Clonazepam Help Me (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have always used the same brand of clonazepam. However they changed what is in the medication. I've been gravely ill because my body can't take the change. Now I want to not take it any longer because it's making me ill. How can I detox slowly if I don't have a decent batch of clo that agrees with me? If anyone has any real information please let me know. I'm ill feeling every day if I take it it makes me ill and get withdrawal If I don't take it I get still getting withdrawal.

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But careful cause stopping that type of medication can cause sezuire. I am prescribed Xanax myself. I've tried lower the dosage and had a sezuire within a week. But one thing you can try is clonadine. Or atleast ask your doctor about them. Just don't stop taking it so you don't have a sezuire

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Go to a different pharmacy if your in the United States. Most all pharmacys carry different brands of generics. Same goes for any drug that has generics. Try the actual brand name ones. I've been prescribed kpins and I know a lot of people who take them and I've never heard that. It's very interesting to say the least. How long ago did you experience this. If you want help use clonodine. It's non addictive and it really works well.

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Good morning Jacqueline, I hope that you have a better day today. I'm glad that you decide not to try Viibryd, I didn't read any good reviews on it either. Sounds like it's really bad on your stomach. As always you are in my prayers. God Bless you.

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Mike, I'm sorry that your are suffering from cancer. About the Sandoz clonazepam yes! I've sent several complaints to Sandoz and the FDA to no avail...I'm very sensitive to the other brands so I have only taken the Sandoz brand for years. It use to be there were maybe one or two drugs stores that use to carry the Sandoz brand and now, that they are no good almost every drug store carries them. God Bless

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Jacqueline, Yes, I was referring to Sandoz even though I only wrote brand. If you look back on my reply # 3, I said the brand I was referring to was Sandoz. Which is more proof that they are horrible because you didn't know the brand just the effects. I'm glad that you got in touch with them. They had the nerve to send me a letter stating that there was nothing wrong with them. God bless you

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I would like to advise you my physician gave me several prescriptions for 3 Adderall in order to find a generic that I could tolerate. I don't check to see which one is the strongest, I check for the different side effects that they cause. Believe me each one I tried worked differently. And yes Adderall is used for treatment resistant depression and has been used in urgent cases to prevent suicide in some people. My dosage is three times a day. And I give it credit for saving my life when I was going through severe depression a couple of years ago. I asked to stop it at that time not my physician. It helps the anxiety as well. As for as Paxil it has been approved for anxiety. It does nothing for my depression. My physician knows all about how these generic manufacturers are causing his patients whom have been stable on brand name and now they are having problems when they were switched. I do not exceed my dosages he prescribed and I certainly don't write asking which medication brand will give you the biggest buzz. I am very sensitive to antidepressants and that's one reason I am only taking a teaspoon of the Paxil each day, it has been the only one that will allow me to use less Klonopin. I don't know what side of the bed you got up on but I would go lay back down and try the other.

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Good morning to you also. At first I did not connect you walking five miles with the 9-11 attack. I just automatically thought you had to walk yesterday. Last night I was noticing the TV and not being able to make out the writing so I covered one of my eyes then the other and tried to read my phone and all I could see was the outline of the phone nothing on the screen. They will probably take care of it tomorrow but I want to know why it happened the start with. I just had this cataract surgery about a year ago. I will keep you informed and you let me know how you are doing. I have tried Zoloft in the past but was not able to take that either. Hope other message gets to you. God Bless

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Sarah, quick note. In case you do not hear from me tomorrow my surgery guide said vision will be blurry several days. Next I picked up Teva's name brand NDC 57844-120-01. I took one dose. Within minutes it felt like my heart would be out of chest. The label don't mention about being name brand it just says TEVA repacker. I tried to text FDA to find out if this was an actual Teva product or if they packaged for someone else. The pill imprint is dp 20. The other Teva I had wasn't working real well but it didn't do my chest that way. If you have any spare time would you try and compare the NDC code I gave plus my Teva 54092-0377 imprint B 974. Two pharmacist says they are both the same but the cost of these today was over 300.00. We are going to have to do some praying to find something that will work for me. The Paxil is helping a little but not like it use to. Like I said it don't help my depression and the Adderall that I was using prior to May is all gone. I was scrapping pieces until now. That is the one that was recalled and in the meantime TEVA bought them out and no longer available. God Bless You.

