Can I Take Liquid Methadone Via Injection? (Page 2)
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Started on " the done " 1990, and still on it.Thats what you call curing a heroin addiction. Started on 40mg but within 2weeks was up to 120mg,, went up to 250mg for 6yrs but the last 18yrs have been on 200mg and have belted 4 of those doses every week since 1990. No:1 it has kept me out of prison, 2: have been employed since 1990 - same job last 17yrs. Injecting it is stupid, dont do it, I am fortunate to still be sucking air. If you want to converse about drugs reply to me, I'd love to talk. Done a lot of drugs but always looked after myself.

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Alright, where to start... First of all alot of these people are just Total KNOW IT ALLS who are going to argue no matter what until their fingers fall off. Alright now I have been IV'ing methadone for about 1 and 1/2 years now about 150 mg a day now... I really do want to stop IV'ing it and get back to dosing it all orally because it does not take an genius to know their are dangers involved.. Im prescribed the pink liquid.. Now first off Methadone does start to block the receptors more at higher doses but usually does not start making a big noticeable difference until over 80mg/daily... I dont have to spit my s*** out because yes you DO NOT WANT TO BE INJECTING YOUR SALIVA GROSS!!! I get take homes if you dont... WAIT until you do.. im sure drinking it willl suffice for a couple months or a year if you need to wait for the full weekly take homes... Methadone drunken orally DOES not make your heart larger thats bulll****! My doctor has been helping patients sinse the Vietnam Drug wave and even worked over there to help some quit before they came home.. He has been working with methadone ever sense.. I know him on a personal level and call him whenever i have a question but sadly have not talked to him about IV'ing which is why sense i dont know much other then my own experiance im not going to pretend i do like all these know it alls who are so cool cus they been studying a simple compound for 30 years XD

METHADONE DOES NOT GET IN YOUR BONES thats a myth... I know plenty of people who have been on it for over 20 years with no side effects and have perfectly normal hearts.. As far as intravenous use goes!!! i have only messed with the pink liquid and im gonna tell you now.. 1. i dont recommend it. 2. lately over a year later im starting to get paranoid over very very very minor feelings in my chest and sometimes it feels like my lungs and sometimes my heart but is never anything painful just minor feelings that could be natural from having a lil bit higher cholestoral then im sapose to be.. You wont get a massive rush... more relaxing and calm then intense its not intense but it is there... Yes some people might call me an i**** for banging s*** when i dont know every little effect it could have long term on my body but id rather you atleast do it the safer way then go boiling it or doing something else and f****** yourself up.... MAN I STRUGGLE EVERYDAY TO DRINK IT AND STAY AWAY FROM THE RIGS. the needle is an addiction of its own....

If your going to try and feel some sort of rush your not going to unless your tolerance is below 80mgs a day and you IV 100 unit shots at that point you will feel minor rushes but you do feel the onset within minutes much faster then drinking it but no it doesnt get you any higher and it doesnt last quite as long which is why i do it in the morning and at night.. Good advice truly is to just say no but i mean i need to practice what i preach and everybody has their own struggles id rather you be doing it a safer way... you will taste a lil bit after the shot but very very slightly and not every time... I dont know what to say about long term because i still havent heard of anyones testimonies being that they IV'ed for more then a couple years... and no that doesnt mean its because their all dead its just a hard thing to find alot of people talking about online. {edited for safety}

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They send doses home for my daughter and son in law on weekend I found a needle in bathroom leads me to believe that's what he's doing

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HOLY HELL MAN! I MUST ask where u live that u get dope for 5bux! Man are u LUCKY! I NEVER seen anything less than 20$ where I live. Boy do we get ripped off! Oh sure u can get half a hit for 10$ but if your tolerance is low enough for that to even take the sick off of u then you may as well just take a Vicodin.

