Contrave Forums (Page 10)

Recently active Contrave forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Contrave and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I haven't been on Contravene for months as I lost my 35 pounds and maintained it. During the holidays I picked up some weight. Just took two today and forgot I am having a root canal in 30 hours. Should I be okay? Afraid it will block the pain shots he gives me to do the work on me. ## @Dental Patient, Is your dentist also aware that you're taking any prescriptions? If not, I think it would be important to inform them if not but for your own safety; especially if something they administer has a possibility of interacting.'s drug interaction checker mentions that Contrave may decrease the effectiveness of opioid medication. According to, "the average elimination half-life of Naltrexone (one of the active ingredients in Contrave) is four hours, and the mean...

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I have been on Contrave for six weeks but can only stomach 2 pills a day dose. I started back in the gym and now every time I workout (even if it is low intensity) I am throwing up! My weight loss has stalled and I am extremely frustrated. I am watching my calories like a hawk and exercising five days a week and haven't lost a single pound in 3 weeks!! Any suggestions? ## Well, if you're not taking the full dosage, that may explain why your weight loss has stalled. Due to the issues you're having with vomiting, it could be that this just isn't the right medication for you and you may need to switch to something else. Have you consulted your doctor? The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medications possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nervous...

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I have been on Contrave for 2 weeks and have lost 11 pounds. I don't want to get out of bed. I feel like blah. I don't even want to do the things I used to enjoy. It takes all I have to do what I have to so I can take care of my kids. I don't want to stop taking it because I'm losing so much weight. Will this feeling go away?? ## Hello, Jennifer! How are you? Yes, it can cause depression in some people that take it, as listed by the FDA, along with nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, nervousness and insomnia. You should inform your doctor, there are other medications that you can take for weight loss and you may need to stop this one. Are you on any other medications? ## Same reaction here. Can may want to try Qysmia but that can make up jittery especially at the high doses. #...

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I've been taking contrave for 3 months. I am having mild success. I've only lost five pounds. However, I'm not binge eating. It has also reduced my migraines. I'm scheduled for a routine evaluation for colonoscopy in about three weeks (turned 50). My doctor requested that I stop taking Contrave two weeks before the procedure. He cited new regulations that state patients should cease the use of weight loss drugs during this procedure. When I've researched this statement, the term "diet drugs" seems to be defined as ephedrine and Belviq. I know that Contrave is new and some doctors are unfamiliar with the new drug. The procedure does require sedation, but there will not be any other medication. Do I really need to stop taking Contrave before this procedure? If ...

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Contrave is working great for me, right now I'm taking one in the morning and one in the evening. Having dizzy spells for the first couple hours after taking it and experience some nausea. Lost 13 pounds so far. Can I just keep taking just one pill in the morning and one in the evening? Seems to curving my appetite fairly well. ## Hello, Billy! How are you? You may be able to do that, if your doctor approves of your staying on the lower dose. However, they may not want you to do so, because many people tend to eventually hit a plateau phase, so the higher dosage may be necessary to keep encouraging weight loss. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Contrave as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia and nervousness. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I just started my second month of Contrave and I'm not really seeing a huge difference. My appetite is less and I am not eating as much but the scale is not moving. I walk about 5 miles a day. Does anyone know how long it takes to see results? ## Hello, Patti! How are you? Not every medication works for everyone that tries it, so it could be that it's not the right medication to help you. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and anorexia. What types of foods do you eat? What else have you tried for weight loss? ## I eat pretty much meats! No veggies, I just don't like them. I've tried phentermine but it's no good without the other half that was banned years ago! I can say that the Contrave has eliminated ...

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After discussing Contrave with my doctor and doing so research on my own, I believe it may be the final thing I need. I have been working with a trainer for two months and have been diligent about healthy eating and I am losing weight. Fiben my appetite/craving issues, my doctor suggested adding the Contrave to what I am already doing. My only concern is its effect on blood pressure. I have high BP but it is controlled with meds. I am sure the high BP is due in part to the extra weight I am carrying, but I do not want to risk a heart attack or stroke by adding Contrave in my effort to lose that weight. So, I am curious how much of a risk of increased BP is their on Contrave and, given that mine is controlled with meds, will Contrave counteract my BP meds and send my BP into heart attack...