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Jacqueline, I just tried looking up the information you needed on the
Adderall b 94 &
Adderall dp 20 etc
It's a bit complicated for me to send the information back to you, but if you Google
Adderall b 94 &
Adderall dp 20
Or Google ndc & the #'s you can print them out and try to compair them. I don't have a printer. I tried but am not able to figure it out for you. On comment # 52 I tried but only one of the two ncd #'s came up.
I wish that I were able to help you.
God be with you.

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Jacqueline, I just notice something, if you go to your comment # 156 and tap on the highlighted ndc # it will give you the ingredients for that ndc# I think that is the ingredients for the dp20. Hope that that helps you.I know it may be difficult for you to see clearly for a few days. Please don't try to strain your eyes.
God be with you.

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A prayer for you Jacqueline.

Loving God, as I face this day, I come to You with my fears and hopes. I ask You for the courage and strength to face this time in my life with confidence in Your loving care and protection. May the knowledge that You are always with me be an assurance to me that I need not worry nor be afraid. Calm my nerves, dear God, put my mind at ease, and in Your mercy forgive my lack of faith and trust.

Oh God, send your peace and blessings upon me to sustain me. Help me to let go of the fears that make me feel restless and insecure.

Give to my physician and all those entrusted with my care the wisdom and the skill to do their tasks with ease and accuracy.

Into Your hands I entrust my well being and my healing in body, in mind, and in spirit. For You are our strength and our safety forever and ever, Amen

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When having such problems with clonazepam and having a diagnosis such as Bi Polar as I do and unable to take the generic, your Dr. Can put in for the brand name and write why you cannot tolerate the generic.

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Acho que a 'Espiritualidade',exercitada diariamente,seja através de Orações,seja de qual religião for,ou até mesmo 'sem religião',mas direcionada à 'projeção',que venhamos a ter de um Poder Superior,ainda que indefinido,mas sempre buscando o 'bem-estar' comum,é,ou são,excelentes aliados à Medicina convencional,nas mais variadas Patologias,visando,senão a 'cura completa',pelo menos um alívio e uma melhora gradativa,ainda que necessitemos passarmos por 'provações',no decorrer de nossas existências.Dificilmente podemos sentir um certo alívio e confiança no Futuro,sem,pelo menos sentirmos algumas aflições,que nada mais são do que 'fases',cuja finalidade é compreendermos,que as adversidades de uns,sempre afetarão,de certa forma,direta ou indiretamente,a Humanidade como um Todo.As 'pequenas alegrias',deixam de existirem,por mostrarem o quão frágeis somos,diante da Realidade em que vivemos.

Google Translate (may not be 100% accurate):

I think that 'Spirituality', exercised daily, be it through Prayers, or of which religion is, or even 'without religion', but directed to the 'projection', that we have of a Higher Power, although indefinite, but always seeking the common 'welfare', are, or are, excellent allies to conventional medicine, in the most varied pathologies, aiming, if not 'complete cure', at least a relief and a gradual improvement, although we need to go through ' We can hardly feel a certain relief and confidence in the Future, without at least feeling some afflictions, which are nothing more than 'phases', the purpose of which is to understand, that the adversities of some, always will affect, in a way, directly or indirectly, Humanity as a Whole. The 'little joys', cease to exist, because they show how fragile we are, before the Reality in which we live.

