Clonidine Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Clonidine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Clonidine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains oval pill with a letter v on back and 25/41 on front ## The pill which you are describing is Clonidine HCl 0.1mg manufactured by Qualitest pharmaceuticals. You can read more about this medication at: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## Pink 25|41 with that weird v on back
Catapress round clonidine mp 657 yellow ## The pill in description is Clonidine (0.1 mg). To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## I'm looking for a high blood pressure medication called Clonidine hydrochloride 0.1 mg. Pill imprint MP 657 has been identified as Clonidine hydrochloride 0.1 mg. Do you have any information on where I could get this prescription filled? ## We are trying to figure out the best time to take clonidine tablet 657. My mom is having insomnia and although it should help her sleep along with helping with blood pressure it appears to keep her up.
## My husband was recently put on this medication for his blood pressure. Since taking it he has lost 40 pounds in a month, his skin is pale, he has to eat tons of fiber and laxatives to have a bowel movement, he is anxious, he has no appetitie, and he sleeps almost instantly after taking it. This is not near all of the side effects that he has experienced from taking this medication. When he called his physician his physician told him that he may have to reduce his dosage. Reduce his dosage? ! Get him off of this medication, it is killing him ! I have never seen my husband so weak, so thin, so pale. He says he feels like he is dying. So if you cannot go off of this medication without weening off of it, how do I go about getting him completely off of it before it kills him? Tommorrow wh...
Been taking clonidine for 3 months. Wife says my normal smell is different and she doesn't like it. Can it make you smell? ## It isn't a reported side effect, but being logical, you are adding a chemical to your body that normally isn't present any time you take a medication, so it is possible that it could cause some changes to your normal body chemistry. Learn more Clonidine details here. And from the way you're describing it, that's what it sounds like it's done, it's just made some changes to your usual body chemistry, so you smell a little different than usual. That's not an actual odor, or smelling. However, if it really bothers your wife, then you might want to speak to your doctor about trying a different medication. Has she described what it smel...
clonidine HCL tab is round and pink and treats high blood pressure ## ## is the med. a good use for children age 11, for ADHD ? dr. has my grandson on it to help him sleep at night. ## I have hypertension and high blood pressure works for me just fine
Hi. My 7 year old son takes Clonidine (.1mg) once daily in the evening. He takes Concerta (37mg) in the morning. He is autistic with ADHD and anxiety. The Clonidine is to help his transition from the Concerta and to help him relax for sleep. I completely forgot to go pick up his Clonidine prescription today (it was totally my own fault), and my boyfriend took our only vehicle to work. The pharmacy is already closed. Will he be OK until tomorrow afternoon (when he gets home from school)? If not, I can have my sister go pick up his script tomorrow and take it to school... but if I do that I am worried that he will get drowsy in school. Can someone advise me on the best thing to do? I honestly don't know about this, and I am looking for some guidance. ## I know this question is from tw...
129 peach pill ribbon on other side ## I FOUND A PILL IT HAS 129 AND ITS PEACH COLORED AND HAS A RIBBON ON IT COULD YOU TELL ME WHAT IT IS. ## A tablet with a stylized R, that is often mistaken for a ribbon, and the numbers 129 on it, is listed by Actavis as containing 0.3mgs of Clonidine, which has many medical uses, such as treat high blood pressure, and ADHD. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, and hypotension. You can view more information by clicking this NDC code: 00904-5658 Is there anything else I can help with?
The oval white pill imprinted with U 136 as well as the round peach pill imprinted R 128 are both 0.2 mg clonidine! I am a recovering addict who's suffered from the disease of addiction. I was for years chasing my next high. My doctor gave me these to help with withdrawal and sleeping. They do not make you feel high as they're non narcotic! They do however put you to sleep. Originally they are indicated for high blood pressure and drug withdrawal. ## Clonidine can also be used for treating anxiety, ADHD and several other medications. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, sedation, drowsiness, dry mouth, and headache. I have not taken it, but I've heard it works miracles for high blood pressure. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hello I...
small white pill that is blank on one side the other has a line engraved in it and on top it says MYLAN and bottom has 195 ## Is the marking possibly MYLAN 199? If so, Mylan lists it as containing 0.3mgs if Clonidine, which is used to treat various conditions, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, and ADHD. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, headache, dizziness, nervousness and insomnia. ## Can 0.1mg of clonidine be takin 3 times a day. I am on 2 a day an i forgot if I took my 2nd one before bed..
On one side there is a fancy v and on the other there is 25 with aline straight down the middle then there is 41 on the other side of the line ## What is the pill for. ## Qualitest Pharmaceuticals list this tablet as containing 0.1mgs of Clonidine, which has various medical uses, such as treating high blood pressure, nervousness, and ADHD. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, and insomnia. You can view more information on it by clicking this NDC code: 0603-2957 Is there anything else I can help with?
I have been taking clonidine for eight or nine years. It has always made me very tired, sleepy and fatigued. It also causes halusinations and lots of dreams. It has caused my hair to get really thin. The doctor has kept me on it because it lowers My pressure and so many of the other blood pressure medicines did not work. Have any of you had any of these problems including hair thinning? ## Yes, the FDA does list those as being possible side effects, you may also experience headaches, increased urination, and hypotension. What other medications did you try? Is this the only one that you are currently taking? ## No. I also take losartan, amlodipine, metoprol and hydrochlorothiazide. I would love to be able to get off all drugs and live healthy without them.
