Chantix - Drug Information And Side Effects (Page 6)


How long does chantix stay in your system? Could it still be affecting me after 9 months?

157 Replies (8 Pages)

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He just stopped the Chantix, that was all. It did take close to 3 months for the effects to wear off and wind down. He really doesn't realize or remember much of how bad it was. I have read that if mental illness runs in the family the effects of Chantix can be worse. My husband never had an issue with depression and was always pretty easy going, however, he has a brother who is schizophrenic. I hope for you and your wife's sake they find something. At least you realize how you have been, that's a plus in my opinion.

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My wife has gone from saying she's miserable to being exceptionally supportive. More than I deserve. I learned last night that depression does run in my family. I had no clue. My sister, brother, niece all are taking something for it. Guess it waited to present itself in me and the Chantix possibly magnified it's effects. I didn't realize I was doing the crazy stuff either but I look back and see it now. Also, I appreciate talking to you about this. It does seem to take the edge off of the stress I have right now. Thank you

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I am glad that talking to me did help. It has helped me too....has given me insight to what my husband had been going through. Keep hanging in there and your wife too. I know it is hard for the both of you and I can really identify with what she has endured. You two have a strong love like my husband and I do. I truly wish the best for you and your wife. Stay strong!!! ...... Kim

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I had almost forgotten that I had found and messaged this board about my husband's crazy Chantix behavior that began last January. I do, however, still get updates to my email. My husband has been off the Chantix for about 6 months now and he is nicotine free but he has been self- medicating and supplementing with marijuana all along. We have been together for 26 years, married for 25, and his behavior became so ragefull, erratic, unpredictable, and frightening that I moved out 2 months ago and will not let him know where I am living. I have long suspected that he may be Bipolar, as it does run in his family, and he does abuse alcohol, and suffers from anxiety, but the Chantix clearly pushed him over the edge.

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I took chantix in 2007 after all failed attempts to quit in 21 years. Took for 3 mos. Felt great while on chantix.....BUT since that time I suffered depression anxiety panic attacks and been on zoloft and xanax daily since it is now 2013... I did not smoke for 5 yrs, started back in 2011 thought would stop anxiety. It did not ! I was never on medication prior to chantix my whole life.. I have to see a psychaitrist regularly since 2007... I would say it does change brain chemistry permanently........... I will never feel normal again it seems.

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How does Nicotine play into this? I had vividly colorful (pleasant) dreams years ago when I used the "patch" to try and quit smoking. I was only able to quit for 5 or 6 months. The "patch" delivered more nicotine into my system than what I had been getting from cigarettes and kept me more addicted, needing more and more. Over the years I tried several other methods, none worked for more than a few months. Then my Dr. decided to try Chantrix (& Prozac for the side effects). I took these 2 medications at the same time and shortly realized they were dangerous for me. I started having physically violent, paranoid dreams. I also had many of the other negative symptoms described on this thread, but didn't associate them with the meds. The dreams were different. I usually did not remember them upon waking in the morning. Then I started sleepwalking. I got up and opened the front door and left it wide open then went back to bed. I "defended" myself against dream-induced villains, damaging my hands and breaking furniture in my sleep. I don't think either of those medicines contain Nicotine, do they? I stopped taking the medicines immediately about 3 or 4 months ago, but have continued to have the nightmares and one sleep-walk incident where I broke a table. I haven't smoked a cigarette in over 2 years and have been using the e-cig to get my "nicotine fix". It's far better than smoking cigarettes, but... is it really? My doctor said the Chantrix was causing the nightmares, not the e-cig. But, I still wonder. He prescribed the Chantrix/Prozac to get me off the e-cig! I'm afraid to give up the e-cig for fear I will go back to cigarettes. I'm also at high risk for Alzheimers. Has Chantrix altered my brain chemistry? What a horrific thought! Just like others who have posted, I realize these symptoms don't occur to everyone who use these drugs. Same thing with nicotine - not everyone is addicted who use it. I know that I am addicted to it, but I know people who have not become addicted with mild usage.

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I would stick with the e cigarette. It seems to be helping while the Chantix was destroying you. They keep pushing this Chantix and not giving all the bad side effects that it has.

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I took chantix for 1 month and been off it for a week now and I am still as nauseous as I was when I was taking it I was already a light sleeper an now I just hardly sleep how long will this last? I can't handle the nausea any more

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My husband took chantix for almost three months and is NOT the same person he was prior to taking it! He is now having to take anti depression and anti anxiety meds ! His personality is not the same I don't even know this person he has become . It's ruining my marriage !

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This happened to my husband last year (November 23rd) after taking Chantix for one month. We nearly divorced....he turned into a totally different person...a very ugly side of him. He was verbally abusive towards me and would not talk to anyone, even his family. Finally in the latter part of February (3 months later) he slowly returned to his normal self. He denied he was acting any different. It nearly destroyed our marriage. Chantix can be beneficial for some but devastating for others. I heard you have any history of depression or family history it can cause these negative affects.

