Cost Of Suboxone (Page 14) (Top voted first)


Have no insurance. Where can I fill my Suboxone prescription cheap? Paying 320 dollars for a 30 day supply - 8mg

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Re: nohumboldt (# 302) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it is a benzo, and yes it can be, you are not supposed to take Suboxone with kolonopin, Valium, none of those...

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Yeah if you can, get it. Up here in Michigan it's hard to get. Walmart refuses to fill my prescription because they don't fill Suboxone. If you ask me, it's a mixed-up situation. First day they put up at about people being hooked on prescription drugs then when you try to get off of them and you need your Suboxone they don't want to fill the prescription. How stupid! I get mine filled every month at a Mom and Pop's Pharmacy and I've been on it now for about 7 months and it works..... This whole thing about opioid addiction and the rules that the DEA are putting on it and our government is making it hard for the people to get their pain medication anyway and it's not the pain medication that people are od'ing off of, it's heroin, and the news in the government have nerve enough to say opioid addiction. Give me a break.

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The cheapest place I’ve found was Line Ave pharmacy in Shreveport LA. If u get like 5, it’ll cost u 10$ but, if u get say 30 u get them for $2.15 per tablet. I can't find anyone else that’ll beat them. Anywho, hope that helps.

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Sorry about the typos on the post but the drug is subutex in the generic form...called buprenorphine. And the discount card..I have a direct number to a lady named Diane and she will set you up. I can direct you to the website but there is nothing better than going straight to the source and she will direct you to the site herself so you can print the card that would be a temp or just get the pharmacy prescription codes from her and you can start using it right away. It was a money and lifesaver because for a measly $5, you can get like 50% off.

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I have the ward and I no longer use walgreens because the discount card still end up being cheaper at walgreens. In house, spouse..BS! Get the card and go to CVS and Osco or call them up to check the prices with the info they give you from the card. By far the cheapest pharmacies with this card..and see if they have gift cards for new or transferred scripts and if they do ask them if they can take it off the price right there. Just try it out and you will be sending me thank you posts!

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Hi! How did u ck the price for diff pharmacies. I'm in Katy/Houston, TX & want to know how much it is here w/the discount card(s) I have.

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The pharmacuetical company that manufactures suboxone has a patient assistance program that offers free or low cost medication for those who have low income and no insurance. ( includes medicare and medicaid) You have to apply for it and that can be time consuming- but when you need the medication it is well worth the trouble.

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I live in Delaware and have always paid 3.00 co-pay for 14 12mg suboxone films. This is because of Delawares free medical ins. for the poor ( unwilling to work ). Weell, as of Sept. 1 2013 the jokes on me. The new Medicaid policy is as follows,. Only 1 8mg film will be covered per day and a consistant decrease in dosage must take place over a 6 month period leading to a suboxone free client. The extra 4mgs I get have to come out of my pocket. Heres the catch. I get perscribed 14 12mg films every 14 days. Not 28 8mg films so I pay all or nothing. Medcaid covers 10 12mg films. The other 4 at $14.00 each goes directly to me. Meaning my script now costs $56.00 insted of $.50

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Did you look in surrounding areas? I got lucky and have one a few miles away but most that come to the local one drive from hours away. Literally hours away. Which if you're only making the trip once a month isn't so bad. Another FYI, most doc's dont accept insurance, guess it's too difficult to get approved for sub treatment, whatever, but anyway you might want to ask about your insurance first, if they don't accept much cash visits are. Call several and compare rates. Ask your insurance if they cover RX suboxone too

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Have u ever lived in PA?

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Just called that number. What a joke. They doubled the price of what I am paying. I can get 60. 8/2 mgs pills for 220.00

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I pay 25 co-pay and get 60 for free with my insurance....yall have a good day

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Get on Obama care and the generic bupenorphrine is free..60-90 8 mg tabs FREE! Just sign up through your states website

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Ash-perhaps you need to talk to a ACA broker.

A single person can get Obama care for less than $70 a month with copay of $20 and meds for $10.

Families pay under $200. MUCH less than private pay.

If you don't qualify for this, you certainly qualify for state aid.

Call your state agency or a local ACA broker for free help.

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Ash-there are multiple people discussing it. ONLY YOU don't want to and that doesn't make it a veto item on the forum.

It's unfortunate that you're angry. That's not a reason for me to be silent or less happy about what I've received through Obamacare.

ANYTHING that gives us better access to what we need is allowed. And obviously others ARE gaining great benefit.

I'm not a rep, just a very grateful citizen who has been under insured for 10 years.

I can finally breathe, knowing that my medical bills don't eat up 50% of my earnings each month.

If you're only paying $300 a month as a family, be grateful. Cobra wanted to charge me $485 a month as a single!!! :)

AND you have 2 incomes. You're truly blessed. You have backup!:)

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Ash-no one is being argumentative but you. I apologize that I misread. I thought you said IF you got laid error.

I was explaining the May exception that i got that can help other people RIGHT NOW. How is that condescending?

I think perhaps you're projecting. My experience is that nearly everyone I know did better with the new plan, ESPECIALLY if they used an approved broker to use their subsidy to lower monthly payments.

I truly hope things get better for you. You can call 211 on your phone. It's the United way. They have a list of agencies near you for prescription, food and mortgage/rent and utility assistance, so you can get your meds.

If you don't accept help, perhaps others can use this info...

Best of luck.

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Hikmer-As of some point in 2014, your PCP won't write pain management drugs in most states, including Suboxone.

They will only write for short term use like a broken limbs, etc., which have a specific documented healing time.

Ask for a referral to a specialist for prescription and oversight. Too many PCPs are getting their licenses pulled for overprescribing, others don't want the hassle of constant oversight.

Verwon can quote the specific part of the new law, but I THINK (am not 100% positive) that we all have to be with pain management docs this year.

I'm thinking that all insurance will be in compliance with the DEA.

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Hikmer-lolol. You make a point, I guess.

It depends on one's goals. I researched pain specialists near me. I'm pretty pro-active.

I'm getting the Anthem/Blue PPO option on 6/1. My PCP will make the referral at our next visit. Wait time to see specialist-2 weeks.

I dont want to score on the street. I want real pain management paid by my insurance.

I want to be able to advocate for myself and not have any weirdness come up.

That's just me..:). Everyone should do what's right for them, of course. ..

It just bothers me when I hear people say that you can't get taken care of through Obamacare. There are loads of people to help us navigate the system and make it more affordable.

Ways we don't know about when we try to just get insurance ourselves.

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With the here to help program, I copied updated information directly from their website on 5/7/14.

Maybe with so many needy, they had to cut supply. Maybe there are exceptions based on factors not listed on the home page, like family size.

It's certainly worth a call, and as Ash said, they have a very efficient process.

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Umm You can get suboxone treatment from a psychiatrist fyi...I get 60 8mg per month...just lost insurance and have appt soon...not sure how to tell doctor after 2 yrs of treatment.

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