Clonazepam Ingredients Mylan Brand Vs Teva Vs Accord (Page 4)


Please help with this, i have taken the mylan brand for several years, when the pharmacy could no longer order it they ordered Teva, it immediately gave me pains that seemed to be in my chest....kind of the opposite of what it's supposed to do. So with Mylan being available though only two pharmacies, someone mentioned accord...but what is the difference of fillers. could you simply list all the ingredients for all three brands so if Accord matches Mylan i'm ok?

286 Replies (15 Pages)

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Re: Maggie (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

My experience with sandoz is the same. Just doesn't work.

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Re: David (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

You need a new pharmacist. If one gets mad at you for this issue, he is not a professional, and knows little about generics. For him to say x is the best -for you- means he needs to retire or change jobs. Ask your doctor fora recommendation, hopefully someone he/she works with often.

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Re: Sylvia (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

I just started a week ago and have had two bouts of dizziness (one was severe) especially since I've never had this kind of dizziness in my life! At first it seemed fine and much like the Mylan I was used to, but after it got into my system it all changed. Now I am at odds which one to try, also am itching all over a lot and taking antihistamine in tiny amounts seems to set the dizziness off. I have tried five , Yes 5 different ones lately and I am wondering why there are so many intolerable side effects with generics. I have been on clonazepam for close to 20 years and have changed generics twice (not by choice) and have never had a problem until this year! Something is wrong. If I could get my old Mylan back I would be okay........what gives? Anyone? The least offensive one I've tried lately was Northstar and I haven't seen a lot about that one.

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Re: Sylvia (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Just curious, where is info that Accord has no benzos in it? If that is the case, why is it being sold as such?

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Re: Connie (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

I agree - what is going on! Teva was my prescription for many years - now Actavis is what I'm using- after withdrawal when I went on Accord, then a short time on Xanax. The nausea is getting less and less frequent, but I hadn't related the itching to the clonazepam. I had thought it was because of the heparin shots I was given in my belly when I had a heart attack on June 30. It was after I got home from the hospital that I started on the Actavis and the itching started, now when I think about it. I'm also taking 1/2 a Benadryl at night, which helps, but can't take it during the day or the dizziness comes back. I feel as though I'm trapped at home because of these meds. I really hope the FDA hops on this dilemma because it is affecting so many people. (Sort of like the plastic cabbage that is being sold in the UK - made in China, I believe. Very interesting video on that subject, too.) Who can we trust anymore???? I know we're all different, but there must be something out there for those of us who need a trustworthy clonazepam for our well-being.

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Re: Connie (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

A correspondent on either this thread or another had three U/A's - two while she was taking Accord, which showed no Benzos, and one after she went on another manufacturer's clonazepam, which showed Benzos in the analysis. I followed her example and when I was in the ER after I started taking Accord, I asked them to do a U/A on me and there were no Benzos. Switching suddenly from TEVA to Accord gave me cold turkey withdrawal. I don't know if the FDA has analyzed the Accord vs. Klonopin, which is the original formula. I know Klonopin and TEVA worked for me for 13 years; now I am struggling with Actavis, because it is not quite the same as TEVA. Have to take a slightly larger dose to achieve the same effect as Klonopin or TEVA.

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Re: Kris (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

I called TEVA they told me they bought out Actavis. They are no longer going to produce TEVA brand clonazepam...

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Re: Sylvia (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

The Actavis brand doesn't come close to the Teva generic does it? It don't for me

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Re: GSH (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

No, it is not close to TEVA. I don't want to pay the big bucks for Klonopin, so I'm hoping these will work eventually. My prescription says 3 to 4 tablets per day as directed. That means I can take another half one at 5 p.m., because that's when the panic seems to set in. I take two at about 10 p.m., but they don't make me sleepy like TEVA did, so I will probably take another half one at night now. I have a hard time falling asleep and wake up frequently. Big Pharma is determined to get rid of generics and make everyone pay through the nose or go without. They don't have a clue what they are doing to us.

