Chronic Pain Patients Must Get Organized To Lobby For Their Rights. (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedPeople with chronic, intractable pain are being discriminated against and it is imperative that we join forces to fight for our civil rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Please send information on existing associations and organizations that can help or how to establish one that can help pain patients fight for their rights with petitions, letters; emails to send to these state and federal politicians that are determined use prescription drugs, doctors and pharmacies to further their political careers. Drug abuse is not the same as opiate dependent because of chronic pain management and there are over 100 million people living with pain and many of us are unable to live without medication. If the deaths from abuse seems high, the suicides from pain patients that are unable to get relief will be significantly higher. If we do not fight these governors (Colorado's Hickenlooper is a perfect example) and federal agencies that are discriminating pain patients we will be even more victimized. Obviously these politicians no little about pain and they are not aware that chronic pain patients are voters. The statistics used to support their claims regarding deaths from prescription medications are seriously skewed and lacking in additional factors that contributed to the deaths. Compromising the doctor/pharmacy and patient relations is not the government's job; as John Boehner stated government needs to stay out of healthcare and let the trained healthcare professionals make decisions regarding their patients not some politician looking for recognition.
this looks to be an older post judging by the date but I figured I'd post a reply anyway. I've been in pain management for 20 years due to an operable damage to my back and severe neuropathy into my leg which causes unbearable leg cramps. Because of the new quantity limit regulations on pain management, I had no choice but to cancel my state health insurance so I could get my medication filled. The discount card help but if I didn't need State assistance 4 medical insurance I wouldn't have it. all this has done is made it even harder for me and my family to survive because without my pain medication I am bed ridden and would rather die than live that way
I am a Chronic Pain Patient. The doctor that I had for more than 10 years retired and I was left with a doctor that had "no use or empathy" for me (or others that I don't know of). He lowered my scripts down to the point where I indeed thought of suicide. I WANT to live, not just EXIST. Finally, I broke and called his office and I was hysterical, told the nurse (of course, the doctor was busy) she calmed me down and told me something would be done. As I was getting off the phone with her, I have two little "yappy LOL" dogs. I went to the door and standing there were TWO state police officers, one male and one female. The nurse had gotten on another line and called them, telling them I was going to commit suicide. I told them that, that wasn't the case but they refused to leave. I drove myself, with them following me, to the hospital. The doctors there of course, asked if I was seeing a psychiatrist! And that was that. No help with the pain just some useless advice. My pain is now being addressed but if you know of ANY plans of writing to "who ever or what ever" to address this situation, PLEASE let me know so that I may have MY voice heard. I couldn't go to Washington but I CAN write or call. So PLEASE let me know of anything that I CAN do. I don't know how long this doctor will continue with me and there are NO doctors that will help you now. They made the mistake of clumping all us CPP together with the real junkies out there that wouldn't think twice about putting a needle to their arms! I know because I have a daughter that will even administer hot water intravenously just to feel the needle going into her vein! Re-Hab will not work for her, I have taken her myself and she didn't last 24 hours! So I know both sides to this.
Re: Franki (# 25)
I agree Franki!!!,the way it is now you don't know from one Dr Visit too the next if you are going too be cut off of your meds,adding too the stress we already deal with on a daily bases. I don't get the high part as I don'ever remember getting high off my meds. I would talk them lay down for 15-20 minutes & my pain would be gone. Simple as that!!!!
The government should stay out of people's medical conditions and stop putting limits on doctors!!! I did have a great doctor in hamilton, ohio, now I don't all to the government!!! They took his licence away and people in hamilton can not find a pain management doctor that will prescribe the same medicine that I had been on for year's which at least made my life tolerable!!! Now all I can do is sit in my wheelchair, which when I was seeing this doctor I was at least able to walk around my house!!! This is just not right! And even if you consume medical mmj, it's illegal in the state of ohio, or your doctor dismisses you!!! This is all a crock of ____! I 100% know if anyone in the white house had to deal with the pain that we deal with on an everyday basis, they would get exactly what they need!!! If the government even thinks for one minute they are going to stop the abusers from abusing drugs, they are wrong!!! They are going to get what they want or make it their selves!!! I have never abused anything in my life, now I can not even get what I "Need", not want, but "Need" and can't!!!