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Hi Sarah, thought I would check in with you and see how you are doing. I wanted to ask you if barbiturates that you mentioned doing you some good is that the same as a firocet? I have to use those for migraines since the neurologist don't want me to take Imitrex because of the brain vascular disease. They just help somewhat with the headache pain and that's it. I think I told you he switched me back to Klonopin from the Xanax and that's been a nightmare. I tried the Teva brand but it's not working well. I have a few Klonopin from before from Sandoz but the .5 is not right so I'll just use up the 1mg and see if I can take Klonopin at all anymore. I was doing pretty good on the Xanax and had cut myself down to just two a day. My high hopes on the Sandoz generic adderall fell through. They affect my heart pretty bad. I am not going to bring them back, I am sure he is tired of that so I'll scrap pieces of the Barr version. They don't work as well but at least they don't give the heart problems. I looked on the bottle last night from the company that manufactured it and it said Zydus. No wonder I was not able to take them. That was the company that caused the worst Paxil sickness. I was reading and article from consumer lab. They are the ones who are able to get stuff done with the FDA on these no good generics. They told about the medications coming from labs out of India. So if you need prescriptions filled try and make sure it's not manufactured there. They discharged my son. His leg looks really bad with infection, but remember I told you he is a drug abuser so they don't let him stay long because he is having to take pain meds with this problem and they don't want to give him that luxury. I hope your family is doing good. I know that takes stress off of you when they are. God bless you and I appreciate your prayers.

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Dear Jacqueline, Omg, the Sandoz Adderall aren't good either. Sandoz can't be trusted. And, yes the barbiturates are the Firocet. You mentioned Barr do they mfg Adderall and which pill is mfg by Zydus? If Barr is still good can you still get them? I'm sorry about your son's problem he's been in my prayers. God willing he will decide to go to detox. I know that the Teva brand of clo. aren't any good, I had a really bad time on them myself. Where you able to get to the eye doctor? Maybe one of the meds are giving you the blurred vision. I got blurred vision on one of the meds that the doctor gave me. I stopped taking them right away. Oh Lord Jesus, help us. Praying so hard for you. Please keep me updated. God Bless you.

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Com exceção à aqueles que acham muito 'penoso', abrir mão de um 'happy-hour', diariamente, após o horário de trabalho,e emendar os Sábados e Domingos,regados à muitas cervejas e destilados 'nestas situações, não é tão difícil abandonar o clonazepam, ou outro qualquer benzodiazepínico',pelo fato,de que o campo 'serotoninérgico', não deixará de ser devidamente recompensado,mesmo porque,bebidas alcoólica,também são agentes depressores do SNC (Sistema Nervoso Central). Já, quando passa a coexistir alguma situação,em que se façam necessários, o uso de antidepressivos e (ou) ansiolíticos benzodiazepínicos,é imperioso 'cortar' este hábito, vale dizer uma tarefa bem complexa, e quase impossível,para certos indivíduos. Para quem faz ou fez uso prolongado de qualquer 'benzodiazepínico', não resta outra alternativa,como fazer o 'desmame' de benzodiazepinas, 'e isto vale para todos os medicamentos desta classe',normalmente através do Diazepam,associado à algum 'estabilizante de humor', como a Carbamazepina,por exemplo.Talvez uma 'inclusão' de vitaminas do Complexo B, possa ser necessário,via oral ou parenteral,pelo fato de que remédios com propriedades anti-convulsivantes,consomem bastante esta classe de vitaminas.Pelo menos pode ser útil para uma 'desintoxicação' orgânica,por um curto e médio período de tempo. Daí pra frente, somente uma prescrição 'personalizada',e individualizada,pode ser aplicada; já que nem todos os 'organismos' vão reagir de forma positiva,a esta 'combinação',ou outra,prescritas por 'profissionais da área' de Saúde.As vezes,a diminuição progressiva de benzodiazepinas,associado à algum estimulante do SNC,sejam eles derivados anfetamínicos,ou de outras origens, podem se fazerem necessários,para reativar o equilíbrio do GABA 'ácido gama amino butírico', ainda que por um período relativamente curto,pelo menos,já que são visivelmente afetados,após uma 'interferência química',que age diretamente sobre o sistema GABA,no caso,as benzodiazepinas.Outras medidas,como 'mudanças de hábitos',entre outras,também podem serem úteis. Deve ser levado em conta,que de qualquer forma,o desmame de clonazepam,ou outro semelhante,implicará em 'longas noites' de insônia,com ou sem o uso e estimulantes,do tipo 'anfetaminas,cafeína,guaraná em pó,ginseng, entre outros. O uso temporário da substancia Levomepromazina, Tioridazina,dentre 'outros Neurolépticos' de efeitos sedantes, em baixas dosagens, como 'indutores do sono', não devem serem totalmente descartados.