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My husband and I have been separated now for 4 months, after 25 years of marriage. He started with the Chantix last January 2013 and has been off of it for several months and HAD been nicotine free but just began smoking cigarettes again.....this whole thing was so destructive and pointless.

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i took Chantix from 9/08 - 01/09 and the side effects have never left me. just yesterday i had another panic attack / outburst at work. some days i get so depressed, i feel like a 2 ton wet blanket is covering me. i NEVER used to get panic attacks & bouts of depression before taking Chantix. i wanted to take part in the lawsuit, but i was told that i had missed out. the statute of limitations should not expire if the side effects are still ruining your life

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I took Chantix 4yrs ago and sucessfully quit smoking for 3yrs. I had only some minor side effects at that time ie; vivid dreams, insomnia, nausea....This past year I started smoking occassionaly again. Four months ago I started back on Chantix and the side effects this time have been crippling. Not only have I had the vivid dreams, insomnia and nausea but have also been severly depressed, withdrawn, angry, anxious, thoughts of hurting others and myself. I've never had any sort of depression. I had a great life, I'm a working proffesional, have a great daughter & boyfriend, I travel a lot and used to enjoy each day. I have nothing to be depressed about, but yet can't shake this awful feeling of doom and despair...I stopped taking the Chantix 2 weeks ago and still feel as miserable as I did while taking it. It was tough talking to my Dr., I didn't want the stigma of having mental health problems in my medical record. I was hoping for a miracle drug to help me through this but I will have to wait. I was sent to a mental health specialist who I will have to talk with at least twice before they can prescribe any kind of anit-depressant meds. Im going to hold out hope until then. The kicker is I'm a closet smoker this time around and feel worse for having to hide it. This s*** is ruining my life and I'm praying I will eventually feel better. Its reassuring to know that I'm not the only one suffering from this evil drug and its not just me. Good luck to us all.

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I also took chantix 4 years ago. I've been smoke free since but I now suffer with severe depression and anxiety. At times I will get bouts of crying for no reason and get a horrible feeling of hopelessness with suicidal ideation. My doctor has tried me on different anti depressants to try and help but nothing seems to work. It's almost as if the chantix has ruined the pleasure/reward center of my brain. I just don't find pleasure in anything anymore. My husband is a changed man since taking chantix also. He now suffers with muscle and joint pains and is depressed when he never suffered with depression before taking chantix. We have been married for 20 years and I must say that the last 4 years have really put a strain on our previously happy marriage. Doctors don't seem to want to believe that chantix is to blame for all of these things we are all experiencing...they need to drop the "almighty" attitude and LISTEN to what their patients are telling them. This drug should be banned and it's after effects needs to be looked into.

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My husband took Chantix over 6 years ago. Since taking Chantix he is a different person; he is miserable, depressed and angry. Life has been very difficult post-Chantix. This drug has the ability to turn a person into a little ball of hate and I do not understand how it remains on the market. I cringe every time I see one of their ads on tv. I warn anyone I know who is thinking about trying it. I hope you find something that works and helps restore you to your formal selves.

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it's not necessarily how long it remains in one's system, but rather "how long does the damage that it can do to one's brain last before one 'gets better?'" i stopped taking it five years ago, and it made me a basket case for a long time, with panic attacks, paranoia, depression (things i never had before chantix). since the new year, i am noticing that i have begun to feel better, in that the paranoia has calmed down, i've had no panic attacks & i only got full-on depressed twice. needless to say, though, even with those improvements, i can still notice that i am a very different kind of person now, one that prefers being a recluse.

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I quit taking it 2 months ago. Side effects didn't start until I quit taking chantix. Mainly aggression and moody. I go from mad to crying. Hoping it wears off soon. But I have read some that are still dealing with it years later

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I had the first grand mal seizure of my life and was taken off Chantix 15 months ago. I'm still having complex partial seizures leading to memory loss and states of general confusion that can last for days. I'm afraid and I don't know what to do.

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I as well smoked Marlboro red 100's for 30 years. I took Chantix for 3 months in 2009. At first it was wonderful. Like a happy pill and I loved my dreams they were always about water something I love. But for the last 4 years I have been angry and upset all the time and wake up at 5:30 every morning and can't go back to sleep. At first I thought it was menopause but now I am starting to wonder. I sometimes feel like I will never be happy again!

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I have taken Chantix 2 times in the past to quit smoking--but started smoking again after 3 months of taking the medication. There were no side effects from these instances. I took Chantix again in September 2013 and stopped smoking but my personality has changed. Now, I'm depressed, I need 8-9 hours of sleep a night plus a nap 1-1/2 hrs. each day, no energy and I have to force myself to do everyday tasks. I do not have suicidal thoughts, but this is a complete change from how I was personality wise. Before, I was always upbeat and looking forward to the start of each new day. My doctor prescribed an antidepressant but it hasn't helped. I believe that Chantix has altered my brain chemistry. It has been 7 months since I took Chantix and I can only pray that these effects will soon disappear.

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