This is totally nut's!!! I wish every one that is doing this in the government get's what I have, then they would change their mind!!! So thank you government for making our lives pure hell, when there is medicine that is made to help, but we can not get it!!! Why even make these medicines if the people that really need them are not allowed to have them? This makes no sense at all!!! As I said I only wish some of the government employees would get some of what we have to live with every day, they would change their mind's "Fast" to get what they really "Need"!!! Why cant you go after the people that are making illegal drugs, instead of taking away the medicine that is made here and prescribed to us? We do not understand this at all!!! The only thing the government has done is make the people that "Suffer" on an every day basis make all of us suffer and that's all you have done!!! But no one will listen!!!
People with legitimate pain suffer because people who don't have pain take meds to get stoned! Then peeps with pain have a difficult time getting their meds because of abuse. It sucks and people have to jump through hoops to get their meds.
Re: Tlzek672 (# 385)
This is typical for FL... for many years, Florifians on MEDICAID have been discriminated against. I moved my family to FL from CA back in the seventies. In CA, we had been on their Medi-Cal care, called MEDICAL. Any doctor, dentist or hospital honored this insurance and the healthcare was excellent, along with most other public aid... it didn't seem to me like it was ever an issue. People are or were more looked at through their own individuality. However, in FL, we found that people on public aid were very stigmatized and grouped together as a less desirable caste, almost am 'underclass or untouchable'.
I have worked all my life. Because I didn't marry until into my thirties, I worked hard and played hard, your classic Baby Boomer. So along into my 17 yr marriage into my 40s and 50s, a stay at home wife. Didn't work for more than ten years, lost all my disability credits. So at separation of marriage, worked for a little while, but by then, my body was finally broken and I was older and finally, unable to work. I had to go on SSI (no easy feat, dragged on for 3 years. Now am told, I am certified for about $86.00 in EBT, until 2020, but still have to recertify in 2019, a year later... WTH? SO tired of all this seemingly unneeded reviewing and still being discriminated against.
Now, only on Tylenol 3 and Diazepam. I am a caregiver to my 86 yr old mother with Alzheimer's. I HAVE to stay healthy and that includes PAIN-FREE! I used Lorcet and Soma (an inexpensive, tried and true prescription sleeping pill, later classified as a muscle relaxer. $30 tops, cash price for 30 ct. Good prescription for chronic insomnia since the 1950's. All of the sudden, it's a BAD DRUG!! AND then, with the war on opioids, and trying to find a new doctor in 2011, when finally got SSI approved, my old Dr doesn't take Medicaid, so bad time to try to find a new doctor. They said I was Doctor Shopping... OOOO... BAD THING! Finally found a good place. Have my Percocet, Soma and Diazepam. No more Lorcet like I've had prescribed overv20 Yeats (I didn't sit behind a desk, I worked industrial construction). Slowly, but surely, first it's the Percocet, now down to Tylenol 3 with my doctor because pain management is a joke. One place say, yes, we accept Medicaid, but we don't prescribe narcotics to our medicaid patients... so what's the point?
Anyway, the Opioid Crisis started basically in South FL... patients from all FL, as well as near and farther states were in South FL, once a month to get their illegal and unneeded oxys, etc, and in record numbers for their recreational and income drugs. Ruined it for all opioid prescription users, not just the illegal element, by dumping us all in one basket. But now if you have private insurance, you can usually find a doctor who Wil carry on with your prescription regimen, but if you have Medicaid, there is that stigma again, and your choice of doctors is limited. And they all cry. LAWS... NOT GUIDELINES, as an excuse not to write our needed pain and life helpmates of prescriptions that made life close to normal, instead of just bearable, as is the case now. Sorry, didn't mean to write so long... just very frustrating and not getting any easier, especially in being an elder caregiver to my mom. Good luck... hope you have found what you needed. I don't know what I am going to end up having to go through to have a pain-free life, anxiety levels kept down and able to sleep... no more Soma for me, thanks to the controlling pharmacies who 'know better 'than your doctor... Hugsss...
