Clonazepam Help Me (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have always used the same brand of clonazepam. However they changed what is in the medication. I've been gravely ill because my body can't take the change. Now I want to not take it any longer because it's making me ill. How can I detox slowly if I don't have a decent batch of clo that agrees with me? If anyone has any real information please let me know. I'm ill feeling every day if I take it it makes me ill and get withdrawal If I don't take it I get still getting withdrawal.

458 Replies (23 Pages)

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I had a similar incident, I called my Dr and told her that I feel like I am withdrawing even though I am taking my medication like I am supposed to. She said that TEVA has too much filler and not enough medicine in it. Maybe it could be some of the fillers making you sick?? Either way I hope you get an answer quickly.

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Re: Dawn (# 441) Expand Referenced Message

I am also thinking that the fillers are contributing to feeling unwell in addition to withdrawal. There is no quality control on these drugs.

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Re: Roxanne64 (# 439) Expand Referenced Message

Are you having trouble getting Teva brand? My pharmacy has to keep putting in an order.
I called Teva and I was told all doses are on backorder until July 14th.

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I have been on the Sandoz brand and something changed. Within 10 minutes of taking the tablet my body would completely engulf in heat and sweat. It also felt like needles were sticking in my whole body. I happened to find a few tablets from another manufacturer from 2012 just to see if the same thing would happen. It didn't. But my psychiatrist which me over to Xanax plus I started Paxil which helped a lot. I plan to go into medical detox to get Benzodiazapines completely out of my system. I also developed Burning Mouth Syndrome and since I have stopped the Sandoz brand it seems to be getting a little better each day.

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Hi JD, I looked up adderall and paxil together, it says that there is a major interaction. Check with your doctor about that. God Bless

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Hi JD, Hopefully your psy. can help you get off the medications with minimal withdrawal or at least find just one medication to help you with all your symptoms. I wish I had the answer for you. I understand what you are going through because I'm experiencing it myself. These medications have way too many side effects. I stopped taking the Teva brand of clonazepam couldn't take the side effects anymore. I'm now trying some from Qualitest. They don't work too good for my chronic pain but at least the side effects aren't as bad. You have been in my prayers and I'm glad that you are welcoming them. Btw I'm in N.Y.. God Bless. Keep in touch.

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{edited for privacy}. It's been only about 2 or 3 months since I refilled my 1 mg of Klonopin. But like I said I switched to Xanax and have been taking that for the time being. I have been reading about these medicines and dementia and that worries me most of all. I have been diagnosed with chronic vascular disease and feel like the benzodiazepine and antihistamines I use for allergy may be the cause. I am just finding out they have found a link between Klonopin, Xanax and more to dementia. I have been on benzodiazepines for over 20 years. Right now my anxiety is not bothering me as much as my Burning Mouth Syndrome. By 12 noon I am in horrible pain. Then finding out I am allergic to Thiuram mixes has been awful. I can't get away from it since it is in the clothes I wear, my shoes and so many things I come in contact with. I am in the area of Louisiana that was devastated by the flood a few days ago.

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I got the one mg of Klonopin a few months ago right before I asked to change to the .5mg I was trying on my own to reduce my dosages. That is how I got the bad yellow ones. I am not doing as well as I have in the past when I was taking the name brand Adderall. But that only came in xr and that prevented me from sleeping. Every day it seems like I am developing more medical problems from these medicines. It's good you can take Zoloft, that does help with anxiety. Keep in touch.

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Omg! It's so sad to hear what you just wrote me. I believe that horrible little yellow pill brought you to me as a call for prayer. You know that with God all things are possible, so keep positive thoughts. I belong to a prayer group we are off for the month of August but once it resumes we will include you in our prayers. Don't worry about dementia what you write sounds very clear to me and you can't believe everything you read and it doesn't always happen to everyone. What do the doctors say about treatment for your chronic vascular problem? I've seen the news on the flood and thought about you. I'm guessing that you're able to stay in your home. God willing things will clear up soon. I have been on clonazepam for 17 years low dosage. I have four bad bones in my neck, that is what is causing my pain and discomfort. I'm no longer on Zoloft I took myself off them over ten years ago. Btw I have a friend who recently started to order her meds through the mail. I'll check if it goes well for her then I'll give you the info and maybe you can find the right meds through them. I read that ice cubes and sipping on water and hard candy helps with bms. Wishing you well.
God be with you. Keep in touch.

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I spoke to soon about my anxiety. For some reason it shot through the roof and I felt like I was in withdrawals and very sick. I just saw psy Dr. on Monday and had to go back today. We are going to try the generic Serzone for anxiety. If that don't work I have to go back to the Paxil and just try and tolerate the sickness for the three hours after I take it. I can't keep going up on the Xanax or Klonopin and after I am over the sick period I don't have the anxiety and I am able to use a very low dose of Xanax. Sorry to hear you suffered a terrible loss in your life. I noticed you said you had procedures for your pain. I have to deal with pain also and have been having inj's., botox, and burning nerves in my neck. That creates another problem because I have to use opioids for pain and on days I would normally not take them, I find I am in withdrawal because I have been on them a long time and the body has grown accustomed to getting them. Hope your doing good.