I recently was prescribed the above medication....0.1 mg tabs two times per day and it certainly seems to have made a positive improvement....has anyone else had this or other experiences??? ## I was prescribed this medication about four years ago, for high blood pressure...0.2 mg two times a day, and for the last three years it has been under control. Even had two sugery.. ## Cheryl...thank you for your response....somehow, it appears I didn't receive all of it...specifically when you began writing about your two surgeries....????? ## I have been on Clonidine for about 6 years and it has brought my blood pressure under control. I take 02 three times a day. ## please advise what you were prescribed this drug for. My 8 yr old son was prescribed this same drug and I would like to know...
what is this, found it in my sons room? ## Exactly what do you mean by funny looking? Can you please post back and clarify? Actavis does manufactured an orange tablet with a stylized R on one side, (some people think it looks like a breast cancer ribbon), and the numbers 129 on the other. They list it as containing 0.3mgs of Clonidine. It is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, anxiety, and ADHD. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and mood changes.
I was hospitalized for kidney problems and put on Clonidine. now my Dr. says it was a mistake, but I now cannot be taken off of this drug. Is there way to get off this drug? ## During hospitalization for kidney problems, I was put on Clonidine. Now my kidney Dr. , says that I cannot be taken off this drug. Is this true? ## Yes, it can be stopped, but it does require a very slow taper and there are some risks associated with doing so, such as elevated blood pressure, and heart rate according to FDA reports. What dosage are you currently taking? Have you consulted Nephrologist? I've never heard of this medication being used to treat kidney issues. Are you on any other medications?
small round white pill imprinted 981 mylan ## Is the marking possibly MYLAN 186? If so, this tablet contains 0.2mgs of Clonidine, which is used to treat various conditions, such as high blood pressure, ADHD, and anxiety. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and insomnia.
I'm taking methadone, seroquel and clonidine. Will my urine show up as benzo? ## Clonidine showed up as a false positive under the metabolite of oxazepam, a benzodiazepine, which are quite often checked in urine tests because of their dependency. I just had a drug test because I'm on opioids and clonidine showed up as a false positive for oxazepam. I'm also on temazepam, oxycodone, OxyNeo, Cymbalta and Wellbutrin.
what color is clonidine 0.2mg ## what color is generic clonidine 0.2mg ## That is impossible to say. Once a pill is available for generic manufacturer, it is made by many different companies and each pill will look different. The color is entirely up to the whit and whim of the manufacturer. There is no law that says all 0.2mgs have to be the same color from one company to the next, so some may be white, some pink, some blue. ## Is .02mg 3 times a day alot. It does make me very sluggish, will that subside in time? ## I need help with getting clonidine 0.2 mg can you please help me I have high blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, depressing and No medical I do wirk but its so expensive I cant afford the clonidine thanks ## Are u looking for clonidine cuz I have plenty of them available
I am on Clonidine for anxiety and other reasons. I take 0.1mg to 0.2mg at a time. Today I was watching my grandkids when I took 0.2mg around 3:30 - 4:00. I had such a hectic day, got home at 7 and took it again forgetting I already took it. Will I be ok? I'm a little scared... ## How are you doing? Did you experience any adverse effects? In most cases, unless someone is allergic to a medication, accidentally taking a double dose, just once, will usually only cause worsening of some of the side effects, which the FDA lists as possibly including nausea, dizziness, sedation, lowered heart rate, and lowered blood pressure. But in some cases, this could put some people in danger, so in such situations, it is always best to seek emergency medical advice, via an ER doctor, or urgent care c...
Can Clonidine, Baclofen, Seroquel or Prozac make you test positive for Benzodiazepines on a drug screen? ## please help im on probation and take methadone and seroquil xr as soon as i started taking the seroquil xr i started testing positive for benzos so they did a ms/gc and it came back with positive for benzos, I DONT TAKE BENZOS now looking at going to jail anyone have info, as soon as i took myself off of the seroquil xr 6 days later giving clean test for benzos, class action lawsuit anyone who has given up there freedom in regards to this ## can anyone b more spesific with what medication can cause a false positive for diazepam a ## Bactrim will cause false positive for benzos ## Diazepam is a benzodiazepines, if I am correct, it's Valium ## I am an alcoholic in recover and ha...
Can you tell me what it is? I found it in my niece's drawer. Please dont let it be nothing bad ## The pill which you are describing is Clonidine 0.2 mg manufactured by Actavis [1]. It has been mainly used to treat high blood pressure, although has found new uses - including treatment of some types of neuropathic pain, opioid detoxification, sleep hyperhidrosis, anaesthetic use, and off-label, to counter the side effects of stimulant medications such as methylphenidate or amphetamine. It is becoming a more accepted treatment for insomnia, as well as for relief of menopausal symptoms. To read more about this medication please see: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... References [1] ## That is a clonidine .02 mg blood pressure