Re: C (# 429)
I've talked to my GP and others in the medical profession about all of this. My doctor thinks the "Opioid Crisis" isn't the crisis and nobody I've talked to where I get healthcare thinks it is either. My doctor told me "nobody ever got into trouble or had any problems if they followed the directions on the bottle". She's absolutely correct. LOOK, we've had a meth crisis, a crack crisis, a heroin crisis, etc., etc., one crisis after another all of which puts emphasis on a "drug abuse crisis" in America (and the world). The difference between all the other "DRUG" crisis' in the US is none of them involved entities with DEEP POCKETS. Who were ya gonna sue? The Colombian drug lords? So in this opioid crisis we have the bad, evil doctors pushing pills put out by the bad evil pharma companies, yeah right. That's all a crock. I had to fight with my original GP (he moved to Atlanta years ago) to get him to prescribe any narcotic pain relief for me. I had to convince HIM that quality of life trumped being addicted to a narcotic. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies have deep pockets and my experience with government when in a courtroom situation is you are guilty unless they even allow you to prove you are innocent. I'm old and if my memory serves me, drug companies figured out how to put naturally found plant chemicals in pill form to alleviate pain people experienced and doctors wrote prescriptions to people for these pills as part of their pain management. I have NO recollection of doctors or drug companies being involved in people stealing opioid medications from people with very legal Rx's for these medications. I have NO recollection of doctors or drug companies being involved illicit drug trade of stolen opioids or the ingredients to make illegal pills after the garbage comes across the borders. I have NO recollection of doctors or drug companies being involved in selling or pushing illegal pills on the streets of America. So somebody answer me why in the hell are state AG's and other government agencies prosecuting doctors and drug companies??? And in case nobody looked past the socialist/communist rhetoric of many politicians, doctors and companies are in business to make profits from their products and services. The so called "OPIOID CRISIS" is a manufactured crisis that finally has an address and deep pockets politicians can go after. A local doctor here where I live was set up and prosecuted by the Pennsylvania AG for prescribing pain meds when she supposedly wasn't certified in "pain management". Thank GOD the jury realized the agent who went to her and complained about pain to get her to prescribe him narcotic pain meds was a phony sting and she was exonerated. Problem now is doctors are scared to death to prescribe any pain meds at all. So our Pennsylvania government requires people suffer in pain when the cure is readily available. The problem "we", those of us suffering is we don't have the lawyers in our midst who are also suffering. I'm ready and able to testify on behalf of the doctors and drug companies but I have to clue how to get in touch with them. I've sent emails to no avail and realize they don't read or respond to personal emails. If "WE" all could make it clear "WE" want to testify on behalf of the doctors and drug companies, maybe they will let us know how to become part of their defense. They have the lawyers and the ability to fight for them and those of us in acute pain.
This battle won't be won because chronic pain does not kill and drug addiction does. The cause of death on a death certificate for someone who has chronic painhas never nor will ever be chronic pain, because it does not kill. The argument holds no weight. The politicians view is that it is better for those with chronic pain to suffer than for those who are drug addicts to die.
Re: TG (# 4)
I just tried to sign it and it is closed!!! Another one needs to be started! I do not know how to do that, maybe you can! I am all for it and I will be the first one to sigh it!!! Pam from Ohio.
Re: PAM (# 17)
Hi, I'm also from Ohio. I guess I'm lucky I have a pretty good doctor. But the doctor I had before that, it was just unreal. I have been done so wrong as many women have been. So many women were raped and molested by this dr. And now we're going to have trouble getting our medications. Just unreal. #Sad
Re: PAM (# 33)
I live in Akron Ohio and I have a great pain doctor. I've never had any issues so far. So I'm glad I have a doctor that has a set of balls.
Thank you Doc.... ????
I totally agree. I need A PAIN Management Dr. I am in so much pain after my dr retired and I am unable to do my job properly. If I do not get a dr I will lose my job. I have no quality of life. I can no longer shop for groceries and walk for my health like I did before. I am in Virginia. I will gladly take all sugestions on doctors.
A class action lawsuit is in the works. Also join your state's Don't Punish Pain Rally group.
Re: nimshie29 (# 390)
Chronic Acite pain daily... Arthritis ,Sciatica, both sides... L-7 Herniated Disc... Scoliosis, MIGRAINES... possible Fibromyalgia and RSD. I can't take Gabapentin (Neurontin), had bad reaction. Among other things linked to getting older and caregiving to 86 yr old Mom with Alzheimer's. I have to be at the best I can for the both of us... it's getting harder since I don't have the correct pain meds. I feel like I am going to get Acetaminophen Poisoning, taking so much, and for breakthrough. Have appts for testing forMom coming up... a chore just to get us both ready... Why can't we get noticed as a serious issue by being lumped in with illegitimate abusers/doctors. It's ceating a hidden health crisis for pain patients who REALLY NEED THEM AND TO BE ABLE TO GET THEM THROUGH OUR PRIMARY CARE DOCTORS AS BEFORE... SOMEONE OUT THERE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING! PLEASE HELP US!!! Hugsss y'all...
