Can You Take Benzos While You're On Suboxone? (Page 2)
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I've been seeing a lot of posts regarding taking benzos while on Suboxone. It is ok to take a benzo w/ suboxone - as long as you're taking the prescribed dosages you'll be fine. Now if you're taking 3 or 4 8mgs of Suboxone and say 5 or 6 Xanax that's not good, that's where the reported deaths have come from. I've been on Subs for 5 yrs. I've also been subscribed klonopin and am currently taking valium w/ it and it's fine. I'm on a low dose and only take what I am prescribed.

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304 Replies (16 Pages)

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Suboxone saved my life 5 years clean now I will not get off my Suboxone I still take 8mg because I handle drugs every day at work I go to meetings and sponsor and I also have a panic disorder I take one half milligram of Xanax as needed. I'm fine and I go to an addiction doctor I've had 3 of them because I've had to move good luck to you all

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I think you have a dangerous doctor. Have you ever heard the term pill pusher? Very dangerous(speaking from an addictions nurse perspective.

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Your Drs are stupid!! If they even really know your on Suboxone I highly doubt they would give u that. That's how people die is by mixing that's how people die is by mixing benzodiazepines with suboxone. I've been on this stuff on and off for 13 years and never have had a doctor prescribed any of those for my anxiety. When he go to sleep one night and don't wake up, that's all that needs to be said. Take care of yourself before it's too late.

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I am reading a lot of misinformation about specific categories of meds. You can not take a narcotic while on suboxone( well, you can but it won't work) as the purpose of suboxone is to block opiate receptors thereby preventing the mechanism of action of narcotics to work. Second, suboxone does not block benzodiazepines.I would encourage anyone on multiple medications and have a desire to stop being a prisoner of addiction to NEVER go cold turkey and to please reach out to a medical professional trained in addiction. You can never get clean on your own. You may be able to stop on your own but without help, it will be temporary. Coming off drugs is one thing. Staying clean mentally and physically is another...especially if addiction runs in family.

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I have been on Suboxone for 8 yrs and have been on low dose Klonipin 0.5 mg, for Tuerettes Syndrome of which i take mainly in the evening hours and I've been just fine. I don't know the legal point of how long a person should be on Suboxone but now i feel I'm definitely dependant on them now, so my doctor has kept me on them. He says its better to take 2 to 3 suboxone a day than to be bk on pain meds of which i was taking 8 to 10 a day. I hope my message has helped someone.

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You need to find a psychologist and go in and have an assessment done for anxiety, PTSD, panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, ADHD (if that's relevant to you) etc. and if they diagnose you with any of those conditions then ask for a copy of the assessment or tell them to fax it to your suboxone doctor and then the sub doc will treat you with medication. Hope this helps, I recently went through the same thing. It's a liability issue these days and doctors are having to be extremely careful about writing prescriptions. Good luck!

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My suboxone doctor told me that even with the heaviest habit, sub is a really strong medication. As powerful if not more so than morphine so that's why a low dose sub helps as much as it does and my advice is stay at the lowest dose you can to get by because it'll be easier to wean off of when and if you ever decide to do so.

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He is actually correct, I see a suboxone doctor, I take suboxone for chronic pain and she prescribed me Valium for generalized anxiety disorder and PTSD. So.... from personal experience I know this to be true.

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Nobody ( not even a physician) can guarantee that a combo of Suboxone & Xanax will not cause You to die; it's unlikely but anything is possible. You should not take them at the same time- they slow your breathing down/ both work in same manner & this is what causes so many deaths. We as addicts always have problems just taking half or 1 and this is cause of the overdoses! If You are scared of the mixture, take a lower dose or don't take it. Be safe, not sorry!

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question does suboxone stop benzo from working dr told me it would not stop the nerve pill from working but he dont like the combination

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I have been on two suboxone a day for about a year now the strip I usually take one in morning and the other around 5pm but anyway I want to know because I was pescribed the Xanax when I was first put on them and haven't needed until now I just want to know if a blue one would kill me this one time or make me overdose I have heard of lots of people dieing from mixing this particular med with opiates

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I have been takeing two suboxone strips a day morning and night for about a year now I wanted to know if i took a quarter or half of one zanbar will i die I quite breathing I don't do this myself personally but I am worried about a family member she does it

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Jake......No one in this forum has ever stated they are doctors. Everyone in this chat knows that all these posts are just people sharing their own experiences. I don't believe that anyone would actually do anything unsafe just because someone else shared their opinion. At least I hope not anyway. Our intentions are sincere but none of us are doctors so please don't make these negative kinds of posts because you may make others scared to share their stories with us and we ALL read these posts and need to stick together instead of flinging accusations or criticism!

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Well of course he is no doc but blogs are for ppl to learn form other ppls experience so duh he is not a doc, at least he was trying to help and matter of fact when u inquired he told you if u don't wanna know don't type and if it's just to act intelligent it's not working. Leave him alone. Also stop picking on the spelling, none is perfect so piss off.

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I have been off subs for just about 40 hours, can I take 1 mlg of Xanax to help the anxiety?

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But now you are just addicted to a new drug. Suboxone is just another incredibly powerful and highly addictive opiate. Why do you sound so proud of yourself?

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O my goodness I can't believe that you told that girl not to take suboxone but go cold turkey! That's why you are taking suboxone your self because you could not go cold turkey! And suboxone doesn't block benzodiazepines! People that take suboxone need to read the paperwork that comes with it and quite giving out all this bad advice too other people! I was on roxiecotton for 8 years and it almost killed me, I got on suboxone and it is a lot better than taking pain pills. I get my self up in the morning now and get things done. I can also remember what I do now...I would never tell someone who is trying to get their life together and get off those pain pills not to get on suboxone! Suboxone is a lot safer than pain pills...please don't try going cold turkey it will only make you sick and could cause you too suffer bad! When you go on suboxone you don't have to use that much. I less than one 8mg strip a day. Most time I take one fourth to one third of a strip twice a day and I'm fine...

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I take 16mg subutex but my pharmacist gave me 16mg of suboxone is that safe

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"Street smart" people know a lot more than doctors because they actually do this stuff everyday or most of the time. Doctors just hear about it or hear it from another doctor and have never personally experienced any of it. So it doesn't matter if he's a doctor.

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Please please please do not go to suboxone to get off painkillers. You will just be replacing one evil for the next. I speak from experience! I am now very addicted to suboxone, and it's 100x worse than the pills. Trust me! Going cold turkey with some help with over the counter meds and your doctor is ur best bet. Wish I did
Good luck

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