Clonazepam Help Me (Page 5)


I have always used the same brand of clonazepam. However they changed what is in the medication. I've been gravely ill because my body can't take the change. Now I want to not take it any longer because it's making me ill. How can I detox slowly if I don't have a decent batch of clo that agrees with me? If anyone has any real information please let me know. I'm ill feeling every day if I take it it makes me ill and get withdrawal If I don't take it I get still getting withdrawal.

458 Replies (23 Pages)

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Dear Jacqueline, I'm glad to hear that you went to see an allergist and that she's going to go through all your meds. Let me know how you do on the brand name Adderall etc. What did he say about the paxil? I'm sorry to hear that you have a sinus infection. Omg again know that you are in my prayers. Btw we resumed our prayer meeting yesterday and we included you in our prayers. Hope you feel better soon.
God Bless you.

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Not sure if question was for Sarah or JD since we have both been sharing our experience. It appears we both got a bad batch of Klonopin. Mine was .5 Sandoz a yellow pill. My psy doctor hates generics. He just told me today about his patients having bad side effects from Lexapro generic. In my town I can't even get specific brands of Adderall like Sandoz although they get that brand for some of my meds.

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Purepac (Actavis) is a good brand. I've been on 2mg Clonazepam three times a day for years after taking Xanax that eventually would not help my long-term anxiety problems. I was taking the Teva brand and my pharmacy started ordering a cheaper brand made by an Indian company called Accord. They were FDA approved so I began taking them like I always do and the first thing I noticed was how the pill would dissolve in my mouth before I could swallow it. This would bother me! Then, out of nowhere, my feet and ankles started to swell up about three times their normal size and it hurt like crazy. I didn't link the fact that it could possibly be the Accord brand until months later when I got stuck with them again. Except this time it got so bad that it not only completely ruined my cruise to Cozumel that I had already paid too much money for but I ended up in the hospital with the doctor telling me I likely was suffering from a blood clot. It ended up not being a blood clot so I was given Lasix and the swelling went away immediately. However, I had gone to Cozumel anyway and purchased 3 boxes of 30 2mg Mexican Clonazepam because it was there and I could so I literally trashed the no good Accord brand and the next refill bought them from a pharmacy that had the Actavis brand and I haven't had a problem since I got rid of the horrible Indian medication that caused me great pain. If you feel you can get off of them then you should do so. I unfortunately suffer from PTSD related to two tours to Afghanistan and one tour to Iraq that forever changed me so I have no desire to stop taking them. I wish everybody the best and think you should try the Actavis brand if you must continue taking them.

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Joe, Yes I'm trying different brands. I've always had trouble with the other brands. That's why I always went to drug stores that carried the Sandoz brand. I don't know what they put or didn't put in the Sandoz brand. But I became gravely ill on them. They old ones from the previous refill from Sandoz were still working fine. Thank you

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Good morning Jacqueline, Hope that the new adderall will work well for you. Where you able to get the Lexapro? And what did the doctor give you for the sinus infection?. Hoping it will be a good day for you. God Bless take care
Let me know how you do on the meds.

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Good morning Sarah, as soon as I wake up I wonder if you will be in touch. I found out I had made a mistake on measuring my Paxil and it was actually just a half of teaspoon rather than a whole I took yesterday. So I thought I had better stick with that a couple of days and don't you know today It made me sick again. I have recovered now. For the sinus infection she gave Avelox, and Xyzal, then Diflucan for yeast in my throat. They had to order the Brand Adderall. Since it is IR it will be from Teva. I wish Shire would not have stop making it. As for as Lexapro, sine my insurance would not pay for brand I don't know if I am going to take it. I read the reviews and people are having a hard time getting off of that also and having to resort to liquid just to be able to cut the dose down 10%. If Paxil will kick in and work like it use to I won't need something else for Anxiety. How are you? I was reading that many people take Klonopin for nerve pain and not as an off label. It has just been prescribed to me for anxiety. I have had 2 back surgeries already and the doctor burnt the nerves on the right side of my neck a few weeks ago but it hurts worse now than before. His nurse says it can take a couple of months before that heals. But I am glad you checked in with me. I don't won't to bother you with these text. It seems you and I are the only ones staying up to date. If I go to other forums on this site and look for info any other medications they are so old I don't bother with them. Were you able to get firocet to take for the pain also? And does your doctor ever suggest anything else to help? Take care and I think God must have had a plan to cause us to connect because I sure needed your prayers and support. Keep in touch.

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Dear Jacqueline, I've been out all day walking around the stores just not to sit home. I hope and pray that your sinus infection clears up soon and that the Paxil will take effect soon. I didn't read anything good about the Lexapro either. Maybe it's best you don't take it. The only thing I'm trying to take is half of the 05mg of clonazepam. I went to church this morning. You are always in my prayers. I don't take firocet I have over 60 of them but it seems like they effect my kidneys bad. God bless you. Hope you feel better soon. I hope the allergist is able to help you.

