Clonazepam 0.5 Mg Teva Vs Accord (Page 9)


I recently received Teva clonazepam and it worked great. Two weeks ago, I received clonazepam from Accord Pharmaceuticals and it was like a placebo pill. Has anyone taken this medicine By Accord and have you noticed a serious difference with it not helping? I've never had a generic never work before. I don't know what to do. All pharmacies in my area are now going with Accord Pharmaceuticals because it's cheaper. Help with an answer please.

267 Replies (14 Pages)

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 160) Expand Referenced Message

I am not sure if my message went through. 4y @ 0.25mg taking during the day.

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Re: Kita (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

Do you ever intend to get off or just gonna stay on long term? I took it to stabilize from a horrible neuro reaction to an antibiotic. Now I want off. It helped keep me stable but I felt blah on it so didn’t want to stay on it. But since the switch to Teva and then liquid it threw me into horrible withdrawal that I can’t get out of no matter what I do in accord. Been a month. My brain feels like it was altered in the other brands. Hoping it renormalizes

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 162) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I want to stop especially after this ordeal with manufacturer. To be dependent on a medication is already bad, let alone in one specific manufacturer…

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Re: Kita (# 163) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah I mean the manufacturer is gonna release again it’s just when. But yeah not having to stress over it will be nice. I hope I can find a way to stay in accord until I’m fully tapered.

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This is an old post and the content is no longer current.

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Re: kathy (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

It appears to be resurrected and relevant to a few of us.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 166) Expand Referenced Message

I did that because Teva is a totally different drug and is not as effective as the old Teva. People may be confused.

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Re: Kita (# 153) Expand Referenced Message

I am on the brand name now, and I still feel like the blue Accord is stronger. I'm disappointed because I had read the brand is stronger than generic, but I suppose it depends on which one.

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Re: kathy (# 168) Expand Referenced Message

I think you’ll find that strength is a relative thing. Some swear by one brand, some swear by another. For some accord works great and Teva doesn’t. For others they say Teva works and accord doesn’t. It isn’t about what’s better it’s which one does your body metabolize the best. I feel like accord is weaker but my body likes it better. Teva feels stronger but I feel drugged and irritable. It’s about genetics

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

Same here, when I took Teva! Felt like it was doing the opposite of what it should have been doing.

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Re: Kone (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Are you back to normal on the Accord? Sadly I have yet to stabilize on a month of accord. Still feel terrible. Teva really messed up my brain.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 171) Expand Referenced Message

I am feeling better. My dose is higher at .5 nightly as I can't cut the 2mg pills into 1/8th very well, so dr wrote script for 1/4 pill so I could get the Accord. See Dr next week, so am asking about the dose, as I feel like it is too much, but cutting smaller the dose is not consistent.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 171) Expand Referenced Message

Any news yet when will they release the medication again?

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Re: Kita (# 173) Expand Referenced Message

I haven't checked in two months. Last time I talked to them they said to check back Oct/Nov and they'd hopefully have some news. At that time they were thinking turn of the year but they didn't know. I think the lab issues are still being worked out so I'm sure they have no idea at this point. Disconcerting I know. I think I have enough for 8 months available to me. I'm hoping that's enough time.

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Re: Kone (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Same here or it actually made me more anxious.

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Re: Kc (# 175) Expand Referenced Message

Same here. Horrible panic sensation all the time, couldn’t calm down. Strangely could sleep fine but only with a weighted blanket. It felt like I was constantly coming out of my skin. So crazy!

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 176) Expand Referenced Message

I have tried klonopin (brand name) few weeks ago and had very bad side effects: strong sensation of sedated/ drugged; body weakness, sadness …I don’t even take the whole tablet but 1/8 of it !
it baffles me that it seems only one brand of clonazepam works in my body.
Even doctors can not understand it …

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Re: Kita (# 177) Expand Referenced Message

Some of our brains are extremely sensitive to subtle changes. When I cut my dose to taper I notice even a 1% reduction within a day. It’s crazy. Some it doesn’t bother at all with med changes.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 178) Expand Referenced Message

I guess we are the lucky ones then …
I am trying to see if I can find a natural replacement (GABA, CBD, probiotics)
I don’t want to be dependent on when this manufacturer will be back in the market …

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 178) Expand Referenced Message

I have also tried 0.5mg!!! Of melatonin during the day to see if it would help and I just had a strong sedation feeling again. That’s not even a baby dose but it was enough to make me feel I have been over drugged

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