levels are now what was normal a while back when you first start. Additionally, your glucose levels drop below normal when you are not taking the Adderall. Therefore, unless you continue to increase the does (which at a point becomes dangerous), you actually begin to become hungrier when it wears off then you were before you started.One way to increase the glucose levels is to eat food. Adderall increases your glucose levels artificially by stimulating the production of epinephrine (adrenaline) in your which then mobilizes your stored glucose. In the short term, you lose weight. Nevertheless, you have just artificially increased your glucose levels, so your body only thinks it is full.but any ways that when she tryed me on xr and they were way to much for me as i exsplained early in this comment and i had to talk to her about that 2 finaly so finaly with in the last couple of month i had to change addys to get the pink 1 i needed and know i feel like i did when i first started them i fell good about my self i have lost 10 bl in the last 2 weeks and i dont have to take 5 any more just 3 but know i dont have to take m sleeping med any more either i can rest and wake up in the morning no more headack and no more having to worry that it going make u crash be cause they dont even my sex life started getting back to were it used to be when we first meet and boy am i surprised am not prego lol so really ppl if the orange or blue or caps arant working try to call around to diff pharmacys to see if they have the pink 1 or ask ur doctor to make shur ur getting the script for regular adderall be cause the pink pill is the genaric form for it and am telling u ppl it the 1 h have nown to work the best las t all day , no head acks u can eat if u want but dont have to and with in 15 min it hits u ans by the time u wan tto go to bed u can am happy iam hoping by the time i lose the weight i gain i can lower it back to taking 2 a day and not 3 an about adderall it can make ur hair weak and teeth rot and ur nails breetal i recommend useing hair strangthener and heath plus tooth past crest enamle protection ,i also use listorin the puple kind to rinse help with asid and for ur nails well used nail stranght and growth i hope this all come to u as news and if u cant sleep try taken like 5 mg less or may be 10 mg eat heather and stay active hope this info mation come to help some ppl

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I was recently prescribed Adderal XR, and am taking the general D-Amphetamine Salt Com.
I started the medicine yesterday, and so far I feel fine outside of an intense pain followed by nausea. Though I'm not worried about immediate side-effects I am worried about long term. I've read so much on this medicine, and knowing my side-effects from taking Ritalin LA when I was little, I'm worried. Is there anything I can do to prevent the insomnia and loss of appetite from getting really bad? And what should I do if my psychological condition worsens...?

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i used to be prescribed vyvanase. i lost sooo much weight. my family was convinced i was abusing drugs. a new psych changed to the d-amphetamine. i have since had some yucky stuff in my life, this psych is retiring. this psych wouldnt prescribe cuz i have anxiety.my primary sd same thing. this new doc wont know me & i have gained like 50 lbs in a YEAR. would vyvanase be bad w/anxiety? i soooooo liked it for the weight loss.

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my daughter takes d-amphetamine salt combo xr 30 mg and i take d-amphetamine salt combo 10 mg tabs. a friend once stole some of my daugters & ingested the balls from inside (many.) he is a former meth user, he says it makes him feel like hes on meth. it sounded pretty wierd, and of course i was angry! luckily my daughter had skipped a few days here & there and i had extra. could this be true.

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well i just got on the 20's and this sh*ts got me gecked up! cant stop walkin, cant stop doin anything! probally wasent smart takeing 2. Im feelin like the da*m energy bunny on crack. JUST KEEP GOIN, JUST KEEP GOIN, JUST KEEP GOIN, AAHHHHHH. oh and not tryin to be nasty but dont exspect to releive yourself while on this sh*t. IMPOSSIBLE unless you like spending an hour in the bathroom tryin to get a hard on. but other than that and my heart feeling like its gonna pop out my chest it works nicely!

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Folks, this stuff is amphetamine, i.e. SPEED, nothing else but some time-release effect. I take it but a SMALL dose, like 5 mg/day. I am a chemist and know a lot about this in terms of chemistry and history. The whole trade-name thing is just to avoid the negative association with SPEED, but make no mistake, it is the SAME THING and has the same positive and negative effects. 20 mg is commonly prescribed but for most, this is WAY TOO MUCH and will get you addicted and you will be ragged out at the end of the week. Personally, I recommend not using on weekend and consider alternatives instead of long-term use. I think putting kids on it is crazy sh*t except in rare cases. You can open the capsules, pour out like 1/4 of the contents and take that for your dose if you want to try less. Try this just to get some positive effects but to avoid most of the negative. If you are taking sleeping pills or tranquilizers to sleep, or to take the edge off the nervousness/anxiety from the amphetamine, then LOOK OUT, you are headed for trouble, my friend. Reduce dose and consider alternatives. Try Eleuthero esp if male, more sleep, meditation.
Good luck to you.
If you think you may be addicted to pills, try AA or NA.


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This is my 1st day to take the amphetamine salt combo 20mg. It hit me kinda of all of a sudden. I do feel more focused with energy but I'm having a feeling of euphoria. Not sure I want to it to be like this all the time.

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Doctors can legally write up to a 90 day supply for ADHD medications. It's up to your insurance if they'll pay for that or not. However, there are NO refills allowed. If they only pay for 30 days at a time, the other 60 days on the script are void.

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Yea, my dr writes me out 3 months of scripts for my adderall but the pharmacy will only give it to me once a month. Cuz its a controlled substance.
And I live in WI too.

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to joey....u can get 3 months drugs in advance...it depends w ur insurance...my doc asked about it...either 1 written prescrip/ month or they mail u the drugs from outa state...one of those state laws vs federal
....i live in WI...

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no insurance or pharmacy will prescribe you 2 months much less 3. I have been on adderall xr, vyvanse and now the amphetamine xr and with all controlled substances you can only get 1 month supply.

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I have been taking the genergic time release 4 months now, I have found the dose that works for me at this point, love it! I read a couple of post that state their MD/insurance company's allow 3 month refills on this Schd 2 drug---my Pharmancy will not hear of it.

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Adam - you're right in that splitting an extended release tablet will result in getting too much of the medication at once. I am pretty sure that the pill which we're talking about here is not the extended release formulation otherwise it would be a coated tablet. Of course, I could be wrong! I would recommend calling the manfacturer at 888-742-5578 to triple check. One other thing to note is the fact that Barr Labs did a recall of a certain lot of these pills distributed earlier in the year because "some might exceed weight requirements, resulting in super-potency" There is a press release which came out on August 17th 2009 describing this. You can also verify with Barr that you don't have any of the pills from the affected lot # 311756. I hope this info helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or details to add...

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does any know if you can talk half a dose of the generic version (b 973). i find 20 mg is too much but I've read that you cant split a extended release pill or it will release to much at once. so is b 973 extended release or what?

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I have used both the time released adderal and the generic amphetamine over the last four years. with the XR adderal, the side effects were much worse, and i couldnt take it after about 9 in the morning, otherwise i would be unable to sleep at night. i have found that the amphetamine salt combo is much easier to work with, has fewer side effects, and lets me manage my dose depending on what is happening today (ex. sleeping in!).
also, i have noticed that if i take adderal for an extended period of time (1-2months straight), i develop symptoms of paranoia. Not sure if that is supposed to happen.

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D-Amphetamine salt is identical to Adderall it is just the generic version. the one this thread is about is simply not time released. I used to get prescribed adderall but had my doc switch me to the generic to save money on copays. you can even get the generic time released

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