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You're absolutely right! I been on the s*** 7 years and I made that same mistake, going up and up and up. Now I'm on 210 and I dont think I'll ever be able to be 100% opiate free for the rest of my life. I have some very painful health issues and rely on opiates just to decrease the pain enough so I'm not tempted to off myself and, all the doctors here don't give pain meds either. They have become gun shy about it cuz loads of doctors got their license pulled. So now, people who are really sick and having their lives destroyed by chronic debilitating pain, cannot get help. The methadone does not help my pain as much as pain killers and its making me sicker. Every time I drink it now, I'm nauseated the rest of the damned day and get VERY little pain relief. I even sometimes vomit my dose right back up. I'm on the pink liquid. When I was on wafers I never got sick to my stomach nor did I EVER need to take more than 60mg. It was when I started on the pink s*** when I kept having to give up. Everyone has a different body chemistry and will react different to medications. Some people are allergic to penicillin, some are not. Apparently, there are some lucky folks that can get a buzz or "high as **ck" on methadone (even with a high opiate tolerance, though I don't understand how) and some, (like myself) can not. Although most people I have spoken to that dose daily (especially those on 100mg or more) do not feel high from it, even if they take extra. In fact, methadone has what's called a "blockade effect" which makes it also block out any "high" feeling from other opiates as well. Methadone is a synthetic opiate where as pain killers are opiate derrivitives.

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I have been on 210 milligrams for 7 years and I NEVER NEVER NEVER get any kind of "high" from it. Even if I take a bit extra, I STILL DO NOT get "high" in any way shape or form. The only thing that happens if I take extra, is I feel sick at my stomach and a little drousy. THATS IT! I WISH I could cop a little buzz! Would be kinda nice!

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I've abused methamphetamine years ago and it just made me ill. Wish I lived where you all live cos the methadone we get here does f*** all. Been on 100ml for 12 years on and off and my meth just holds me but still take it really early every morning. Mind you the gear is that s*** here nowadays that does f*** all. Really hard to get tablets in uk. I'm lucky I get tamazepam off doctor but no one else does and it was like drawing blood out of a stone. DOCTOR NO are all the doctors in England. Used to get tablets online but my mate died from taking them. Anyway I wouldn't inject meth. When I was young and really stupid I did and it did nothing. And it will make you really ill.

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Methadone will get you high even if you do dope all the time but you gotta do enough. I used to take it from my dads and brothers take homes to get high. Its also for pain management and addiction. I was born addicted to methadone 29 years ago. A lot of you people are ignorant to methadone and don't know s*** about it.

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Me too, I have been on 210 for about 7 years now and I sometimes stay feeling sick all day. It only just holds me. I could go up more but, I figure I got to stop somewhere as, I too rapidly metabolize methadone. When they did my peak and trough, they found that my blood levels drop right when they should peak. I have NEVER been high "as f***" on methadone, ever. But, then I already had a tolerance to opiates before I ever took it. However, in spite of that, the most ive ever gotten was perhaps a little drowsy when taking extra hoping to get "high". I have noticed that, for me, personally, the wafers seen to hold me noticably better than the liquid.

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I was jus curious i was debating with someone! I hav 6 carries so im good! Iv been clean for 8 months! I went from 90mgs to 20mgs thn goin to 15,,10,8,6,4,2 n thn off! Yur only a slave if u wana b! Will power! N to say u dont need the s***! N dont know how everyone says it doesnt get u high if i take 100mgs im flying n feel great like on dope or oxy whole f***ing day! Its amazing! Sometimes ill treat myself one day a week n do tht theres always peps will to sell there carries! Jus on to mak money! Loop holes ya know! Anyways thx for all the reply n thoughts n experience n two cents from everybody! I appreciate it n like the conversation n discuss stuff with other addicts or former ones ;) lol goodluck to all! Opiate addiction is very serious! Dont wish it on worsed enemy its horrible! BUT SO Good:) lmao