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Jay, Thanks for letting me know the Accord clonazepam isn't good. I 've read that they break up easy. I've read that Teva took over Actavis I hope that they don't mess them up. I can't take Teva brand too many side effects for me. Hope all goes well with your meds. God Bless you and thank you for your service.

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Thanks for all your concern you have really been a blessing just having someone to communicate with. I really wish there would have been a way to exchange emails because we talk a lot about prayers and just how we are feeling and it's must be boring for others when they read our messages. I do feel like your prayers have helped and please continue. You seem like a person who shares a lot of things I believe in. I often wonder how old you are not that it matters but with me being 66 I am getting on up there. I have 2 wonderful daughters and one dope addict son that I can't even let come to my house. He wasn't raised that way but when he turned 18 and graduated he chose to go live with my ex who also was a dope addict. I have remarried for 28 years so its just my husband and I and I do not socialize with anyone so you have fulfilled the position as a friend and I am grateful for that. I am a retired police sergeant and by the grace of God I was healthy enough to complete my 20 years. I couldn't do it now. So thank you and God Bless you for your prayers.

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Thank you. You have been a blessing also. I understand what you are going through because I have experience it myself. I'm glad to know that you do not live alone and have children. I'm a widow who lost an ace of a husband. I live alone but God has blessed me with friends and my prayer group. I have sisters. My mom has had Alzheimer's for over twelve years. It's been very hard on us. My husband has a daughter but she lives in another state. She is a nurse practitioner. It's very hard because when I get sick I don't have anyone here to help me. My younger sister who came with me to the emergency room the first time because of that horrible Sandoz clonazepam, shortly after had a nervous meltdown because dealing with my mom's illness took a toll on her. She was hospitalized for about 20 days and they put her on Zoloft. Btw :) I'll give you some homework. Go back to #27 were I told you my age and you will see why we have so much in common. God Bless you, hope you will feel better soon.

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God morning Jacqueline, Hope and pray that the paxil and adderall will work well for you today. I sent a msg yesterday. It's being held for review. I believe the reason they are held for review is to verify that the numbers you put in for meds are correct. God Bless you.

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Hi Sarah, I don't believe that's the reason. But anyway I upped my Paxil to 3/4 tsp. and was sick again. With the liquid Paxil I recover faster but initially I hurt in my chest and feel nauseated. After that through out the day I feel calmer. Thanks for checking.

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Sarah, I don't know how I missed that reply from you. I am so sorry about your Mom. Is she living in a facility for Alzheimers? How is your sister doing? Did Zoloft help her? I actually didn't realize people that had Alzheimer lived that many years after being diagnosed. Does she still recognize you and your sister? I noticed they edited and removed a portion of my reply this morning. I hate knowing you are alone when you are sick but you are fortunate if you only have to take such a small dose of Klonopin. Take care and God Bless you. I didn't want to go on with my numerous health problems but at my eye appointment today I found out that a film has developed over the area of my cataract surgery now they have to remove that plus they told me my eyes had something like hives little bumps all over the eye. It is always something with me that is why I have to deal with depression.

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I think it's amazing that you have had a very fulfilling life. Being a retired Police Sergeant of 20 years is not easy but you did it. Also it is not your fault that you have an addict son. You said you have two amazing daughters and I think that's a wonderful thing because family is the most important blessing that God can bestow on us. I know how terrible having an addict in the family is and you must be a very strong person having to deal with such a terrible thing and for that I am deeply sorry. I strongly believe that tragedies and maybe terrible things happen to good people like yourself to test your faith. Being a true Christian is not easy sometimes. Actually alot of times, but what's important is that you believe in God and have strong faith. I myself am an ex Sergeant in the U.S. ARMY and I have had a very tough time being only 36 years old. With three combat deployments under my belt I have experienced more loss than I really care to discuss but God has helped me through the dark times and continues to. After being badly injured and having my military career cut short, I came home and I decided to help my mother take care of my beloved 93 year old grandmother who suffered from dimentia very badly but my mother, although she worked full time and suffered and still suffers from Lupus was literally taking care of my granny with only the help of lazy hospice nurses in Houston, Tx. I decided that I would give up almost four years of my late twenties to live with my mother and learn to take care of my grandmother who was like my best friend when I was growing up even though she didn't even know who I was anymore and was incontinent. I had to deal with and do things that no grandson should ever see but being medically trained it was necessary because I was single with no kids and although my mother had three siblings and there were 7 grandchildren who could have also helped, I still was the only person to fully give of myself while dealing with combat stress that I didn't even realize I had until I was diagnosed in 2011. Anyways, all of this stress my mother dealt with made her Lupus three times worse and she eventually had to quit working at the age of 60. This was shortly after my grandmother passed and she is now 66. She is a changed woman and I worry so much that I have lost long term girlfriends and relationships because they say I'm too attached to my sick mother. But I don't care! I've told myself that I would sacrifice the rest of my life to make sure my mother is happy and taken care of. The women I meet do not understand this and I do want to have a family of my own but I keep getting older while I watch my friends children grow up and it depresses me pretty badly. Sometimes I ask God why someone my age has suffered so badly and seen so much pain at such a young age and I feel helpless because right when I think my situation is going to improve, things get worse. I was recently diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis which is basicly like rheumatoid arthritis of the spine and I'm told it's a hereditary gene passed down by my father so maybe it is best I don't have any children because I would never want them to physically suffer like have. I deal with horrible pain on a daily basis and I used to think it was because I fractured three of my vertebrae and I broke four ribs on my right side because while I was home on leave I was hit by a drunk driver while driving home from a friends house. She was a minor and was drinking and driving in a full sized Suburban while badly intoxicated with a car load of teens and when the responding officers arrived one of them told me as he was pulling up to the scene of the accident his first thoughts were, how is this guy walking around and still alive? She was arrested and so a few of her buddy's were taken in an ambulance as I was but they ended up having nothing wrong with them, just like the driver. After having surgery I found out that my military career was over and I was medically discharged and this was the most painful experience I will ever have in my life for my only plan was to be a soldier in the Army's 82nd Airborne even if I died doing it and I was taken out by a drunk teenage girl with zero regard for human life. It has been many years since this happened and I still am having trouble forgiving even though I know it's what I have to do, so I guess I am a sinner because of this.

