Clonazepam 0.5 Mg Teva Vs Accord (Page 6)


I recently received Teva clonazepam and it worked great. Two weeks ago, I received clonazepam from Accord Pharmaceuticals and it was like a placebo pill. Has anyone taken this medicine By Accord and have you noticed a serious difference with it not helping? I've never had a generic never work before. I don't know what to do. All pharmacies in my area are now going with Accord Pharmaceuticals because it's cheaper. Help with an answer please.

267 Replies (14 Pages)

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Re: Kita (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

I cut it in half to make two .25s and then I file each .25 down to my current daily dose of .169mg. Tapering ever so slowly. I’m sensitive to subtle changes, including brands and dose changes so I only do like 2% every two weeks. It will take forever, years, but I don’t feel like hell when I do it this way. That is assuming I ever adjust back to this Accord. I feel much improvement but the Teva destabilization isn’t going away so quick.

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Re: Kita (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

I felt ok but trying to cut a pill that small made half of it crumble into tiny bits. So I lost half my Rx. The federal database keeps track of your Rxs so it’s hard to get refills on time. Can’t go off cold turkey so can be a problem. My doc has to fight for refills.

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Re: Kita (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

I am on my third pill cutter which has a sharp razor blade so I doubt that would work.

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Re: Kita (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

Mine were so cheap it crumbled. Yes with a nail file. Cutting is is bit easier.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

I had three in a month too. Maybe California is harder. My doc had to do a lot of explaining.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

No one I saw it on a post here. I also saw October. I’m going to try and call them today.

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Re: Kone (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

A lot of anxiety starts in the gut. More there than the brain. I experience horrible IBS and Accord was only drug that helped. I’m withdrawing from it. Trying to manage on brand name Klonopin but not entirely helpful. The damn stamped K cutout in the center makes the 1 mg crumble when I try to cut into a half. I don’t know why my doc gave me 1 mg I take .5. Have appointment Thursday. Going to find out.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

I took you advice and made a list of all small independent pharmacies in and around my area. Kept calling all until I found one. I was able to find one that had 2mg Accord left. My dr. Is going to write a script for it to take a quarter tablet. They are going to keep what they had left for me, so hopefully will get me to when Accord is available again. Now it is just trying to get them to fill it early. Hope my doctor can get through the red tape! Thanks for your advice to call the mom and pops. Took quite a few phone calls, but persistence paid off! I would have driven anywhere if they had it. I feel terrible on Klonopin. Feel like I have not taken anything. Feel like a nervous cat! Can't wait to get back on Accord!

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Re: Kita (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

No but it was hard to tell how much I was taking with all the cutting crumbling and filing. Maybe a compounding pharmacy can help. I’m going to ck with them.

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Re: Kita (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

A file for manicures.

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Re: Kone (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been back in Accord for 9 days now and still don’t feel right. Teva really messed me up and I’m sure my brain needs some adjusting to get back.

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Re: Kone (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

I’m on it too. Just not like Accord. I’m wondering if we are on a lesser dose because my mfr of brand name put a cutout K in the middle. When I cut in half from 1 mg to get .5 I lose half of it. And it isn’t cheap! I feel under medicated.

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Re: Salgal (# 111) Expand Referenced Message

Same here. Weird that it has that K cutout in the brand Klonopin. Definitely felt undermedicated. Just got a text my new script for 2mg Accord to be cut in quarters is ready. Hope my body adjust back quickly! Glad to have found this message board, for advice, and feel that I am not alone.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

Just got a text my script for Accord 2mg to be cut in quarters for my nightly dose, is ready. I can start tonight. I am prepared to have an adjustment period going back to Accord. Hope I adjust quickly. Truly appreciate your advise on here, as I had lost hope I would get any Accord before end of year, or next year, and didn't know how I would make it that long feeling this way. Helped to know others could not adjust to the brand change. In theory they say it should be the same. I guess some of us have more sensitivity to changes. Thanks again!!!

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Re: Kone (# 114) Expand Referenced Message

How much of a supply will you get from that pharmacy once you get it cut into quarters between your current script and what they are holding for you? I really hope accord doesn’t have anymore hang ups and comes back early next year at the latest.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

They are giving me 8 pills at a time, which cut in quarters will be 32 days (1 month is what my insurance would allow), which will last me a month, but they have 90 more, that have my name on them, and they will hold those for me, which should last me quite a while. If Accord comes back as they think it should be longer than I need. I asked again, when I picked up, and they said they have my name on, and will be held for me. Fingers crossed. New pharmacy but they assured me they will be held for me. They already ordered more from a different supplier for other refills.

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Re: Kone (# 116) Expand Referenced Message

Good for you. My supply is supposed to be 10 months. I have 6 in hand and they have another four they say they will hold. Hoping they can find more elsewhere. I’ve taken ten pills so far and while some of the Teva side effects are no longer around, I feel the Teva really did a number on my nervous system and I’m feeling really blah and run down adjusting back. I know accord works and made me feel so well the last two years, but the brain isn’t easily changed and my brain really went through a lot of stress in Teva and even the compounded liquid I tried. Gonna take time for that to settle down. I’ve lost 23 lbs in two months from the stress Teva put on my body. It was really bad. Just bring back on Accord doesn’t eliminate what happened. I’m super sensitive to meds and changes so I’m not surprised.

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Re: Kone (# 116) Expand Referenced Message

Do you know if the 2mg option is also on back order and they just have some in stock or the 2mg is available on the pharmacies ?

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Re: Salgal (# 112) Expand Referenced Message

Just a kind suggestion : have you tried to mix with water until dissolves completely, then you can equally split your dose in 2 seringes, one for the day, keeping the remaining for the next day (Perhaps inside the fridge )?

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Re: Kita (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

All inventory in all doses from Accord is on back order as their labs need to come into compliance with fda regulations before they can ship. Any supply found in pharmacies is from before the back order hit supply earlier this year. None has been produced since.

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