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Why dont u wheam off! Fifteen years? Wow u dont wana get off thn! I know people who were doing 4 80mg oxys a day n startd at 90 n went down mgs every month n got off in acouple years so dont say its slavery! N if u wana jus feel ok n not hav temptation n open up lpleasure senses in brain(cause it is opiod) no1 needs more than 50mgs! I know a very close friend who bangd heroin for over 5 years 100plus habit a day n thts what he said so! N whn i startd at 90 n got carrys i did double dose 180 n if was high like i did 80oxy n lasts for whole day so dont know what yur talkn about? Jus like buddy said everyones dif n all depends on what u wana feel like so.....n was jus curious about if cud shoot the methadoan i wudnt do it if want to get high wud jus go get oxy or heroin n bang it! I jus no u cud shoot methadoan cause use to giv it to peps pure but now they mak sure to mix with enough oj so cant! But theres a trick to tak oj out n get it bak to pure doan! Kinda like cold water extract with t1s with codene

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100% agreed. If you can any way possible not start at a done clinic, DONT! If you do and stay for longer than a month and keep going up on your dose, yes you just basically gave your self away to a chemically driven form of slavery. It sucks.

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Been on methadone for 10 years and before that heroin 5 years and still use on top most days unfortunately but the point I'm making is no methadone does not get you High at all. In fact your pretty hard pushed to get high off the gear these days. And many years ago when I was young and stupid I injected methadone and it did absolutely nothing so yeah if u want to feel something go score

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Bad idea, I don't know you but from my experience people that try to slam methadone are just trying to get high. if your dose is not holding you simply get an increase instead of performing a familiar ritual.

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Would anyone else agree that to an extent "getting high" may not mean the same thing from one person to the next. All depends what your after, what puts you where you wanna be, personally its not a high for me and im at 180 for 4 yrs now. I have never done H i was up to 30 10/325 norco and 2 80 mg oxy a day and i know now 180 is ridiculous for me but what can i say it is what it is i just signed up for blind dose to try and get down. Any ways the info i got from a pain management Dealer is the reason they like to use methadone is its a great pain killer that offers little or no euphoric properties im not a doctor and dont claim to know anything for sure but it makes sense and parallels the effects i experience. Just a thought i had

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If methadone got you high when you started than you didn't have a habit when you started. You've subjected yourself to what an addiction truly is by joining a clinic. Normally I feel bad for the kids who sign up at the clinic after toying around for a few years, but for you my friend welcome to slavery you won't do well at all.

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No. You dont feel high. Methadone isnt meant to make you high. If you've never taken opiates befor you shouldnt even be near methadone. Methadone is for people with high tolerance to manage pain and or opiate addiction treatment.

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... the post before was very informative. And for the damn record no you dont get high from methadone. There is no rush. At best it makes you tired if you're on a decent dose. Ive been on it for a while. The liquid kind. And mine isnt syrup. Its straight methadone. You can inject soda if you want to . Doesnt mean you should. You can inject it. But honestly I wouldnt. Go find dope if you want to get high. Its five buck a bag. Methadone is to keep you clean. If you wanna be a junkie go get high on something made for getting high. Heroin.

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i totally agree im on 200 mg and i dont feel anything, it just gets me thru the day!!!

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GIVUM HELL KIM, I agree with u 100%. People should not comment about someone they know nothing about.. I get a good laugh out of all those who say "its not sterile". It is sterile, read the ingredients, ethel alcohol is in it just for that porpose.. I worked in the medical field for over 25 years and 10 of that was spent in my fathers pharmacy. I was counseling patients on drug interactions long before most of these rookies were even thought of..much less born. I know alot about medications,doses, interactions and not just about narcotics. I can't believe some of the absolutly wrong and stupid s*** people post.. Have you really been on 200mg a day??? That is an awful lot, enough to cause some serious heart problems.. elongated QT wave form. Doses that high will also cause cardiomyothapy something you do not want to have.. Its and enlarged heart caused by high doses of Methadone or other opiates and or alcohol abuse. I am on 100mg and will not go up under any circumstances. I would quit before going up. {edited for safety}. You will only feel great if you r NOT ON METHADONE. Not recommended for lightweights at all. I was on 100 mg for a few months and walked off it due to withdrawels every day (metabolism to high). When I injected 3 or 4cc after that I would get really messed up for 7 plus hours...

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