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Hubby and I will be starting Contrave next weekend. The med is over $200 but we both work with the City so our Health insurance covered most of the cost and then our pharmacy used a $10 coupon so it's costing us $70. Looking forward to sharing results. Hoping I have the same or better results as when I took Phentermine. I was on it for 6 mos and lost 68lbs. Because of long hours on my job I couldn't exercise but was very strict and stayed on an 800 Cal diet. What is everyone else doing/eating? ## Hello, Rosie! How are you? I just want to make sure that you're aware of some of the possible side effects of Contrave, as listed by the FDA, you may experience nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness, insomnia and anorexia. Can anyone that's on it chime in to answer her questi...

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I've been on Contrave about a mouth twice daily (when I remember to take them) I forgot I wasn't supposed to and took one Percocet pill a short time ago for bad tooth ache. What can I expect to experience for side effects. I'm quite panicked right now ## There is no reason to panic, if you didn't suffer any adverse effects while taking it, then you should be fine. The main issue is that the Naltrexone can neutralize the Oxycodone in the Percocet, while the Bupropion tends to increase its effectiveness. Thus, if the Percocet helped you, then there should be nothing to worry about. However, it would be best to inform your healthcare provider, just in case. The FDA classifies Percocet as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side ef...

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I have tried both medications at different times over the past two year. I was placed on them having gained 80 pounds in 9 months and having difficulty with obesity for most of my life. Also I was diagnosed as diabetic type 2 at about the same time and needed to curb my appetite. Initially I took Qsymia - yes it is more than twice as expensive than Contrave. Qsymia cost about $220 for a month's supply with a discount card you can get from the company who makes the medication or your Pharmacy may have a card they can use. Insurance does not cover either drug as far as I know. Contrave costs less than half at $80 for a month's suppy. It can be up to a week before your script is filled. If you bring your script into a Pharmacy not associated with a hospital they may need to order t...

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I started my 3rd week on the 21st and on the 24th i was awaken around 2:30AM with a bad itchy rash on back of my neck and ears. Went to the Dr and he had me stop Contrave and put me on steroids, as it may be an allergic reaction. On the 26th my hands were so swollen and red, and even hurt/burned when touched. my right eye was also swollen. Is it possible it could be due to the increased dosage? I want to get back on it, as it works very well. no other side effects till this. I've lost 9#;s since the 7th. ## Hello, Steffy! How are you? No, your doctor is right, those symptoms do sound more like an allergic reaction, which most likely means you won't be able to go back on this medication, since such reactions usually tend to get worse repeated exposure. However, there are other we...

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Are these two OK to take together? I haven't noticed any major changes, but know they both may effect how you feel. A little strange. but all I've noticed is not wanting to be in large crowds or go out as much as before. I start to fell claustrophobic. ## Hello, Hudson! How are you? Is your doctor aware that you are taking both? Doxepin and the Bupropion in the Contrave tend to increased the toxicity of each other, which can lower your seizure threshold and cause other issues. That doesn't mean they can't be taken together, but the dosages should be kept as low as possible and your doctor should be monitoring you regularly. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Contrave as possibly including nausea, dizziness, insomnia, nervousness and dry mouth.

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I took my first Contrave this morning and it will be my last! I am on long-term hydrocodone due to spinal stenosis. My doctor told me I would have more pain due to the opioid blockers in Contrave. However I got hit with stomach cramps, severe diarrhea, chills, and terrible nausea (sitting on the loo with my head in a waste basket). Is this why people lose weight, because they're so nauseous they want to die? Maybe remembering how horrible I felt will help me curb my bad eating habits because I wouldn't take another Contrave if I were at gunpoint!! ## Hello, Pam! How are you? I think that what you experienced was actually precipitated withdrawal caused by the opiate blocker in it. Generally, these medications should not be given to someone that is on an opiate, unless they are al...

