Can You Take Toradol While On Suboxone?


Hello... Does anyone know if I can take toradol for pain while on suboxone (5 mg/day)?

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Yes, you can. it isn't an opiate at all. Im on subutex and my doc lets me take toradol. Just don't use it for long term use. 5 days is max in a row.

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What is Suboxone all prescribed for? I know its for coming of opiates but what else? Because I know some ppl that get them and I know they were never on any sorta drug. Does anyone know?

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Toradol contains the active ingredient Ketorolac, this is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, so yes, as long as your doctor has okayed it, it can be used with Suboxone or other narcotics.

Common side effects may include: nausea, headache and stomach irritation.

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Suboxone contains the active ingredient Buprenorphine, this is a naroctic and it can be used to treat addiction and cases of severe pain.

Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, constipation and dizziness.

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If they where getting Suboxone they were kicking a habit maybe not H maybe pain pills. That's why I take it.

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I don't know who is spreading the myth that suboxone is used for chronic or severe pain this is not so im on sub for opiate addiction and am due for back surgery and ive received very little pain relief!!!

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Suboxone was originally used for pain management... You should do your hohomework... It's only recently been discovered that it works as a blocker for opiates... There are numerous websites I have tried to post, but for some reason I'm unable to copy and paste on this thread. It is not a myth, suboxone/subutex/buprenex(which is a patch) are ALL used for pain management as well as addicts

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I've never seen a patch before only film or tablet.

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But anyway suboxone or subutex doesn't do s*** for pain management. I've been on them for 5 years. It probably works as well as 200 mg ibuprofen.

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I am in the hospital an i take suboxen. Can i take torodol. I think i said that right.

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Suboxone has been used for opioid addiction for at least 15yrs, not recently discovered. It can be used for pain management, but only if you're not used to taking it

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I take Suboxone for pain! Never been addicted to anything! Opiates were killing my stomach. Couldn't eat and losing weight. My doctor said let's try a different med which was Suboxone. Works better than any other pain med I have been on!

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Bs. They prescribe it for pain as well. Only ignorant people think subutex is for addiction. Try again!

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I became addicted to oxycodone and alcohol over a 3 year period...Thank God the VA used Suboxone - absolutely NO WITHDRAWALS at all. I've been taking it as part of my chronic pain management for 10 months now. My Dr. started at 24 mg/day (8 mg TID) for 4 months...then 2 months of 16 mg/day w/10 days worth in 2 mg pills in case I needed additional pain management. Just asked him to reduce it to just the two 8 mg Suboxone pills daily. My pain is typically managed quite well with this medicine, but I would like to be off of it eventually (my Dr. is recommending a VERY slow tapering down to avoid any negative side effects while we evaluate the situation).

1. No withdrawals from opiates
2. VERY stable - you can take the entire dose at once because it lasts 24+ hrs. in your system

2. Very few doctors are certified to dispense it so procurement can be difficult.
3. It seems to come up short as a pain reliever for acute episodes of pain (but seems to have much better effects when used in conjunction with other meds - Toradol works especially well for me but is restricted due to risks associated with protracted use, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.).


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Yes you can and do not do it for no longer than 5/6 days in a row.

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Re: jssppi (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Suboxone for 3 years for pain mgmt. I was on HEAVY opiate meds foe 10 yrs, used suboxone to help get off those and now my doc prescribes for pain mgmt. Be careful, it is 40 times stronger than morphine and is HIGHLY addictive.

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Re: PainPatient (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Likewise. I have a spinal cord stimulator and from degenerative disc disease, I have been on subs for 2 years now for pain management. It works on your brain the same way opiates do. Anyone saying it doesn't work is talking to hear themselves. I switched from 100mg morphine sulfate to 2 subs /day and have better relief without the increasing tolerance you get from long term opiate use.

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Re: Brandon (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, it wont treat moderate to severe pain, however it is being prescribed in pain management for pain. And I think thats ridiculous as it is addictive and hard to get off of. Definitely wont cure severe pain or post surgery pain.

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Re: jssppi (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I agree totally. I was on pain meds for 3 years and knew I was addicted. I decided to go to suboxone and try to get off the pain meds and still get pain relief. BS, suboxone does not relieve pain for me at all. Honestly the type of pain I chronically have I should have just stayed on pain pills.

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Re: jssppi (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I think it is different for everyone suboxone definitely helped me with my pain! It didn’t take it all away like a pain pill would have, but it did take the edge off for sure! sorry it didn’t help you!

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Re: jssppi (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone is used effectively at low dose for chronic pain.
Has been for many years.

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Re: Brandon (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I agree!!

I am on sub and what pain relief!! Lol none at all don’t care what says.

I know first hand

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Re: Verwon (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone is strictly for treating addiction and it also has naloxone in it and it can't be used with other opiates. Subutex is used for both addiction treatment and pain because it doesn't have naloxone in it. They don't prescribe suboxone for pian relief but they do prescribe subutex for pain relief

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Re: I WaNt HeLp (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone is buprenorphine and naloxone which is used strictly for the help in coming off pain pills like Lortab, percocet and other addictive narcotics and opiates. Subutex which is buprenorphine only it doesn't have naloxone and is used for coming off of narcotics and opiates and is also used for pain management. So, if the ppl u are talking about are on Suboxone then they are recovering addicts and just don't want to tell you that. So they have to be taking Subutex if it's for pain only as they say. Suboxone has naloxone which is to keep a person from overdosing and the person can't take any kind of opiates with Suboxone. Subutex being without naloxone which is used for pain is also used in addiction treatment but also would allow a person to also take opiates if needed. That's the best way I can explain it. You can also Google any Information yourself to find out more.

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Re: G8erMike (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

40 x stronger than morphine? No way. If that was true it would get you intoxicated, and I've never been when taking it.

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Re: I WaNt HeLp (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Its got opiate blocker in it so it helps with getting off of anything containing opiates. So it's used to treat people on pain pills as well and the program works.

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