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I read your post to Sarah and I am curious as to what does this Diversion means. I am taking norco 7.5 because I did not want the long acting pure opiod going in me 24 hours a day. Now I don't get any relief with that pill. But the .5 Klonopin that put me in the hospital because it simply was not doing anything by Sandoz and felt like I was having a heart attack are you saying their is some kind of Diversion in those also?

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Sarah, my worries over dementia are not from something I read its from experiencing memory loss and then having a MRI that shed chronic vascular disease. There is a possibly some of the medications I take may have a side effect of memory loss but I do not fit into any of the categories like smoking, drinking etc. but I definitely fit in the category of long term benzodiazepine use, that's the klonopin and Xanax. I just took the first pill of the generic Serzone, because the name brand was taken off the market due to liver failure and so far it hasn't made me sick and I actually felt a decrease in anxiety from that one dose. I pacifically ask the psy doctor for it and the pharmacist had to order it because he said I was the first to present a prescription for it. Even the psy doctor had to look it up because he was not aware that a generic was available. He thought when the name brand was taken off the market that it was all discontinued. You may need to check into this for yourself if it can prevent using klonopin. I always have to start at a low dose which is .50mg. I am 66 years old but I am not ready to experience brain problems. Keep in touch. I wish there was a way that we could have exchanged emails but the site want allow it. If you see the name Jacqueline and not JD it will be me that is unless someone else is using that.

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Hi JD, Omg it's really sad to hear what you have been going through. At first I was under the impressions that you were only suffering from anxiety. I hope and pray that this new Serzone works well for you and that you won't need to go back on Paxil. I'm not sure what chronic vascular disease is. I tried looking it up. I got the Impression it had something to do with your legs, it said that your primary doctor can help you, that there are specialist or if it's bad enough they can operate. Did the MRI find something about dementia? Or do you just notice that your memory is not as good as it was? Hopefully you can find a good allergy doctor to treat your allergy to thuiram. O Lord, it seems to me that you're on too many meds. Maybe the Serzone can eliminate some of the other meds. that you are taking. You should let a pharmacist know all the meds. you are taking to make sure that there aren't any with major interactions. I really wish I had the answer for you. I try looking up things for you, but the last thing I would ever do is give you a name or suggest a medication. Btw we are both the same age. And yes I lost my loving husband years ago. We went for his annual physical, very healthy happy man just had a pain in his back. They gave him three months to live. It was lung cancer. He passed a few days shy of the three months. I was totally devastated and that's how I ended up seeing the psychiatrist who prescribed clonazepam. I'm doing better on the Qualitest than the Teva brand but not really that good. I have a doctor's appt next Friday. I'm going to get enough Qualitest brand 60 ct. Then on the next visit I'm going to try the Accord brand. I only take 1/2 of the 0.5 mg normally but with the Qualitest I need the full 0.5. so I should have enough left over in case the Accord brand is no good. God Bless you. Praying for you to find peace and health. Keep in touch.

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Hi JD, Not sure if you have heard that coconut oil is good for preventing dementia. Google it for more info.God willing the Serzone is working well for you. God Bless

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Sarah, I have just taken two pills. When I took the first one yesterday I had already taken the Xanax and Adderall so I was pretty calm already. That is why I probably thought it seem to be working. That all changed this morning. I woke up with what appeared to be withdrawals and anxiety attack. It was awful. Therefore it is not working yet. It just isn't making me sick like Paxil. Within a few days of Paxil the anxiety was gone. I am afraid to go to sleep right now worried about waking up like this morning. Have you got your medication adjusted and your anxiety taken care? Take Care

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Dear JD, You just took 2 Serzone's? How many did you take yesterday? Do you have someone who you can call? Which is the best pill for anxiety are you allow to take it. Please be careful what you are taking.

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Good morning JD, Hoping that you're doing better this morning. Serzone: is used to treat depression,especially when symptoms include anxiety an insomnia. That sounds perfect for your symptoms.However, like all anti d's they take time to work. The good news is that you don't have the horrible side effects like on Paxil. God be with you.

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Sarah, one thing you don't have to worry about is me taking too much of those medicine. As for as how much I have taken of Serzone. This is day three and the only amount I have taken if just a half piece of the 100 mg. I am very sensitive to those types of medicines and it's has been hard to make my psy doctor realize I am not like other people and cannot go up to the doses he thinks people should have. He even got mad and ask me why I didn't want to take the large doses, Did I think I was going to die? No I wasn't afraid of dying I just don't want to get Serotonin Syndrome. He prescribe me Gabapention and I thought I had found a miracle to help me sleep, that was until yesterday when I woke up so sick, with what felt like withdrawals. Then I read where many people shared their experiences of trying to get off Gabapention and all most all of them describe horrors and memory loss that had not returned. So much for me. What are you taking now since your bad experience with .5 Klonopin?. Hope you have found something that is working for you. Hopefully this Serzone will kick in soon and calm down this anxiety. I called my pharmacist and he told me since I had only taken Gabapention for 7 days I could probably just stop. And I did, but no sleep last night. Keep in touch and continue to pray for healing. Jacqueline.

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A drug interaction checker may be helpful. But best check with a pharmacist.

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As to what I'm taking for now are the 0.5 Qualitest clonazepam. I only have 4 1/2 left until my appt. next Friday. That's why I'm not doing to good I'm scrounging on them. You have been in my prayers. Keep in touch

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