Clonazepam Ingredients Mylan Brand Vs Teva Vs Accord (Page 13)
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Please help with this, i have taken the mylan brand for several years, when the pharmacy could no longer order it they ordered Teva, it immediately gave me pains that seemed to be in my chest....kind of the opposite of what it's supposed to do. So with Mylan being available though only two pharmacies, someone mentioned accord...but what is the difference of fillers. could you simply list all the ingredients for all three brands so if Accord matches Mylan i'm ok?

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have had to switch dosage by pill of Clonazepam b/c of a short of 1 mg tablets. I don't know that manufacturer. But I have been taking 0.5 mg of Clonazepam manufactured by Solco Healthcare and at the same time I have been breaking out intermittently during the day in various places (underarms, elbow crease) with what looks like contact dermatitis. I have clusters of itchy blister-like medium-sized red or white circles that do not have liquid in them and they recede, especially if I put OTC Benzodryl anti-itching cream. (Rx Desoximetasone, 0.25% worsens the condition.) I am systematically rewashing all my clothing and towels in small amounts of organic laundry detergent and fabric softener. Yet, today I woke up with the condition in the crook of my elbow though I was wearing a short-sleeve nightshirt. Perhaps I need to wash my bedding. But still I would like to see if this other change is contributing. Could you give me those numbers for Solco (0.5, 1 and 2 mg) so I can check on fillers? (I'm having to switch to 2 mg of Solco soon). Thanks!! Hope to hear from you soon.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

This is the order of best generics to worst:

Teva - A rated generic
Accord - rated A/B
Mylan - one of the worst generic manufacturers

About 85% of Mylan’s drugs are rated B/C.

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Re: Gnrcdrgsallsuck (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for that. I have 3 combat patches and I can’t tell differences. I think a lot of it is in people’s heads. However the FDA allowing different amounts of clonazepam in generics over 20% ratio , is concerning

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Just got Solco generic and it’s terrible. Like a sugar pill.

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I just got a different generic since CVS said the regular one is on back order. It does nothing. How much is the name brand Klonopin?

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Re: Mylan Bestie (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. I have taken Mylan brand for years. It has always done well for me. I called Mylan Pharmaceuticals this morning. All Clonazepam strengths are on backorder. They are NOT being discontinued, but couldn't give me a reason why they are on backorder since they are the ones that make it? I am currently on TEVA brand. It is
not working for me. I did try "Activis" brand, and seemed to do a little better on this one but couldn't get it, so this is why I'm currently on TEVA brand. But I would like to get "Mylan" brand back as soon as possible.

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Re: SJ76 (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

Every patient is different. I think it depends what it's taken for. The Mylan works for somebody that needs something but the other ones are just too strong. If something doesn't work for an individual, they will get what it's supposed to treat people for and the heart stuff is mentioned a lot here from a few bloggers and the too dopey stuff as well. We are all different. For me, Mylan did what I needed it to do without interfering with driving, my heart and I didn't get too dopey to function.

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I’ve taken clonopin and the Teva brand is by far the best. Mylan is one of the worst generic manufactuers, this is well known. Their generics are rated B-C which translates to poor quality, whereas Teva is rated as a A generic. Always ask your pharmacist the grade of generic your getting and the company who makes it before accepting any prescriptions.

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Katzi (# 36) --

Try having some other illness. I don't know if it's the Accord or the illness. My heart's just ridiculous. Trying to get into see a doctor asap.

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I am having the exact same response now (switched by pharmacy from Mylan to Teva formulation of .5 mg clonazepam). Almost feel as if I am having a heart attack, my heart is pounding so hard!!!!! For me, the Mylan brand worked fine. Had a similar reaction switching from Mylan brand of an SSRI to Teva formulation - Mylan superior (for me) in both instances.

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Re: Mylan Bestie (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

I've unfortunately had a seizure, roughly 4 years back, due to me actually 'boycotting' the Mylan generic. In regards to the Accord generic clonazepam, sources I've gathered, mainly from here and other Internet resources, A LOT of people claimed that Accord, was possibly a "cousin", or subsidiary of Roche. I looked at my 0.5, and 1mg clonazepam, and the imprints certainly appear to look that way, which would explain the potency. It's a joke, how there are basically NO overseas inspectors at these plants overseeing OP's, and QC, notably in China, due to a "lack of FDA employees not holding the proper criteria, and passports to travel outside of the country", and just recently, believe it or not, the DEA has actually STEPPED BACK from pharmaceutical companies and major distributors, thus reducing many "outsiders" to view operations, read and interpret quality control reports, batch testing, and most importantly, if their generic's composition is within the 80%-125% range. Money lining the pockets of these CEO's, at our expense.

