Clozapine / Schizophrenia (Page 2)
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My son has been in the Hospital for 6 weeks for schizophrenia. He is on his fourth medicine (clozapine). The first week he was taking 25mg, then 50mg & only heard voices a little, now going on his 3rd week and almost up to 200mg and the voices are stronger and getting a little violent. Is this normal?
Re: Ruth (# 1)
Just to add on after trying to get winged off here are some over the counter meds that can help build the brain and the immune system back up salus silver a probiotic that fights bad bacteria, gaba works with neurotransmitter in the brain,fish oil omega fatty acids 3,6,9 nero drinks mango has gaba in it as well as l-thenine serotonin for sleep,plenty of water,
Re: Venus (# 4)
Hi venus I'm so proud of you you did good I was reading your testimony and you took alot of the same steps I did with my 20yr old daughter whom also was being treating g for schizophrenia black seed oil is awesome stuff I hear and gabas wonder as well,and so is fish oil,and magnesium all I can say is good job we have to just keep spreading our experience with this inhumane psychotic meds there putting our families on and trying help cause that's my goal no body deserves to live like this and shame on those whom help distribute it
Re: Dennis (# 8)
Yeah alright - then that's a huge start. I'm glad to hear this. My daughter's completely back to herself. Keep in mind the psych meds have a big effect on the neurotransmitter in the brain. I found that gaba tablets at CVS are awesome for working with the neurotransmitters in the brain and stress + anxiety. And Walmart sells a mango neuro drink with L-thienin and gaba in it as well for sleep. I'm so happy for you guys.
Re: dennis (# 2)
Hi denise my daughter is completely back to herself all psychosis is gone no more voices at all hers had to do more with a hormonal imbalance the pyhc.meds weren't helping they really mess with the neurotransmitter in the brain a lot so you cant think straight or remember anything half the time its been a long road for me but one thing I didn't continue to do is keep giving her the different pyc meds that I seen was making matters worse I began giving her Nero drinks to help her sleep, gaba tablet to help with her transmitters in her brain and anxiety & stress plus shes eating healthy what was the reason he began these meds to begin with?
Dennis (# 2) --
Hi Dennis, it's been a while since I've been on here. My daughter's doing much better, though still not quite herself. She's now taking Abilify 5mg, and Benztropine 2mg for side effects but I've been noticing it making her aggressive, so Iv'e been seeking other solutions. I did come across Genexa Stress Relief and Dream Water which seems to help with anxiety & irritability, inability to concentrate, sleeplessness & fatigue. And the dream water is for sleep. I purchase both at CVS and so far they're awesome. They both have Gaba in them, Aconitum napellus 12×Hpus, which is for: stress, agitation, hypertension; And also calcarea carbonic for anxiety, & sleeplessness. I've also been working with St John Wort which is awesome for mood. {affiliate link added}
This breaks my heart to hear this,cause I know exactly what your going through cause im going through it still going through for the dr. to keep increasing his meds yeah that sounds about normal cause this is how they keep us hooked and if you don't put your foot down they'll keep giving them even more until they can no longer function but I don't agree with it at all with my daughter she's 20 yrs old and been dealing with schizophrenia/bipolar for the last 4 years she also hears voices but is now on 5mg of abilify and 2mg of benztropine for the side effects it also as well as others seem to make her aggressive so there are other calming agents over the counter like St John's worth, gaba, dream water at CVS to help them sleep, mango neuro drinks all these work and helps you get through the day it's not a cure from the schizophrenia/bipolar or the psychosis but it receives thier stress alot by working with the neurotransmitter in the brain all I can say is don't allow this theres neurologist out there that can help
Re: Ruth (# 3)
I spoke to the Doc and he wants to wean my son off but he feels e in not ready yet. I say my son is back to about 90% of himself.
Re: Venus (# 4)
Venus when your son was on Clozapine how much was he taking? And was he still hearing voices? The Doc has my son up to 500mg a day. and the voices are getting less. I spoke to the Doc and he wants to wean my son off but he feels e in not ready yet. I say my son is back to about 90% of himself.