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Re: Sylvia (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

Like ive said in other threads, the name brand klonopin is trash and is not worth the money. It left me foggy minded and depressed. In my opinion the Actavis or the Mylan generics were better but no where near Teva. I have stockpiled about 175 Teva pills after thinking something like this would happen. (I constantly worry about stuff like this happening) I only take one .5 mg at night so that should keep me happy for about 6 months until I can find another pill option or just give me time to come off this. I'm tired of these generic companies selling out to other companies and stopping production. This should not be allowed.

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Re: GSH (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

Same here. Just got the brand name Klonopin approved and is like a placebo compared to the Mylan. I felt normal on Mylan and not foggy headed, anxiety ridden, or feelings of a panic attack coming on. The high pitch noise in my ears along with the headaches are unbearable. The Brand Name Klonopin and Actavis has caused severe withdrawal symptoms with the ringing in my ears and headaches. And the feeling of severe anxiety, which it’s supposed to prevent...

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Re: RockerJ (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

So what's your next step? You could get your Dr. to switch you over to Valium. It's longer acting then Klonopin but takes of few days to build up in your fat tissue. My Dr switched me over a while ago when the klonopin I was taking was wearing off too quick. I didn't like it better then Teva clonazepam I was taking but its probably a better option then the clonazepam generics we are left with now. I was taking the Watson generic.

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Re: Lucy Lu (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

YES, Lucy, they switched me to Accord generic-maker & it had a horrible effect on me; made me feel real lousy, unlike before w/Teva maker.

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Re: GSH (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

I have another appt on Aug 21. Honestly I feel lost and helpless. I'm taking Xanax in the evening to take the edge off, but that only lasts a couple of hours. I am not understanding how even the brand name Klonopin isn't working for me either. I mean its been over a week, about 2, it should of kicked in. It's not like I'm switching to a different medication. Its the same thing except different manufacturer. This is so messed up. Thank you Mylan for discontinuing the medication, no warning, nothing. I'm very pissed to say the least. People's lives depend on these meds, and these pharmaceutical companies could care less.

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Re: RockerJ (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

You may try the route I’m thinking of going which is the generic klonopin on the oral disentigrating tablets. There are 3 manufacturers that make it - Teva, Parr and Sun. They supposedly kick in faster as they don’t have to pass through the stomach.

I can tell you from experience the Xanax is not the path you want to go. They are short acting and are accompanied by rebound anxiety.

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Well, I have full bottles of Mylan .5s & a full bottle of Actavis .5s. Then I tried Name brand Roche .5s (did so so). Then tried Teva Diazepam (helped very little). So I had my Dr. put me back on the name brand. None of which can touch the Teva's Clonazepam. Smh. Anyhow all we can do is contact Teva and maybe they’ll bring them back :)

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Re: Ez18 (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah right contact Teva. They’re in it for the money. Glad the Brand Name worked, it made me depressed and foggy minded

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Please help me. I already had a seizure 20 years ago from quitting benzos cold turkey. Have been prescribed and taking 2-3MG of TEVA klonopin a day for the last 15 years for anxiety and sleep. Now I've been switched to Accord, and after only 3 days, feel like I'm going to have a seizure again. The feeling is horrible, and the withdrawal systems are extreme. I'm also prescribed to 1 1MG of XANAX a day, but haven't been taking them because the TEVA worked so well for me, so I have a bit remaining. Is it safe too wean off klonopin completely with XANAX? Can't see my doctor again for 30 days, and am really scared for my life, literally. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. At least this thread confirmed what I feel, the Accord klonopin does not contain any benzo and it's really messed up the FDA would just force people to quit cold turkey and risk their lives.

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Re: Max (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

If you were prescribed Xanax then take the Xanax along with the prescribed klonopin when you need the Xanax for like sleep and for panic attacks. See a Dr ASAP

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Re: Max (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

If you are having accord, you are n withdrawal, and you are justified in goingto the emergency room, let alone your doctor. Bring your bottle, they'll look at the date, th instructions, and count the pills, and they know about the TEVA problem. if not explain it to them.

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