I apologize for rambling about my problems because my only intention was to just explain that I am struggling and feel lost with nobody to turn to and you seem like a good person with wisdom having spent 20 years as a Police Sergeant. I have doctors I can talk to at the VA but all they have ever done is give me medications that are addicting and bad for you. All I ever wanted was to serve my country and find a beautiful wife and get married and have a family just like everyone else but I guess God has different plans for me. I don't know what they are but this is the statement I am repeatedly told so I guess there must be some truth to it. Keep your head up and stay positive! Thank you for the 20 years you served as a Police officer. I would have liked to be a Police officer as well if I hadn't been injured. Unfortunately, I am now out of shape and 40 pounds over weight but I'm trying to stay positive by exercising everyday. I hope your son finds Jesus and gets better. All thing are a possibility through Christ!

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Good morning Jacqueline, I hope that the Paxil side effects will subside and eventually go away soon, since you do feel calm after the intial dose.. They have advance lenses and eye drops for cataracts now, my friend was telling me. My sister in ct hasn't been able to come help with my mom because she too has cataracts. My mom is at home with twenty four hour care, blessed with nice caregivers. We are not only saddened by my mom's illness but need to deal with the agencies heartless supervisor, all the paper work from the agency, Medicaid papers, meds etc. etc etc. That's what eventually led to my sister's meltdown. :) so you figured out my age. I'm better at accepting my mom's illness now since she's totally bed ridden and much calmer than when she use to scream and want to go home because she didn't know where she was. She does occasionally recognize us. You are always in my prayers. Keep me updated. God Bless you.

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I forgot to tell you in the msg that my sister lost seventeen lbs but she is doing better on Zoloft.
God Bless

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Jay, Wow, you have left me speechless. Thank you for all the beautiful things you said to JD. I wasn't quit sure how to address it, but I did admire her for it. And you have a beautiful soul, if the girls you have been dating don't appreciate you, then they probably aren't the right ones for you. I wouldn't give up thinking that you will never find the right girl because if it's God's will I am sure that you will find even a better one. I have some stories of how you would think someone would never find the right person and they did at any age. If it's meant to be it will be. And even if it's hard for you to forgive, which it is for everyone, they say forgiveness is for yourself not the person who has harmed you. God Bless you and again thank you for your service.

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Hello everyone. I stumbled upon this thread in a major "bass ackwards" effort to research a completely different medication. I have been on .5 mg of Clonazepam daily for 15+ years in the ongoing - mostly fruitless - struggle to deal with depression, anxiety, etc.

Can someone tell me when the formulative change occurred for Clonazepam? This is the first I have heard of it. But part of what brought me here was searching for some insight into how lousy I've been feeling for the last month or so - especially the crippling headaches. The thought had occurred to me that the Clonazepam was doing little to bring my anxiety down in recent days... but I just assumed it was tolerance on my end. Thanks.

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Dave, Which is the brand name of the 0.5 mg clonazepam you have been taking?

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You know... in all of these years I have never once paid attention to the brand-name. Ha! I will check when I get in and follow up. I can tell you I changed pharmacies a few months ago (local, not online) and the tablets definitely changed, as well. But they were still flat, yellow pills in a bottle marked 'Clonazepam', so the thought of anything being different would not have even occurred to me. Thanks!

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