Clonazepam 0.5 Mg Teva Vs Accord (Page 10)


I recently received Teva clonazepam and it worked great. Two weeks ago, I received clonazepam from Accord Pharmaceuticals and it was like a placebo pill. Has anyone taken this medicine By Accord and have you noticed a serious difference with it not helping? I've never had a generic never work before. I don't know what to do. All pharmacies in my area are now going with Accord Pharmaceuticals because it's cheaper. Help with an answer please.

267 Replies (14 Pages)

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Re: Kita (# 180) Expand Referenced Message

Getting off Clonazepam can be a nightmare. I was tapering for 18 months and doing ok and these brand changes have completely disabled me. Still back on Accord for 9 1/2 weeks and sicker than ever. It threw off my entire system and messed up my brain and gut bad when the teva disabled me. I haven’t been able to recover. Hoping I will in time. I’ve since stopped cutting my doses in hopes of stabilizing

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 181) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t know how you managed to take TEVA for so long despite the fact it was making you very sick. Perhaps not taking it would have been better ?
Probiotics seem to help with your gut health.

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Re: Kita (# 182) Expand Referenced Message

It’s because I am dependent on Clonazepam so if I had stopped taking it, I would’ve gotten into severe withdrawals and I can’t do that to my nervous system. I have a very complicated mental health condition, so it was better to remain on that dose rather than go through it cold turkey, which can cause long-term problems. I still don’t feel right even after being off of Thiva. It’s so weird. I feel like I destabilized my whole nervous system.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 183) Expand Referenced Message

I am very sorry and I really hope you will recover. In my case , honestly, it made so very sick, like impared sick that I don’t think I could have taken it for several days - it gave me a lot of chest pain besides all the other bad effects. I think I ticked ALL side effects in the medication chart.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 183) Expand Referenced Message

I finally talked to manufacturer and they have started to ship 1mg and 2mg strengths. They still don’t have any clue of when the 0.5mg will be shipped unfortunately. She provided me with a list of pharmacies in my state to where I would find those strengths. I have tried the 1mg yesterday and again felt sick…. Not sure what happened. I thought it was the same… well the 1mg is a blue one. I did take a very tiny micro dose and still didn’t feel as the orange pill. I pray the orange will be back soon. I hope they don’t remove from market this strength.

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Re: Kita (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

So Accord is shipping 1mg and 2mg clonazepam again?! Wow. So you took the 1mg one and felt sick. Was that one you got before or did you just get it from the newly released stock?

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Re: Kita (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

I just called them as well, they said the same thing but they said it won’t be too long. I said I had 8 months worth available to me and she said oh you’ll be fine. She said maybe next month or maybe the month after but they will definitely have 0.5 back because it is high on their list.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 186) Expand Referenced Message

Good news, I am so disheartened at this moment …are you planning to try the 1mg?
I am baffled as to why even 1mg doesn’t work and I took a micro tiny dose (like 0.05mg something like that) it was just the tip of the pill

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Re: Kita (# 187) Expand Referenced Message

I forget your history, have you been taking accord at all Recently. I’ve talked to a few people, so I forget what you were doing.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 189) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking the same brand for almost 4y @0.25mg

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Re: Kita (# 190) Expand Referenced Message

What brand name is that?

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Re: Kita (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

What pharmacies in your state are starting to offer the Accord brand?

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Re: Kita (# 190) Expand Referenced Message

Have you considered taking it to a compounding pharmacy and having them crush a bunch of 1mg pills and making custom .25mg capsules for you. They can do that for a fee and you'd get accurate dosing all the time. Tons of people do that.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 193) Expand Referenced Message

Both pills 1mg and 0.5mg weigh the same, so my conclusion is that the fillers in the 1mg are less than the 0.5mg…. Something to do with that.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 193) Expand Referenced Message

I also bought a scale so I can weigh it and see. However as I mentioned to you, I took a tiny little piece of the 1mg. It didn’t even make 0.05mg of medication...

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Re: Kita (# 194) Expand Referenced Message

Good point and we are so sensitive to changes fillers which is why we can’t handle other generics well. The woman on the phone said the .5 mg tablets are high on their priority list so she’s hoping they are available soon.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 196) Expand Referenced Message

What? She's talking about TEVA and you're replying about ACCORD????

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Re: TomCable (# 197) Expand Referenced Message

Convo/thread and title mentions both brands. It’s an old thread and with the backorder of Accord the thread revived surrounding that. Feel free to not follow if it doesn’t apply to you.

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Re: Kita (# 195) Expand Referenced Message

I just talked to Accord today and they said that 0.5mg is due to start shipping to pharmacies next week!

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 199) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for the news! Great relieve.
Thanks a lot and all the best on your journey in tapering. I will try to get in this forum from time to time

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