Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Page 4)



I was given Invega Sustenna at 100mg a month for 10 months since Dec 5th. My last shot was on August 29th 2013.

The medication gave me severe anhedonia and I have lost the motivation and willpower to do anything. I can no longer experience joy, happiness, or pleasure from anything I do and I have no interest in doing anything. I constantly feel restless and uneasy and I just can't shake this feeling away no matter what. All of these started about a week after my first IV.

I have been off this medication for almost 3 months now and I have yet to feel any improvements. I have read that it has a long half life of 25-49 days and that it can stay in your body for 300 days. So does that mean I will have to wait a year to start feeling better?

Any info on someone who has been off this med would be greatly appreiciated. I am interested to learn how many months it takes to feel better after invega sustenna.

Thank you

358 Replies (18 Pages)

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Hi Carly,
Besides the prolactine level is also important to check progesterone and estradiol. When progesterone is low the estradiol is high and can grow breast in man and weight gain.

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Can this normalize after stopping invega or does it cause permanent damage?

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If you look up 'invega Japan' a lot of people who have been poisoned by invega have died from it since it was released there in 2014 either from heart failure or suicide to pneumonia, and they call this medicine. I wish we all could sue Jansens or the psychiatrist who gave us it. Maybe they should try it first and see how they feel before using us as lab rats. This drug sucks. It has ruined a lot of lives.

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Hi John,

Yes we should sue them. This drug has caused me a lot of damage. This drug has caused me to wanna commit suicide. I have put on weight and lost my libido, as it's played with my hormones. It's the ugly drug that makes you ugly overnight. How they think it can make you better is beyond me. I don't know how it can make you better if you just feel worse about yourself.

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i took 3 shots from invega sustena then stopped it has been 3 months from last shot i still have serious problems like less energetic less joy and problems in memory and concentration
can these side effects go away and can i be more energetic as before
thank u

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My first shot of Invega was the normal dosing shot and then 75 mg. 12 months later I thought I was going to die. So the Dr reduced the dose to 50 mg. After 8 months still the same. GP sent me in for a testosterone blood test. My testosterone was pretty much gone, so I started taking Nebido shots and reduced my Xeplion to 25 mg, IM in the upper leg. Then increased the weeks between the shots to 12 weeks. Then reduced the shots to 10 mg. Still administered in the upper leg. Maintenance shot every 12 weeks for 2 shots. I'm currently off the meds for 12 weeks now. Hoping the testosterone will recover. So far nothing at this stage. Still on Nebido... I hate these meds.

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How are you going? My prolactin is still high and my body still can't loose the weight. It's been 3 months since my last shot. I think it's done permanent damage. I can't see how this Will get better. My body is a mess from this drug. Someone tell me it gets better.

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Hiya Carly, I think you will lose the weight when your prolactin normalizes. For me the problem is emotional dullness or anhedonia. I was happy before this poison was forcefully given to me by the Nazis at a mental health clinic, but I think we will all get over it in months to come. I certainly hope so. I can't even have a beer or a smoke and enjoy it. Invega is a shot of pure depression and misery for anyone unlucky enough to have it. Anyway, hope you get better.

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Hi John,

Yes I hope I loose the weight by the end of the year. My prolactin isn't normalizing. That's the problem and I hoped to really nail it. They won't give me medication for it because I was on Invega, so it's hopeless. I was forced the drug too by evil people. It is a shot of pure depression......weight gaining, libido affecting drug that totally cripples you. I'd love to have a glass of wine and enjoy it but I'm numb to even alcohol as it does nothing for me anymore. I'd really like to sue them for damage but in NZ you can't. I just want my old body back to normal. I feel they have amputated a part of me and my soul. To not have the choice about my weight or libido or emotion is amputation of the soul. I'd rather of lost an arm than feel this way. At least my hormones would be normal and my inside functioning. This is the ugly drug.

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Hi Everyone,

I've just started month six without Invega/Xeplion or other psych drugs. I use coffee and tobacco, most days I use alcohol alone but I see the things I do to get thru these days as being necessary - I do not intend to continue turning profits for pharma industry, period.

I saw a shrink today and felt sad, with my new "sobriety" at their blind and blunt willingness to pump drugs into the eccentrics in their society. In my case, I needed to confront some ugly truths about my past in order to reach today and it hurts to have my eyes opened as I wonder at others, whose trauma may have been greater but who may never get clear away from the dependence and chemical slavery which psychiatry, and all abuse can entail. I am lucky, but cannot yet feel joy. It should not matter much, to feel alienation and fear etc is okay when the alternative is emotional nothingness.

I SHOULD try harder with diet, exercise, socializing etc but I am glad to be freer today, in general, than I ever have been.

Good luck to you all, I believe we can all, in time, start to feel the benefits of the healing we strive for each day.

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Not turning profits for pharmacy industry is right. That's all it is is money for the drug companies.

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Hi Sean
How are you getting on? Have u lost the weight yet from the antipsychotics?

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Hi Carly, I've been reading a lot of info about this s***ty drug. Looks like it takes a long time to come right; even 9 and a half months off I still cant cry or have any emotions, which feels like horrible torture. I'm in NZ too, in Northlake. Anyway hope you're a bit better.

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I don't know if anyone has this side effect but I can't feel any effect from alcohol. I could drink and drink but no effect I can't get drunk or tipsy it's like my body is resilient to it. Is this another side effect?

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Hiya Carly I have been trying to get drunk for nearly 10 months now just get a dull headache seems to me invega takes every pleasure away I still cant cry feel happy or anything anhedonia hope it's not permanent anyway I live in Nz to have to get in touch sometime hope you get right

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Hi ya John
Yes I live in NZ too. I can't get drunk it really bothers me how my body can be so numb to the pleasures in life.

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I think it's something to do with the dopamine d2 receptor blockade once it clears you get all your emotions back ( I hope)cant wait to enjoy a drink and feel something

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Hi John
How long before dopamine receptors are cleared how long does it take?

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Hi John
The more I read about this drug the more sick I feel. I've lost all hope that things will come rite. My body is a nightmare I've put on 8kg can't get drunk have no emotions no libido. It's pretty bad all this it's actually a nightmare. Do you live in wanaka? I'm in Tauranga living the dream....not. you said it's been 9 months...... for me it's been 3 months since the poison last was injected. I wanna know when my dopamine levels will come back to not being blocked? I wanna give up and just curl up and block out the world.

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I went and seen a doctor yesterday couldn't give me a straight answer but I read online it can take up to 343 days then 2_3 months for your receptors to get right what a horrible poison I gained 23 kgson it but I think we'll just have to wait the nightmare out theres no other option i live in northland anyway hope we get better soon

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