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Hello, I have been on Contrave for 7 days with a lot of nausea. While I lost 5 lbs by day 6, I have thrown up 4 out of 7 days! I've recreated the meals I ate on days I kept food down but that wasn't a guarantee I would not get sick. I got vertigo two weeks before I started Contrave so I had been using a motion sickness prescription patch. Others mentioned dramamine, bonine and ginger - still no guarantee on keeping the nausea in check. I will say when I put a new patch on at night, the next day usually prevented vomiting. is not good to stay on those motion sickness meds so I stopped today. I will try an otc oil. I am hoping the severity of the nausea and vomiting was due to vertigo but as only day one is bad for me with vertigo, I'm not sure if I'm being overly...

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Second night I got a really bad headache, it could have been from sugar withdrawal. Headache lasted through day three. I did not take contravene on day three, scared of another headache. My question is will headaches get better/worse? Should I give it another go? ## It seems like my headaches got less severe and less frequent after a few weeks. I recently stopped taking it bc I didn't think it was really helping that much but it was lol. I figured that out after I stopped it. So I'm on day 2 again now and I'm having really bad headaches again too. I feel your pain! ## According to, you should talk with your doctor if you experience headaches while taking naltrexone or bupropion (the two active ingredients in Contrave). REF: 1.

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I'm on my 3rd week, getting ready to do 2 pills in the morning one in the evening. I was wondering if I should tAke the 2pills in the morning together or maybe an hour apart. I have been doing ok on he pills so far, I do feel werid some days. So I'm a little scared to up the dosage ## Hello, Christie! How are you? They should be taken together, at the same time. What do you mean by saying that you feel weird? Could you please be more specific? Thanks! The FDA lists the typical side effects of Contrave as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation and insomnia.

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I've just started taking Contrave (on day 3). Before I continue very far down this road I'm wondering about what happens once I've reached my goal weight with respect to staying on or getting off of Contrave? I've not discussed this with my physician. I'm mostly concerned about effects on mental health. Should one expect to stay on this drug for the rest of their life? About 3 years ago I was treated for rather mild depression that was treated with Celexa. I'm presently on 20 mg of Celexa. For the 3 days I've taken it I've felt a bit groggy and have periods of feeling very very sleepy when I don't think I should be. ## Hello, Les! How are you? The feeling groggy and sleepy can be normal side effects of this medication, in some people that take it. As ...

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Hi. I'm on my second week and have lost a few pounds. I was just wondering if there are any longer term users who experienced constipation that did not last. I had pelvic surgery a few years back and a sling was needed. I am worried that the straining of constipation might mess with my sling. If anyone has had relief from constipation, I'd be interested to hear about it an if you have any suggestions. Thanks! ## Hello, Sandi! How are you? Yes, several other users have reported experiencing constipation and that it usually goes away after a week, or two, as their body gets used to the medication. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and insomnia. However, in your case, you should check with your doctor to see what you can do t...

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I have been taking contrave for 4 months now I had problems with constipation and now have a prolapsed bladder I may need surgery can I go back on Contrave if I stop taking it??? I have lost 56 pounds but I am afraid I will gain it back right away Loving the way I feel being much lighter wish I didn't have this problem. ## Hello Joann! How are you? Yes, if you were straining due to the constipation, that can sometimes cause a bladder prolapse. And yes, many people stop Contrave long enough to have surgery, then start taking it, again, once their doctor says they can. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Contrave as possibly including nausea, dizziness, insomnia, nervousness and anorexia. Is there anything else I can help with? ## thank you very much have a nice evening

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Hi I had dental work done and the lat time I took my meds was two days ago which was Oxycondone can I start taking my convave again ## Hello, Danielle! How are you? Did you start taking it, again? Generally, there should be at least 72 hours of separation between one and the other, if you're not a chronic opiate user, unless your doctor instructs you otherwise. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Contrave as possibly including nausea, dizziness, insomnia, nervousness and anorexia. Is there anything else I can help with?

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