Citalopram Manufacturer Change (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Mail order changed my citalopram manufacturer from Amneal to Aurobindo. Have noticed side effect after the change. Should this be happening? Anyone els have this issue with manufacturer change?

124 Replies (7 Pages)

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The pharmacist at Duane Reade told me about the change.

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I have taken citalopram for over ten years. About a month ago I changed insurance and started getting it from a different manufacturer. Earlier this evening I was sitting on the couch wondering what is wrong with me. I have been depressed, anxious and self-conscious. For some reason I thought about the change in my medication and decided to google it which is how I saw this thread. The new manufacturer is Camber Pha and I am trying to find out what the old one was so I can try to switch back. Thank you for helping me. I feel a lot better knowing I'm not going crazy

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Things have settled down a bit for me. I feel
more like myself except I am not on an even keel a lot of the time. I didn't even know you could look for another manufacturer. Thanks for that. I hope you feel better soon.

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I'm so glad I came across this thread. I've been on citalopram for about 3 years and have had wonderful results. My depression and anxiety were pretty much gone. 2 weeks ago I picked up my prescription to find they looked different. I called the pharmacy because that had never happened before. They told me they had just changed the manufacturer, so I thought nothing of it and started taking the meds. In hindsight now I realize I started feeling more anxious around that time. But now, 2 weeks into taking them, I'm a complete mess. Panic attacks, feeling of severe dread, crying and depressed. Back to where I was 3 years ago before starting meds. I was dumbfounded until I remembered my med had changed. Started googling and found this! I just called my pharmacy (Walmart) and told them what happened. The pharmacist told me I shouldn't be feeling this way because the ingredients are the same, regardless, he said he had some of my old pills and would fill them for me today. My question is, how long until I start feeling normal again? Will the other polls have to build back up in my system for a while like when you first start taking them? Thanks for any responses!

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Yes I had 2 packets in October and November last year I went into uncontrolled withdrawal symptoms and ended up having three weeks off with work related stress. I have accepted voluntary redundancy from work as a result.

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I have noticed the change too from amneal to aurobindo and also now changed to Milan and the best one was first one I took by manufacturer amneal was on it for 2 years then changed and so tried the other now am on my lab absolutely don't like!!! How cN I get back to having amneal???!! Must have had a lot of complaints-don't you want patients to feel well-please respond!!!

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What is the best manufacturer of citalopram.

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Yes I have different results. I complained to pharmacy but only told me it should be the same.

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You sound like you write this for me. I tried 1/2 tablet and was better then lot of crying and down. Went back to whoever pill snd this make me think of wishing I was dead. I am waiting to hear from my doctor for s change.

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Yes, I'm not sure what is wrong but My citalopram looks different than anything I've seen and I've been on it for 8 years. And my roommate says I'm acting off.

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I have been so sick for the last 5 days because if this issue. This is the third time I have had this problem. Mine is so bad that I was in bed for 3 days! Ridiculous! ! I feel like I'm having withdrawals. Awful!!

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...yes, have always found Aurobindo superior to any other generic....but now (10/06/16 ), cannot get it anywhere...

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I have the same problem wit citalpram when my brand is changed. I seem to be inly really normal when I take the Almus brand. My chemist did write it on my prescription and I've been OK for a while but then chemists change and the message gets forgotten and I end up with another brand,

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I have to call several pharmacies to find the brand i like, I hate it that they're inconsistent on the brands they order

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I cannot take the generic of Celexa, causes major depression in 3 days, so take brand-name. No problems for a long time. Recently started having various problems, checked side-effects yesterday, all problems right there. Took good look at pills...different color and size. Figured must have reformulated, different side-effects than I remember. Called pharmacy, they said there are now different mgf. for brand-name. Now trying to find MY Celexa. Must go off this one cold turkey due to side-effects. This is ridiculous.

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I was told by my pharmacy that Teva is discontinuing citalopram.

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My doctor insisted I take 10 mg. of Citalopram since I was cutting the 20 mg. in to 1/4's. The pharmacy did not tell me they did not carry 10 mg. of Aurobindo Citalopram. The brand they filled was Torrent. I only took half of a 10 mg. Torrent Citalopram and the negative side effects from it were awful. I felt like a zombie (out of my mind) from taking 5 mg. of Torrent Citalopram. I let the pharmacy know how badly I felt from taking the Torrent Citalopram and they offered to give me a full refund!

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Thank you for all the insight into this. I was supposed to start Citalopram this month, picked it up and then researched Torrent Pharma. I have been warned about any medications being manufactured in India and now have read all these posts so am going to see if I can return this prescription!

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I've been using Citalopram 40 mg from Torrent Mfr for years. I used to get it from CVS until this year with new insurance. My insurance doesn't use CVS anymore. I switched to Walgreens. They were getting me Torrent until now. They can no longer get it from Torrent anymore. I contacted Walmart, Publix, and Rite-Aid and was told they can't get it either. I have tried other mfrs and they (don't recall which ones) without success. I am now going to try Walgreens brand and pray they work for me.

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A Kaiser pharmacy told me that I got citalopram of the Aurobindo manufacture. Worked for me, where the Walgreens' not so much.

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