Were any of the mothers of these kids given Yutopar/Ritodrine for preterm labor in the 80’s-90’s?
I don't much about the chlozohine but my daughter was on 256mg of incest sustenna had the same aggressive reaction she's now off all these different psychotic meds. And now when she get aggressive with the voices I give her a St Johns wort and 2 5-htps which seems to calm her raving thoughts down after about 20-30 minutes and the St. John work puts her in calm happy state of mind but I trying keep a close eye on her before her emotion get to out of hand you can tell when things are progressing and when there in a calm state mind.but the bottom line is things don't get any better being on these different psychotic meds only worse. So if the Dr. Can wing them off slowly that's your best bet. Just saying from experiencing it and go through.
Hi my name is Venus
I was able to wean my son off of various antipsychotics the last one being clozaril. First of all I went to the top psychiatrist in the country he now has offices in the Chicago suburbs. Dr. Daniel Amen. Amen Clinics is where you want to be. He looks at the brain through brain scans and he is very capable. His team sees the more difficult cases. Weaned my son off very slowly. I would cut 1/8 of the pill down weekly. Giving him Omega-3 fish oil from Costco that is very pure. We gave him Gaba, magnesium in the form of a powder, serotonin Amen Clinics makes their own supplements and their serotonin is very good, acidophilus, salus silver not to be confused with colloidal silver, and the black seed oil. The black seed oil was huge in his recovery. It turned out my son had a gangrene appendix. Long story short these medicines hurt him and I believe more than one way. Now we have to get his bladder checked because he's having problems emptying it. And it's believe that it's the medicine that caused a lot of it. But hard to prove. To all trying to get off these horrifical meds, take it slow and steady. This combined with great nutrition, no alcohol or sugar should help tremendously. Also spirituality. I do believe in God that he has guided us through all of this. And of course exercise. My son is doing fine now and is going for his PhD. May heart goes out to all who are trying to get off these poisonous medications. I believe there's a place in Arizona that helps people get off anti-psychotic medication. Best to all!
Denise hi as you notice the mg are increasing and the voices could be a sign of schizophrenia my daughter has this my advice to you is talk to your Dr. and trying get him off this medicine before his systom get worse and seek your options majority of the time the Dr's Aren't telling you the long term effect of the medicine because they like us to be unknowledgable about the worse that could happen
Re: Ruth (# 1)
Well my Son is doing a lot better he ended up in the hospital for 4 months he is getting back to his old self but he still has a problem with memory and focusing. He is back in college but again has a hard time concentrating, so far he is hanging in there and wants to finish school. He is taking 400mg of clozapine a day. I understand what you are saying but I can’t take a chance at this time to do any changes with his med. Thank you for the feedback. Glad that is working out for you and your daughter. Can you tell me how you were able to wean your daughter off the medicine?
Hi Dennis. I'm here to help. I have a 19 yr old daughter in your same situation. This medicine is poison point blank and the symptoms and side effects only get worse the higher the milligrams and the longer the individuals is on this medication. Stop allowing them to give yr son more and try to talk to someone about winging him off this medicine slowly. I can tell you they're not gonna recommend this because they make a killing off of making us sick off this medicine telling us there's no cure, but have something that will help, send us home and think it's ok for us to walk around like a zombie not being able to function and let our families left to worry about us. They love to keep us unknowledgeable about our natural options and there are some out there. Just read on. I've posted some and they've worked. I never want anyone to go through what I've been through with my baby. It's been a living hell and im gonna continue to spread the word for all those who dont know about this killer drug.
Activated charcoal comes in tablet form and powder for detoxing the body from bad chemicals or poisons. It works fast along with a healthy diet. I'd keep away from sugary foods. Niacin known as B-6 helps with the hormone imbalancing in the brain, hemp seeds are good for omega 3/6/9. It's sold in the bakery ile of walmart and on amazon. Black seed oil has lots of excellent benefits as well.
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