Citalopram Manufacturer Change (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Mail order changed my citalopram manufacturer from Amneal to Aurobindo. Have noticed side effect after the change. Should this be happening? Anyone els have this issue with manufacturer change?

124 Replies (7 Pages)

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Yes, but mine is the opposite. I took Amneal for 7 years, and tried Mylan, and it was like I wasn't taking anything at all. I felt horribly anxious, agitated, sweaty and shaky.

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It took me maybe 3-4 days to feel better once I got my old prescription back. The severe drowsiness is gone. Night sweats and confusion gone. I feel great. I can workout and am working on removing the belly I gained on the Mylan. That said, I always do everything I can to help a prescription work. I drink a lot of water, work out, and eat well.

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I am having the same problem. When Walgreens flipped manufacturer to Mylan from Amneal for citalopram I have had increased heart palpitations and headaches as well as "internal" tremors, I couldn't figure out what was happening until I stopped to really think about it and realized these symptoms started with the change in the manufacturer. I know doctors and pharmacists say there is to difference and I USED to believe that Until a few years ago the FDA pulled a high blood pressure pill OFF the market do to terrible reactions. I have a lower dose left from Amneal and I am starting that up again today and then looking to replace all chemicals with CBD oil from the Stanley Brothers and their strain of Charolletts Web I have had it with big Pharm screwing with MY health!! Hoping and praying CBD oil will do the job!

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I tried to start on target's citalopram manufacturer is tenet something like that-had terrible side effects the first day! Felt like I was taking an addictive drug!!! Dizzy, change in my moods was very crabby and terrible headache still have it today can't tell me doesn't matter all manufacturers same No Way!!! Hope I feel better tomorrow. Something really should be done about this I know I am not the only one who doesn't feel well mentally and not great for someone who is 2 and a half years sober don't need agitation and problems with stress no thanks to all these different manufacturers giving us medication that is not correct-thanks all for sharing pass it on!!!

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The drug manufacturer is Torrent. I experienced the same things you did. I had been taking Citalopram (Amneal) 20 mg (I broke the pill in half), 10 mg. Walgreen's switched to Mylan and they did not even tell me about the switch from Amneal to Mylan. I had my doctor call in a prescription for Citalopram 10 mg. to my local grocery store and they filled it with Citalopram Torrent 10 mg. I had never had any negative side effects from the Amneal Citalopram, but experienced many negative side effects from only 5 mg. of the Citalopram by Torrent. My warning is for everyone to avoid Citalopram by Torrent!

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i am glad for this thread! I am using citalopram for depression. I am in California. At first I was on what Kaiser gave me and it worked with very little side-effect. They were tiny football shaped. Who makes them? Now I have Walgreens and they are much larger rounded tablet. With these I am having nightmares, disturbed sleep or sleeplessness, and a bit of anxiety, and less effect on my depression. (May I say generally as I understand, escitalopram oxalate (Lexapro) is usually better for persons on the anxiety side of the equation, Ask your doctor.) But, please if anyone knows, who manufactures citalopram for Kaiser?

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I will say I used the 20 mg Citalopram from Torrent in the past. It didn't work for me. It seems the 40 mg and cutting in half works better than taking one 20 mg twice a day. So weird!

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YES!! I thought I was going so crazy my pills couldn't help me anymore. I just found figured this out. I'm so happy I'm not the only one

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A few of us were/are having the same problem with Aurobindo generic Lexapro which we discuss on another thread here. Posted below is the link if you can't find it on the site....

Lexapro Brand Versus Generic Escitalopram

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Torrent does not work for me. My local RiteAid switched from Mylan to Torrent, and I am having a terrible time after 1.5 months. Apparently, there are distribution or manufacturing delays with Mylan which prompted them to switch. After the CVS pharmacist called RiteAid with transfer my script, the RiteAid pharmacy manager was happy to order a different generic and even put a note in my file to keep a different generic in stock.

I'm astounded by how many people here complain about the effects of different generics. It's a crime that a) formularies can be so different for generics and b) pharmacies generally only carry one generic brand.

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OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! my prescription was switched to aurbendom as well and it is THE WORST

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The manufacturer for my Citalopram was recently switched to Torrent Pharmaceuticals and I find myself experiencing major itching throughout my body. Also, one side of my tongue developed a bump which is very sore. Can this be a reaction to the new manufacturer of this medication?

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Re: Mike (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

Mike I just had the same exact thing happen to me at Sam's Club. Mylan works great for me. After 2-3 months on Torrent, I felt terrible and couldn't figure out the reason. This month by chance, Sam's split my script 1/2 Mylan, 1/2 Torrent. I started the Mylan first and felt amazing after 3 days. BTW, I have no insurance. I pay $4.65 a month for the generic. Can't beat it but I may have to switch pharmacies because Sam's says they will no longer carry Mylan :(

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I have been on citalopram made by Torrent for years. I recently switched pharmacies due to insurance chance. My citalopram is now made by Dr Reddy. I feel horrible. It’s like I am in a brain fog and sometimes feel like my head is moving but it’s not. I am having brain zaps and surges. I don’t know what to do.

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I've found Aurobindo the best. how are you feeling?

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I recently switched from TEVA to Mylan. Anybody have experience with the Mylan brand?

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Fantastic post - could u elaborate on the inert substances used ?

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Which manufacturer has the medicine that works the best? My daughter was just put on the Citalopram today. The manufacturer is Amneal

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Hi JC. If you read down through this thread, you'll find lots of responses that address your question.

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The change I experienced felt like the drug wasn't longer working initially. Then it seemed to reset with the side effects ( dry mouth, etc) which I had when it first started. It seems okay now , at least do far.

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