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With the exception of those who find it very 'distressing' to give up a happy hour every day after work, and mend Saturdays and Sundays, washed down with too many beers and spirits in these situations, it is not so difficult to abandon clonazepam, or any other benzodiazepine, because the 'serotoninergic' field will not fail to be adequately rewarded, even though alcoholic beverages are also central nervous system (CNS) depressants. However, when there is a situation where the use of antidepressants and (or) benzodiazepine anxiolytics is necessary, it is imperative to 'cut' this habit, which is a very complex and almost impossible task for certain individuals. For those who make or have used prolonged 'benzodiazepine', there is no alternative, such as weaning benzodiazepines, 'and this applies to all drugs of this class', usually through Diazepam, associated with some 'stabilizer'. such as Carbamazepine, for example. Perhaps an 'inclusion' of B-complex vitamins may be necessary, either orally or parenterally, because anti-convulsant medicines are quite consuming this class of vitamins. At least can be useful for an organic 'detox' for a short and medium period of time. From then on, only a 'personalized' prescription, and individualized, can be applied; since not all 'organisms' will react positively to this 'combination' or other, prescribed by 'health professionals'. Sometimes the progressive decrease of benzodiazepines, associated with some CNS stimulant, is the amphetamine derivatives, or other sources, may be required to reactivate the balance of GABA 'gamma amino butyric acid', although for a relatively short period at least, since they are visibly affected, after a 'chemical interference' , which acts directly on the GABA system, in this case benzodiazepines. Other measures such as 'changing habits', among others, may also be useful. It should be taken into account that, in any case, weaning of clonazepam, or the like, will entail 'long nights' of insomnia, with or without the use of stimulants, such as amphetamines, caffeine, guarana powder, ginseng, among others. Temporary use of the substance Levomepromazine, Thioridazine, among 'other neuroleptics' of sedative effects, at low dosages, as 'sleep inducers', should not be totally discarded.

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Hi Sarah, I hope you are feeling well today. I felt I had to talk to you you seem to be my comfort. I was so sick again last night. The doctor after wanting me on Xanax decided he wanted me back on Klonopin. It was like a sugar pill. My dose is 1mg but through the night I even took a second one trying to get relief. Nothing. It was the 1mg blue that I had of Sandoz. It was like a sugar pill. I was hurting also so I took a little pinch off of the norco and I don't know which of the two it was but it set my mouth on fire. The only relief I have had is when I was put on the Xanax and pain management gave me percocet7.5. I was only having to use 2 instead of three prescribed. My body just isn't taking the Klonopin anymore or he didn't transition it right, then there's been the generic problem. I don't remember what you said caused your teeth to hurt but both top and bottom if really painful. I am going back to him on the third and beg him not to put me back on Klonopin. For some reason he don't believe in using Valium. If they would have let me go to detox I could have been cleaned out and know what's going on. Then last night the allergist called and said I could not eat any bread, oatmeal and more. She said only cornbread and grits. Well thanks for listening its 8:40 hear so I will lay down a few more minutes. God Bless Be Safe

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Quebrar 1 comprimido de Nitrazepam de 5 mg,em 4 partes, (guardar as 3 partes restantes) em um frasco separado, e tomar 1 parte (triangular 1.25 mg), junto com 80 mg de Propanolol, desde que não tenha problemas Cardiológicos, ou 'pressão baixa', para mim, foi muito bom para a 'crise de abstinência' de benzodiazepínicos. Permanecer deitado por pelo menos 1 hora; pois induz à sonolência, e o Propanolol é um excelente relaxante, para os efeitos físicos da abstinência, como calafrios, frio na barriga, apreensão, tensão,etc. Um 'Santo remédio'.