I am so tired of hearing that Trump is going to shut down Big Pharma. However I am in favor of these big companies overcharging us (the little or Medicare/medicaid/low income consumer) but I think he is fighting for the wrong reason. As I see and read it, he wants to shut it all down. Why can't he put his energy in the right direction? Just think of it. You won't be able to get the meds you need to survive nor get chronic pain meds. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that is his goal who all depend on the meds they need as he thinks we don't need them. As someone wrote about a police officer that got shot. Could he need pain meds? How about out our brave men overseas fighting hard and getting wounded badly. What are their views on that? No pain meds...just suffer and you'll be ok because it's not me.
I don't think so Mr. Trump. I think you are barking up the wrong tree. Or the DEA too. Your job as a DEA employee is to stop the illegal drug infiltrating out borders..So you proceed anyway without the cause. Street drugs are exactly what they are. Why do you persist to stop legal prescribed drugs just because they become of street usage? So you say you save a life doing that. But did it start out as a street drug? If so, I was prescribed street drugs by a very legitimate doctor for at least 30 years. If you continue to make pharmaceutical drugs illegal then you will try to abolish all drugs that people depend on and you will make the people who get prescription drugs go into the street to get chronic pain sufferers relief yet making criminals out of them. How about the flow of drugs coming from the cartel's So you can't keep them from the borders so go for the legal drugs that help US citizens. How about your DEA agents? Do they get shot or hurt on the job? What if they don't have drugs to relieve their pain. If they don't get injured which probably rarely happens, what will help them? Maybe they are not, doing their job for taxpayers. And for Mr. Trump, have you ever had any illnesses? Right now you may feel healthy and young, but believe me, your time is coming because no one lives forever and you will get old too. My 94 yr. old father has to take between 10 to 15 medications a day to keep him alive. So you can blame yourselves when there is nothing available to take away your ailments at your twilight years.
Then you all can blame your ignorance for things to come. As for the people now that are suffering, what do you care if it is not you. For every king pin you arrest, there will always be someone to fill their shoes. Just as history has repeated itself over and over, yet it seems like nothing was learned. The wheel keeps spinning and the ignorant keep getting flats. If you want to stop or at least curb the drug problem, you are going about it the wrong way because it is not working. When somebody has lost their loved one because of an overdose, all you can think about is getting rid of all the drugs and not the real problem that caused it. Can you people actually realize what is happening? I don't believe it could be explained to you because it's probably above your level of intelligence. So keep the wheel in progress.
Please send your story to JUDICIAL WATCH, it is a Government Watchdog group. If you are a caretaker with someone fighting their right to proper pain management, if you are suffering, if you know of anyone who has committed suicide due to the CDC guideline that is being taken as law and not a guideline...
I sent them an email begging for their help before any more people take their lives. I shared of a Government sponsored and policy backed doctor-patient agenda to rid Government of the worthless eaters as Gov calls us who can not function without pain treatment... I know of 5 suicides in my area of untreated chronic pain patients, 1 a disabled best friend with MD bedridden, a cousin with brain cancer, a vet... there were actually 5 successful suicides and 1 car crash of a pain patient (who not sure if suicide or not). All these but 2 person gets disability also. Another point, 1 was crippled with Lyme, worked with my husband, and had been unable to return to work. He never made it through the disability process. With all the comments on this thread Please contact Judicial Watch and beg for help. Thank You.
Re: Kristyne (# 27)
I am in Texas where we will be one of the last to have cannibus (sp) medically approved. If it could allow me to be less dependent on opiates I would welcome the help. I do not like opiates but I have no choice. My pain level would spike over 10 if I did not have them. I with my current medications maintain a level around 7 which is tolerable for me. I just hope everyone with chronic pain can find a Doctor that understands our plight and is willing to help.
Re: PAM (# 43)
I couldn't have said it any better. It's people like that, that are hurting people like me. Getting and abusing drugs has been around for so so many years. They have to want to stop getting them and abusing them.
Until they do this will continue for a long long time.
Best wishes.
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