Cats & Mirtazapine (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Our 13 year old Maine Coon mix is in the last stages of renal failure. We didn't know anything was wrong until about a month ago when she stopped eating. It's been up and down ever since her diagnosis. Our vet prescribed Mirtazapine but, after reading the many negative comments, we put off giving it to her as long as we could. We finally had to because the effects of not eating in cats are liver shutdown and death. She's had no serious adverse reaction to Mirtazapine, and it has definitely helped her appetite. It is buying her a little more quality time with us.

I certainly wouldn't use or give this drug lightly, but as some posters have noted, in the end it's a risk v.s benefit judgment call.

156 Replies (8 Pages)

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I have used mirtazipine in 2 different cats and the 1/4 of 15mg tablet prescribed is far too much. Even just a few flakes can stimulate the appetite in a sensitive cat. Reactions I witnessed aside from ravenous hunger were extreme restlessness (not being able to sleep and walking around continuously for hours), meowing, and being very affectionate. Nothing as bad as some of the reactions I've read about. It is a very effective appetite stim but this can be accomplished at a much lower dose than prescribed! Be cautious, start at a low dose to see effects.

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My dog and cat were both given Cerenia when they were in kidney failure along with fluids. They both went downhill, QUICKLY, after receiving this drug, dying within days :( Please be wary of Cerenia!!!!!!!!

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I'm going through the same thing as you right now, and I've been giving 1/8th of a pill every 72 hours. He still goes through the initial period of meowing and restlessness, but he does eat. 1/16th didn't seem to work as well, but I'm considering (after reading your comment) giving him 1/16th every 48 hours rather than 1/8th every 72. They are all different, but I haven't yet found that happy medium of less side affects from mirtazapine and still eating enough. Good luck to us both....this is not a fun thing to go through. <3

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Everyone please be sure to read my post on this thread of a year ago. Also, don't give up on your ckd Maine Coon until you have gone to Tanya's CKD, looked it over and gotten yourself on their message board. My kitty crashed with kidney falure in August of 14 and is still doing well with their advice on all the proper meds, tests and an initial round of antibiotics. Heather B

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I ended up taking my cat to University of Penn. They did an ultrasound there too but they shaved his belly first. They saw polyps on his colon and thickening of his intestine. I was told it was probably lymphoma of the digestive system but to be 100% sure they would have to do a biopsy. I decided not to put him through the biopsy. He has been on prednisolone half a 5mg pill twice a day for a few months now. Recently, on weekends, when I'm home from work I'll give him a 3rd dose of 2.5mg at least 8 hrs from the last. He now throws up about once a week or less. I wrap the pill in a half of a pill pocket so it doesn't disolve on his tongue and I give him a few treats immediately after. I know first hand from taking pred that it tastes horrible and to take with some food. I was told that if it's lymphoma that the pred can slow it down, increase appetite, and is also is a pain killer since it reduces inflammation. This is all that he has been getting. I also changed his wet food to weruva packets cat in the kitchen since he likes these and doesn't throw them up like he does fancy feast. I feed him wet twice a day since it seems it's easier for him to digest. Sometimes I'll give it him more if I hear him eating dry. His dry food was changed to a mix of orijen grain freecat and kitten poultry flavor mixed with natures recipe grain free salmon. He loves temptation treats so that's what he gets immediately following his pill. Because I use the pill pockets and the treats he's so easy to pill. He will actually hop up on the cabinet I keep his cat food in so I don't have to bend down and wait while I give him his pill. If using pill pockets you only need half if the pill is small. Make sure to mold it around the pill so there is no chance of pill getting through. One time I was in a rush and some white pill got through and you would'very thought I poisoned the cat he was foaming at the mouth and carrying on. Anyway, this is all he is on right now. Originally, the vet told me to give him a 5 MG pill all at once. It made him so mean that I used my own judgment and started with the half dose twice a day. I plan to take him for a follow-up ultrasound in a few months since the vet told me this could also be IBD. University of Penn was slightly more expensive but we'll worth it. I hope this helps. I'm glad I decided no on the biopsy and possibly chemo especially after reading one of the posts on here (tongue biopsy). As for chemo, I volunteer at a cat rescue and someone came to look at a cat. Their cat had lymphoma and they put him through chemo which he seemed to tolerate very well. Cancer went away however it caused heart failure and he passed about a month after completing it.

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Hello Barbara, I'm in the UK and one of my cats takes mirtazapine at the rate of 2mg every other day. She, too, has chronic renal failure plus a lot of other medical problems which dictate that she will not be with us for very much longer. I can't tell you the price of individual 2mg tablets of mirtazapine as when I pay the vet, it is for a consultation plus blood tests, scans and X-Rays, etc., but I honestly do not think the tablets are very expensive. Please be warned: if you are considering purchasing tablets from an on-line source you may well end up with 'fake' tablets from China with disastrous consequences. If you purchase from an established on-line BRITISH veterinary pharmacy, you will first have to provide them with a prescription from your veterinary surgeon. What heartens me about your post is that your vet has prescribed the correct strength of tablet and the correct dosage. I have been horrified by posts written by people who are in the United States when they have stated their vets dole out 15mg tablets of this drug!!! It has resulted in the deaths of several cats. I mentioned this to my vet and said UK, European and Australian vets generally knock the US vets into cocked hats. Her reply was that although there are many good vets in the US, a 15mg tablet of mirtazapine would even overdose a huge dog! Thank God for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. With best wishes to you and your cat.