Google Translate (may not be 100% accurate):

Break 1 tablet of 5 mg Nitrazepam in 4 parts (keep the remaining 3 parts) in a separate bottle, and take 1 part (triangular 1.25 mg) together with 80 mg of Propanolol provided you do not have cardiac problems, or 'low pressure', to me, was very good for the 'abstinence crisis' of benzodiazepines. Remain lying down for at least 1 hour; because it induces drowsiness, and Propanolol is an excellent relaxant, for the physical effects of abstinence, such as chills, cold in the belly, seizure, tension, etc. A 'holy remedy'.

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Thank God, I pray that you will be bright eyed and bushy-tailed real soon. You need to let your doctor know that you heart med isn't working well. I'm glad that you feel that I have be a blessing to you. You have also been a blessing to me. I have been praying that all would go well with the eye surgery. I'm going to start to get ready to go to the chapel now. Hopefully the eye sergeant gave you something to help you once the numbness is gone and eye drops to help with your healing. And Oh, yes I'm sure that your great grandson is precious. Why do you think I had such a great time at the party, there's nothing so precious to me as to watch the beauty and innocence of children. : ) even Minnie Mouse showed up. Hope that I put a smile on your face. God Bless. Get well soon.

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Clonazepam, assim como o diazepam, são de longa duração 'meia vida-plasmática' (tempo em que metade da dosagem permanece ativo na corrente sanguínea). Me parece ser atualmente a droga de escolha, entre as 'diazepinas', devido à resposta ansiolítica ser rápida e eficaz. Se está a provocar sinais de intoxicação, seja 'neuronal' e (ou hepática), vitaminas do Complexo B,sucos de fruta, bastante hidratação oral,e talvez,trocar temporariamente por alprazolam ou lorazepam, de dissolução imediata, pode ser útil e necessário. Ver, com o médico,quais os chás, ou cápsulas,do tipo 'Kawa-Kawa ou Valeriana, que age nos receptores GABA, não possui 'interação' negativa, quando administrada com 'benzos'. Cada corpo ou organismo,pode reagir de forma diferente, e isto se deve à 'predisposição' genética, combinação com outros remédios 'clínicos ou não', condições cardíacas, hepáticas, ambientais, enfim; uma gama de 'situações'. Beber bastante água e 1 copo de 'água com suco de limão', e um pouco de bicarbonato de sódio, antes de dormir, salvo em algumas 'contra-indicações', costumam serem úteis na desintoxicação sanguínea de fármacos de quaisquer espécies.

Google Translate (may not be 100% accurate):

Clonazepam, as well as diazepam, are long-acting 'half-life' (time at which half of the dosage remains active in the bloodstream). It seems to me to be currently the drug of choice, among the 'diazepines', because the anxiolytic response is quick and effective. If you are provoking signs of intoxication, either 'neuronal' and (or hepatic), Complex B vitamins, fruit juices, plenty of oral hydration, and perhaps temporarily swapping with alprazolam or lorazepam, immediate dissolution may be helpful and necessary. See, with the physician, which teas, or capsules, of the Kawa-Kawa or Valerian type, which acts at the GABA receptors, have no negative 'interaction' when administered with 'benzos'. Each body or organism can react differently, and this is due to 'genetic predisposition', combination with other 'clinical' or 'no' remedies, cardiac, hepatic, environmental conditions, in short; a range of 'situations'. Drinking plenty of water and a glass of 'water with lemon juice', and a little sodium bicarbonate before bed, except for some 'contraindications', are often useful in detoxifying drugs of any species.

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