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Re: Gnrcdrgsallsuck (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

Unless Mylan gets back on the market, I'm stuck with Accord. It causes anxiety which I never had. I took clonazepam Mylan 1 mg for sleep. The Accord is too strong for me. The Mylan yellow did not work for me. I got the green 1 mgs and cut them in half. I call Mylan customer service to see what's up with their clonazepam. They told me to keep ckg back. They still show the pill jpegs on their page. The Accord may work for people who need it for panic attacks but if that's not the reason I take clonazepam, it seems to cause panic attacks. I don't like them and I don't like feeling drugged.

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I've been RX'ed Klonopin, .5mg, qid, #120/month, for going on 7 years now. I switched from Walgreens here in NY, as the "MYLAN" generic, imo, was noticeably weaker, the onset took MUCH longer than previous brands. I came here to this forum after research, and found a "mom and pop" local pharmacy, who carried "TEVA", and the difference was, night and day.

I recently switched pharmacies when I moved (3yrs ago), and received an odd, orange pill, that looked completely fake. I actually was afraid, of moisture, handling them wrong, even a drop of water, would COMPLETELY dissolve this brand clonazepam, manufactured by Accord Pharmaceuticals. Upon more research, it approximately was a 50% to 50% ratio, of patients, whom claimed ACCORD'S generic Klonopin, .5mg, the orange scored tablet (that looks identical to a chips ahoy cookie), was almost as close to the brand name Roche Klonopin, whereas the other 50%, cited it was purely a "sugar pill". I was finally situated with the generic "TEVA" clonazepam, .5 tab (green, scored tab), for the last 2 years, until today...

I went to retrieve my monthly medications, and with no thought on the matter, I opened the bottle to remove 1 tablet, and literally froze, and said "there is NO WAY!". I was staring into a bottle of these yellow tablets, with the notorious large "M", the trade signature of the legendary "MYLAN" generics. I immediatley researched it, and found it odd, certain people swore "MYLAN" was a placebo, and others, who claimed full potency. Generic manufacturing allows a deviation of between 80% to 125%, known as "API", meaning the active pharmaceutical ingredient.

With that information, when we compare generics, the API is the same. Certain generics, have tons of other variables, including different binders, fillers, inactive ingredients, etc. I personally believe, along with individuals bio-chemistry, and the metabolization of the "generic" drug, there are CLEARLY, IDENTIFIABLE REASON, as to why a generic version performs differently.

That made me further think, how exactly the power of one's mind is. If a population of 100 candidates, that were prescribed, Klonopin, .5mg, i tab, qid, and hypothetically had the exact same generic, and researched their respective generic, and the MAJORITY of users found their particular generic was NOT FAVORED, automatically their instinct will kick and say "Great, I'm stuck with this useless generic Klonopin, now I AM going to experience what those patients reported".

So, basically yes, there are several variables that make a certain generic different than another generic, however, there's the fact of "mind over matter". I've gathered, if the reviews are negative of a particular generic, it doesn't necessarily mean, it will occur in you. However, there needs to be MUCH MORE OVERSIGHT, IN THE PRODUCTION OF GENERIC DRUGS, ESP THOSE IN WHICH THE API IS DELIVERED AND ABSORBED DIFFERENTLY, DUE TO DIFFERENT FILLERS, BINDERS, ETC, AND THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT IS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED OR D/C'd, THE SIDE EFFECTS ARE POTENTIALLY LIFE THREATENING.

Point being, we're all human; we're all different, have various illnesses, and often, multiple medications. There are several factors which alter the absorption of the active ingredient, BUT DON'T BE SCARED INTO THINKING YOU RECIEVED A PLACEBO, BASED ON OTHER USER'S REPORTS. GOOD LUCK!

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Re: Mary (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

Tons. It acts like a street drug imo and made drastic changes in my ability to function. Accord v.s Mylan. Mylan didn't act like a street drug -I took it and remained alert after taking it for sleep at night for the next day or two. I didn't need to take Mylan every day but Accord will cause withdrawal if you try to change when you take it.

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Re: Mike (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

accord causes anxiety and all kinds of side effects and I can't sleep or eat much. Teva and Sandoz sent me to the ER. Mylan isn't available. It worked for me. Accord will end up ruining your days and nights. ER doctor recommended I switch to Valium diazepam which is smoother and longer lasting. I tried all the clonazepams now and if I can't have Mylan, the Valium was okay but I spent a fortune trying all the generic clonazepams that landed me in the ER.

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ACCORD is terrible. I could function on Mylan but Accord has caused nothing but problems. So, where is Mylan clonazepam available? I didn't even feel like I was on meds except I could sleep,skip sometimes, etc. Accord is a nightmare.

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I had taken Mylan for years. I never had any issues at all. Last month i picked up my prescription like always and the pharmacy changed manufacturer to accord. I swear on everything this brand doesn't help anywhere close to Mylan. It gave me headaches. Has anyone else had problems with Accord?

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Re: Lazaro (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your help. I found that Accord brand recently.

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Re: LeeLee (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you LeeLee. Glad to know you are feeling better.

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Re: Marcia B (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so much. I called my local Walgreen and they have them. Thanks for your help!

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