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When my cat was recovering from fatty liver disease, she would go to drink and eat, but then just not. Turned out it was stomach acid and I was told to give her a quarter tablet of Pepsid from the store. An hour after I gave it to her, she was eating and drinking like a dog.

I hope things turned out well for you and your kitty.

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I just tried this with my late-stage CRF kitty. Gave her 3.75mg as prescribed by the vet. Within 15 minutes she was eating. But she is also showing side effects: meowing, restless and some ataxia/wobbling. I now wish I had tried a half dose first.

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I'm sorry to hear your cat died. My 16 year old cat has kidney disease, high thyroid, high blood pressure and constipation issues. He is medicated twice a day and at the moment is doing relatively well.

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I am very sorry to read of what you are going through.

I am not very knowledgeable regarding the use of medications in animals, though I am glad it is helping her.


How is she doing?

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Thanks for asking about Tazzi. She's hanging in there. The mirtazapine does help with the appetite issue, and she hasn't had any of the more serious negative side effects I've read about. 1/4 of a pill lasts 4-7 days, which is good because she is VERY difficult to pill! We're also hydrating her every other day.

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Some, but not really a lot, especially in this area.

When it comes to a lack of appetite, I'd have been running to the store buying anything and everything I knew they liked and carting it all home! LOL!

When I had my babies, they were quite spoiled.

The only thing I can really say is to make her as comfy as possible and when the time comes when her quality of life is no longer good, I know you'll do the right thing for her.

I lost my favorite baby when he swallowed a piece of plastic, tried everything to save him, but it wasn't possible. When they called me, from surgery, to tell me what the problem was, that part of his bowel was completely necrotic and his chances of survival were minimal and he would probably be sick and miserable, if they even tried, I just couldn't put him through that.

I had them end it, while he was still under the anesthesia. Was the kindest thing I could do for someone who'd been my best friend for many years. Still miss that fellow, Mr. Whiskers, was the best cat I ever had.

I really do wish you guys the best, and yes, that includes Tazzi. From the way you talk about her, I can tell she's quite awesome and deserves the best.

Keep me updated, you can even email me at [email protected]

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My vet gave my cat Tache Mirtazapine in December when he stopped eating due to a adverse reaction to an antibiotic. He had lost weight and had become very unactive and showed no interest in us or his house mates. It was amazing, in less than 48 hours he was eating again and had most of his energy back.

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my cat also a Maine Coon with the same problems
when given this med appetite is good
what do you feed your cat - mine was a dry food eater only and with teeth problems harder to eat
didn't know about problem until shots were due and the vet didn't like the 1 lb weight lose

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Gracie is 16 yrs old and on this appitite stimulant and 1/8 pill works fine, however when it wears off the eating stops completely and she becomes so parinoid we have to trick her to catch her. Not sure how much longer we can do this to her, but everything else seems to be fine. She looks good and her eye contact and attitude are fine as long as the pill is working. We just hope she is not in any pain.

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Update on Gracie and Mirtazapine. So far the drug is still working but needs it every other day now. Still very thin and unable to gain much weight. Since using it in a gel form to the inside of her ear she is much less traumitized than forcing pills down her throat. The cost for the gel is about 4 times higher but the drug works and we are happy to pay it for her for all the years of love she has given us. I highly recommend this drug for cats with thyroid problems.

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My 11 y/o cat was just diagnosed with hypercalcemia, hyperthyroid and she has a stone in her uterus (most likely from all of the calcium). She has had a constipation problem for a long time so I always have lactulose on hand to give her. She has for a very long time vomited after eating her dry food (Science diet hairball control) and drinking a lot of water afterwards. I never really thought it could be related to an illness because she only did it with the dry food-water combo. Canned food was not an issue. She never did eat much of her canned food and for the most part nibbles on both. I took her to the vet because I just moved to a new area which stressed her, and since before we moved (2mos.) she has had a constipation thing going again. I have been giving her the meds for that, but I was feeling like there is something else going on and sure enough there is. We are not waiting for the results of a hypercalcemia of malignancy profile which we should get in about 10 days. She is on mirtazapine and still not eating as well as she should be. However I am grateful she is getting something down. I noticed today that she was drinking lots of water (never saw her drink so much at one time). They want to do an ultrasound too. I'm really concerned with all of these things going on that I might have not caught her illness in time and that I'm seeing the beginning of the end. Anyone have any thoughts on all of these things she has. I understand surgery is the only thing for the stone. She is peeing. I feel so overwhelmed with all of this and am feeling so down about it. I don't want her to suffer. How do I prepare myself if this profile shows she has cancer? Thanks G

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Seems that back in 2007 a poster wrote that she thought mitazapine gave her cat a stroke too.

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Scrap had another "episode" and she has not taken mitazapine for at least 2 months now. She was not having strokes prior to taking it. I think it affects different cats in different ways. Just like people. After the last episode about 2 weeks ago, she has gotten some of her balance back, but has not stability anymore walking. I agree, the Mirtazapine did increase her appetite and she did take it for a year plus but it also did not help her vomiting, which was part of the problem we were trying to fix. The Cerenia was helping a lot but she has also started vomiting about once a week still. The nausea is still there apparently.

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Our Bentleigh is in renal failure and would not eat for 3 days no matter what I tried--and I tried alot of things. Our human medical pharmacist compounded the Mirtazapine into a chicken-flavored elixir which I gave--with minimal problems (our cat is NOT easy to pill!!). Within 2 hrs he was crying around the fridge wanting to eat. What a mood lift for his mom who has tried everything to this point and needs to either see him able to eat and feel better or help him get to heaven. One day at a time--but for now--he is hungry again!!!

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